AERO LINK AERO LINK is a premier global aviation service and management company offering fully customizable av

Headquartered in Hong Kong, AERO LINK is a premier global aviation service company with a mission to offer unparalleled aviation services ranging from private jet charter to aircraft leasing and management. With a proven track record of flight management, we take pride in our substantial contributions to the development of high value-added aviation programmes for a vast array of clients including

international travellers, private jet owners, commercial airlines, and aircraft operators and vendors. We are committed to the highest standards of service and value in response to your flying expectations. To achieve excellence, we have a unique operational framework specifically designed to meet all your needs. We mitigate the inherent risk and stress of air travel by promoting a customer-centric culture across our company. Throughout your journey, you will receive continued support as we are fully prepared to react to ever-changing and unforeseen circumstances, freeing you from all the hassles of air travel. We believe in customer care and guarantee the satisfaction of your specific operational needs. Our expertise in aircraft sales and leasing, flight operations and aircrew management allows us to stand out from our competitors and continue to position ourselves as the world-leading integrated aviation service company in the region.

AERO LINK 榮獲智慧「型」商大獎2021AERO LINK Won The Smartest Business Award 2021 AERO LINK及其CEO 繼獲 CorpHub 評選為年度傑出青年企業家及香港最優秀領袖大獎2...

AERO LINK 榮獲智慧「型」商大獎2021

AERO LINK Won The Smartest Business Award 2021

AERO LINK及其CEO 繼獲 CorpHub 評選為年度傑出青年企業家及香港最優秀領袖大獎2021後,AERO LINK再獲 Smart Goat 頒發由新經濟 New Economy 主辦的《智慧「型」商大獎2021》。

本年度的主題是「創新求變,轉危為機」。而這個獎項主要是為了嘉許及表揚雖受疫症影響但還可推陳出新,求新求變,在各自行業中突圍而出的企業。 AERO LINK 更是在航空業內唯一一家被挑選出的企業。是次的評審篩選條件分為三個範疇,分別是服務質素,在本地及海外市場的知名度及社會責任。

對於取得此卓越的成績,AERO LINK 深感榮幸。此次的獎項亦再一次肯定了 AERO LINK 團隊的專業和努力,好讓顧客和業界對我們的管理、服務質素、品牌和信譽充滿信心。頒獎典禮於11月25日下午在千禧新世界香港酒店順利舉行,AERO LINK 藉此再次感謝大會和評審的充分肯定。

We are delighted and proud to announce that AERO LINK has been awarded “The Smartest Business Award 2021” presented and hosted by Smart Goat and New Economy respectively.

The theme this year is to “Turn Adversity into Opportunity”. COVID-19 has posed challenges to many industries and affected the operation and business performance of almost every industry. The purpose of this award is to commend and give recognition to enterprises that are still able to put forward new ideas and excel in their industry despite the pandemic. The judging criteria for the award this year are service quality, reputation in local and overseas market and social responsibility. We are pleased to announce that AERO LINK is the only company in the aviation industry that has been commended for its excellence in private jet and aviation services.

Being the only company in the industry to win this remarkable award has once again proven the professionalism of our team and the effort AERO LINK puts into delivering consistently excellent services to our clients from all around the world.

The presentation ceremony was successfully held at New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel on 25th November 2021. Lastly, we would like to thank Smart Goat, New Economy and the judging panel again for this remarkable award.

We are delighted and proud to announce that AERO LINK has been awarded “The Smartest Business Award 2021” presented and hosted by Smart Goat and New Economy respectively.

AERO LINK與中國公務機公司, 快樂公務機航空(基地位於北京),於2021年8月16日,就雙方合作意向,達成共識並簽訂合作協議,並於2021年8月23日,完成在美國境內的首次聯合飛行,未來亦會適時向快樂公務機航空提供機組管理服務,及擔...

