Our latest work, "The Morning After" (那夜凌晨, 我坐上了大埔開往旺角的GoGoVan), is a twisted take on the recent popular HK movie "那夜凌晨 我坐上旺角開往大埔的紅van". We have gathered the most popular youtubers in HK, and so far (two weeks since premiere) we have reached 400 thousand views and this popular parody has become one of youtube's most popular videos recently. Thanks everyone who worked so hard in the production and we hope you like our work!
萬眾期待! 史上最強網絡天王天后級Youtuber 聯合呈獻 《那夜凌晨, 我坐上了大埔開往旺角的GoGoVan》 演員: Ming 仔, 李綺雯, 司徒夾帶, Kibi, Eminleo, 杜小喬, 薑檸樂, Miss Hunny, 馬嘉均 (排名不分先後), gogovan超人, gogobear Downl...