Tourism Malaysia

Tourism Malaysia 馬來西亞旅遊促進局的成立目的在於推動馬來西亞成為一個出色的旅遊勝地。Tourism Malaysia is a statutory body aimed at promoting Malaysia as an outstanding tourist destination.



釋放您內心的探險精神,踏上馬來西亞令人振奮的冒險之旅!馬來西亞原始的大自然為各種活動提供理想的場所 – 笨豬跳、攀岩、白水漂流、跳傘,還有更多更多!

與您所愛的人一起創造美好的回憶,享受這國度提供的刺激體驗。您還在等什麼? 今天就來馬來西亞熱帶雨林體盡情冒險吧。

Truly Unforgettable Adrenaline Rush

Unleash your inner explorer as you embark on exhilarating adventures in Malaysia! Malaysia’s verdant nature is the ideal backdrop for a great range of activities from bungee jumping, rock climbing to white water rafting, skydiving and so much more!
Whether you're a thrill-seeker ready to push the limits, an adventure seeker eager to conquer new heights, or a daredevil set to navigate challenging waters, these activities provide the perfect opportunity to experience Malaysia's stunning nature.

Create great memories with your loved ones as you take in the thrills that this country has to offer. What are you waiting for? Come and experience awesome adventures in the Malaysian rainforest today.




Malaysia is a treasure trove of natural wonders and rich diversity. Discover a land of unparalleled beauty as you trek through misty highlands, dive into crystal clear waters, and marvel at the stunning diversity of flora and fauna. Whether you're an avid nature lover or just looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Malaysia's natural wonders will leave you awestruck and rejuvenated.

Come, immerse yourself and be captivated by Malaysia’s stunning natural beauty!


馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)感謝 Zing3lou6正路 邀請,於其香港旅遊博覽會之攤位進行推介會,展示馬來西亞2026旅遊年各項資訊,介紹可愛黑熊吉祥物Wira及Manja及播放最新景點之宣傳影片,並與在場觀眾大玩互動遊戲,送出馬來西亞...

馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)感謝 Zing3lou6正路 邀請,於其香港旅遊博覽會之攤位進行推介會,展示馬來西亞2026旅遊年各項資訊,介紹可愛黑熊吉祥物Wira及Manja及播放最新景點之宣傳影片,並與在場觀眾大玩互動遊戲,送出馬來西亞蠟染繪畫套裝和長鼻猿小玩偶。

錯過了的朋友不用擔心,因為本局明天(2月22日) 中午12 - 12:30將與各國旅遊局代表協會(香港) 成員,在主舞台參與「旅遊小知識有獎問答遊戲」,送出馬來西亞蠟染繪畫及馬拉粽DIY套裝,不要錯過嘞!

時間:11am – 8pm
地點:香港會議展覽中心Hall 5

Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong thanks Zing3lou6正路 for inviting to have presentation at their booth for introducing the updated information about Visit Malaysia 2026 and its adorable Mascot, Wira and Manja and and Manja, as well as showcasing the latest promotional video. An interactive Quiz had been played with audience and winners had been given a Malaysian Batik Painting set and Proboscis Monkey small toy.

Don't worry if you missed it as Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong will participate in the "Travel Quiz Game" with members of ANTOR (HK) on main stage tomorrow (22 Feb) and give away Malaysian batik paintings and Katupat DIY sets.

Holiday and Travel Expo 2025
Date: 20-23 Feb 2025
Time: 11am – 8pm
Venue: Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

香港旅遊博覽會由今天起,一連四天於灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行,現凡即場於中旅社及大航假期報名參加馬來西亞旅行團,將可獲贈由馬來西亞旅遊促進局贊助之精美腰袋乙個,數量有限,送完即止。明天(2月21日) 2 – 3pm於Zing3Lou6 展台(...


明天(2月21日) 2 – 3pm於Zing3Lou6 展台(5C-G51)更有《馬來西亞睇你識幾多》有獎問答環節,記得過嚟參加嘞!

時間:11am – 8pm
地點:香港會議展覽中心Hall 5

Holiday and Travel Expo has beem held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai from today to Sunday (20 – 23 Feb) Visitors who join Malaysia tours at CTS and Big Line Travel will receive a complimentary waist bag sponsored by Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong. First come first served.

Besides, there will be a Quiz about "All About Malaysia" from 2 – 3pm tomorrow (21 Feb) at Zing3Lou6 booth (5C-G51). Come join us!
Holiday and Travel Expo 2025
Date: 20-23 Feb 2025
Time: 11am – 8pm
Venue: Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre






俏容容 Chill Yung Yung 俏容容
馬介休(華浚 Rico & Nicosia) 歡樂馬介休



#東南亞專家 #大好消息

【Breaking GOOD News! Get Ready for Free Flight Tickets!】

On 15 February, AirAsia is offering you Breaking GOOD News with HK$0 flight tickets along with diverse promotional offers!😍

We'll be placing a 2.5-meter-high blow-up hot seat at Mong Kok Gala Place and there are exquisite gifts waiting for you!

