我們的珍珠場位於香港的後花園– 西貢。希望藉著珍珠推行海洋生態環保教育、傳統產業文化保育及拓展珍珠養殖技術,同時更有效地推動本港漁業生產國際化,協助本地漁業界應付國內廉價及低成本漁產出口的新挑戰。因此,轉型至高增值的珍珠養殖業,有助改善多個業界經營環境,以及提升整個漁業的競爭力。
Hong Kong was one of the significant farm of pearl cultivation, and It was once the pride of Hong Kong as well. Marine environmental pollution and man-made forces have pushed the industry into extinction.
In recent years, HKSAR spare no efforts to reduce the pollutions loads, Our water quality has improved. Furthermore, from 2015 to 2018, Our association has been went through the pearl cultivated experiment for three years and 2018, we decided to revive Hong Kong pearl cultivation industry and opened its doors to public.
What we do
We determined to harvest the Hong Kong Akoya pearls, together with build the education farm tour and which provide the invaluable hands on pearl experiences, explore the incredible marine in Sai Kung, Hong Kong and benefit both the marine environment and the fishing industry.