Visit Rupununi is a regional destination management organisation which works with all tourism-related enterprises in the Rupununi. This organisation gives technical support, functions as a coordinating mechanism and works to promote the region as a single destination with various distinct products. Visit Rupununi does not offer tours and packages and is not a profit-making business but it facilitates contact with tourists and the region’s operators.
As a Friendly Society, it is our vision to foster inclusivity and improve the quality and standards of the region’s tourism products and services. We are a membership-based organisation that is led by an Executive Committee who is elected by its members at the Annual General Meeting. Our Executive Committee involves:
Leroy Ignacio -Vice President.
Michael Patterson - Secretary
Rauldon Torres- Treasurer
Kenneth Butler - Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
Marcelle Chan A Sue, Alphonso King- Institutional Representatives
Victor Pires - Central Rupununi
Andrew Albert Jr- South Pakaraimas
Anthony Andries - North Rupununi
We collaborate with various agencies and organisations to represent the interests of the Rupununi. These include the Department of Tourism , Guyana Tourism Authority, Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana and the Regional Democratic Council.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Guyana Tourism Authority to strengthen collaboration between both organisations and to work collectively towards executing the mandate of the Government of Guyana with great accountability of the interests, challenges, opportunities and concerns of the regional stakeholders. Visit Rupununi and the Department of Tourism also shares a close relationship. Upon the establishment of Regional Tourism Committees within all administrative regions of Guyana, Visit Rupununi was selected as the functional committee for Region Nine.
Our focal areas are:
-Promotion, sales and marketing (Tourism Information Office in Lethem)
-Customized training and product development
-Raising the level of service/product standards
- Advocacy and Research
Visit Rupununi is the main source for information for tourism products and services offered in the Rupununi. In 2017, we received a Guyana Tourism Award in recognition of our work. Currently we work to execute the Tourism Component of the Sustainable Wildlife Management Programme - Guyana. We are privileged to contribute towards wildlife-friendly tourism and to aid more awareness and support for tourism businesses that involve wildlife-related activities - most of the region’s services in this case.
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