
deTour 【deTour】
Installations, Exhibitions, Design Dialogues & Workshops Themes of recent years :
"Use(fu)less", 2021
"Matter of Life", 2020

deTour 創辦於2008年,為設計營商周之同期活動。經過多年努力,現今已成為展現香港本土創意力量,和香港年輕創作人才作品之年度盛事。通過一系列裝置展覽、工作坊、講座及同期周邊活動等,匯聚並展現來自香港及全球各地設計人才最新穎、前衛、引人入勝的創意,為本地及海外年輕設計人才、藝術家建立交流創意與經驗的平台;同時向大眾推廣設計創作的體驗,鼓勵大眾參與,共同發掘和欣賞城市多元的創意項目。

2019年《NEW OLD. OLD NEW.》
2018年 《Trial & Error》
2017年 《和糜》
2016年《Game Changer》
2013年《deTour Matters》

Conceived in 2008 as a concurrent event of the Business of Design Week, deTour has become an annual programme showcasing Hong Kong as an international creative hub and featuring inspiring designs from young and emerging creative talents. deTour consists of a series of exhibitions, installation, workshops, talks and satellite events, incorporating the most original, bold and stimulating ideas from both Hong Kong and across the globe. It created a knowledge network of young talents, emerging designers/artists, local as well as international, to exchange ideas and experiences. It also engages public participation in design and creations, and let the entire city come together to celebrate the creative ventures around town. OLD NEW.", 2019
"Trial & Error", 2018
"Harmonious Chaos", 2017
"Game Changer", 2016
"Connection" ,2015
"Co-Creation" , 2014
"deTour Matters" ,2013
"Design Renegade : Prototyping Public Space", 2012

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 設計體驗:平衡與失衡間的情感交流】在加拿大蒙特利爾、美國數個城市街頭曾出現過一組名為「Impulse」的大型互動裝置,這組由 Lateral Office 和 CS Design 設計的獨特...

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 設計體驗:平衡與失衡間的情感交流】

在加拿大蒙特利爾、美國數個城市街頭曾出現過一組名為「Impulse」的大型互動裝置,這組由 Lateral Office 和 CS Design 設計的獨特裝置,包含了12個配有LED燈和揚聲器的搖搖板。隨著參與者騎乘搖搖板的節奏快慢和起伏,燈光強弱與聲音效果都會產生變化,將每一次體驗都轉化為一場獨一無二的音樂燈光秀、也為空間帶來歡笑與交流。




✍️ 還有五日截止! 立即查閱資料冊並遞交計劃書 Check the information kit and submit Your Proposal Now:

【deTour 2024 Open Call for Creative Proposal | Design Experience: Emotional communication via ups and downs】

“Impulse”, an oversized seesaw, has delighted crowds in Montreal, Canada and several cities of the USA with its playful, interactive installation.

This unique installation, designed by Lateral Office and CS Design, consisted of 12 seesaws each equipped with LED lights and speakers. The brightness of the lights and sound effects would vary according to the rhythm and movements of participants riding the seesaws, transforming every experience into a one-of-a-kind music and light show.

Through this installation, interactions between people also became tangible - each participant could sense the connections and collaboration between one another, thereby promoting deeper emotional communication.

Design is not merely an aesthetic pursuit, but also as a tool to change our ways of interacting. Through such creative designs, we can enhance our bonds with others and find a sense of belonging within the community.

If you would also like to foster communication between people or increase public creativity, grab the chance to submit your project proposals to bring your ideas to life!
📢deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書(裝置及展覽) 📢
Open Call for Creative Proposal (Installation & Exhibition)

截止日期 Submission Deadline:
From now till 31 July, 2024 18:00 (HKT)

網上申請表格 Online Submission Form:

記得關注我們的專頁,緊貼deTour 的最新資訊啦!

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 以遊戲設計連結人與人】你有玩過 Twister 扭扭樂嗎?Twister 誕生於六十年代,這款遊戲的設計者發現當時市面上並沒有以「玩家本身」為棋子的遊戲,在多次見到試玩者開心互動的經驗,便決...

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 以遊戲設計連結人與人】

你有玩過 Twister 扭扭樂嗎?

Twister 誕生於六十年代,這款遊戲的設計者發現當時市面上並沒有以「玩家本身」為棋子的遊戲,在多次見到試玩者開心互動的經驗,便決定將其推出市場﹑最終成為家餘戶曉的遊戲。

Twister 是一款可多位玩家共同參與的地毯遊戲,玩家需要按照指示將手腳放在指定顏色的圓點上。在過程中,玩家的肢體會根據指令交錯,模糊了個人空間的界線,促進玩家之間的緊密合作。這種充滿趣味和挑戰性的互動,不僅創造了難忘的共同體驗,還讓參與者在歡笑中建立更深的聯繫。



✍️ 立即查閱資料冊並遞交計劃書 Check the information kit and submit Your Proposal Now:

【deTour 2024 Open Call for Creative Proposal | Play for Connections】

Have you ever played Twister?

