🎬 有睇「權力遊戲」的你,對教堂山應該有點印象,因為權力遊戲第6季正在教堂山 ⛰️ 取景呢!教堂山位於冰島西邊,離鄰近小鎮 Grundarfjörður 只有五分鐘的車程。教堂山高 463米,喜歡行山的大可以花大概3小時時間登頂及折回。不想太折騰卻又想親親大自然的,可以去看教堂山瀑布。在日短夜長的冬日到訪教堂山,大大增加可以拍以教堂山做前景的北極光美照!
立即 PM Hip Holiday 小編,獲取更多冰島冬日遊的資料。http://www.hipholiday.com.hk
🎬 If you are a fan of Game of Thrones, you might find Kirkjufell very familiar looking - for they shoot Season 6 at Kirkjufell ⛰️ (in the series, it was called Arrowhead Mountain!) Kurkjufell, or Church Mountain, locates in the western peninsula of Iceland. Just 5 minutes away from the nearest town Grundarfjörður. Kurkjufell is 463m high, making it a moderate-intensity, roughly 3-hour return trip for those who love summiting mountains. Wanting to take it easy? Head over to the waterfall of Kurkjufell - Kirkjufellsfoss - for an up close experience with nature. Visiting Kurkjufell during winter hugely increase your chances to take photos of Kurkjufell mountain basking in the magnificence of Northern Lights!
Message Hip Holiday team today to get more information about travelling to Iceland in winter. http://www.hipholiday.com.hk
#冰島 #旅遊 #冬日遊 #北極光 #教堂山 #權力遊戲