AERO LINK與中國公務機公司, 快樂公務機航空(基地位於北京),於2021年8月16日,就雙方合作意向,達成共識並簽訂合作協議,並於2021年8月23日,完成在美國境內的首次聯合飛行,未來亦會適時向快樂公務機航空提供機組管理服務,及擔任相關的飛行任務顧問。我們期待雙方展開長遠及和諧的夥伴關係,攜手保障客戶每一個行程。

AERO LINK is delighted to announce that we have signed a cooperation agreement with Happy Jet Co., LTD, a business aviation company headquartered in Beijing, after reaching a consensus on 16th August 2021. We are also pleased to announce that our first joint flight operation has been successfully carried out on 23rd August 2021. AERO LINK will be providing aircrew management services to Happy Jet Co., LTD in due course and will be serving as their flight operations advisor. AERO LINK is looking forward to our long-term business partnership with Happy Jet Co., LTD in offering top quality services to our clients.


AERO LINK與中國國企東方航空旗下公務機公司, 一二三航空(基地位於上海),於2021年8月10日,就雙方合作意向,達成共識並簽訂合作協議,並於2021年8月27日,完成首次聯合飛行。


未來AERO LINK將會適時向一二三航空提供機組管理服務,及擔任相關的飛行任務顧問。我們期待雙方展開長遠及和諧的夥伴關係,攜手保障客戶每一個行程。

AERO LINK is delighted to announce that we have signed a cooperation agreement with One Two Three Airlines, a subsidiary of China Eastern Airlines headquartered in Shanghai, after reaching a consensus on 10th August 2021. Our first joint flight operation, aircraft delivery to a new owner, was successfully completed on 27th August 2021.

Most airports in China are only providing limited services and some are even under temporary closure during COVID-19, which greatly affects aircrafts’ delivery schedule. In this mission, not only did we have to handle various documents for our client, try our best to ensure the operation can be carried out as planned, we also had to liaise with contractors constantly to make sure they are available for the mission and that their documents are valid for the flight. Although we faced different challenges in this operation, especially during departure in China and upon arrival in the United States because of some aircraft document issues, we were able to handle the unexpected by liaising with different parties in a timely manner. The aircraft was successfully delivered to Westfield-Barnes Regional Airport.

AERO LINK will be providing aircrew management services to OTT airlines in due course and serve as their flight operations advisor. AERO LINK is looking forward to our long-term business partnership with OTT airlines in offering top quality services to our clients.

買還是租私人飛機比較切合您的需要?Is it better to own or charter a private jet? 買或租飛機各有好處,了解過後更方便選取適合您的方案。 購買飛機開初,需要投入大量資本,包括飛機價格及相關出廠費用。...

Is it better to own or charter a private jet?


購買飛機開初,需要投入大量資本,包括飛機價格及相關出廠費用。 及後,每年會產生各類維護和修理飛機的費用。 一般飛機的年度維護費用成本為飛機成本的十分之一左右,假設您購買一架價值1,000萬美金的私人飛機,每年的維護費用大概在100萬美金左右。 如果要修理飛機,一個主要發動機便可能要價高達數十萬美金。 雖然維護費用較高,但自擁飛機則容許機主百分百自主計劃行程,不受飛機共用或租借檔期等因素影響,因此自擁飛機一般是頻常出行的商人的首選。

而使用私人飛機包機服務就可免去自己維護私人飛機的煩惱及費用,同樣可以因應每次的飛行需求,隨意選擇合適的飛機及機型,和提供機上客製化的服務,包括餐飲和佈置。 但由於飛機的檔期可能同時應付全球需求,遇上旺季,需求增多,未必能百分百保證按乘客期望的行程時段安排,可能需要稍為提早或推後。

歡迎致電 +852 5237 7668 / +852 2728 2209與AERO LINK 飛行顧問聯絡.

There are pros and cons in both buying and chartering a private jet. Let us compare the two so you know which option is the most suitable for you.

Purchasing a private jet requires large upfront capital investment. Owning a private jet is also a long-term commitment as you will have to take care of the subsequent maintenance and repairing fee. In general, a private jet’s maintenance fee each year is around one tenth of its cost, which means the maintenance fee for a USD$10 million jet would be USD$1 million per year. Additionally, the cost to replace one engine could be as much as a few hundred thousand US dollars. Although it costs a lot to maintain a private jet, private jet owners get to plan their trip according to their needs with no limitations at all as the plane is available to them around the clock. Therefore, for someone who travels very often, buying a private jet would be the perfect option.

