釋放您內心的探險精神,踏上馬來西亞令人振奮的冒險之旅!馬來西亞原始的大自然為各種活動提供理想的場所 – 笨豬跳、攀岩、白水漂流、跳傘,還有更多更多!
與您所愛的人一起創造美好的回憶,享受這國度提供的刺激體驗。您還在等什麼? 今天就來馬來西亞熱帶雨林體盡情冒險吧。
Truly Unforgettable Adrenaline Rush
Unleash your inner explorer as you embark on exhilarating adventures in Malaysia! Malaysia’s verdant nature is the ideal backdrop for a great range of activities from bungee jumping, rock climbing to white water rafting, skydiving and so much more!
Whether you're a thrill-seeker ready to push the limits, an adventure seeker eager to conquer new heights, or a daredevil set to navigate challenging waters, these activities provide the perfect opportunity to experience Malaysia's stunning nature.
Create great memories with your loved ones as you take in the thrills that this country has to offer. What are you waiting for? Come and experience awesome adventures in the Malaysian rainforest today.
#MalaysiaTrulyAsia #VisitMalaysia2026 #VM2026 #Adventure #EcoTourism #Rainforest #BungeeJump #RockClimbing #WhiteWaterRafting #Skydiving #Nature #Explorer #Malaysia
A drone show was shown over Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, to wish everyone a happy new year! 🎉🎉🎉
2026馬來西亞旅遊年吉祥物 Wira與Manja已經率先到訪布特拉城展開宣傳工作了!
Wira and Manja, Mascot of Visit Malaysia 2026 have already checked Putrajaya off their adventure list!
#VisitMalaysia2026 #malaysiatrulyasia #WiraandManja #putrajaya #mascot
期待已久,2026馬來西亞旅遊年活動已正式啟動! 🌟 準備好潛入一個充滿超現實體驗同難忘旅程嘅世界吧!
請瀏覽👉 www.malaysia.travel
The wait is over—Visit Malaysia 2026 Campaign has officially launched! 🌟 Get ready to dive into a world of surreal experiences and unforgettable journeys!
Check out 👉 www.malaysia.travel
Steps of Application of Malaysia Digital Arrival Card (MDAC)
#malaysiatrulyasia #traveltomalaysia #MDAC
Our Tourist Information Centre is located on the G/F of Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai. Welcome to get brochures and useful information!
Malaysia traditional dance performance at Lan Kwai Fong
Malaysian cultural troupe set off from Lan Kwai Fong in Central.
Want to join? Come join us at Malaysia Escape Festival@Lan Kwai Fong from 12nn tomorrow!
Malaysia Cultural Troupe ready for traditional dance performance at Malaysia Escape Festival @Lan Kwai Fong
馬來西亞追夢旅程 Malaysia Escape Festival 2023
想今個聖誕節著住短袖衫體驗白雪紛飛?那一定要刻 @resortsworldgenting 一趟,參加即日起至2024年1月1日舉行之 #gentingwinterwonderland ,還有機會遇見聖誕老人🧑🏻🎄和 #minions
Who wants to experience snow in short sleeves during X’mas? Come join #gentingwinterwonderland from today till 1st January 2024 at @resortsworldgenting you may meet #santaclaus 🎅🏻 and #minions
📷 @resortsworldgenting