previously named as Mass Design and Promotion Company and Mass Printing Company Ltd, was founded in 1993 starts off as a professional Brand Building Consultant and has later on become specialized in promoting healthy and high quality products or services to the Families with Kids through school-based or public events. While we are also the official licensing and promotional agency of Hyper( 小海白 )
, we are trusted by the schools and families as we have won many healthy content awards and cooperated with many prestigious corporations.Besides, our experience and strength in brand building, graphic, product, games, programs, animation and website designs, printing and premium production, event, seminars and other school related presentations have enabled us to provide best service to our customers in all these aspects. IF you are interested in our factory set up, please click here.
馬仕智才有限公司於1993年成立,由前身大來設計顧問公司及大來印刷有限公司由一家專業的品牌推廣顧問,演變成今天專注於香港家庭、學校、青少年的公關及廣告公司;專門為優質產品,服務向家長及同學們推廣發展出一分力。馬仕智才作為小海白獨家的宣傳及版權代理商,曾經合作的夥伴與舉辦的活動多不勝數,多次獲得健康獎項,令各學校及家庭對我們建立了信心。 但我們仍然於品牌設計、平面、立體、網站、動畫、禮品至電腦遊戲程式設計都有相當經驗,所舉辦的大型活動到小型講座都能夠有效傳遞健康資料至目標客戶。馬仕智才有限公司能夠成為學界推廣專家,並希望繼續把我們的對學界推廣的專業知識及經驗提供給尊貴的客戶及合作夥伴!