On the other hand, charter clients do not have to worry about an aircraft’s maintenance fee at all. It would take years of frequent flying to reach the same amount of money as you would have to invest in a private jet with on demand charter. Clients also get to choose the aircraft type and model according to their charter need each time. Moreover, the services on board, such as catering and decorations, can be customized to the clients’ preferences each time. However, aircrafts might not always be available to accommodate client’s charter request, especially during peak season. In this case, passengers will have to reschedule their flight.

After discussing the pros and cons of chartering and buying a private jet, should you have any enquiries, feel free to contact us at +852 5237 7668 or +852 2728 2209!


商務航空小學堂 - 第一節︰什麼是私人包機?
Aviation 101 - Ch.1: Private Jet Charter Services


Charter flights offer highly customizable flight experience where passengers can enjoy maximum flexibility and total privacy without sharing the plane with strangers whom they do not know. Unlike commercial flights, passengers have full control over their flight schedule which can be tailored in terms of the departure and arrival date and time, as well as the destination. From the configuration of aircraft to the selection of in-flight meals, private charter flights offer customers a luxurious way to arrive at their destinations in elegance and at ease.

Please check the video below and contact our charter experts if you wish to know more about how we can help to arrange your next charter journey.

電話 WhatsApp: +852 5237 7668 / +852 9160 6901
電郵 Email: [email protected]
網頁 Website:

7月26日包機優惠: G5000 香港 至 溫哥華 26th July’s Charter Promotional Offer: Hong Kong to Vancouver with G5000龐巴迪環球5000,設有十四個座位,晚間可設...

7月26日包機優惠: G5000 香港 至 溫哥華
26th July’s Charter Promotional Offer: Hong Kong to Vancouver with G5000
目前AERO LINK 有一架G5000停泊在香港可供飛行,此航班只適用於7月26日成行。如果您對此航班感興趣,歡迎隨時聯絡我們!
電話﹕+852 2728 2209 / 2728 2280
電郵﹕[email protected] / [email protected]

Recently we’ve been receiving many enquiries regarding the size and safety of private jets. First of all, no matter how big or small the aircraft you are choosing, it is absolutely safe under the very strict regulations by various authorities.

If size is really a concern to you, the G5000 may be a good option to suit your needs. You can enjoy an extraordinarily wide and tall cabin with an enhanced range ensuring passenger comfort.

The G5000 is a common type for charter — it carries a maximum of 14 passengers in an unrivalled spacious cabin, along with VVIP configuration including 5 single and double beds for 7 people, as well as spacious living and dining compartments.

Good news! AERO LINK currently has an G5000 standing by in Hong Kong for flight to Vancouver on 26th July 2021. If you wish to experience chartering such a unique aircraft at a discounted fare while we are offering a special promotion to allow you or your designated parties to fly this route – Hong Kong to Vancouver, anytime in July, you should contact us now.

Price﹕200K USD(~1,560K HKD), 14.3K USD per head(~120K HKD)
Tel﹕+852 2728 2209 / 2728 2280
Email﹕[email protected] / [email protected]

全球大流行改變了人與人見面和開會的方式。但很多時候,面談式會面根本不可能被視頻會議完全取替,一個親切的握手有時候足以影響數個關鍵的商業決策。 根據 VistaJet 和 WSJ Intelligence 的一項調查發現,商務旅行因新冠病毒大...


根據 VistaJet 和 WSJ Intelligence 的一項調查發現,商務旅行因新冠病毒大流行對 九成七受訪者及其公司帶來了負面的影響。種種出行限制讓人們意識到面談式會晤在建立一段商業關係中的重要性。而調查中八成受訪者也同意商務旅行有助企業取得成功,並表示會在疫情後大幅增加與商業盟友的會面次數。



Sometimes a firm handshake in a business meeting just cannot be replaced by a greeting in a video conference. Such a cordial gesture may affect crucial business decisions or even change an outcome that has an enormous price tag.

