賽馬會成長「機」地計劃讓小學生拓寬眼界🌍 今次同學再化身「機」地執行長,去到 #瑞銀數碼中心 參觀,感謝一班瑞銀同事擔任義工❤️向同學介紹唔同嘅科技,又為佢哋嘅社會創變方案提供建議,同學們都獲益良多,一齊睇吓佢哋有乜新發現!💭
【Primary Students Explore Tech Innovations For the Community 🧠】
The Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub (LAOH) enables primary school students to broaden their horizons. 🌍 Students become the Community Entrepreneurial Officers (CEOs) and had the opportunity to visit the UBS Digital Hub. Special thanks to the UBS volunteers❤️ for their introduction to a range of new technologies and invaluable advice on the students' innovative solutions. Let’s check out what the students discover! 💭
#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 UBS
#JockeyClubLifeAdventureOpportunityHub #HKJCCharitiesTrust #JCLAOH #JAHK #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人 #Entrepreneurship #SocialEntrepreneur #Innovation
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃2024/25 正進行得如火如荼🔥🙋♀️超過1,800位中學生由上年10月開始學習創業,嚟緊3月8-9日即將喺「創意市集」開店實現夢想💭為咗呢一刻同學們都相當努力,落足心機宣傳,感謝咁多位同學嘅汗水💦與熱誠,以及義務商界「業務顧問」同老師嘅協助🥰💕創意市集官網現已面世❤️ 大家快啲一齊嚟睇吓同學們嘅「心血結晶」啦!😍👉 cp-pop-up.jahk.org
📅 約實你:3月8-9日 (六-日)
📍 地點:啟德零售館 1 (2/F) & 館2 (2-4/F)
❤️ Like & Share投選「最具人氣獎」👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (投票截止:3月3日中午12時)
【Innovation Pop-up Website is LIVE ❤️ Filled with Students Creativity 💭】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme 2024/25 is in full swing! 🔥🙋♀️ Over 1,800 students immersing themselves in the real world of business since last October. They are now preparing to showcase their creativity at the Innovation Pop-up on March 8-9! 💭 Students are fully devoted to their business, with invaluable support from volunteer business advisors and teachers! 🥰💕 The Innovation Pop-up website is now LIVE. Explore students' amazing ideas now! 😍👉 cp-pop-up.jahk.org
📅 Save the date: March 8-9 (Saturday & Sunday)
📍 Location: Kai Tak Mall 1 (2/F) & Mall 2 (2-4/F)
❤️ Like & Share for the "Social Buzz Award" 👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (voting ends: 3 March, 12:00 nn)
Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金 啟德體育園 Kai Tak Sports Park #JAHK #HSBCxJA青年創業體驗計劃 #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐 #HSBCxJACompanyProgramme #TheHongkongBankFoundation #HSBC #HBF #InspiringYouth #週末市集 #香港好去處 #香港設計 #創業 #青年創業 #啟德 #WeekendMarket #HongKongDesign #KaiTak #啟德體育園 #啟德零售館 #KaiTakSportsPark #KaiT
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃: 支持同學俾個LIKE!🙋♀️
【支持同學俾個LIKE!🙋♀️ 】
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」即將同大家見面!75間學生公司已經準備就緒🥰 率先推出產品宣傳短片🎞️🎥立即睇吓Z世代同學嘅創意與熱情🔥多多Like 密密Share❤️ 最高票數嘅學生公司將會獲得「最具人氣獎」!👉bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」
📅 約實你:3月8-9日 (六-日)
📍 地點:啟德零售館 1 (2/F) & 館2 (2-4/F)
【LIKE for Students!🙋♀️ 】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up is coming soon! 75 student companies are releasing their promotional videos, and getting ready to launch their products at the Innovation Pop-up in March 🥰 Let’s check out the GenZ ideas; ❤️Like for their creativity and Share their passion🔥 The student companies with the most votes will win the “Social Buzz Award” 👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz
💝 Voting deadline: 3 March at 12 noon
The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up
📅 Save the date: March 8-9 (Saturday & Sunday)
📍 Location: Kai Tak Mall 1 (2/F) & Mall 2 (2-4/F)
Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金 啟德體育園 Kai Tak Sports Park #JAHK #HSBCxJA青年創業體驗計劃 #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐
#HSBCxJACompanyProgramme #TheHongkongBankFoundation #HSBC #HBF #InspiringYouth #週末市集 #香港好去處 #香港設計 #創業 #青年創業 #啟德 #WeekendMarket #HongKongDesign #KaiTak #啟德體育園 #啟德零售館 #KaiTakSportsPark #KaiTakMall #KTSP
#JA計劃為未來 🎯家長座談會精彩回顧👨👩👧👦
🎯JA 計劃為未來近日舉辦「工作世界4.0及青年生涯規劃家長座談會」💭3位專家包括萬寶盛華大中華區高級副總裁徐玉珊女士、心理學家陳頌恩博士、以及家長效能訓練導師繆美詩女士,都分享咗好多資訊俾超過170 位家長,一齊睇睇當日嘅回顧啦!🎥🥰youtu.be/juZsMql2L4g
【🎯Highlights of the Parents Seminar 👨👩👧👦】