Twister was invented in the 1960s. Its designers discovered that there were no existing games at the time where the “players themselves” were the playing pieces. After observing the trial players happily interacting during the developing stage, they decided to bring the game to market. Twister then became a household name until now.

Twister is a carpet-based game that can be played by multiple people together. Players have to place their hands and feet on designated colour spots according to instructions. In the process, players' limbs interlock based on the directives, blurring the lines of personal space and promoting close cooperation between players. This fun and challenging interactive experience not only creates unforgettable shared experiences, but also allows participants to develop deeper connections through laughter.

Design is part of everyday life, and creative changes to human interactions and experiences can generate different levels of emotional bonding and personal growth.

We cordially invite all interested parties to submit project proposals exploring how design can intrinsically change our lives and allow every design element to become a catalyst for inner growth.
📢deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書(裝置及展覽) 📢
Open Call for Creative Proposal (Installation & Exhibition)

截止日期 Submission Deadline:
From now till 31 July, 2024 18:00 (HKT)

網上申請表格 Online Submission Form:

記得關注我們的專頁,緊貼 deTour 的最新資訊啦!

圖片來源 Image from:

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 樂器設計如何超越技巧 表達內心?】設計如何幫助演奏者在使用樂器時,「說出」更深層的情感?看過電影「 La La Land 」的話,是否曾注意到男主角「彈奏」過一部全黑的扁平機器?設計革新的「...

【deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書 | 樂器設計如何超越技巧 表達內心?】


看過電影「 La La Land 」的話,是否曾注意到男主角「彈奏」過一部全黑的扁平機器?

設計革新的「鍵盤琴」Roli Seaboard 一反傳統鍵盤的黑白琴鍵設計,以整片黑色、柔軟的矽膠覆蓋,起伏的「琴鍵」宛如海浪。其無縫、敏感度高的表面重新定義了音樂表達。Seaboard 允許演奏者通過敲擊、滑動、按壓等多種觸感來調節音高、音量和音色,釋放出前所未有的創造力。

這種設計令 Seaboard 的價值超越單純的樂器,成為促進創造性表達的工具。它鼓勵使用者探索內心深處的情感,使音樂創作更加個性化和直觀,幫助演奏者將內在情感轉化為音樂表達。

品牌創辦人Roland Lamb 有設計、語言、音樂的背景,相當著迷於哲學。在學習設計期間,身為鍵盤手的 Roland 思考如何在演奏時能為音樂加入情感與深度,才有了研發「新型態樂器」的雛型。


✍️ 立即查閱資料冊並遞交計劃書 Check the information kit and submit Your Proposal Now:

【deTour 2024 Open Call for Creative Proposal | How can instrument design express inner feelings beyond technique?】

How does design help performers “convey” deeper emotions when playing instruments?

Those who have watched the movie “La La Land” may have noticed the male lead “playing” a flat, all-black machine.

The innovative “keyboard” Roli Seaboard breaks from the traditional black and white keyboard design, covering the entire surface with black, soft silicone that undulates like waves. Its seamless and highly sensitive surface redefines musical expression. The Seaboard allows players to control pitch, volume and timbre through multiple touch sensations like striking, sliding and pressing, unleashing unprecedented creativity.

This design elevates the Seaboard beyond a mere instrument, making it a tool for creative expression. It encourages users to explore deeper feelings within and personalise music creation in an intuitive way, helping performers translate inner emotions into musical delivery.

The brand founder Roland Lamb has a background in design, language and music and is deeply fascinated by philosophy. As a keyboardist studying design, Roland pondered how to incorporate emotion and depth when playing, birthing the concept for developing a “new type of instrument”.

Design is not merely about outward possessions, but inner enrichment and growth. Hope that everyone can rethink the essence of design through this festival and actively present your own ideas, so that your designs can inspire more people!
📢deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書(裝置及展覽) 📢
Open Call for Creative Proposal (Installation & Exhibition)

截止日期 Submission Deadline:
From now till 31 July, 2024 18:00 (HKT)

網上申請表格 Online Submission Form:

記得關注我們的專頁,緊貼deTour 的最新資訊啦!

【deTour 2024 年度主題 | 從「擁有」到「存有」:設計的內在價值與轉型力量 】設計一般被理解為「解決問題」的工具。然而,生產方式的進步帶來物質的豐裕,令設計早已超越單純的問題解決,而集中於創造慾望,或是企圖滿足佔有慾。這與哲學家...