According to a survey conducted by VistaJet and WSJ Intelligence, the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted 97% of the respondents and their companies due to various restrictions on business travel. The global lockdown makes people realize the importance of face-to-face meetings in relationship-building – 81% agreed that business travel will be more important to achieving success than ever before, while six in ten respondents expect to have more in-person meetings when the pandemic is over.

Meanwhile, private jets offer a new fluidity for executives to arrive in good shape at destinations, which is difficult to be measured in money terms. Half of the respondents see private flights as synonymous with efficacy in boosting client relationship as it indicates a clear commitment to clients and respect for important conferences, which may result in success in closing deals that are worthy of millions of dollars. The vast majority claimed that their time is too precious to be wasted on the road or in the air. To maximize results, they are happy to hire private jets to fully utilize its flexibility and to arrive in style.

Let us know if you want our charter experts to help you arrange your next private jet journey.

✈AERO LINK provides customers with 24/7 instant crew matching and charter services anytime and anywhere, delivering the finest travel experience.

AERO LINK, Your Best Flying Companion!


7月26日包機優惠: G6000 香港 至 溫哥華
26th July’s Charter Promotional Offer: Hong Kong to Vancouver with G6000


目前AERO LINK 有一架G6000停泊在香港可供飛行,此航班只適用於7月26日成行。如果您對此航班感興趣,歡迎隨時聯絡我們!

電話﹕+852 2728 2209 / 2728 2280
電郵﹕[email protected] / [email protected]

Recently we’ve been receiving many enquiries regarding the size and safety of private jets. First of all, no matter how big or small the aircraft you are choosing, it is absolutely safe under the very strict regulations by various authorities.

If size is really a concern to you, the G6000 may be a good alternative to suit your needs. You can enjoy an extraordinarily wide and tall cabin with an enhanced range ensuring passenger comfort.
The G6000 is a common type for charter — it carries a maximum of 14 passengers in an unrivalled spacious cabin, along with VVIP configuration including a master bedroom with a double bed, together with living and dining areas separated in different compartments.

Good news! AERO LINK currently has an G6000 standing by in Hong Kong for flight to Vancouver on 26th July 2021. If you wish to experience chartering such a unique aircraft at a discounted fare while we are offering a special promotion to allow you or your designated parties to fly this route – Hong Kong to Vancouver, anytime in July, you should contact us now.

Price﹕200K USD(~1,560K HKD), 14.3K USD per head(~120K HKD)
Tel﹕+852 2728 2209 / 2728 2280
Email﹕[email protected] / [email protected]

AERO LINK is a premier global aviation service and management company offering fully customizable av

防疫措施更新︰下周一起入境英國免隔離檢疫Breaking news: UK drops quarantine rule for Hong Kong travelers隨著香港疫情援和,英國政府宣佈自下周一(19日)起,把香港從「旅遊黃色地區...

Breaking news: UK drops quarantine rule for Hong Kong travelers


Starting from next Monday (19 Jul), people who travel from Hong Kong to United Kingdom will not require to quarantine after landing Britain, as the UK government has announced to move the SAR from its Covid amber list, which require 10 days quarantine, to its green list for travel.

Under the new rules, travelers from Hong Kong still need to demonstrate a negative Covid test result before departing to Britain and, again carry out another Covid test two days after arrival. Since the UK still recorded a further 42,302 Covid new cases on Wednesday, which breaks the highest daily increase record since mid-January, anyone stayed in the UK for more than two hours in the past 21 days is still banned from entering Hong Kong. These latest rules so far only apply in England region and, they also apply to travelers from Taiwan.

7月包機優惠: ACJ319 歐洲 至 香港 July’s Charter Promotional Offer: Europe to Hong Kong with ACJ319 空客公務機ACJ319 改組自空中巴士旗下的皇牌機型A320,...

7月包機優惠: ACJ319 歐洲 至 香港
July’s Charter Promotional Offer: Europe to Hong Kong with ACJ319

空客公務機ACJ319 改組自空中巴士旗下的皇牌機型A320,最高載客量19人,機上配置豪華寢室連雙人床、標準浴室、獨立客飯廳,以及超寬闊的私人活動空間。

目前AERO LINK 有一架ACJ319停泊在歐洲準備回港,此航班可在7月任何日子成行。如果您對此航班感興趣,歡迎隨時聯絡我們!

