Junior Achievement Hong Kong / JAHK

Junior Achievement Hong Kong / JAHK Registered Hong Kong charitable organization dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to su

Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JA HK) is one of the 100+ members of JA Worldwide, and a leading provider of Other Learning Experiences in Hong Kong. Our programs enable young people to learn the world of work from the first-hand experience of business volunteers. Since our establishment in 2001, we have engaged the support of over 30,000 business volunteers from some 700 companies to serve more tha

n 450,000 students from over 600 schools. As one of the world’s largest youth-serving NGOs, JA Worldwide prepares young people for employment and entrepreneurship. For 100 years, JA has delivered hands on, immersive learning in career readiness, entrepreneurship and financial health. We create pathways for employ ability, job creation, and financial success. Each year, our network of over 450,000 volunteers serves more than 10 million students in over 100 countries.

【支持學生創業🙋🏻‍♀️3月8-9日約定你!🎉】HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」,集合逾1,800名中學生嘅創意,過百款自家設計嘅精美產品💝🥰 現場仲有好多主題IG打卡位,即影即有,紀念明信片,以及一連串精彩嘅交流活動!快啲記...

HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」,集合逾1,800名中學生嘅創意,過百款自家設計嘅精美產品💝🥰 現場仲有好多主題IG打卡位,即影即有,紀念明信片,以及一連串精彩嘅交流活動!快啲記低日子嚟支持同學、嚟shopping、嚟玩啦😍!

📅 約實你:3月8-9日 (六-日)
📍 地點:啟德零售館 1 (2/F) & 館2 (2-4/F)
❤️ Like & Share投選「最具人氣獎」👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (投票截止:3月3日中午12時)

【Support Student Entrepreneurs 🙋🏻‍♀️ Join Us on March 8-9! 🎉】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up will showcase the ideas of over 1,800 secondary school students, featuring more than a hundred creative products! 💝🥰The pop-up will also feature Instagrammable photo spots, an instant photo booth, special postcards and a series of exciting exchange activities. 😍 Don't miss out! See you there!

📅 Save the date: March 8-9 (Saturday & Sunday)
📍 Location: Kai Tak Mall 1 (2/F) & Mall 2 (2-4/F)
👀Preview student products: cp-pop-up.jahk.org

❤️ Like & Share for the "Social Buzz Award" 👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (voting ends: 3 March, 12:00 nn)

Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金 啟德體育園 Kai Tak Sports Park #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐
#週末市集 #香港好去處 #香港設計 #創業 #青年創業 #啟德 #啟德體育園 #啟德零售館


賽馬會成長「機」地計劃讓小學生拓寬眼界🌍 今次同學再化身「機」地執行長,去到 #瑞銀數碼中心 參觀,感謝一班瑞銀同事擔任義工❤️向同學介紹唔同嘅科技,又為佢哋嘅社會創變方案提供建議,同學們都獲益良多,一齊睇吓佢哋有乜新發現!💭

【Primary Students Explore Tech Innovations For the Community 🧠】
The Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub (LAOH) enables primary school students to broaden their horizons. 🌍 Students become the Community Entrepreneurial Officers (CEOs) and had the opportunity to visit the UBS Digital Hub. Special thanks to the UBS volunteers❤️ for their introduction to a range of new technologies and invaluable advice on the students' innovative solutions. Let’s check out what the students discover! 💭

#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 UBS


HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃2024/25 正進行得如火如荼🔥🙋‍♀️超過1,800位中學生由上年10月開始學習創業,嚟緊3月8-9日即將喺「創意市集」開店實現夢想💭為咗呢一刻同學們都相當努力,落足心機宣傳,感謝咁多位同學嘅汗水💦與熱誠,以及義務商界「業務顧問」同老師嘅協助🥰💕創意市集官網現已面世❤️ 大家快啲一齊嚟睇吓同學們嘅「心血結晶」啦!😍👉 cp-pop-up.jahk.org

📅 約實你:3月8-9日 (六-日)
📍 地點:啟德零售館 1 (2/F) & 館2 (2-4/F)

❤️ Like & Share投選「最具人氣獎」👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (投票截止:3月3日中午12時)

【Innovation Pop-up Website is LIVE ❤️ Filled with Students Creativity 💭】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme 2024/25 is in full swing! 🔥🙋‍♀️ Over 1,800 students immersing themselves in the real world of business since last October. They are now preparing to showcase their creativity at the Innovation Pop-up on March 8-9! 💭 Students are fully devoted to their business, with invaluable support from volunteer business advisors and teachers! 🥰💕 The Innovation Pop-up website is now LIVE. Explore students' amazing ideas now! 😍👉 cp-pop-up.jahk.org