【deTour 2024 年度主題 | 從「擁有」到「存有」:設計的內在價值與轉型力量 】


然而,生產方式的進步帶來物質的豐裕,令設計早已超越單純的問題解決,而集中於創造慾望,或是企圖滿足佔有慾。這與哲學家、精神分析心理學家埃里希·弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)在《佔有還是存有》一書中所提出的「佔有模式」概念相符。





✍️ 立即查閱資料冊並遞交計劃書 Check the information kit and submit Your Proposal Now:

【deTour 2024 | From “Having” to “Being”: The Inner Value and Transformative Power of Design】

Conventionally, design is seen as a tool for “solving problems.” However, with the advancement of production and material abundance, design has evolved beyond mere problem-solving to focus largely on creating desire, where its primary value lies in possession. This aligns with Erich Fromm’s concept of the “mode of having” in his book To Have or to Be.

Fromm suggests that society often measures a person’s value by their possessions, implying that the more one has, the more valuable they are. However, if a person loses all their possessions, it does not diminish their inherent value. This is because true value is not determined by what one “has” but by what one “is,” which Fromm describes as the “mode of being.”

The “mode of being” refers to the intrinsic qualities and properties of a person that cannot be stripped away. The core difference between “having” and “being” is that “having” is external, while “being” is internal. The “mode of being” is nurtured through inner growth, introspection, contemplation, creative expression, and learning. Design has the potential to act as an agent or catalyst in enhancing this process.

Design has the power to profoundly impact the inner self by fostering environments, products, and experiences that promote personal growth, support emotional and mental well-being, encourage creative expression, and strengthen interpersonal connections. Through deliberate and thoughtful design, we can develop spaces and tools that nurture and reflect our deepest essence.

If you have any initial ideas relating to “design” and the “mode of being”, we welcome you to submit your proposal so we can explore the endless possibilities of design together!
📢deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書(裝置及展覽) 📢
Open Call for Creative Proposal (Installation & Exhibition)

截止日期 Submission Deadline:
From now till 31 July, 2024 18:00 (HKT)

網上申請表格 Online Submission Form:

記得要關注我們的專頁,緊貼deTour 的最新資訊啦!

【deTour 2024 |  公開徵集創意計劃書!】感謝各位早前踴躍參與簡介會!相信有出席的你已初步了解 deTour 2024 設計節的主題。本年度主題「擁有→ 存有:內在的設計」探討了設計如何超越社會慣常對物質的關注,培養內心的自我。...

【deTour 2024 | 公開徵集創意計劃書!】

感謝各位早前踴躍參與簡介會!相信有出席的你已初步了解 deTour 2024 設計節的主題。

本年度主題「擁有→ 存有:內在的設計」探討了設計如何超越社會慣常對物質的關注,培養內心的自我。受到著名心理學家埃里希·弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)「佔有」與「存有」概念的啟發,今次 deTour 期望探索設計未知的可能性,通過設計體驗去豐富我們內在成長的潛力。

deTour 2024 現正向本地及海外人才徵集「裝置及展覽」計劃書。邀請極具創意及理念的你回應本年度的主題,與我們共同打造一場具啟發性的設計盛事。

想將你的想法變成作品在 deTour2024 展出?謹記在7月31日或之前提交你的計劃書啦!

✍️ 立即查閱資料冊並遞交計劃書 Check the information kit and submit Your Proposal Now:

【deTour 2024 | Open Call for Creative Proposal!】

Thank you to everyone who participated in the earlier briefing session! I’m sure those of you who attended now have an initial understanding of the deTour 2024 - design festival theme.

This year’s theme “Having → Being: Designing Inner Worlds” explores how design can cultivate inner selves beyond society's conventional focus on material possessions. Inspired by renowned psychologist Erich Fromm's concepts of “having” and “being”, this time deTour aims to uncover design’s untapped potential through experiences that enrich our inner growth.

deTour 2024 is now inviting creative “Installation & Exhibition” proposals from local and overseas talent. We encourage your visionary and thought-provoking responses to this year’s theme, helping us build an inspiring design event together.

Want to turn your ideas into a showcase piece at deTour 2024? Remember to submit your proposal by 31 July!
📢deTour 2024 公開徵集創意計劃書(裝置及展覽) 📢
Open Call for Creative Proposal (Installation & Exhibition)

截止日期 Submission Deadline:
From now till 31 July, 2024 18:00 (HKT)

網上申請表格 Online Submission Form:

記得要關注我們的專頁,緊貼deTour 的最新資訊啦!