Recently we’ve been receiving many enquiries regarding the size and safety of private jets. First of all, no matter how big or small the aircraft you are choosing, it is absolutely safe under the very strict regulations by various authorities.

If size is really a concern to you, the ACJ-319 may be a good alternative to suit your needs. This large size business plane is developed based on the best-selling A320. Being a lineup of the Airbus corporate jets, you can enjoy an extraordinarily wide and tall cabin with an enhanced range ensuring passenger comfort.

The ACJ319 is unique— it carries a maximum of 19 passengers in an unrivalled spacious cabin, along with VVIP configuration including shower facilities, a master bedroom with a double bed, together with living and dining areas separated in different compartments.

Good news! AERO LINK currently has an ACJ319 standing by in Europe, waiting to fly back to Hong Kong anytime in July. If you wish to experience chartering such a unique aircraft at a discounted fare while we are offering a special promotion to allow you or your designated parties to fly this route – Europe to Hong Kong, anytime in July, you should contact us now.


Once again congratulations to Mr. Albert Yip, our CEO, for winning the Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021, presented by CorpHub Hong Kong.

A massive thank you to all professional judges, industry leaders and supporters who voted us for the awards. Please find the interview below for more details if you wish you know more about our charter business as well as how our CEO is voted the Most Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of The Year!

【飛行資訊】各地疫苗護照政策【News Update】Learn more about Vaccine Passport急不及待去旅行? 我們終於迎來有關旅行的好消息!隨著全球各地接種疫苗以及歐洲國家疫情逐漸緩和,歐盟疫苗護照已於7月1日起...

【News Update】Learn more about Vaccine Passport





想要旅行的熱切渴望我們都懂!安排一次私密的私人包機飛行可以讓你的旅程更加安全及舒適,心動不如行動,快來和我們的專業服務團隊一齊計劃你的飛行吧!查詢電話:+852 5237 7668 或 +852 2728 2209 。


#疫苗護照 #海外旅遊 #各國入境措施 #私人飛機 #尊尚包機

Cannot wait to travel again?

We have got some exciting news for you! The COVID-19 vaccine passport is now available to 27 member states, Switzerland, Norway and specific categories of travelers from third countries from July 1st. The travel restrictions between countries will also be gradually relaxed as vaccination is picking up pace around the world and new virus cases are decreasing in Europe. Tourists that have been fully vaccinated with vaccines approved by the European Union will be exempted from quarantine and will only have to show a “Digital COVID Certificate” to enter and travel in the EU states.

Besides, Iceland has taken the lead in lifting some international COVID-19 related entry restrictions. Under most circumstances, Iceland permits entry from any country for fully vaccinated individuals as long as their vaccine has been approved by the WHO (World Health Organization) or EMA (European Medicines Agency). Individuals who have received the SinoVac or BioNTech vaccination are exempted from quarantine and COVID-19 testing upon arrival.

Moreover, Thai authorities have given the green light to reopen Phuket to vaccinated visitors, bypassing quarantine requirements, starting from July! Fully vaccinated tourists that hold a negative PCR test result are also allowed to travel to other parts of Thailand after staying in Phuket for 14 days.
We understand your desire to travel. Call us at +852 5237 7668 or +852 2728 2209 to discuss with our team of professionals and arrange a private charter flight to travel in a safe and hygienic way during the pandemic!

A warm reminder: be sure to pay attention to the latest regulatory arrangements and keep up to date with the latest travel guidelines of different countries when you are planning your travels in these unprecedented times!

【飛機學堂】是什麼讓私人飛機贏得人心?【Aviation 101】What makes private jets popular?私人飛機不一定是富豪名人專利!現時市場上出現更多不同選擇,讓重視靈活行程的您可考慮以私人飛機出國。私人飛機提供...

【Aviation 101】What makes private jets popular?





