伊斯坦堡考古博物館 Istanbul Archaeological Museum
伊斯坦堡考古博物館建於 1881 年,毗鄰托普卡普皇宮,是世界上同類博物館中最大的博物館之一。作為曾經繁榮的奧斯曼帝國的首都,君士坦丁堡收到了各省長官送來的大量文物和民眾的珍貴貢品,收藏了超過100萬件文物,幾乎涵蓋了歷史上所有主要文明。
The Istanbul Archaeological Museum, established in 1881 adjacent to Topkapi Palace, is one of the largest museums of its kind in the world. As the capital of the once-prosperous Ottoman Empire, Constantinople received an abundance of cultural relics sent by provincial governors and valuable offerings from the populace, amassing a collection of over 1 million artifacts spanning nearly every major civilization in history.
The museum comprises three main sections: the Museum of Historical Archaeology, Museum of Ancient Orient, and Museum of Islamic Art. Its vast holdings include precious artifacts from Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hatti, Hittite, Greek, Roman, and Scythian cultures.