鴨靈號 Dukling

鴨靈號 Dukling 鴨靈號是香港目前唯一仍在恆常運行的古董中式帆船。鴨靈號建於1955年,為昔日漁民的家和漁船,現已化身成為觀光船隻,供本地人和遊客了解香港漁民歷史和欣賞維港景色

始于1950年代的中式帆船 ‘鴨靈號’ 原為漁民所有,是香港目前唯一仍在運行的典型古老中式帆船,為昔日漁民出海捕魚的工具。看到它仿佛搭上時空隧道來到六、七零年代的維多利亞港,它將帶你回到大班和鴉片交易的時代,站在甲板上,你可以想象到150年前縱橫香港水域的就是這種帆船,可以體驗那年代的人們是怎樣生活的。


座位數量有限,售完即止, 各位萬勿錯過!
Dukling's September schedule has been released, and Hong Kong Tourism Board has announced that on the evening of the Mid-Autumn Festival (September 17, Tuesday), there will be a drone show in Wan Chai. Dukling will arrange special cruise for close-up views of the drones and to enjoy the scenery along both sides of Victoria Harbour on that night. Welcome everyone to invite family and friends to join us in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival.
Seats are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't miss out!"

訂票網址/reservdtion website:

如有任何有關航班查詢, 請電郵至[email protected] 或致電37597070.
For any inquiries regarding sailing schedule, please send email to [email protected] or reach us at 37597070.

#無人機 #維港 #香港 #鴨靈號 #中秋節


鴨靈號8月份時間表已經推出,8月11及18日一連兩個星期日,提供暑期 “南區文化體驗遊" 。活動當天會由一位老漁民親身講解漁民歷史文化及透過導賞深入了解香港歷史,並且親身體驗漁民織漁網、拉帆等活動。
Dukling's August timetable has been released, featuring a "Southern District Cultural Journey" on consecutive Sundays, 11th and 18th August. On the day of the event, an experienced fisherman will personally explain the history and culture of fishing community, and will guide participants in deep understanding of Hong Kong's history. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience fishermen's activities such as weaving fishing nets and pulling sails.

訂票網址/reservation website:

文化遊預訂網址/Cultural Journey reservation website:

查詢 及Whatsapp: +852 9622 1679

#香港仔 #南區
#維多利亞港 #幻彩詠香江 #鴨靈號 #古董帆船 #文化體驗遊 #親子活動 #暑期好去處


鴨靈號將於八月一連三個星期日再次舉辦暑期 “文化體驗遊”。今次我地仲邀請到一位老漁民親身講解漁民歷史文化及透過導賞深入了解香港歷史,並且親身體驗漁民織漁網、拉帆等活動。有興趣可以Click入黎我地網頁,最新優惠入面報名參加:https://...

鴨靈號將於八月一連三個星期日再次舉辦暑期 “文化體驗遊”。今次我地仲邀請到一位老漁民親身講解漁民歷史文化及透過導賞深入了解香港歷史,並且親身體驗漁民織漁網、拉帆等活動。

查詢及Whatsapp: +852 9622 1679
#鴨靈號 #古董帆船 #文化體驗遊 #親子活動 #暑期好去處 #探索維港

鴨靈號今晚滿載多啦A夢迷,一同於維港欣賞再度回歸香港夜空嘅多啦A夢無人機匯演 Dukling fully loaded with Doraemon fans to Victoria Harbour tonight to witness th...


Dukling fully loaded with Doraemon fans to Victoria Harbour tonight to witness the return of Doraemon’s drone performance lighting up the Hong Kong night sky once again.

#鴨靈號 #香港 #維多利亞港

 於7月20再次回歸! 錯過左首場匯演既多啦 A 夢Fans將再有機會乘搭鴨靈號近距離觀賞是次無人機匯演。是次匯演將移師至尖東星光大道對出的海域上空,並加入全新精彩內容和彩蛋。而當晚原定的1930幻彩詠香江航航班將更改為多啦A夢無人機表演航...