【deTour 2024 | 簡介會報名時間延長!】





立即報名 Register Now:

【deTour 2024 | Briefing Session Registration Deadline Extended!】

Thank you to all the designers and creators for your tremendous support - We've had high interest in registrations for the "Open Call for Creative Proposals" briefing session with many queries received.

If you haven't signed up yet, don't worry! We have extended the registration deadline to 8 July to allow more friends the opportunity to learn about this year's deTour theme and proposal submission requirements.

If you have many ideas waiting to be realized, feel free to attend the briefing session to hear from the curator directly.

Stay tuned to our page for the latest updates!
🛈簡介會 Briefing Session 🛈
日期 Date:10.07.2024 (Wed)
時間 Time:15:00-16:00 (HKT)
地點 Venue:PMQ 元創方
語言 Medium:廣東話 Cantonese
登記連結 Registration link:
登記截止日期 Registration deadline:08.07.2024 (Mon)

備註 Remarks:
1. 座位以先到先得形式安排,成功登記人士將會收到電郵確認。Seats will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis, successful registrants will receive a confirmation email.
2. 內地及海外報名者將另作安排。 Mainland and overseas registrants will have separate arrangements
3. 問答環節歡迎使用普通話及英文提問。The Q&A session will accept questions in Putonghua and English.

【deTour 2024 | 來發掘設計的更多可能性】每年世界各地舉辦許多規模不一的設計活動,上至以整座城市作為展場的國際性設計節、下至佔據一個房間的展覽,都是設計師展示創意與實力的舞台。全港最大型的設計節 deTour 在過去十年間,見證...

【deTour 2024 | 來發掘設計的更多可能性】


全港最大型的設計節 deTour 在過去十年間,見證著許多香港與海外的設計師成長,亦為設計界展示了不少新血的創作。透過deTour 這個平台,設計師不僅能夠獲得展出作品的機會,也能從參觀者、同業間的交流中獲取靈感與反饋,為事業創造新機遇。


想了解更多?參加簡介會,聽策展人 Adonian Chan 如何闡釋今屆deTour的主題!


立即報名 Register Now:

【deTour 2024 | The Greater Possibilities of Design】

Each year, numerous design events of varying scales are held worldwide, ranging from international festivals that transform entire cities, to exhibitions housed in a single room. All of them serve as platforms for designers to showcase their creative talents.

As Hong Kong's largest design festival, deTour has witnessed the growth of many local and overseas designers over the past decade, showcasing new talent in the industry. Through the deTour platform, designers can gain opportunities to exhibit their works, and obtain inspiration and feedback from visitors and peers to create new prospects for their careers.

Design is not merely a tool for problem-solving, but also a philosophy of life. Entering its 11th year, we contemplate design's greater possibilities and hope to connect with different creative industries to demonstrate social and cultural influences on design, as well as designers' own reflections on the subject.

Want to learn more? Attend the briefing session to hear from the curator about their interpretation of this edition's theme!

Stay tuned to our page for the latest updates.
🛈簡介會 Briefing Session 🛈
日期 Date:10.07.2024 (Wed)
時間 Time:15:00-16:00 (HKT)
地點 Venue:PMQ 元創方
語言 Medium:廣東話 Cantonese
登記連結 Registration link:
登記截止日期 Registration deadline:05.07.2024 (Fri)

備註 Remarks:
1. 座位以先到先得形式安排,成功登記人士將會收到電郵確認。Seats will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis, successful registrants will receive a confirmation email.
2. 內地及海外報名者將另作安排。 Mainland and overseas registrants will have separate arrangements
3. 問答環節歡迎使用普通話及英文提問。The Q&A session will accept questions in Putonghua and English.

【deTour 2024 | 召集各設計師及創作人!】立即報名簡介會,了解更多: 2024設計節將於七、八月公開徵集「裝置及展覽」和「工作坊」創意計劃書。此前將舉辦一場簡介會,讓各位能更加...

【deTour 2024 | 召集各設計師及創作人!】


deTour 2024設計節將於七、八月公開徵集「裝置及展覽」和「工作坊」創意計劃書。此前將舉辦一場簡介會,讓各位能更加了解徵集詳情。

屆時不僅會正式公布本年度的展覽主題,策展人Adonian Chan 也將為大家講解策展理念、對計劃書的期望,以及注意事項。如對主題或申請程序有任何疑問,亦歡迎大家即場提出!

不要錯過這個讓你實踐創意的機會!立即報名參加簡介會,為參與 deTour 2024作好準備啦!請密切關注我們的專頁,以獲取最新資訊!