📅 Save the date: March 8-9 (Saturday & Sunday)
📍 Location: Kai Tak Mall 1 (2/F) & Mall 2 (2-4/F)

❤️ Like & Share for the "Social Buzz Award" 👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz (voting ends: 3 March, 12:00 nn)

Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金 啟德體育園 Kai Tak Sports Park #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐 #週末市集 #香港好去處 #香港設計 #創業 #青年創業 #啟德 #啟德體育園 #啟德零售館


【支持同學俾個LIKE!🙋‍♀️ 】
HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」即將同大家見面!75間學生公司已經準備就緒🥰 率先推出產品宣傳短片🎞️🎥立即睇吓Z世代同學嘅創意與熱情🔥多多Like 密密Share❤️ 最高票數嘅學生公司將會獲得「最具人氣獎」!👉bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz

HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃「創意市集」
📅 約實你:3月8-9日 (六-日)
📍 地點:啟德零售館 1 (2/F) & 館2 (2-4/F)

【LIKE for Students!🙋‍♀️ 】
The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up is coming soon! 75 student companies are releasing their promotional videos, and getting ready to launch their products at the Innovation Pop-up in March 🥰 Let’s check out the GenZ ideas; ❤️Like for their creativity and Share their passion🔥 The student companies with the most votes will win the “Social Buzz Award” 👉 bit.ly/CP2425-Social-Buzz
💝 Voting deadline: 3 March at 12 noon

The HSBC x JA Company Programme Innovation Pop-up
📅 Save the date: March 8-9 (Saturday & Sunday)
📍 Location: Kai Tak Mall 1 (2/F) & Mall 2 (2-4/F)

Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金 啟德體育園 Kai Tak Sports Park #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐
#週末市集 #香港好去處 #香港設計 #創業 #青年創業 #啟德 #啟德體育園 #啟德零售館

【初小生全情投入學理財💙】感謝保誠保險嘅支持,一班保誠義工同我哋一齊去到石籬天主教小學擔任「Cha-Ching唱遊學理財」嘅義務導師, 🧒🏻👦🏻 95位初小學生熱情投入,積極舉手搶答,聽住節奏明快嘅兒歌同卡通學習收入💰、儲蓄🏦、消費🛍️同捐...

感謝保誠保險嘅支持,一班保誠義工同我哋一齊去到石籬天主教小學擔任「Cha-Ching唱遊學理財」嘅義務導師, 🧒🏻👦🏻 95位初小學生熱情投入,積極舉手搶答,聽住節奏明快嘅兒歌同卡通學習收入💰、儲蓄🏦、消費🛍️同捐獻🧧嘅理財概念,活動後過半嘅同學都表示會每月儲蓄來實現將來目標,我哋期待啟發更多初小生從小培養正確金錢態度。 ❤️🥰

【Engaging Financial Literacy Activity for Kids💙】
Thanks to the support from Prudential Hong Kong, a group of Prudential volunteers supported the Cha-Ching Sing & Learn Workshop for 95 junior primary school students at Shek Lei Catholic Primary School. During the workshop, students showed great enthusiasm in learning the financial concepts of Earn 💰, Save 🏦, Spend 🛍️, and Donate 🧧 through lively songs and cartoons. Over half of the students shared their commitment to saving money monthly for their future goals. We look forward to scaling up this initiative to cultivate a positive attitude towards finances among children from an early age ❤️🥰.

Prudential Prudence Foundation
#保誠亞洲公益基金 #保誠保險



🎯JA 計劃為未來近日舉辦「工作世界4.0及青年生涯規劃家長座談會」💭3位專家包括萬寶盛華大中華區高級副總裁徐玉珊女士、心理學家陳頌恩博士、以及家長效能訓練導師繆美詩女士,都分享咗好多資訊俾超過170 位家長,一齊睇睇當日嘅回顧啦!🎥🥰youtu.be/juZsMql2L4g

【🎯Highlights of the Parents Seminar 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦】
🎯JA Plan for Future "Careers 4.0 & Youth Life Planning Parents Seminar" has been held recently. 💭Our guest speakers Ms Lancy Chui, Senior Vice President, Greater China Region, ManpowerGroup; Dr Joanne Chan, Psychologist; and Ms Rachel Miu, Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor, shared valuable insights with over 170 parents. Let’s check out the highlights of the event 🎥🥰youtu.be/juZsMql2L4g

#事業準備 #家長講座 #生涯規劃 #心理健康

【全球青年企業家嘅舞台!🌎✨】由 JA Worldwide 主辦嘅De La Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award 比賽即將舉行🔥來自全球 6 個地區嘅頂尖青年企業家,將展示他們突破性嘅創業方案🌍💼 角逐以R...