Join us with our AirAsia crew from Southeast Asia and star-studded lineup of stunning influencers, including:
俏容容 Chill Yung Yung
馬介休(華浚 Rico & Nicosia) 歡樂馬介休
表妹 世界認真組織

Save the date and don’t miss out! ✈️

Date:15 February (Saturday)
Time: 12-6 pm
Venue: Mong Kok Gala Place

大寶森節是泰米爾人所慶祝的一個印度教節日,每年在泰米爾曆的「泰月」(第十個月)滿月時舉行,時在公曆的1月或2月,今年就落在2月11日,是馬來西亞六州兩地(檳城州、霹靂州、雪蘭莪州、森美蘭州、柔佛州、吉打州、 布城和吉隆坡)的法定假日。作為社...

大寶森節是泰米爾人所慶祝的一個印度教節日,每年在泰米爾曆的「泰月」(第十個月)滿月時舉行,時在公曆的1月或2月,今年就落在2月11日,是馬來西亞六州兩地(檳城州、霹靂州、雪蘭莪州、森美蘭州、柔佛州、吉打州、 布城和吉隆坡)的法定假日。

作為社區最大和最重要的節日之一,該慶祝活動是關於信仰、忍耐和懺悔,是為了表達信徒對 戰神穆魯干(Murugan)的感激之情,那些向 穆魯干發誓和祈禱的人將接受犧牲行為,以換取得到回應的祈禱。

信徒將攜帶卡瓦第(Kevadi)向 穆魯干表示感謝,請求寬恕或信守誓言,用長長的串子和鉤子將重達 100 公斤的卡瓦第系在身上,並刺穿皮膚。 其他形式的祭祀行為還包括在舌頭和臉頰上刺穿串子、攜帶罐裝牛奶(由婦女完成)和剃頭(為兒童提供),以及其他社會服務,例如向信徒分發食物和飲料。

在吉隆坡,從唐人街附近的 Sri Maha Mariamman 印度廟到 黑風洞的大寶森節戰車遊行也很壯觀。奉獻者會進行各種形式的祭祀活動,及赤腳走完 9.5 英里的旅程,大約需要 8 小時。沿途,人們會演奏傳統樂器,而信徒們則高呼“Vel, Vel”。到達黑風洞后,他們將爬上 272 級台階才能到達洞穴入口。

每年,黑風洞 的大寶森節慶祝活動都會吸引成千上萬的本地和外國遊客。見證這個迷人而多彩的節日,絕對是一次不容錯過的體驗!

Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated by the Tamil people, held every year at the full moon of the "Thai month" (10th month) of the Tamil calendar, in January or February of calendar, and this year it falls on 11 February, which is a public holiday in six states and two cities in Malaysia (Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Kedah, Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur).

As one of the biggest and most important festivals for the community, the celebration is about faith, endurance and penance. It is to show the devotees appreciation to Lord Murugan, where those who have made their vows and prayers to Lord Murugan will subject themselves to a sacrificial act in return for an answered prayer.

Devotees will carry the kavadi to offer thanks to Lord Murugan, ask for forgiveness, or keep a vow. Devotees will attach the kavadi, which can weigh up to 100 kg, to their body with long skewers and hooks that pierce through their skin. Other forms of sacrificial act include piercing skewers to tongue and cheeks, carrying pots of milk (done by women), and shaving the head (for children), as well as other social services like distributing foods and drinks to devotees.

In Kuala Lumpur, the Thaipusam festival chariot procession from Sri Maha Mariamman Temple near Chinatown to Batu Caves is a fascinating sight to behold. Devotees, conducting all forms of sacrificial acts, will walk along the 9.5 miles journey with bare feet, which takes about eight hours. Along the way, traditional musical instruments are played, while the devotees chant "Vel, Vel". Upon reaching Batu Caves, they will climb 272 steps to reach the cave entrance.

Every year, the celebration of Thaipusam at Batu Caves attracts thousands of tourists, both local and foreign. Witnessing this fascinating and colourful festival is definitely an experience not to be missed!

新年假期期間,香港舉行了四徑比賽,牽動了大家一股行山的熱心。而相關電影《香港四徑大步走》亦讓我們驚歎城市與山徑原來這麼接近。其實在馬來西亞首都吉隆坡,亦可找到這樣與城市只是咫尺之遙的大自然步道。吉隆坡東公園 (KL East Park)在吉...


吉隆坡東公園 (KL East Park)在吉隆坡的東北面,從雙子塔前往,車程僅半小時。它一個天然的次生雨林,佔地 53 英畝,與鬱鬱蔥蔥的武吉塔布爾 (Bukit Tabur) 和巴生門石英嶺 (Klang Gates Quartz Ridge) 相連,後者被譽為世界上最長的石英層。地質構造的獨特性也使遊客能夠在自然環境中觀察、學習和體驗大自然。


During New Year Holiday, Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra Challenge was held in Hong Kong, which aroused everyone's enthusiasm for hiking. The related movie "Four Trails" also amazes audience at how close the city and the mountain trail are. In fact, in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, you can also find such nature trails that are just a stone's throw away from the city.

