The Distorted Doctrine and Diluted Christianity
Tight but right.
One of the attending evils of the transition from pre-modernity to post modernity is the shift from God and religion being the predominate source of truth and revelation to having no single defining source of truth apart from one’s individual preference. Such a shift has brought about a rather significant decline in morality and a frightening escalation in public lawlessness hitherto unseen .
Postmodernity has not only impacted on the social norms and systems but alarmingly also on the Christian church as well. A very central tenet of the Christian faith is the fundamental embrace of a handful of doctrines ; Doctrines which form the bedrock of Christianity - Doctrines which have given direction and definition to the cause and conduct of Christianity. The foundation upon which many have built their lives and families has been those doctrines. The reason for which millions have laid down their lives has been those doctrines.
Scripture speaks of “the good doctrine” (1 Tim. 4:6) that Timothy followed. To the Thessalonians, Paul says, “Stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us” (2 Thess. 2:15; cf. 3:6–12). He means by this, of course, the teaching they had received from God (1 Thess. 2:13)—“the truth” (2 Thess. 2:13) they were to hand on undiluted and uncorrupted. Nothing less will suffice if the church is to be authentic in its life and witness. Paul praises the Romans for their obedience to the “standard of teaching to which you were committed” (Rom. 6:17). We as Christians have our foundation and hope in our knowledge of and commitment to these doctrines.
In recent years however, we have experienced a shocking departure from and distortion of many of these foundational doctrines. Our pulpits are now occupied by a strange brand of messengers, eager to please or consumed by greed, who are willing to distort doctrine in order to confuse, control or coerce gullible Christians into a false sense of security. The pulpit has become a soap box for political pontification and a platform for stand up comedy. The word is now watered down to little motivational talks on self-help tips to living our best life now. Little slogans and cliches are bandied around as powerful punch lines to claim certain blessings in one’s life.
Our “so-called worship songs” are self- affirming, ego boosting litanies to encourage us to reach for more, soar higher, become greater, possess better.
In and of themselves, these lyrical reminders to pursue greater are quite appropriate if the intent was really to challenge Christians to a deeper walk in God. But unfortunately the inference and influence of these contemporary songs are really challenging Christians to pursue a greater degree of material power and possessions. Without the doctrinal foundation of Christian service and sacrifice, a call to material wealth and affluence becomes a dangerous sedative, that dulls the sense of urgency and makes trivial the great commission to reach the lost.
It is this dangerous doctrine of blessings without a conformity to righteousness and an embrace of the principles of hard work and prudent stewardship that has produced a breed of Christians that are shallow, faithless and fruitless in spiritual things. The burden of responsibility I must hasten to add must be placed squarely at the feet of those of us called to preach and teach the word. How have we become so unfaithful to the discipline of conformity to sound biblical exegesis and hermeneutics. Is it that we fail to see the imminent danger of the damnation of the deceived ? Men and women will go to hell under our watch if we fail to preach righteousness. Their souls will perish if we encourage them to sing in our choirs and play in our bands and sit on our boards while they eat the bread of adultery and fornication.
Away with the nice sounding sermons that placate the unrepentant and appease the unrighteous. Preach hell fire and judgement . It is still the truth . Preach righteousness and judgement for sin. These are still doctrines of the faith that we represent.
There is no real prosperity without eternal security. Get Wealthy, but walk righteously.
Dr Kwame Gilbert