Hong Kong is all decked out with the festive cheers
#christmashongkong #hongkong #hkhotel #christmas2024 #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hongkongchristmas #hotelhk #ecotreehotel
Victoria Harbour’ night captures the best of one’s imagination 🌃💡
#hktravel #victoriaharbourhongkong #hotelhk #hongkongskyscrapers
#hkhotel #boutiquehotel #travelhongkong #travelhk #ecotreehongkong
#hongkongtravel #HongKong #hknightview
With one of the world's largest Doraemon exhibitions, the “100% DORAEMON & FRIENDS” Tour in Hong Kong, coming up, the world's first Doraemon Drone Show will be shown on 25th May 2024 at 7.30pm to tease the event! Come on down to Avenue of Stars near Tsim Sha Tsui Waterfront to enjoy the spectacular show featuring our favourite robot cat.
#hongkong #tsimshatsuiwaterfront #victoriaharbour #ecotreehotel #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hkhotel #hotelhk #boutiquehotel #doraemon #droneshow
Experience the vibrant hue from the LED display at Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, just a few MTR stations away from Eco Tree Hotel Hong Kong.
#hongkong #tsimshatsuipromenade #tsimshatsui #ecotreehotel #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hkhotel #hotelhk #boutiquehotel
Welcome to Hong Kong! Experience different scenery, enjoy unqiue delicacies. Eco Tree Hotel has great location, allowing visitors to travel to different places easily.
#ecotreehotel #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hkhotel #hotelhk #hkattractions #hkplace #placeshk #hkdestination #hktravel #travelhk #harbourview #harbourhk #hkharbour #浅拍一下好风景 #发现宝藏酒店 #酒店推荐 #酒店 #自然风光分享 #亲子酒店推荐
祝各界,新年快樂、恭喜發財,歲歲平安, 身體健康 !
#ecotreehotel #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hotelhk #hkhotel #chinesenewyear #lunarnewyear #cny2023
We welcome 2023 and wishes everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
#ecotreehotel #hotelhongkong #hongkonghotel #hotelhk #hkhotel #hongkong #newyear #happynewyear #newyear2023
From MTR Sai Ying Pun Station to Hotel
酒店地理位置優越,交通便捷,可於港鐵西營盤A2出口直達,如携帶大型行李, 可於西營盤站A1出口使用電梯經西湖里到達酒店。
The hotel is located perfectly near MTR Sai Ying Pun station, it can be reached directly at Exit A2. If you carry a large luggage, you are recommended to use the elevator at Exit A1 via Sai Woo Lane.
#ecotreehongkong #ecotreesw #ecotree #boutiquehotel
Immerse in Art and Culture at Eco Tree Hotel Hong Kong
Besides being conveniently located directly beside the Sai Ying Pun MTR Station, ECO Tree Hotel Hong Kong has many unique features to be discovered. The corridors are lined with colourful abstract art which makes the hotel feel vibrant and welcoming.