KL East Park is located on the northeastern side of Kuala Lumpur, only half an hour's drive from the Petronas Twin Towers. It is a naturally regenerating secondary rainforest spanning 53 acres and is connected to the lush Bukit Tabur and Klang Gates Quartz Ridge, renowned as the world’s longest quartz formation. The uniqueness of the geological formations also allows visitors to observe, learn, and experience nature in its environment.

Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a vacation to explore the incredible biodiversity of this park. Admission to the park is free, but reservations must be made in advance at the following address:

感謝 Zing3lou6正路 網絡媒體關於2025年1月中旬,在馬來西亞新山舉行之「東協旅遊論壇」的詳盡報導。

感謝 Zing3lou6正路 網絡媒體關於2025年1月中旬,在馬來西亞新山舉行之「東協旅遊論壇」的詳盡報導。


馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)祝大家有一個豐盛🐍年,身體健康,出入平安!Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong wishes you all a prosperous Year of 🐍, good health and sa...


Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong wishes you all a prosperous Year of 🐍, good health and safe trips wherever you go!



A drone show was shown over Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, to wish everyone a happy new year! 🎉🎉🎉




Recently, we received calls from travelers suspected of logging into a fake link to apply Malaysia Digital Arrival Card and defrauding registration fee.

Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong states that NO PAYMENT is required to apply for Malaysia Electronic Arrival Card and the correct link is as follows:




Recently, we received calls from travelers suspected of logging into a fake link to apply Malaysia Digital Arrival Card and defrauding registration fee.

Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong states that NO PAYMENT is required to apply for Malaysia Electronic Arrival Card and the correct link is as follows:

你3個答案中,係咪都有馬來西亞呢?Have you included "MALAYSIA" in your first 3 destinations?


Have you included "MALAYSIA" in your first 3 destinations?


2026馬來西亞旅遊年吉祥物 Wira與Manja已經率先到訪布特拉城展開宣傳工作了!

Wira and Manja, Mascot of Visit Malaysia 2026 have already checked Putrajaya off their adventure list!

馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)局長Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam﹐今早(1月15日)出席了香港環保協進會活動,並見證鳳園蝴蝶保育區與馬來西亞檳城蟲鳴大地Entopia簽署合作儀式。雙方將共同建構「國際蝴蝶脈絡」,落實可持續性...

馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)局長Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam﹐今早(1月15日)出席了香港環保協進會活動,並見證鳳園蝴蝶保育區與馬來西亞檳城蟲鳴大地Entopia簽署合作儀式。雙方將共同建構「國際蝴蝶脈絡」,落實可持續性的生態保育管理。


鳳園蝴蝶保育區活動過去曾多次與馬來西亞保育機構作交流,包括去年8 月舉行之「馬來西亞蝴蝶生態交流團」,到訪吉隆坡、馬六甲、檳城等地,認識馬來西亞的環境與生態保育模式。

Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam, Director, Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong had attended the event organized by Environmental Association this morning (15 January) and witnessed the agreement signing ceremony of the partnership between Hong Kong Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve and Entopia, Penang, Malaysia. Both organizations will work together to build an “International Butterfly Network” to implement sustainable ecological conservation management.

Other guests were Ms Diane Wong, JP, Under Secretary for Environment and Ecology, Dr. Yau Wing Kwong, JP, Executive Director of Environmental Association, Mr Joseph Goh, Chief Executive Officer of Entopia, Prof. Jerome HL Hui, Director, Biology Programme, School of Life Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Mr. Andrew Kwok, Principal Manager, Countryside Conservation Office. During the event, guests had exchanged their experience in environmental conservation and visited Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve to know more about the butterfly species and ecology in Hong Kong.

Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve has conducted many exchanges with Malaysian conservation organizations these years, including "Malaysian Butterfly Ecological Exchange Tour" held in August last year, which visited Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Penang to understand more about the development of environmental and ecological conservation in Malaysia.

Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong expects that the setup of “International Butterfly Network” will facilitate more Hong Kong people to Malaysia for nature and environmental conservation exchanges.

Entopia by Penang Butterfly Farm
鳳園蝴蝶保育區 Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve

關於2026馬來西亞旅遊年吉祥物,除咗知道佢地分別叫Wira同Manja外,原來佢地仲會著上不同的傳統服裝,分別代表馬來西亞主要的民族:馬來、華裔、印度、沙巴及砂拉越,標致著馬來西亞的多元文化及促進團結力量。Regarding the ma...


Regarding the mascot of Visit Malaysia 2026, we know the names called Wira and Manja. They will wear different traditional costumes, representing the major ethnic groups in Malaysia: Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sabah and Sarawak, highlighting Malaysia's cultural diversity and fostering a sense of unity.

2026馬來西亞旅遊年吉祥物 -- 馬來熊Wira與ManjaWira & Manja, Malayan Sun bear as the mascot for Visit Malaysia Campaign 2026

2026馬來西亞旅遊年吉祥物 -- 馬來熊Wira與Manja

Wira & Manja, Malayan Sun bear as the mascot for Visit Malaysia Campaign 2026


G/F Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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