【deTour 2024 | Calling All Designers and Creators!】

deTour 2024 design festival will open for creative proposals submission for "Installation & Exhibition" and "Workshop" in July and August. Prior to that, we will be holding a briefing session where the curator Adonian Chan will officially announce this year's theme and elaborate the curation concept, expectations for proposals, and points to note.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the theme or application process during the session to the curator.

Don't miss this opportunity to turn your creativity into real works!

Sign up for the briefing now to start preparing for deTour 2024. Stay tuned, and remember to follow our page for the latest updates!

🛈簡介會 Briefing Session 🛈
日期 Date:10.07.2024 (Wed)
時間 Time:15:00-16:00 (HKT)
地點 Venue:PMQ 元創方
語言 Medium:廣東話 Cantonese
登記連結 Registration link:
登記截止日期 Registration deadline:05.07.2024 (Fri)
備註 Remarks:
* 座位以先到先得形式安排,成功登記人士將會收到電郵確認。Seats will be arranged on a first-come, first-served basis, successful registrants will receive a confirmation email.
* 內地及海外報名者將另作安排。 Mainland and overseas registrants will have separate arrangements

【deTour 2024 | 公布策展人】 deTour於上月公開徵集策展人,有幸獲得一眾懷有滿腔熱誠的設計師/團隊支持,踴躍投遞計劃書,為業界注入新觀點與想法!經過面試及評審後,我們很高興宣布設計師陳濬人將成為deTour 2024的策展...

【deTour 2024 | 公布策展人】


經過面試及評審後,我們很高興宣布設計師陳濬人將成為deTour 2024的策展人!

👨🏻關於 陳濬人👨🏻
於 2018年與設計編輯徐巧詩出版結集長達八年的香港北魏研究以及字體設計作品《香港北魏真書》,並獲得香港出版雙年獎 2019 出版大獎及藝術與設計類最佳出版獎。
北魏真書字體設計同時獲得「New York Type Directors Club」的字體設計獎,日本「Tokyo Type Directors Club」優秀作品。「2019 DFA 香港青年設計才俊獎」得獎者。

策展人將與一眾受邀請的設計師、創意單位共同利用設計去回應生活上不同議題,想知道 deTour 2024 將會帶來甚麼新的觀點?記得要關注我們的專頁,緊貼deTour 2024的最新資訊啦!

【deTour 2024 | Curator Announcement】

Last month, deTour launched an open call for curator applications, and we were fortunate to receive enthusiastic support from many passionate designers/teams who actively submitted proposals, injecting new perspectives and ideas into the industry!

After reviewing proposals and interviews with candidates, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Adonian Chan as the new Curator for deTour 2024!

👨🏻 About Adonian Chan 👨🏻
Hong Kong type designer, graphic designer and design curator.
In 2018, he published the book “A Study on Hong Kong Beiwei Calligraphy & Type Design” with design editor Ire Tsui, which documented the eight years of research on Hong Kong Beiwei, as well as his type design “Zansyu”. The book has won the “Grand Award” and the “Distinguished Publishing Awards” of “Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Awards 2019”.
The type design has won “New York Type Directors Club’s” Typeface Design Award, Tokyo Type DirectorsDirectors Club’s Excellent Work. Winner of “2019 DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award”.

As the curator of deTour Design Festival, Adonian will work closely with selected designers to explore how design can address various topics. Want to know what the concepts that the curator will bring to deTour 2024? Stay tuned, and remember to follow our page for the latest updates!

距離簡介會截止報名只剩最後2天,想了解deTour 2024策展人的角色和工作內容,就要盡快報名出席喇!There are only 2 days left to sign up for the briefing session. If y...

距離簡介會截止報名只剩最後2天,想了解deTour 2024策展人的角色和工作內容,就要盡快報名出席喇!

There are only 2 days left to sign up for the briefing session. If you want to understand the role and responsibilities of the curators of deTour 2024, sign up now!

登記連結 Registration:

【deTour 2024 - 成為「deTour 2024 設計節」策展人!】


PMQ現徵集創意行業專才的設計提案,誠邀創作人才成為deTour 2024策展人。想了解更多?大會將於4月25日舉行簡介會,並介紹更多有關策展人的角色、工作範圍、合作夥伴、時間流程等的活動詳情。歡迎在4月23日或之前通過連結報名!



如果你也想為城市注入創意,歡迎提交意向書,讓我們知道你的想法。成為策展人,一同開創deTour 2024新篇章!

【deTour 2024 - Be Our Curators and Bring Creative Thoughts to Life!】

deTour, Hong Kong's largest annual design festival, will go on stage from 6 to 15 December 2024 tentatively. Through an array of innovative design works and activities, creative thoughts and ideas will be showcased to people from all walks of life.