🎯JA Plan for Future "Careers 4.0 & Youth Life Planning Parents Seminar" has been held recently. 💭Our guest speakers Ms Lancy Chui, Senior Vice President, Greater China Region, ManpowerGroup; Dr Joanne Chan, Psychologist; and Ms Rachel Miu, Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor, shared valuable insights with over 170 parents. Let’s check out the highlights of the event 🎥🥰youtu.be/juZsMql2L4g
#JAHK #PlanForFuture #JA計劃為未來
#CareerReadiness #事業準備 #InspiringYouth #ParentsSeminar #家長講座 #生涯規劃 #LifePlan #心理健康 #MentalWellness
賽馬會成長「機」地計劃馬不停蹄地喺多間小學展開! - 「機」地執行長出動!🚀
賽馬會成長「機」地計劃馬不停蹄地喺多間小學展開,一班小學同學化身「機」地執行長,出動去探索唔同地方,深入認識社區🌍 其中有同學參觀咗惜食堂粒粒皆辛館🍽️,了解貧窮長者嘅問題。一齊去片睇睇活動回顧啦!👉 🎥youtu.be/nDZZL5C4IrE
計劃現正招募義工,詳情及報名👉 jahk.org/volunteer-opportunities/
【LAOH CEOs Take Action! 🚀】
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub (LAOH) is running in full swing at different primary schools. Students have taken on the role of Community Entrepreneurial Officers (CEO) to embark on the journey of community discovery🌍. Some students had the opportunity to visit the Foodstep Journey by Food Angel 🍽️, where they learned about the challenges faced by elderly living in poverty. Let’s see what they found out! 👉 🎥 youtu.be/nDZZL5C4IrE
The programme is calling for volunteer support. Find out more and register 👉 jahk.org/volunteer-opportunities/
#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金
#JockeyClubLifeAdventureOpportunityHub #HKJCCharitiesTrust #JCLAOH #JAHK #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人 #Entrepreneurship #SocialEntrepreneur #Innovation
JAHK 祝您聖誕及新年快樂! 🎄🧧
聖誕及新年快樂! 🎄🧧 願我們繼續啟發年青人發揮潛能,助他們追尋夢想!💖
✨Wishing you a joyful Christmas and New Year! 🎄🧧 Let’s keep empowering young people to succeed and discover a future they love. 💖
#JAHK #Christmas #ReadyFor2025 #SeasonsGreetings #Xmas #Newyear #InspiringYouth #BoundlessPotential
「理財展人生計劃」歡迎全港中學報名 👉🏻 financepark.jahk.org/school/
【Learning Financial Management Through Role Playing Game💕】
In collaboration with the DBS Foundation, the Finance Park is in full swing. DBS volunteers visited different secondary schools and helped students develop healthy financial skills and attitudes through online simulation 🎮of different life stages. 💰 Ms. Lina Wong, a DBS volunteer shared, 'As students assume different roles at different stages in life, they gain a deeper understanding of their financial goals and learn to manage their finances effectively to achieve their life goals. ✨"
Finance Park welcomes all secondary schools to register 👉🏻 financepark.jahk.org/school/
#JAHK #DBSHK #DBSFoundation #星展基金會 #JA理財展人生計劃 #JAFinancePark #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人 #FinancialHealth #生涯規劃 #LifePlanning #Financelliteracy #DBSPeopleofPurpose #SocialImpact
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃 - 創新科技工作坊🤖💡
【向AI 世代進發🤖】
喺 HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃嘅「創新科技工作坊」💡,同學都好專注地學習最新AI應用及不同工具!❤️ 來自筲箕灣官立中學嘅劉芷恩同學話:「我學到點樣喺唔同範疇運用AI提升工作效能。」而聖若瑟書院嘅林榆鈞同學就表示:「工作坊令我對AI嘅認識大大提升!」
【Embracing the AI Generation 🤖】
At the HSBC x JA Company Programme InnoTech Workshop💡, students developed their AI literacy and gained hands-on experience with different AI tools. ❤️ Lau Tsz Yan, student of Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School said, “I learnt how to use AI to improve our work efficiency.” And Lin Yu Kwan, student of St. Joseph's College stated, "My understanding of AI has greatly enhanced through the workshop!"
Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金
#JAHK #HSBCxJA青年創業體驗計劃 #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐 #HSBCxJACompanyProgramme #TheHongkongBankFoundation #HSBC #HBF #InspiringYouth
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃24/25🚀 同學全力向夢想邁進 🤩
【全力向夢想邁進 🤩】
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃24/25開展咗幾個禮拜,同學們都喺不同嘅活動學到好多同創業相關嘅tips💡明白到創業會遇到嘅困難同需要做嘅準備,嘉賓同舊生嘅分享都令佢哋有更多真實嘅例子可以參考。
【Going Full Force to Achieve the Dream 🤩】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme 24/25 is in full swing. In the past few weeks, students have acquired valuable insights and entrepreneurial tips 💡 from guest speakers and alumni. Their real-life examples have helped students understand the various challenges and the preparations needed.
