The Black Store

The Black Store Curate & Create

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Instagram id: theblackstore

The Black Store consists of Master’s graduates from Visual Culture Studies, which had previously pulled off two art-related stunts. The Black Store aims at discussing valuations of things, especially art works, under the influence of various marketing strategies. By applying strategies and practices for higher caliber of artworks towards the exhibits, creating a space of experience reminiscent of

that in the proper art market, including the labeled price for those exhibits. A hint of dissonance is generated through the playful manipulation of price and the quality of the exhibits. This dissonance experience is core to The Black Store stunts: through such experience the Black Store aim to provoke spontaneous thinking of the valuation of artworks inside the contemporary practices.

Any idea for Christmas shopping? Remember, you are what you buy. Give a little effort on this hierarchy before you buy a...

Any idea for Christmas shopping? Remember, you are what you buy. Give a little effort on this hierarchy before you buy anything for Christmas.

With on the rise, have a look at our for Ethical gift giving! There's a huge range of choice before you need to resort to buying new gifts. What ethical gifts are you going to give this festive season?

今次放映會係《三軌車》香港首映!而且仲係免費放映,仲等咩呀?快D留位啦!!GOGOGO!《點播_香港地》影片放送1:日期:28/7/2017(星期五)地點:香港兆基創意書院 放映室《三軌車:中國・台灣・香港 1911 – 2011》時間:7...


地點:香港兆基創意書院 放映室
《三軌車:中國・台灣・香港 1911 – 2011》
網上留位︰請把姓名及聯絡電話電郵至[email protected],先到先得。
Reload_HK Screening Programme 1:
Date: 28/7/2017 (Fri)
Venue: Screening Room, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
“The Three-tracked Train: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong 1911 – 2011”
Time: 7:30pm
Hong Kong|2011 | 101 min|Colour | In Cantonese and Putonghua with Chinese & English Subtitles
Director: Lo Yin Shan
Free admission
Online reservation: Please email your name and contact number to [email protected].
Tickets to be dispatched on a first come first serve basis.

《藝術爆炸月,大家都忙到爆! 》廿年回歸前後話 Open call for proposal 仲有5 (4?)日截止啦!只需要寫500字以內既proposal (歡迎加入參考圖片)就有機會可以係1a space 展出你對當今香港藝術界關心既...

《藝術爆炸月,大家都忙到爆! 》廿年回歸前後話 Open call for proposal 仲有5 (4?)日截止啦!只需要寫500字以內既proposal (歡迎加入參考圖片)就有機會可以係1a space 展出你對當今香港藝術界關心既議題既創意方案。


✨✨ 誠邀你的參與!創作方案徵集,28/3 截止 ✨✨
An explosion of creative energies in Hong Kong now? Submit your project ideas to us! Projects should touch on one of the 5 topics, and public discussion should be an integral part of it. Submission deadline: 28/3/2017

#十年 #廿年

圖 Photo :

圓桌討論分享會:獨立電影和流動影像的新媒體與流動平台Roundtable Discussion: New Media and Mobile Platform for Independent Films and Moving Images 3...

Roundtable Discussion: New Media and Mobile Platform for Independent Films and Moving Images


日期:30.12.2016 (星期五)

During Janus Cinémathèque’programme, Interact_Arts would like to invite all independent filmmakers, producers, artists to come to this networking event and discuss the development and creativity of VR film making, web TV series and film channels on mobile phone. Audience are welcome to join and raise opinions.

Date: 30.12.2016 (Fri)
Time: 7 – 8pm
Venue: House 2, Oi!
Free programme. No registration is required.

Roundtable Discussion: New Media and Mobile Platform for Independent Films and Moving Images


日期:30.12.2016 (星期五)

During Janus Cinémathèque’programme, Interact_Arts would like to invite all independent filmmakers, producers, artists to come to this networking event and discuss the development and creativity of VR film making, web TV series and film channels on mobile phone. Audience are welcome to join and raise opinions.

Date: 30.12.2016 (Fri)
Time: 7 – 8pm
Venue: House 2, Oi!
Free programme. No registration is required.

5.12.2016 - 2.1.2017大眾電影技術如環迴立體聲效、3D影片和4D坐椅,使觀眾全情投入於一種被動的觀影體驗。是次「雙面電影」的節目設計則旨在運用油街實現獨特的建築空間,誘發觀眾多一點主動、同時遊走兩個相鄰的影院,自主地編輯熒...