由 JA Worldwide 主辦嘅De La Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award 比賽即將舉行🔥來自全球 6 個地區嘅頂尖青年企業家,將展示他們突破性嘅創業方案🌍💼 角逐以Ralph de la Vega 命名嘅大獎。Ralph de la Vega 生於古巴基層,憑努力最終成為財富 500 強CEO,成立獎項就係為咗鼓勵青年創業。


📅 2025 年 3 月 11 日晚上 9 時正
🔗 jaworldwide.org/delavega

【The Ultimate Stage for Young Entrepreneurs! 🌎✨】
JA Worldwide presents the De La Vega Global Entrepreneurship Award 🔥 Top young entrepreneurs from 6 regions worldwide will showcase their groundbreaking business ventures 🌍💼 competing for the award named after Ralph de la Vega. Born in Cuba, Ralph de la Vega started from humble beginnings and rose to become a Fortune 500 CEO, establishing this award to inspire young entrepreneurs.

Want to see what it takes to be a top young entrepreneur? Passionate about business, innovation, or making a difference? Mark your calendar and witness this exciting moment! ❤️😎

⭐Live Stream Details
📅 March 11, 2025, at 9:00 PM
🔗 jaworldwide.org/delavega

JA Worldwide JA Asia Pacific

【創想我城:探索綠色能源🍀】與奧雅納攜手合辦嘅 bE inspired! 近日舉行「綠色能源工作坊」,帶領超過100位中學生到訪中電龍鼓灘發電廠,香港首間採用天然氣發電嘅發電廠,俾學生認識低碳能源;其後更去到奧雅納辦公室👷‍♂️👷‍♀️喺工...

與奧雅納攜手合辦嘅 bE inspired! 近日舉行「綠色能源工作坊」,帶領超過100位中學生到訪中電龍鼓灘發電廠,香港首間採用天然氣發電嘅發電廠,俾學生認識低碳能源;其後更去到奧雅納辦公室👷‍♂️👷‍♀️喺工程師嘅帶領下一齊構思創新減少碳排放能源方案,為保護環境出力!🌳

📢立即組隊參加「創想我城比賽」,就綠色建築、綠色交通或者綠色能源🌱設計創新方案,製作原型及一分鐘短片,競逐多個大獎同獎學金啦!🥰👉🏻 beinspired.jahk.org/

【Shaping Our City Tomorrow: Green Energy🍀】
In partnership with Arup, bE inspired! recently held a Green Energy Workshop for over 100 secondary students. They visited CLP Power’s Black Point Power Station, the first gas-fired power station in Hong Kong, to gain insights into low-carbon energy. They then took part in interactive sessions led by engineers at Arup’s office 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️, brainstorming solutions to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental protection! 🌳

📢 Ready to make a difference? Gather your team and join the “Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition”! This is your chance to develop innovative solutions focusing on green buildings, green transportation, or green energy 🌱.

Participants will showcase their ideas with a prototype and a creative 1-minute video to compete for exciting awards and scholarships! 🥰👉🏻 beinspired.jahk.org/en/

Arup CLP 中電

#啟發年青人 #綠色交通 #可持續發展


賽馬會成長「機」地計劃馬不停蹄地喺多間小學展開,一班小學同學化身「機」地執行長,出動去探索唔同地方,深入認識社區🌍 其中有同學參觀咗惜食堂粒粒皆辛館🍽️,了解貧窮長者嘅問題。一齊去片睇睇活動回顧啦!👉 🎥youtu.be/nDZZL5C4IrE

計劃現正招募義工,詳情及報名👉 jahk.org/volunteer-opportunities/

【LAOH CEOs Take Action! 🚀】
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub (LAOH) is running in full swing at different primary schools. Students have taken on the role of Community Entrepreneurial Officers (CEO) to embark on the journey of community discovery🌍. Some students had the opportunity to visit the Foodstep Journey by Food Angel 🍽️, where they learned about the challenges faced by elderly living in poverty. Let’s see what they found out! 👉 🎥 youtu.be/nDZZL5C4IrE

The programme is calling for volunteer support. Find out more and register 👉 jahk.org/volunteer-opportunities/

#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

【同青年一齊探索最新科技😎】感謝 The Starbucks Foundation嘅支持,我哋好高興將於今年2-3月同Starbucks Hong Kong 合辦「JA青年培育計劃:JA創新營」! 💚 立即成為商界義工,一齊同Gen Z、G...