#飛機課堂 #包機服務 #私人飛機 #尊尚包機

Thanks to the availability of a wide spread of charter options, private planes are no longer exclusive to multi-billionaires and celebrities! For those who value ultimate flexibility, why not consider flying private?

Providing the infinite flexibility, private jets help you depart from and land at your preferred airports owing to the friendly jet size. Not to mention that you will be in full control of the flight schedule. Simply create your efficient in-flight plans to enjoy your moments beyond the cloud to the fullest.

Given flyers are able to select fellow passengers, you can put your hygiene concerns to rest and seek a comfortable journey aboard the private jet in light of the reduction of the risk for cross contamination. Private jet travel is therefore foreseen to be the rising trend after the resuming of business activities.

Whether you’re off to a business trip in London or a weekend of fun under the sun in Koh Saumi, private jet travel is by far the best and most convenient way to get to your destination.

AERO LINK榮獲香港最優秀領袖大獎2021AERO LINK Won The Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021 繼取得ARGUS頒授的國際認證後,AERO LINK及其行...

AERO LINK榮獲香港最優秀領袖大獎2021

AERO LINK Won The Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021

繼取得ARGUS頒授的國際認證後,AERO LINK及其行政總裁葉家麟先生再下一城,獲CorpHub評選為年度傑出青年企業家,並獲頒香港最優秀領袖大獎2021!對於奪得此項殊榮,AERO LINK深感榮幸能從同行中脫穎而出,並得到業界領袖一致認可。


對於獲得此驕人成績,再一次引證AERO LINK團隊所展現的專業和付出,好讓顧客和業界對我們的管理、服務質素、品牌和信譽充滿信心。頒獎典禮於昨天下午在九龍香格里拉酒店順利舉行,感謝大會和評審的充分肯定。正如星匯集團創辦人 - 黃智偉先生,在致辭時以「奧斯卡式鼓掌方式」作比喻提到︰同一件事情,以不同方式處理,將演繹出全不一樣的結果。在這艱難時刻,AERO LINK有幸能在頒獎台上與超過一百位努力不懈、迎難而上的同路人並肩而行,揭開業務的新一頁。AERO LINK定必秉持一貫精神,繼續完善服務、貢獻社會,並引領市場不斷創新,追尋突破!

We are pleased to announce that AERO LINK and our CEO, Mr Albert Yip, have won the Hong Kong’s Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021 along with the Most Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of The Year!

Presented by CorpHub, a famous integrated business digital media platform, this flagship business award ceremony in Hong Kong commends enterprises for outstanding performance in different areas including leadership management and administration, market competitiveness, brand innovation, product or service excellence and corporate social responsibility. All awardees were selected by an independent committee led by industry experts, business chamber executive members and professionals to ensure fairness, openness, and recognizability.

Winning this award once again proves the efforts AERO LINK has been putting into delivering the finest service to clients, creating an all-round workplace environment and making endless contributions to both the industry and our society.

The ceremony was successfully held yesterday at Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong, with over 100 local and international companies lauded for their outstanding performance. As Mr John Wong, founder of Star Alliance Group, aptly and insightfully put it: a different style of applause, like the “Oscars standing ovation” and a normal style of applause, can show a totally different result; one’s attitude determines one’s altitude. It was a great pleasure to see many businesses achieving innovative transformation during this difficult time. We are pleased to be surrounded by great leaders from different backgrounds. AERO LINK is deeply honored by this remarkable award!

私人飛機服務,疫情下出行的最佳選擇!PRIVATE AVIATION IS THE BEST MODE TO TRAVEL DURING THE PANDEMIC!在新冠病毒疫情仍然嚴峻的局勢下,全球的航空生態也有了翻天覆地的變化。 各國邊...



在新冠病毒疫情仍然嚴峻的局勢下,全球的航空生態也有了翻天覆地的變化。 各國邊境關閉或限制航班入境,令民航機位十分緊張,加上民航客機的載客量以數百名乘客去計算,無疑會令感染病毒的風險增加。



有關私人飛機服務的更多詳情,歡迎致電+852 5237 7668 或 +852 2728 2209與我們聯絡。

With COVID-19 spreading rapidly in many countries around the world, the global aviation industry has faced some earth-shaking changes. With almost every country in the world imposing restrictions on travel and some closing their borders, the number of seats on commercial airlines have become very limited. On the other hand, passengers are trapped in the cabin for multiple hours with hundreds of passengers when travelling on commercial airlines, which increases the risks of cross contamination and exposure to the virus.