We are currently inviting professionals to express their interest to be our curator for deTour 2024. To learn more about the programme, a briefing session will be held on 25 April (Thu). During this session, we will provide details on deTour 2024, including the curators' role, key deliverables, collaborating parties, schedule, engagement period, and etc. Interested parties are encouraged to register for the briefing session by 23 April (Tue) via the link below.

ℹ️ Briefing Session ℹ️
Date: 25 April 2024 (Thu)
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: S710-11, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
Language: Cantonese
Registration link:
Registration deadline: 23 April 2024 (Tue)

For more information, please click the link below

If you are eager to pull the city's vibrancy strings, please submit an Expression of Interest form. Be our curator and let's shape a new phase for deTour 2024!

【deTour 2024 - 成為「deTour 2024 設計節」策展人!】一年一度香港最大型的設計節deTour暫定於12月6日至15日於PMQ舉行!透過設計節內一系列展覽、工作坊,講座等活動,讓公眾深入了解不同領域的設計和創意概念。P...

【deTour 2024 - 成為「deTour 2024 設計節」策展人!】


PMQ現徵集創意行業專才的設計提案,誠邀創作人才成為deTour 2024策展人。想了解更多?大會將於4月25日舉行簡介會,並介紹更多有關策展人的角色、工作範圍、合作夥伴、時間流程等的活動詳情。歡迎在4月23日或之前通過連結報名!



如果你也想為城市注入創意,歡迎提交意向書,讓我們知道你的想法。成為策展人,一同開創deTour 2024新篇章!

【deTour 2024 - Be Our Curators and Bring Creative Thoughts to Life!】

deTour, Hong Kong's largest annual design festival, will go on stage from 6 to 15 December 2024 tentatively. Through an array of innovative design works and activities, creative thoughts and ideas will be showcased to people from all walks of life.

We are currently inviting professionals to express their interest to be our curator for deTour 2024. To learn more about the programme, a briefing session will be held on 25 April (Thu). During this session, we will provide details on deTour 2024, including the curators' role, key deliverables, collaborating parties, schedule, engagement period, and etc. Interested parties are encouraged to register for the briefing session by 23 April (Tue) via the link below.

ℹ️ Briefing Session ℹ️
Date: 25 April 2024 (Thu)
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: S710-11, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
Language: Cantonese
Registration link:
Registration deadline: 23 April 2024 (Tue)

For more information, please click the link below

If you are eager to pull the city's vibrancy strings, please submit an Expression of Interest form. Be our curator and let's shape a new phase for deTour 2024!

【deTour 2023|視覺設計概念】「鉛筆,象徵著藝術和設計。以前很多創作都是從鉛筆開始,但現在已經完全是另一個故事。現在即使沒有任何藝術背景或設計技能,任何人都可以在人工智慧的幫助下製作出令人印象深刻的視覺效果。所以我們這次採取了一個...

【deTour 2023|視覺設計概念】




視覺設計 by

【deTour 2023|Visual Design Concept】
”Pencil, is the traditional and classic symbol of art and design. Every creation used to start with a pencil, but not anymore.

Nowadays, anyone can come up with an impressive visual with the help of A.I, even without any art background or design skills. Therefore, we took a bold approach to ask A.I. to generate a key visual of a pencil as a core element, to experiment the power of the new trend, as well as to see what would happen if we revisited the tradition using the latest technology.

And that’s what happened—a pencil in its wooden origin, captured in unusual forms, might look a little bit odd at first but they do illustrate the new inspiration from the old material in an impactful way.

And this is the collaboration of A.I and human design.“

Visual Design by

        #新本事  #設計節    #元創方

【deTour 2023|掌聲鼓勵~意猶未盡!】一連10日的deTour 2023昨日圓滿結束,多月以來的籌備,20個設計裝置及展品、40個工作坊、12場設計講座、20個創作單位的用心創作,為傳統工藝打開無數通往未來的大門。是否覺得意猶未盡...

【deTour 2023|掌聲鼓勵~意猶未盡!】
一連10日的deTour 2023昨日圓滿結束,多月以來的籌備,20個設計裝置及展品、40個工作坊、12場設計講座、20個創作單位的用心創作,為傳統工藝打開無數通往未來的大門。



【deTour 2023 | Keep the Cheers Coming - The Journey Continues!】
After a continuous 10-day run, deTour 2023 came to a successful end yesterday. It took months of planning to bring together 20 design installations and exhibitions, 40 workshops, 12 design dialogues, and the mind-blowing creative brought by over 20 units of co-creator. They all opened up endless possibilities for the future of traditional craftsmanship and design.