感謝 The Starbucks Foundation嘅支持,我哋好高興將於今年2-3月同Starbucks Hong Kong 合辦「JA青年培育計劃:JA創新營」! 💚

立即成為商界義工,一齊同Gen Z、Gen Alpha探索最新科技,運用設計思維打造創新方案,製作應用程式原型👨🏻‍💻建設更美好嘅社會!💕😉 活動後,呢班同學更會於JA公益編程挑戰賽競逐唔同獎項!🏆快啲參與啟發青年啦👉bit.ly/IC_Volunteers

【Exploring the Latest Tech with Youth 😎】
Thanks to the support of The Starbucks Foundation, we're excited to host the "JA Empowering Youth Project: JA Innovation Camp," with Starbucks Hong Kong in this February and March! 💚

Join us as a business volunteer to explore the latest technology trends with Gen Z and Gen Alpha. You will guide these young innovators in applying design thinking to create community solutions and develop app prototypes👨🏻‍💻 for a better community. 💕😉 Students will compete in the JA Code for Impact Challenge after the workshop! 🏆 Get involved and make a difference👉 bit.ly/IC_Volunteers

Starbucks Starbucks Hong Kong

【💜中學創業家交流盛會🌍】800多位「HSBC  x JA青年創業體驗計劃」嘅學生企業家喺1月21日,與來自亞太區包括中國內地、印度、印尼、日本等地區嘅青年一齊喺線上見面及交流,分享自己嘅創業大計🗨️以及探討不同嘅創業議題🗣️,例如商業點子...

800多位「HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃」嘅學生企業家喺1月21日,與來自亞太區包括中國內地、印度、印尼、日本等地區嘅青年一齊喺線上見面及交流,分享自己嘅創業大計🗨️以及探討不同嘅創業議題🗣️,例如商業點子、團隊合作、危機處理等等,衷心感謝香港JA 舊生一齊幫手同主持呢場咁有意義嘅活動!❤️🥰

【💜World of Opportunity Networking🌍】
On 21st Jan, over 800 student entrepreneurs from the HSBC x JA Company Programme and peers from all across Asia-Pacific including mainland China, India, Indonesia, Japan etc. have come together for the online exchange. They shared their business ideas and delved into different topics 🗣️ like business strategies, teamwork, and crisis handling etc. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our JA HK alumni for their support to co-organise this meaningful event! ❤️🥰

Supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation 滙豐銀行慈善基金
#滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐

【🎉祝大家蛇年快樂 🐍🧧】每年農曆新年年青人都會收到好多利是🧧🌟 除咗為大家帶嚟好運,呢個其實係學識理財嘅一步,我哋一直致力提供創新嘅課程,協助青年建立理財能力,及早達成夢想。立即以行動支持JA啦👉 📈 www.jahk.org【🎉Happ...

【🎉祝大家蛇年快樂 🐍🧧】
每年農曆新年年青人都會收到好多利是🧧🌟 除咗為大家帶嚟好運,呢個其實係學識理財嘅一步,我哋一直致力提供創新嘅課程,協助青年建立理財能力,及早達成夢想。立即以行動支持JA啦👉 📈 www.jahk.org

【🎉Happy Lunar New Year of the Snake 🐍🧧】
The tradition of giving red packets 🧧🌟 is more than just a symbol of good fortune—it’s often the first step for children to start earning and handling money. We offer innovative programs that help children and youth develop the skills they need to manage their finances effectively and build a brighter future. Support Us Today! 👉 📈 www.jahk.org


【大專升學貼士🔝】 🎯JA 計劃為未來 將舉辦「大專升學申請及面試貼士講座」,為中四至中六學生而設,專家將會分享大學申請指南同入學面試貼士,教你點樣建立個人陳述同個人品牌,同場更有大學生分享JUPAS選科心得,快啲報名啦!🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀...