More and more travellers are opting to fly private in order to put their hygiene concerns to rest and reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. Travelling on private jet reduces unnecessary contact with other passengers while boarding and onboard as private jet flyers get to wait for boarding in a private lounge at the FBO. They are also allowed to walk to the ramp directly from the FBO to board their flight. Moreover, private jet passengers also get to land and depart at their preferred airports and be in charge of their own flight schedule, which increases the flexibility of their journeys.

Whether you are on a business trip, or simply want to take some time off for a family vacation or travel abroad with your friends, private jet charter service would be your no.1 solution under the pandemic.

Should you have any enquiries regarding charter services, please feel free to contact us at +852 5237 7668 or +852 2728 2209.

【飛機百趣】一台私人飛機價值等如多少輛全新跑車?【Fun Fact on Jet Price】 How many Porsches equal a private jet?私人飛機售價一般逾億港元。其中以一款美國製造、備受富豪(例如亞馬遜創...

【Fun Fact on Jet Price】 How many Porsches equal a private jet?

私人飛機售價一般逾億港元。其中以一款美國製造、備受富豪(例如亞馬遜創辦人Jeff Bezos及Tesla行政總裁Elon Musk等)歡迎的超遠程私人噴射機「灣流650ER」為例,其售價約5億港元,足以購買665台全新保時捷911 Carrera,而這價格仍未包含飛機的維修保養、燃油、泊位,以至聘請機組人員等相關開支,可見擁有一輛屬於自己的豪華專機一點也不便宜!


#飛機百趣 #私人飛機 #私人包機 #富豪專機 #尊尚包機

A private jet is never cheap! It typically costs a few hundred million Hong Kong Dollars. Taking the Gulfstream G650ER as an example, this ultra-long range heavy jet costs around HK$500 million. It wins the heart of multiple billionaires like Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla.

With this price, a G650ER can get you 655 new Porsche 911 Carrera, not even mentioning expenses such as aircraft maintenance, fuel, parking stands, aircrew management fees and so on.

At the same time, some billionaires prefer chartering flights over investing on their own aircrafts so they don’t need to maintain and manage the aircrafts themselves. According to reports, the private jet charter expenses of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has reached HK$190 million in 2020, which equals to 252 new Porsche 911.


AERO LINK 正式成為ARGUS認證的航空服務公司!獲得ARGUS認證,代表著AERO LINK的包機業務達到國際標準並通過嚴格審核,不論是運營能力、服務質素,以至飛行安全等各方面都備受充分認可。ARGUS成立於1995年,是全球唯一...

AERO LINK 正式成為ARGUS認證的航空服務公司!

獲得ARGUS認證,代表著AERO LINK的包機業務達到國際標準並通過嚴格審核,不論是運營能力、服務質素,以至飛行安全等各方面都備受充分認可。

ARGUS成立於1995年,是全球唯一一家同時擁有國際航空協會及國際公務機協會雙重授權,並擁有獨立審核標準的國際公務機評估公司。其審視項目包括安全管理系統、公司組織架構、人員培訓、飛行運營、應急應變等12項內容。 ARGUS的航空審核認證業務遍布全球60多個國家。目前全球共有51所航空服務公司獲得ARGUS認證,在亞洲只有兩間,而AERO LINK正是其中一間!

對於獲得此殊榮,AERO LINK深感榮幸,並定必在接下來的日子繼續以優質服務為大眾提供安心、可靠的包機服務!

It’s official! AERO LINK is now an ARGUS Registered Broker!

This means that AERO LINK, as a charter company, has been evaluated and approved by the world’s leading business aviation auditing authorization - ARGUS International, Inc., to verify the legitimacy of AERO LINK for providing safe and lawful charter services.