於7月20再次回歸! 錯過左首場匯演既多啦 A 夢Fans將再有機會乘搭鴨靈號近距離觀賞是次無人機匯演。是次匯演將移師至尖東星光大道對出的海域上空,並加入全新精彩內容和彩蛋。而當晚原定的1930幻彩詠香江航航班將更改為多啦A夢無人機表演航班,並改由中環10號碼頭上/落船。座位數量有限,售完即止,各位萬勿錯過!

'Doraemon Drone Show ' will return again on July 20. Doraemon Fans who missed the first drone show will have another opportunity to get closer and watch the drone show on Dukling. The second show will be held over the Victoria Harbour, Avenue of Stars, near the Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade area and with new exciting content and surprises added,. The original scheduled 19:30 Symphony of Lights cruise will be changed to the Doraemon Drone Show, and will be boarding and disembarking at Central Pier No. 10.

Seats are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't miss out!"

訂票網址/reservdtion website:

如有任何有關航班查詢, 請電郵至[email protected] 或致電37597070.
For any inquiries regarding sailing schedule, please send email to [email protected] or reach us at 37597070.

#叮噹 #ドラえもん #無人機 #維港 #香港 #鴨靈號

鴨靈號7月份時間表已經推出,為慶祝香港回歸二十七周年,鴨靈號將於7月1至2號一連兩天,當天所有航班票價一律低至7折。座位數量有限,售完即止!Dukling's July timetable has been released, and to...


Dukling's July timetable has been released, and to celebrate the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China, Dukling will offer a special discount of 30% off for all tickets on July 1st and 2nd. Seats are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis!

訂票網址/reservdtion website:

#維港遊 #維多利亞港 #鴨靈號 #香港回歸

暑假就到喇,各位家長安排好節目俾小朋友未呢?鴨靈號將於7月中開始,一連三個星期日將會舉辦暑期 “文化體驗遊”。難得既機會俾家長與孩子們一齊乘搭古董中式帆船,深入了解香港歷史及漁民歷史文化,仲可以親身體驗漁民織漁網、拉帆等活動。有興趣可以Cl...

暑假就到喇,各位家長安排好節目俾小朋友未呢?鴨靈號將於7月中開始,一連三個星期日將會舉辦暑期 “文化體驗遊”。難得既機會俾家長與孩子們一齊乘搭古董中式帆船,深入了解香港歷史及漁民歷史文化,仲可以親身體驗漁民織漁網、拉帆等活動。


查詢及Whatsapp: +852 9622 1679

#鴨靈號 #古董帆船 #文化體驗遊 #親子活動 #暑期好去處 #探索維港


感謝客戶再次支持!如現在至28/6大家經過維港海旁附近😊 不妨與換上新裝的鴨靈號打卡拍照📸留念✨Thank’s for our client's support again!  From now till 28/6, if you pass...

感謝客戶再次支持!如現在至28/6大家經過維港海旁附近😊 不妨與換上新裝的鴨靈號打卡拍照📸留念✨

Thank’s for our client's support again! From now till 28/6, if you pass by the Victoria Harbour front please feel free to take some photos with us 📸 on our new look✨

訂票網址/ reservation website:

#維多利亞港 #鴨靈號

端午節快樂        #香港旅遊發展局  #維多利亞港 #無人機表演  #端午節 #香港 #鴨靈號


#無人機表演 #端午節


Please be informed that the 2024 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat races will be held in Victoria Harbour on 15-16 June, 2024. The piers around Tsim Sha Tsui East Promenade will be temporary closed from 12- 17 June.Therefore, Dukling Harbour Cruise will be operating from Central Pier No.10 for boarding and disembarking. And there will be a Viactoria Harbour Pyrotechic Display at Victoria Harbour on 15-16 June. For more details, please refer to our official website. The seats are limited, be sure not to miss it!

Book now at https://www.dukling.com.hk/en/order/
即刻訂購啦👉🏻 https://www.dukling.com.hk/zh-hk/order/
Enquiries 查詢:
Call +852 37597070/ Whatsapp +852 96221679/ Email [email protected]

#維多利亞港 #幻彩詠香江 #維港海上煙火 #國際龍舟邀請賽

旅發局舉辦的第二場「維港海上煙火」匯演將於6月15日 (星期六) 呈現在維多利亞港上 - 絢麗奪目的海上煙火為維港的動人夜景錦上添花,利用光影與色彩締造出難忘體驗。鴨靈號亦會於當晚在維港帶您享受一個壯觀而令人驚豔的夜晚。歡迎大家邀請家人及朋...