But hey, did you feel like it wasn’t enough? As the docents for this year’s deTour, Newie, Knowie, and Howie will be hanging around for the next few days, reviewing the engaging conversations from the design dialogues and having some chill chats with various co-creators. Let’s see if, during those 10 days, they picked up some wicked new skills and insights through all the communication and connections.

Friends, let’s make a promise to meet again next year!

#新本事 #設計節 #元創方

【deTour 2023|展覽設計概念】「配合PMQ元創方deTour 2023設計節 、探索傳統工藝精神,發掘「新本事」重塑設計新方向,今年場地空間設計概念回歸最基本的設計要素 --- 材料最基本的兩種狀態:從非常有形的、堅硬和穩定,到非...

【deTour 2023|展覽設計概念】
「配合PMQ元創方deTour 2023設計節 、探索傳統工藝精神,發掘「新本事」重塑設計新方向,今年場地空間設計概念回歸最基本的設計要素 --- 材料最基本的兩種狀態:從非常有形的、堅硬和穩定,到非常無形的、柔軟和多變。



by 展覽設計及技術製作 Magic Kwan, AAA

deTour 2023來到最後一天,大家快快把握機會,欣賞不同創作單位的「新本事」!

deTour 2023
🗓️日期|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐時間|11:00 - 20:00

【deTour 2023|Exhitbition Design Concept】
"PMQ deTour 2023 design festival explores traditional craftsmanship and discovers "New Know How" to bring a fresh direction to design. To echo with the theme this year, the exhibition design focuses on the most basic elements of design - materials - in their two fundamental states: solid and stable, or soft and versatile.

What if we mix these two states together? Can hard and cold materials become soft, lightweight, but still structured? And can intangible elements like light and colors create depth and dimension in three-dimensional space?

To answer these questions, the exhibition design combines "soft" and "intangible" materials like air, light, and color spectrums with "hard" and "tangible" materials like iron and wood. This creates a unique blend of materials, shapes, and combinations, opening up new possibilities and exploring innovative design directions."

by Exhibition Design & Technical Producer Magic Kwan, AAA

It's the final day of deTour 2023, make sure you don't miss out on the chance to check out the awesome "New Know How" from different co-creators!

deTour 2023
🗓️Date|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐Time|11:00 - 20:00

#新本事 #設計節 #元創方


【deTour 2023|原來玩具可以這樣玩!】
來deTour 2023,其中一個十分吸睛的設計裝置,必定是位於地面廣場「唔曳會」的《操縱鍵 + C / 操縱鍵 + V》。

一個大型的BB玩具模具,旁邊擺放由14個獨立玩具創作單位設計的可愛玩具,創作單位更結合擴增實境(AR)技術,掃描預備預備了的QR Code,只需掃描便可自動連結Instagram的有趣濾鏡,彈出AR玩具!

deTour 2023的鎖匙扣紀念品,也是由「唔曳會」設計,記得完成Free Flow Workshop的PENCILTONE挑戰,換取精美紀念品啦!

🔔展覽詳情 Exhibitions-Installations|
✂️工作坊報名 Workshop Registration|
🗣設計講座報名 Design Dialogue Registration|

deTour 2023
🗓️日期|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐時間|11:00 - 20:00

【deTour 2023 | Reimagine Toys 】
At deTour 2023, one particularly eye-catching installation is "CTRL + C / CTRL + V" by Nice Geeks, located at the Marketplace. It showcases a pair of giant BB toy molds, surrounded by 14 adorable toys designed by 14 independent units. The co-creator of this installation has incorporated Augmented Reality (AR) technology. By scanning the prepared QR code, you will be linked automatically to anInstagram filter, offering a new way to "play" with AR toys!

One of the deTour 2023 souvenirs is a keychain that was designed by "Nice Geeks"! Don’t forget to join the Free Flow Workshop and finish the PENCILTONE challenge and get your souvenir!

✂️Workshop Registration|
🗣Design Dialogue Registration|

deTour 2023
🗓️Date|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐Time|11:00 - 20:00

#新本事 #設計節 #元創方
#香港好去處 #工藝


【deTour 2023|夜@PMQ元創方】
Knowie提提你,deTour 2023最後2天!展覽每日的開放時間,由早上11時至晚上8時。今年的設計節有很多設計裝置都十分IG-able,入夜之後更有另一種感覺,極適合打卡!溫馨提示,下午大約5時30分開始入黑,可以準備夜遊了!私心推薦影片內的展品:

|偶燭施明 Ne-on-Ne-on by 街招 |
文化遺產保育平台「街招」,嘗試以模塊化方式,令霓虹招牌的組裝更簡單方便,而且能以更細的尺寸「周圍去」。創作單位將在deTour 2023展出模塊化霓虹裝置,必定會令你大開眼界!