🎯JA 計劃為未來 將舉辦「大專升學申請及面試貼士講座」,為中四至中六學生而設,專家將會分享大學申請指南同入學面試貼士,教你點樣建立個人陳述同個人品牌,同場更有大學生分享JUPAS選科心得,快啲報名啦!🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️

時間:2025年3月1日 (六) 10:00am-12:00pm
座位有限,先到先得! 2月19日前報名👉 bit.ly/3PGitks

【Tips for University Application 🔝】
🎯JA Plan for Future is organizing the "University Application & Admission Interview Seminar” tailored for Form 4 – 6 students. Guest speakers will share invaluable insights on university applications, interview strategies, and tips for personal statement and personal branding. Additionally, university students will share their experience on JUPAS program selection. Sign up now! 🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️

⭐Seminar Details:
Time: 1 Mar, 2025 (Sat) 10:00am-12:00pm
Venue: W301, The Education Bureau Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre
Language: Cantonese with simultaneous interpretation service in English
Seats are limited, apply on or before 19 Feb👉 https://bit.ly/3PGitks

#事業準備 #家長講座 #生涯規劃 #心理健康

【🌏 一齊慶祝國際教育日! 📚✨】我哋相信教育係創業和經濟發展嘅基石,喺國際教育日呢個特別嘅日子,我哋繼續全力以創新嘅體驗課程,協助青年裝備自己,培育未來技能,為世界急速變化作好準備。👍🏻從創業精神、事業準備到理財素養,我哋嘅學習體驗啟動年...

【🌏 一齊慶祝國際教育日! 📚✨】

從創業精神、事業準備到理財素養,我哋嘅學習體驗啟動年青人嘅人生,幫助佢哋邁向成功。期待與你攜手共創未來!📈 www.jahk.org

【🌏 Celebrate International Day of Education with JAHK! 📚✨】
We believe education is the cornerstone of entrepreneurship and economic empowerment. On this International Day of Education, we highlight how our innovative programs equip young minds with the skills to succeed in the ever-evolving world.👍🏻

From entrepreneurship, career readiness to financial literacy, our educational initiatives are transforming learning spaces into launchpads for the success of our future generations. Join us in shaping the future! 📈 www.jahk.org

#啟發年青人 #國際教育日

【親子一齊探索工程世界!👍🏻】bE inspired! 「親子工程職業發展日」帶領過百位家長、同學到訪奧雅納辦公室,參觀香港科技大學工學院嘅實驗室同Makerspace,直接同工程師、教授、本科生交流,深入探索工程升學同職業發展,及早計劃未...

bE inspired! 「親子工程職業發展日」帶領過百位家長、同學到訪奧雅納辦公室,參觀香港科技大學工學院嘅實驗室同Makerspace,直接同工程師、教授、本科生交流,深入探索工程升學同職業發展,及早計劃未來路向!👏🏻


中二至中五同學,立即組隊參加「創想我城比賽」💚設計你嘅綠色建築、綠色交通或綠色能源創新方案,競逐多個大獎同獎學金啦! https://beinspired.jahk.org/

🗓️ 截止日期:2025年2月9日

【Parents and Students dive into the World of Engineering! 👍🏻】
Over 100 parents and students experienced the thrill of engineering at the bE inspired! "Engineering Education & Career Day"! They visited Arup's office and the cutting-edge facilities at HKUST School of Engineering, engaging with the engineers, professors and current engineering students. The event provided a fantastic glimpse into the exciting study paths and career opportunities in engineering! 👏🏻

"Seeing the concrete 3D printer at HKUST was eye-opening," shared Christina Lee, a F.2 student from Belilios Public School. "This technology could revolutionize future construction🏗️ and has inspired me to learn more about building materials development." Her father, Mr. Lee, added, "The presentations from Arup and HKUST truly impressed me. The scope of engineering and the unlimited opportunities it offers for my child are incredible. 👍🏻"

Attention F.2 to F.5 students! don’t miss your chance to join the "Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition" with your team! Showcase your innovative solutions💚 in green buildings, green transport, or green energy for a chance to win prestigious awards and scholarships! Learn more at: https://beinspired.jahk.org/

🗓️ Deadline for Registration: 9 Feb 2025

Arup HKUST Engineering HKUST Engineering UG

【小學生衝出香港🌍✨】賽馬會成長「機」地首個線上環球創變提案日圓滿舉行,超過 700 位香港、印尼、中國內地、馬來西亞、菲律賓以及越南嘅高小學生聚首一堂,互相交流自己嘅創新點子,認識新朋友,擴闊國際視野💡💭來自香港香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校...