旅發局舉辦的第二場「維港海上煙火」匯演將於6月15日 (星期六) 呈現在維多利亞港上 - 絢麗奪目的海上煙火為維港的動人夜景錦上添花,利用光影與色彩締造出難忘體驗。


The second round"Victoria Harbour Pyrotechnic Display," organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, will be held on the evening of June 15th (Saturday). The dazzling marine pyrotechnic displays are complemented by Victoria Harbour’s stunning night views, crafting an unforgettable experience through the play of light and colour.
Board Dukling for a magical evening filled with breathtaking pyrotechnic display and heart stirring moments. You are welcomed to Invite your family and friends to join us for an unforgettable experience.
For reservation please click below link:



真係好多叮噹fans,今次未出post 船票喺網站開賣已火速售罄, 大家記得留意我哋訂票網站 www.dukling.com.hk 取得最新售票資訊叮噹Fans記得唔好錯過13/7/24- 4/8/24 喺K11 Musea 嘅”100%多...

真係好多叮噹fans,今次未出post 船票喺網站開賣已火速售罄, 大家記得留意我哋訂票網站 www.dukling.com.hk 取得最新售票資訊

叮噹Fans記得唔好錯過13/7/24- 4/8/24 喺K11 Musea 嘅”100%多啦A夢& friends”巡廻特展啦

There are really many Doraemon fans, the tour tickets for last night on our website were sold out very quickly as soon as they were released. Please keep an eye on our ticketing website, www.dukling.com.hk , for the latest ticket information and news.

Doraemon fans, remember not to miss the “100% Doraemon & friends” tour at K11 MUSEA from 13/7/24 to 4/8/24.

#叮噹 #ドラえもん #無人機 #維港 #香港 #鴨靈號

真係好多叮噹fans,今次未出post 船票喺網站開賣已火速售罄, 大家記得留意我哋訂票網站 www.dukling.com.hk 取得其他最新售票資訊叮噹Fans記得唔好錯過13/7/24- 4/8/24 喺K11 Musea 嘅 “10...

真係好多叮噹fans,今次未出post 船票喺網站開賣已火速售罄, 大家記得留意我哋訂票網站 www.dukling.com.hk 取得其他最新售票資訊

叮噹Fans記得唔好錯過13/7/24- 4/8/24 喺K11 Musea 嘅 “100%多啦A夢& friends”巡廻特展啦

There are really many Doraemon fans, the tour tickets for last night on our website were sold out very quickly as soon as they were released. Please keep an eye on our ticketing website, www.dukling.com.hk , for the other latest ticket information and news.

Doraemon fans, remember not to miss the "100% Doraemon & friends" tour at K11 MUSEA from 13/7/24 to 4/8/24.

#叮噹 #ドラえもん #無人機 #維港 #香港 #鴨靈號



嫌岸上觀看無人機表演太多人的話,下次可以考慮上鴨靈號上觀看。If you find there are too many people watching the drone show from the shore, you can cons...


If you find there are too many people watching the drone show from the shore, you can consider watching it from Dukling next time.



感謝客戶的支持。到客戶於K11 Musea的期間限定店逛逛及參與其舉辦之活動的同時,留意👀有冇見到換上藍色新裝的鴨靈號

Thank you for our client’s support. you can find us still with the fresh blue outfit at Victoria Harbour. While visiting the client's pop-up store at K11 Musea and participate in their events, see if you can spot Dukling with the fresh blue outfit.



幸好今晚天氣不似預期的差,煙火匯演能如期舉行,希望下次有機會再跟大家於鴨靈號上一同觀賞煙火。Luckily, the weather tonight turned out to be better than expected, and th...


Luckily, the weather tonight turned out to be better than expected, and the pyrotechnic display proceeded as scheduled. We look forward to welcoming you on board Dukling next time to view the pyrotechnic display together.