Founded in 1995, ARGUS represents the guardian of quality aviation across 60 countries. With the view to improving operational and business decision making within the aviation industry, ARGUS sets a high standard to inspect, audit and certify aviation companies to assure all inspected companies adhere to an internationally recognized standard.

We are incredibly proud that AERO LINK has become one of the 51 ARGUS officially recognizable brokers in the world and one of the two ARGUS members in Asia. We would live up to the expectation and continue to deliver the best quality aviation services!

2019新型冠狀病毒病疫情反覆,在本月月初,我國一大型國際人道援助組織再度向鄰國捐出物資,以協助遏止新型冠狀病毒病及變種病毒在各地的迅速傳播。作為一家立足中國,面向世界的航企,AERO LINK深感榮幸能參與是次物資運送計劃,成功聯同瀾湄航...


作為一家立足中國,面向世界的航企,AERO LINK深感榮幸能參與是次物資運送計劃,成功聯同瀾湄航空於過去兩天安排兩班A320貨運班機安全運送多達36噸防疫物資予鄰國政府。

不論是載客或是貨運,AERO LINK專業團隊從行程安排、貨量計算、出入境聯絡,以至地上地下的每一個細節也定必盡心盡力安排。歡迎到我們的網頁了解更多!

We are proud to announce that AERO LINK, partnered with Lanmei Airlines, has successfully delivered two cargos of epidemic prevention supplies from China to a neighbouring country in last week.

Being a charter flight company based in Hong Kong China, AERO LINK is delighted to be able to assist a national foundation in our country to deliver a total of 36 tons of epidemic control substances from our land to an allied country under the Belt and Road Initiative.

From cargo documentations to visa arrangements, our operations team has showcased excellent professionalism to complete the mission by arranging two A320 cargo flights to deliver much needed supplies on behalf of our country.

We sincerely hope that contributions from all parties can help to put an end to the COVID pandemic and prevent it from spreading further. With best wishes from our AERO LINK team, we will always be there and stand by you! Stay safe!

Please click the post below and follow us on WeChat to read more!
AERO LINK's WeChat ID: aerolinkaviation

#尊尚包機 #同心抗疫

We are proud to announce that AERO LINK, partnered with Lanmei Airlines, has successfully delivered two cargos of epidemic prevention supplies from China to a neighbouring country in the past two days.

【飛機學堂】私人飛機還是頭等艙?【Aviation 101】Flying first class or private jet?正在考慮乘搭私人飛機或是頭等艙的您,不必再擲公字了!讓我們一一拆解兩者有何分別!頭等艙︰從確認預訂一刻起,頭等艙...

【Aviation 101】Flying first class or private jet?





立即聯絡我們免費索取包機報價 -

#飛機學堂 #私人飛機 #私人包機 #頭等艙 #尊尚包機

Here comes the age-old struggle - flying private or first class? Let's compare the two so you know which one to choose.

From the moment a booking is confirmed, a list of extraordinary services will be provided to first-class passengers, such as pick-up services, private lounge at terminal, prior boarding and more. First-class passengers can enjoy a wide variety of in-flight meals over business and economy class, while a reclining seat and private suite can be expected to see in most first-class cabins.

Nevertheless, commercial flights lack the flexibility that private jets can offer. Chartered passengers have full control over their flight schedule where they can decide when and where to take off and arrive at the airport only 15 minutes before departure. Passengers can depart and land at almost every airport in the world at a private terminal to avoid crowds and traffic. Everything is customizable and, you will enjoy maximum privacy provided by charter services. In addition, a vast amount of onboard flexibility is offered to passengers where they can expect bespoke services such as flying with pets in the main cabin, and having tailor-made in-flight catering that best suits their culinary preferences.

Both commercial planes and charter flights would get you to your destination in style and elegance. If budget is a concern while you would like to enjoy all the lounge experience, flying first class would be a great option. If you enjoy tailored services with enormous flexibility and value privacy, private jets offer you a perfect travel option!

Contact us now to get a free quotation for your next charter journey -


Unit 503, 5/F, Phase 1 Tower 2 Enterprise Square, 9 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay
Hong Kong


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