5.12.2016 - 2.1.2017


雙面電影節目包括香港首映的微藝術記錄片系列Comment ça va? D' après Godard,以回應法國新浪潮大師尚盧.高達1978年之作《你還好嗎?》;錄映太奇合作策劃的全新世界性巡迴錄像節目《彼岸觀自在III》;讓追求快捷的香港觀眾體會緩慢魅力的《慢電視》;以及紀念世界人權宣言短片系列、網路公路電影和獨立短片作品。場內亦展出藝術家及程式設計師Daniel Howe所創作的混合媒體創作《廣告位置》,探討隱私、消費主義、軟件監控及虛擬替身等話題。

While popular cinemas employ techniques including stereo, 3D visual effects, 4D seats and others to engage audience in a passive viewing experience, Janus Cinémathèque entices its audience to be more dedicated and proactive to think of the film art in depth. Through the screening programme tailor-made for the two side-by-side cinemas unique the historical building of Oi!, audience could create their own physical and mental journeys by shuttling in and out of the cinemas, and ‘edit’ their own sequence of images in their minds.

The focus works of Janus Cinémathèque include Comment ça va? D’après Godard, at its premiere screening in Hong Kong of micro art documentaries responding and paying tribute to Comment ça va? (1978) by the master of French New Wave Jean-Luc Godard; Both Sides Now III, the world tour programme of videos by artists from Hong Kong and the United Kingdom collaborated by Videotage; Slow TV, introducing the concept of slowness to our beloved hectic audience in Hong Kong; compilation of short films in observance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, internet road movies and other independent short videos. Besides, a mixed-media work Advertising Positions created by Hong Kong-based artist and coder, Daniel C. Howe, is also on display, exploring privacy, consumerism and surveillance via software and avatars.

Yuanfen 緣分 is on screen at Oi! Come and see us in the cinema:)緣分Undine Markus監製:Clarissa Langley Coleman / DoP: Oliver L...

Yuanfen 緣分 is on screen at Oi! Come and see us in the cinema:)

Undine Markus
監製:Clarissa Langley Coleman / DoP: Oliver Lau
2015 / 28分35秒 /英語

Undine Markus
Producer: Clarissa Langley Coleman / DoP: Oliver Lau
2015 / 28m35s / English

special showtime
23/12 16:08 26/12 15:08 28/12 12:16 29/12 14:12 30/12 10:59 1/1 13:15 2/1 12:30

Undine Markus
監製:Clarissa Langley Coleman / DoP: Oliver Lau
2015 / 28分35秒 /英語

Undine Markus
Producer: Clarissa Langley Coleman / DoP: Oliver Lau
2015 / 28m35s / English

去年十二月時接受了一位來自英國的導演Undine Markus 訪問,她正製作一個關於香港創作文化的紀錄片 < Yuanfen/緣分 >。此紀錄片早前於英國首映,聽導演說觀眾對我們的概念很有興趣,我們亦在片中分享我們對香港和創作文化的看法。...

去年十二月時接受了一位來自英國的導演Undine Markus 訪問,她正製作一個關於香港創作文化的紀錄片 < Yuanfen/緣分 >。此紀錄片早前於英國首映,聽導演說觀眾對我們的概念很有興趣,我們亦在片中分享我們對香港和創作文化的看法。大家亦可看看不同創作單位的insight,片中參與單位有Holicycle ﹣ Fixieaholic,Nice to meet you ,Premium Sofa Club,###,Rental United 夾租團,Wontonmeen 和 The Black Store。全是有看法的單位,大家要留意!!

While it might seem that Hong Kong is not much more than an island of peeking towers, dictated by decimals and high decibels, we take a ride through its confined side streets to discover the unknown.
From Fo Tan and Kwun Tong to Causeway Bay and Sai Ying Pun, we travel to capture seven up-and-coming art collectives transforming the financial hub into a unique visionary zone in the aftermath of the 2014 protests.
Featuring Holicycle,The Black Store, Nice to Meet You, Premium Sofa Club, ###, Rental United, and Wontonmeen.
Director/Producer- Undine Markus
Director of Photography- Oliver Lau (
Production Manager- Clarissa Langley Coleman (HK)
Production Assistant- Vaea Perdriel (London)
Sound- Vincent Lam Siu Kai
Editors- Undine Markus & Philippe Morozov
Photography- Michelle Kwok
Runners- Teddy Chow, Johnnie Yeung

While it might seem that Hong Kong is not much more than an island of peeking towers, dictated by decimals and high decibels, we take a ride through its confined…

   Milk Magazine Issue 674, Just Being James column. 對了,Renaissance Man 中文是甚麼?我查了一下,看見「博學家」及「通才」這兩詞。哈,現在不乏掛名的創作人,瘋狂地追逐這兩...

Milk Magazine Issue 674, Just Being James column.