來自日本的「HONOKA」將會帶來「TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT」,他們掌握了塌塌米工藝的精髓,把燈心草(IGUSA grass,傳統塌塌米的製作材料)混合可降解人工樹脂(biodegradable resin),再使用3D打印技術製作不同的傢具和日用品,讓傳統工藝以新方式融入現代生活。

|鈴虫之聲:竹編亭子 by 工藝設計研究室|
在日本,鈴虫隨處可見,牠們的「居所」是同樣使用竹編技術製作而成的竹製盒子。創作單位挑戰把這門傳統工藝應用在建築學上,以鈴虫的竹盒子為概念,在deTour 2023設置一個具有聲音裝置的特大涼亭。大家走進去以後,或許可以閉上眼睛,感受一下揉合傳統工藝與設計的新體驗!

🔔展覽詳情 Exhibitions-Installations|
✂️工作坊報名 Workshop Registration|
🗣設計講座報名 Design Dialogue Registration|

deTour 2023
🗓️日期|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐時間|11:00 - 20:00

【deTour 2023|Night@PMQ
Hi there, warm reminder from Knowie: deTour 2023 is ending in 2 days! The exhibition runs from 11 AM to 8 PM every day. This year's design festival is full of Instagrammable installations. And the vibe totally changes after dark, making it the perfect spot for some cool photos. Friendly reminder, it starts to get dark around 5:30pm, you can get ready for some night adventures! I personally recommend you to check out the exhibits featured in the video. They're pretty awesome!

|Ne-on-Ne-on by |
The cultural heritage conservation platform, , experiments with modularised neon to minimise on-site installation and removal time. The co-creator will showcase modularised neon installations at deTour 2023, undoubtedly expanding your horizons!

HONOKA from Japan presents the “TATAMI ReFAB PROJECT,” where they powdered Igusa grass (the traditional material used for Tatami mats) with biodegradable resin and utilised 3D printing technology to create various furniture, so that tatami culture can be passed on to the next generation.

|Sounds of Suzumushi: a weaved-bamboo pavilion by Craft Design Research Lab|
Suzumushi are commonly seen in Japan, and their “homes” are bamboo cases made using the same bamboo weaving technique. The co-creator has taken up the challenge of applying this traditional craft to architecture. The work is inspired by the sounds of Suzumushi (鈴虫) kept in bamboo cases. It is recreated in the pavilion through sound installation as a place for visitors to sit, rest and relax while enjoying the tactile quality of bamboo craft. Let’s close your eyes and taste it by yourself in deTour 2023!

✂️Workshop Registration|
🗣Design Dialogue Registration|

deTour 2023
🗓️Date|2023.11.24 - 12.03
🕐Time|11:00 - 20:00

#新本事 #設計節 #元創方
#香港好去處 #打卡 #香港夜景


S614, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
Sheung Wan


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Our Story

deTour 創辦於2008年,為設計營商周之同期活動。經過多年努力,現今已成為展現香港本土創意力量,和香港年輕創作人才作品之年度盛事。通過一系列裝置展覽、工作坊、講座及同期周邊活動等,匯聚並展現來自香港及全球各地設計人才最新穎、前衛、引人入勝的創意,為本地及海外年輕設計人才、藝術家建立交流創意與經驗的平台;同時向大眾推廣設計創作的體驗,鼓勵大眾參與,共同發掘和欣賞城市多元的創意項目。 今年主題:《設計本源》

近年主題: 2019年 《NEW OLD. OLD NEW.》 2018 年 《Trial & Error》 2017年 《和糜》 2016年《Game Changer》 2015年《連結》 2014年《共創》 2013年《deTour Matters》 2012年《(非常)-瞬變公共空間》 2011年《USE-LESS》 2010年《NOT GUILTY》 Conceived in 2008 as a concurrent event of the Business of Design Week, deTour has become an annual programme showcasing Hong Kong as an international creative hub and featuring inspiring designs from young and emerging creative talents. deTour consists of a series of exhibitions, installation, workshops, talks and satellite events, incorporating the most original, bold and stimulating ideas from both Hong Kong and across the globe. It created a knowledge network of young talents, emerging designers/artists, local as well as international, to exchange ideas and experiences. It also engages public participation in design and creations, and let the entire city come together to celebrate the creative ventures around town. Theme of 2020: “Matter of Life” Themes of recent years : “NEW OLD. OLD NEW.”, 2019 “Trial & Error”, 2018 "Harmonious Chaos", 2017 "Game Changer", 2016 "Connection" ,2015 "Co-Creation" , 2014 "deTour Matters" ,2013 "Design Renegade : Prototyping Public Space", 2012

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