#維多利亞港 #幻彩詠香江 #煙火匯演

香港旅遊發展局首場「海上無人機表演」將於5月11日晚上(星期六) 舉行,當晚無人機表演亦會搭配「幻彩詠香江」燈光音樂匯演進行,為觀眾帶來雙重的視覺體驗。鴨靈號於當晚將會安排特別班次,歡迎大家邀請家人及朋友跟我們一起享受這難忙的時刻。快把握時...

香港旅遊發展局首場「海上無人機表演」將於5月11日晚上(星期六) 舉行,當晚無人機表演亦會搭配「幻彩詠香江」燈光音樂匯演進行,為觀眾帶來雙重的視覺體驗。


The "Victoria Harbour Drone Show" organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, will be held on the evening of May 11th (Saturday). These extraordinary performances, combined with the iconic 'A Symphony of Lights,' bringing a dual visual experience to the audience.

Join us for a special evening cruise aboard the iconic Dukling! Invite your family and friends to savor this magical moment with us. Hurry and secure your seats as availability is limited, and tickets sell out fast! Don't miss out on this unique experience!

For reservation please click below link:


鴨靈號5月時間表已經推出,5月11日晚上19:30 為特別班次,當晚無人機表演會搭配「幻彩詠香江」進行,萬勿錯過!The Dukling May timetable has been released, on the evening of ...

鴨靈號5月時間表已經推出,5月11日晚上19:30 為特別班次,當晚無人機表演會搭配「幻彩詠香江」進行,萬勿錯過!
The Dukling May timetable has been released, on the evening of May 11th at 19:30 will be a special cruises, where a drone shows will combined with the iconic 'A Symphony of Lights,' that night, so be sure not to miss it!
Book now at https://www.dukling.com.hk/en/order/
即刻訂購啦👉🏻 https://www.dukling.com.hk/zh-hk/order/
Enquiries 查詢:
Call +852 37597070/ Whatsapp +852 96221679/ Email [email protected]

#維多利亞港 #幻彩詠香江 #無人機表演

由香港旅遊發展局舉辦的「維港海上煙火表演」將於5月1日(星期三) 晚間舉行。屆時將會有璀璨奪目的煙火點綴維港夜空。鴨靈號亦會於當晚在維港帶您享受一個壯觀而令人驚豔的夜晚。歡迎大家邀請家人及朋友跟我們一起渡過這難忙的時刻吧!快把握時間,準備迎...

由香港旅遊發展局舉辦的「維港海上煙火表演」將於5月1日(星期三) 晚間舉行。屆時將會有璀璨奪目的煙火點綴維港夜空。



The "Victoria Harbour Pyrotechnic Display," organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, will be held on the evening of May 1st (Wednesday). There will be dazzling pyrotechnics lighting up the night sky over Victoria Harbour.

Board Dukling for a magical evening filled with breathtaking pyrotechnic display and heart stirring moments. You are welcomed to Invite your family and friends to join us for an unforgettable experience.

For reservation please click below link:


國家第一艘自主建造的極地科考破冰船「雪龍2」號昨早訪港,鴨靈號有幸為領頭的領航船,與數艘民間船隻及9艘政府部門船隻參與海上歡迎儀式,伴隨「 雪龍2」號於進港後沿維港巡遊,參與及見證這歷史時刻。https://www.stheadline.c...

國家第一艘自主建造的極地科考破冰船「雪龍2」號昨早訪港,鴨靈號有幸為領頭的領航船,與數艘民間船隻及9艘政府部門船隻參與海上歡迎儀式,伴隨「 雪龍2」號於進港後沿維港巡遊,參與及見證這歷史時刻。


China’s first domestically built polar scientific icebreaker, Xue Long 2, arrived Hong Kong yesterday morning. Dukling was honored to serve as the leading navigation vessel,participating in the maritime welcome ceremony along with several civilian vessels and nine government departments’ vessels. Together, the vessels accompanied the "Xue Ling 2" as it entered the harbor and conducted a procession along Victoria Harbour. Dukling had great pleasure to have participated and witnessed this historic moment.


#中國 #極地 #考察 #雪龍2 #鴨靈號 #香港


梵高·樂印 藝術@維港2024
Voyage with Van Gogh Art@Harbour 2024

紅帆船是為人熟悉的香港重要標誌之一,很高興中式紅帆船能出現於這次巨型Led 戶外藝術裝置,坐着古紅帆船仍能穿梭於現代城市,是否很夢幻?