賽馬會成長「機」地首個線上環球創變提案日圓滿舉行,超過 700 位香港、印尼、中國內地、馬來西亞、菲律賓以及越南嘅高小學生聚首一堂,互相交流自己嘅創新點子,認識新朋友,擴闊國際視野💡💭

來自香港香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校嘅Yoyo同學係1分鐘嘅 Pitching🎤分享咗佢哋團隊嘅構思,更興奮展示佢哋自製嘅原型,為改善社區出力🚀衷心感謝義工同我哋一齊主持呢場活動!👍

計劃現歡迎全港小學參與,費用全免,詳情及報名👉 bit.ly/_LAOH

【Primary Students Connect Globally for Innovation Exchange 🌍✨】
The first Hong Kong Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub "Online Global Pitching" event brought together over 700 senior primary students from Hong Kong , Indonesia, Mainland China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. During this virtual gathering, students shared innovative ideas, fostered new friendships across borders, and expand their global horizons.

Yoyo, student of Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School shared their team's concept and prototype for community improvement. Special thanks to our dedicated volunteers for supporting this inspiring exchange!

All primary schools are welcome to register for this programme 👉 bit.ly/_LAOH

#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

【為小學生而設嘅成長「機」地! 🥳】賽馬會成長「機」地 已經喺多間小學展開🥳👯‍♀️計劃將會橫跨三年,服務逾12,000位小四至小六學生,並聯同社區夥伴及商界義工,將小學打造為連結學習機會的中心,讓高小學生化身成長「機」地執行長,籌劃並實踐...

【為小學生而設嘅成長「機」地! 🥳】
賽馬會成長「機」地 已經喺多間小學展開🥳👯‍♀️計劃將會橫跨三年,服務逾12,000位小四至小六學生,並聯同社區夥伴及商界義工,將小學打造為連結學習機會的中心,讓高小學生化身成長「機」地執行長,籌劃並實踐社創點子,從中學習、成長🧑‍💻


歡迎全港小學參與,費用全免,詳情及報名👉 bit.ly/_LAOH

【Life Adventure Opportunity Hub for Primary Students 🥳 】
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub has now been rolled out at different primary schools. 🥳👯‍♀️Over the next 3 years, the programme will serve 12,000 students in Primary 4 to 6. In collaboration with community partners and business volunteers, the primary schools will be transformed into learning opportunity hubs where students will take on the role of Community Entrepreneurial Officers (CEOs) to learn and grow through developing and implementing their social innovation for the community. 🧑‍💻

Over the course of an 8-cycle CEO Programme, students will design innovative solutions for the community, venture outside the classroom to conduct community tours, showcase their design products or services in a public Pop-up to compete for various prizes, and even embark on an overseas exchange. 🌏

All primary schools are welcome to register 👉bit.ly/_LAOH

#賽馬會成長機地 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

【召集中學生參加  #創想我城比賽 !🏙️】想展示自己嘅創新Green Idea? 機會嚟啦!🥰我哋同奧雅納 (Arup) 攜手合辦 bE inspired! 「創想我城比賽」歡迎就讀中二至中五嘅同學組隊參加,就綠色建築、綠色交通或者綠色能...

【召集中學生參加 #創想我城比賽 !🏙️】
想展示自己嘅創新Green Idea? 機會嚟啦!🥰我哋同奧雅納 (Arup) 攜手合辦 bE inspired! 「創想我城比賽」歡迎就讀中二至中五嘅同學組隊參加,就綠色建築、綠色交通或者綠色能源🌱設計創新方案,製作原型及一分鐘短片🎬


📢 立即報名參加:beinspired.jahk.org/

【Calling All Students for the 'Shaping Our City Tomorrow' Competition 🏙️ 】
Are you ready to make your mark and showcase your Green Ideas? 🥰Organised in partnership with Arup, the bE inspired! 'Shaping Our City Tomorrow Competition' is now open for Forms 2 to 5 student teams.

This is your chance to develop innovative solutions focusing on green buildings, green transportation, or green energy 🌱. Participants will present their ideas with a prototype and a creative1-minute video 🎬.

Join us for a special video production workshop on 22 February to learn easy video editing techniques using your mobile phone. Shortlisted teams will also receive exclusive mentorship from Arup engineers to refine their concepts and compete for prestigious prizes and awards. 🥰💪🏻

📢 Sign up now: beinspired.jahk.org/
🗓️Deadline: 9 February 2025



Unit 102, 1/F Beautiful Group Tower, 74-77 Connaught Road Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:30
Thursday 09:30 - 18:30
Friday 09:30 - 18:30


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