Students enjoyed interacting with business advisors and volunteers while kick-starting their life planning. Some students expressed, 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♂️ "Sharing from other groups has inspired me with a new way of thinking," and "Now I know how to better understand the consumers." They also learned about the importance of financial capability for their lives. 🚀
Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金
#JAHK #HSBCxJA青年創業體驗計劃 #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐 HSBC #HSBCxJACompanyProgramme #TheHongkongBankFoundation #HSBC #HBF #InspiringYouth
《JA 小財智.大夢想》兩項關懷社會方案晉身亞太區社創挑戰賽🌟
《JA 小財智.大夢想》獲富衛保險全力支持,計劃推行三年多以嚟,培育超過6,600名香港高小學生嘅理財素養及同理心,啟發佢哋以無限創意設計出關懷社會方案。💗
大家記得11月14日(四)下午5點,到 JA亞太區Facebook JA Asia Pacific 睇Live,為我哋嘅小學生隊伍打氣!🥳
【Two Hong Kong Teams Advance to the Regional Social Challenge🌟】
Supported by FWD Insurance, JA SparktheDream has helped over 6,600 upper primary students in Hong Kong to develop their financial literacy and empathy, inspiring them to design social innovation ideas for the community. 💗
Congratulations to the “Design Helpers” 👓from TWGHs Tseng Hin Pei Primary School and the “Concern Elderly Team” 👴🏻 from St. Hilary's Primary School. They will represent Hong Kong to compete with primary school representatives from Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam for the honor in the Regional Social Challenge 2024! 🏆
Stay tuned for JA Asia Pacific Facebook @jaasiapacific Live on 14 Nov (Thur) at 5 pm, to cheer for our kids! 🥳
FWD Hong Kong & Macau
#JAHK #FWD #JASparktheDream #小財智大夢想
#SocialChallenge #社創挑戰賽 #FinancialLiteracy #InspiringYouth
【Lancôme Write Your Future 2024 – 譜寫美麗人生⭐】
【Lancôme Write Your Future 2024 – 譜寫美麗人生⭐】
Lancôme Write Your Future已經踏入第三屆,超過150位女同學喺一星期嘅學習活動中,發揮無限創意,為弱勢社群創造美妝零售創新方案,例如為長期病患者設計裝上監測系統嘅個性化尿袋、為低收入在職媽媽提供AI美妝建議等等…… 💝✨ 衷心感謝所有嘉賓講師、評判同義工導師嘅支持,同學們都喺呢個旅程中成長不少,即刻去片回顧💁🏻♀️🎬
【Lancôme Write Your Future 2024 – Narrate Your Own Destinies ⭐】
The third edition of Lancôme Write Your Future had over 150 female students designing different innovative beauty solutions for underprivileged communities. Their creations included a urine bag monitoring system for patients and personalized AI beauty recommendation app for low-income working moms. 💝✨ Our sincere appreciation to our guest speakers, judges and volunteer mentors for helping the girls shine! Check out the recap video to see their accomplishments! 💁🏻♀️🎬
#JAHK #Lancome #WriteYourFuture #DareToDream #GirlsPower #NarrateYourOwnDestinies #DigitalMarketing #CustomerExperience #FemaleEntrepreneurs
bE inspired! 2023/24💡 精彩回顧 Highlights
【bE inspired! 2023/24💡 精彩回顧 🥳】
衷心感謝奧雅納及各伙伴機構對計劃嘅支持,讓超過2,800位學生同家長提升工程業認識及興趣,立即重温我哋精彩嘅活動啦!📹 https://youtu.be/Kjo9avBJYTU
「bE inspired!」更舉辦「創想我城比賽」,啟發中學生發揮創意,就綠色建築、交通或能源💚,設計創新方案、製作原型及拍攝一分鐘推廣短片,晉身決賽隊伍更會得到奧雅納 工程師嘅師友指導,同競逐總值HK$33,000獎學金!👏🏻中二至中五嘅同學,記得組成2-4人,立即報名參加「創想我城比賽」👉🏻bit.ly/4cXA8hz
【bE inspired! 2023/24💡Relive 🥳】
We sincerely thank Arup and all partner organizations for their support for “bE inspired!”. Over 2,800 students and parents have enhanced their understanding and interest in engineering. Let's watch the video to relive the highlights of the wonderful program! 📹 https://youtu.be/Kjo9avBJYTU
📢Call for registration!
bE inspired! is hosting the "Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition”. Secondary school students can unleash their creativity to develop innovative solutions, create prototypes and produce a one-minute promotional videos, focusing on green building, transportation or energy 💚. The finalist teams will receive additional mentorship by Arup engineers and compete for scholarships of over HK$33,000. 👏🏻Form 2 to 5 students can form a group of 2-4 and sign up for the "Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition" now👉🏻 bit.ly/4cXA8hz
#JAHK #Arup #bEinspiredtoo #Engineering #STEM #Innovation #Design #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人