The traditional Chinese red-sail junk is one of the well-known iconic symbols of Hong Kong, and it is indeed amazing to see it appearing in a giant LED outdoor art installation. Isn’t it miraculous to still see a traditional junk boat sailing at the Victoria Harbour at a modern city?

Seeing this exhibit reminds me of how Hong Kong, once a small fishing port, has developed into an international metropolis. The hard work and diligence of the people of HK are undeniable.

Our 70-year-old Dukling, has also traversed through time, starting from the era of small fishing boats and evolving into a commercial vessel that carries tourists on tours of Victoria Harbour.

The integration of the authentic red junk boat and the modern cityscape symbolizes Hong Kong's rich history and its ability to adapt and thrive in a constant changing world.

#梵高樂印 #梵高 #藝術維港
#光漣 #中環海濱 #復活節好去處 #藝術維港2024 #香港 #盛事之都 #盛事香港 #文化藝術 #藝術三月 #藝術展

鴨靈號4月時間表已經推出,由4月1號開始,鴨靈將緊隨「藝術@維港2024」,遠距離觀賞位於維港兩岸多樣化的藝術,以及會在指定日子加開晚上8時30分的班次,萬勿錯過!The Dukling April timetable has been r...

The Dukling April timetable has been released, starting from April 1st. Dukling will follow "Art@Victoria Harbor 2024" to admire a diverse range of art on both sides of Victoria Harbor. There will be additional sailings at 8:30 PM on designated days, so be sure not to miss it!
Book now at https://www.dukling.com.hk/en/order/
即刻訂購啦👉🏻 https://www.dukling.com.hk/zh-hk/order/
Enquiries 查詢:
Call +852 37597070/ Whatsapp +852 96221679/ Email [email protected]

三月 藝聚香港很榮幸鴨靈號能參與由香港旅遊發展局所舉辦之旅客活動,接載旅客於海上以全新的視覺欣賞維港兩岸多樣化的藝術,了解及認識香港的精彩藝術活動和主要藝術場所March  Arts in HK   Dukling is honored t...

三月 藝聚香港

March Arts in HK
Dukling is honored to participate in the tourism event organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, taking visitors a ride at the sea to appreciate the diverse arts on both sides of Victoria Harbor from a new perspective, and to understand Hong Kong's wonderful art activities and major art venues.

#光漣 #中環海濱 #復活節好去處 #藝術維港2024 #香港 #盛事之都 #盛事香港 #文化藝術 #藝術三月 #藝術展

Thanks to Great Big Story for featuring Dukling in its recently released documentary. Great Big Story is a media company...

Thanks to Great Big Story for featuring Dukling in its recently released documentary. Great Big Story is a media company headquartered in the UK that produces positive short documentaries and has over 6 million subscribers. This documentary tells the story and history of Dukling. Through this documentary, it is hoped that awareness about the importance of preserving and cherishing cultural relic can be raised. Dukling provides a one-of-a-kind experience for guests to connect with the city's heritage while enjoying the magnificent view of Victoria Harbour.

感謝Great Big Story在他們最近發布的紀錄片中介紹鴨靈號。Great Big Story是一家總部位於英國的媒體公司,製作正面的短紀錄片,擁有超過600萬個訂閱者。這部紀錄片講述了鴨靈號的故事和歷史。透過這部紀錄片,希望能提高人們對於保護和珍惜文化遺產的意識。鴨靈號為客人提供了一個獨特的體驗,使大家能夠在欣賞維多利亞港美景的同時,與城市的文化遺產建立聯繫。

#文化 #漁民 #歷史

Victoria Harbor is filled with boats of all shapes and sizes. However, there’s one boat that has a particularly special relationship with Hong Kong. The Dukl...


Tsim Sha Tsui Pier At Avenue Of Star
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 16:30 - 19:30
Tuesday 16:30 - 19:30
Wednesday 16:30 - 19:30
Thursday 16:30 - 19:30
Friday 16:30 - 19:30
Saturday 16:30 - 19:30
Sunday 16:30 - 19:30


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