對了,Renaissance Man 中文是甚麼?我查了一下,看見「博學家」及「通才」這兩詞。哈,現在不乏掛名的創作人,瘋狂地追逐這兩個稱號,不斷生產。只要有爆光率,大家就相信你真的是創作人。問他們為何要做一些和別人差不多的東西,他們會答你說:「因為現在大眾接受及想要這些東西,可以分享開拓了的市場。嗯!本地創作!」沒辦法,價值觀不同,各有各做。其實,大家應該響應環保,做些新東西出來!不要浪費地球資源。

Snoop Dogg feat. Pharrell
做創作的,很想成為「通才」。可惜我們普遍也是周身刀,無張利。可能讀書時只學技巧和軟件快速鍵,未及發展個人風格和想法。入了行就隨波逐流,有時間都做freelance賺錢去旅行或買designer products。或許現在最有創意的是客戶,他們才是有膽色和見識的那位。我覺得近代的Renaissance Man之中,Pharrell Williams就是多棲而又成功的創作人!Pharrell和他的團隊常製造出話題,無論大眾和小眾也會留意到。創作好應分享,話題能讓觀眾參與其中。當然不要嘩聚取寵,失去本質。大帽人、HAPPY和UT代言人是這陣子Pharrell最`為人熟識的身份;藝術界朋友可能覺得他是偽策展人;女生就覺得他很帥,年過四十歲也是babyface。除了帥臉不變,Pharrell各方面的trend setter身份也沒變。大家作為創作人、公司及品牌,我們可否像Pharrell般永不落後,有影響力的。主要原因是Pharrell的音樂公司The Neptunes就像個完美的branding agency,不同的音樂人和他們碰上也能產生良好的化學作用,生產出意想不到的新產品!成功改造不少音樂人,令他們可以獨當一面!他們不是一條公式去複製產品,而且了解各單位的特資,引發他們的可能性!Snoop Dogg和Pharrell就是最好例子!當年的Drop it like it's hot令hip hop由小眾帶到全香港都聽得見,全港的大小店鋪也在播!你可能覺得連旺中也播,變得俗套,但作品有獨特的風格,又可「通殺」全城,並不簡單。幾年後的今天,Snoop和Pharrell正在錄製新的大碟,Pharrell表示Snoop的新碟會比自己的GIRL還要好,而且Snoop將會憑這得到格林美獎!Snoop 在這幾年只食老本,又拍真人show又改名做Snoop Lion,結果現在還是要做回Snoop Dogg,再次伙拍Pharrell。試想想Snoop就是客戶,Pharrell就是你(創作人或公司),如果你一味奉承客戶,沒有自己睇法或一套,你豈能成為Pharrell Williams呢?

我不是瘋狂粉絲,因為我沒有錢去追星。對於欣賞的人,我會繼續留意他們,是個非常好的借鏡,想想我在他們身上可以學到甚麼。我不常看自已行業的東西,看別的可以有更多衝擊,mindblown機會率高 ,撞些新的組合出來。做創作的各位,包括員工、公司、客戶和學生,眼見別人很成功便很想用來作reference(抄考),分一杯羹。拜託不要只抄表面的,我們大可以想想人家背後的想法和動機。如非偷不可,就偷別人的態度、偷別人的腦啊!透過別人去擴闊自己的目光!

Rat's Cave by start from zero
這星期五晚,大家一定要去上環的Rat's Cave A.S.A.P. Closing Exhibition!最後機會!他們要關店了,痛心疾首啊!Rat's Cave可是香港創作的代表,能在上環開店真的很棒!他們關店某程度代表了本地創作又沉了一沉。不過,得知他們的精神不變,那就最緊要!Dom和Katol人很好,常常分享,初相識便帶我去不同的展覽。透過他們,我認識到不同本地創作圈子的好與停滯不前的原因。我不是甚麼,只想做些好玩的,和大家分享,亦不想展覽只是俾面派對,所以做了幾個奇怪的THE BLACK STORE展覽。

10 Cents Store
早陣子,THE BLACK STORE聯同十多位創作單位在PMQ做了個一毫子店Kickstart展覽。希望透過觀眾用instagram和留email去實現一毫店,全場的創作也是港幣一毫。很多觀眾過來,亦都得到很多的支持,非常感動!劉掬色老師有晚經過我們的展覽,她說看完後非常感動,覺得香港還有希望。我當時反應不了,老實說,太誇張了吧,我們只是在耍樂。她很想支持我們,沒有instagram的她也立即下載,以行動去支持我們!很多人尤其是有名氣的,也口說支持,然後就當然沒有。掬色老師和每一位的行動支持真的很重要!其實很多觀眾表示,想看到更多的本地創作,可惜少機會接觸,有都是和消費掛鈎。今次我們玩錢,就得到很多人的注意,不只是有留意文化藝術的,而且廣大市民!其中有位觀眾上前問我,問我們怎樣經營,怎計也計不到。原來他是會計師,不知道他是真心關心我們,還是想我們成為他的顧客。我回答他說:「把錢拿掉,你便計到了。」

Here comes the TRAILER!!! Yuanfen/緣分 is such a meaningful documentary by Undine Markus & co.

Here comes the TRAILER!!! Yuanfen/緣分 is such a meaningful documentary by Undine Markus & co.

While it might seem that Hong Kong is not much more than an island of peeking towers, dictated by decimals and high decibels, we take a ride through its confined…

 & co. setting up cameras (GH4 & A7r) before interview us!! So thrilled to be part of the documentary!!It is a documenta...

& co. setting up cameras (GH4 & A7r) before interview us!! So thrilled to be part of the documentary!!

It is a documentary on the creative scene in Hong Kong featuring Holicycle,The Black Store, Nice to Meet You, Power-nap over, ###, Rental United, The Cave and Wontonmeen.


To know more:

A  documentary on the creative scene in Hong Kong featuring Holicycle ﹣ Fixieaholic, The Black Store, Nice to meet you, ...

A documentary on the creative scene in Hong Kong featuring Holicycle ﹣ Fixieaholic, The Black Store, Nice to meet you, Power-nap over, ###, Rental United 夾租團, The Cave and Wontonmeen.

Eight visions, one mission.

Here is the first article of James Chu Ho Ching 's 歪理 series in Milk Magazine.It's not about   , but the first THE BLACK...

Here is the first article of James Chu Ho Ching 's 歪理 series in Milk Magazine.

It's not about , but the first THE BLACK STORE exhibition in 2011!

Were you there? If not, go grab a copy!

The Motto. 明週 - 生活空間FEATURE < WE DREAMED A CREATIVE DREAM 本地創意開店術

The Motto. 明週 - 生活空間FEATURE < WE DREAMED A CREATIVE DREAM 本地創意開店術

Happy to be part of this cool feature in Ming Pao Weekly! Guys, go buy one, they got celebrities talking about plastic s...

Happy to be part of this cool feature in Ming Pao Weekly! Guys, go buy one, they got celebrities talking about plastic surgery in book A.

Thank you Stickyline! Guess they really want to make us cry! Mutual respect!! 今期Milk有Stickyline分享他們對10 cents store的睇法和感受...

Thank you Stickyline! Guess they really want to make us cry! Mutual respect!! 今期Milk有Stickyline分享他們對10 cents store的睇法和感受!

繼續 !!

2014.06.26 Milk #675/p020

We are writing article on milk magazine about our design story with different people and different memory.

Thanks Milk Magazine, Ricco, thanks the Black Store, James, Morgana.

Power-nap's over, it's dessert time!!  dinner

Power-nap's over, it's dessert time!!


Drunk  dinner



Drunk   dinner



Nice to meet Carrie!   dinner

Nice to meet Carrie!


This is not a celebration.This is not a farewell dinner.This is just a beginning.10 Cents Store Kickstart Exhibition lin...

This is not a celebration.
This is not a farewell dinner.
This is just a beginning.

10 Cents Store Kickstart Exhibition lineup
謝曬皮 TSE SAI PEI the incapable
UUendy Lau
何陸陸 South HO
Sunny Wong
KaCaMa Design Lab
MAJO Design
Power-nap over
James Chu Ho Ching
Oscar Yik Long Chan - What Babies Do
Geeio Yuen - Nice to meet you
Tony Hon ( TURN)
Plastic Cruisers
Daft Pink
The Heman
P-chef pong

dinner at .syut

朱古力+杏仁蛋糕+黑胡椒Chocolate+Financiers+Black Peppers  dinner

Chocolate+Financiers+Black Peppers


drank #凍茶走   dinner


#凍茶走 dinner

New friends, gathering, toilet  dinner

New friends, gathering, toilet


KristopherH and 談風:vs:再說 crew  dinner

KristopherH and 談風:vs:再說 crew


This guy! Appreciate his help since day one!! Glad that you are happy!   dinner

This guy! Appreciate his help since day one!! Glad that you are happy!


謝曬皮 TSE SAI PEI the incapable and The Black Store  dinner

謝曬皮 TSE SAI PEI the incapable and The Black Store


MAJO Design and STUDIOWMW  dinner



One picture, many stories  dinner

One picture, many stories


Catherine Suen of KaCaMa Design Lab (blind drawing) vs  Geeio Yuen ( Nice to meet you )   dinner

Catherine Suen of KaCaMa Design Lab (blind drawing) vs Geeio Yuen ( Nice to meet you )



Hong Kong



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