Tourism Malaysia

Tourism Malaysia 馬來西亞旅遊促進局的成立目的在於推動馬來西亞成為一個出色的旅遊勝地。Tourism Malaysia is a statutory body aimed at promoting Malaysia as an outstanding tourist destination.



2024 年馬來西亞全國大減價活動經已展開,由即日一直舉行至 7 月 31 日。今次大減價活動的口號為「我的無價體驗」,馬來西亞全國的購物中心、零售店均推出達85%的折扣優惠,香港和澳門旅客經常到的Pavilion、KLCC、Sunway ...

2024 年馬來西亞全國大減價活動經已展開,由即日一直舉行至 7 月 31 日。

今次大減價活動的口號為「我的無價體驗」,馬來西亞全國的購物中心、零售店均推出達85%的折扣優惠,香港和澳門旅客經常到的Pavilion、KLCC、Sunway Pyramid、Mitsui Outlet Park、Gurney Plaza等等均參與其中。



Malaysia Mega Sale 2024 is running from now to 31st July 2024.

In line with the slogan "My Priceless Experience", the sale is offering up to 85% discounts at shopping malls and retail outlets across Malaysia, including Pavilion, Sunway Pyramid, Mitsui Outlet Park and Gurney Plaza where Hong Kong and Macau travelers always visit.

Plus, there are great deals on flights, hotels, travel agents, spas, restaurants and more! Travellers will be able to enjoy a full shopping experience in Malaysia!

For more information, please visit:

《Auntie妳好東南亞玩番轉》由今個星期一開始,將會來到吉隆坡大玩特玩,想知兩位好玩有趣嘅Aunties同近排成日「笑一個」嘅保錡喺KL做咗乜,就請留意逢星期一至五晚上11:00至11:30 Viu TV 99台嘞,

《Auntie妳好東南亞玩番轉》由今個星期一開始,將會來到吉隆坡大玩特玩,想知兩位好玩有趣嘅Aunties同近排成日「笑一個」嘅保錡喺KL做咗乜,就請留意逢星期一至五晚上11:00至11:30 Viu TV 99台嘞,



新航假期吉隆坡Sunway Lagoon主題樂園⛱️2晚套票$3,099起

號外📡號外📡掛住沙巴的陽光與海灘?心癢癢想去吉隆坡瘋狂Shopping?見到檳城嘅美食就流晒口水?今日中午12點,亞洲航空   將開賣0蚊機票票,香港飛沙巴亞庇*,真係free俾你呀!香港飛吉隆坡單程$63*,檳城$88*,一個lunch嘅...



今日中午12點,亞洲航空 將開賣0蚊機票票,香港飛沙巴亞庇*,真係free俾你呀!




就快又到暑假!家長們又是時候計劃一下今年帶孩子們到哪裏過一個有益身心的假期。位於雪蘭莪州的Monkey Canopy Resort,距離吉隆坡大概一小時車程。它坐落在森林保護區旁邊,為一家大小提供獨一無二的體驗,從食物、娛樂到住宿,一應俱存...


位於雪蘭莪州的Monkey Canopy Resort,距離吉隆坡大概一小時車程。它坐落在森林保護區旁邊,為一家大小提供獨一無二的體驗,從食物、娛樂到住宿,一應俱存!




地址:Lot 683, Jalan Persiaran Bukit Enggang, Sungai Long Hill, Kajang, Malaysia
電郵:[email protected]

Summer vacation is coming again! It‘s time for parents to plan where to take their kids for a wonderful holiday this year.

Monkey Canopy Resort in Selangor, about an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur, is nestled next to a forest reserve. It offers a one-of-a-kind experience for the whole family, from food, entertainment to accommodation!

The resort has a wide range of international cuisines, including Chinese, Western and Malay styles. There are hotels rooms or private villas for visitors to stay.

The part of amusement at the resort cannot be missed. For indoor, there is the Extreme Challenge Park, which offers high-intensity activities and obstacle courses to test participants‘ physical fitness, agility and adventurous spirit. The virtual arena immerses people in the world of competitive games in a high-tech setting.

For outdoor, there is an International Karting Circuit allowing friends of all ages to be a race driver. And the newly opened dinosaur world embarks on a journey through time and space, encountering dinosaurs of all sizes is like entering the ”Jurassic Park“.

Address:Lot 683, Jalan Persiaran Bukit Enggang, Sungai Long Hill, Kajang, Malaysia
Email:[email protected]




Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong invited invited 13 travel agents in Hong Kong to participate in the "Perak and Penang Familiarization Tour" on 22 – 26 May 2024 with the great support of Tourism Perak and Penang Global Tourism. The tour visited the famous Mirror Lake, Kek Lok Tong Cave, Lost World Water Park, Concubine Lane and tasted a variety of local delicacies, such as sprout chicken, white coffee, kaya toast, and went to the famous Restoran Foh San to “Yam Cha”. After the trip in Perak, the tour headed to Penang via Kampung Agong and then travelled in Penang Hill and George Town. During the durian season, of course, Musang King, Blackthorn, and D24 cannot be missed. Members also dressed up in traditional costumes and had a delicious Nyonya meal.

Tourism Perak
Penang Global Tourism

Thanks for the support from 味力之旅 Taste Travel

Thanks for the support from 味力之旅 Taste Travel




In late May and June, large fields of golden rice paddies appear in Sekinchan. This small town located in the north-western part of Selangor, is one of the major rice producing areas in Malaysia and it’s also a well-known fishing village.

The paddy fields of Sekinchan have a variety of landscapes depending on different seasons. If you want to be surrounded by green fields, it is suitable to visit from March to early May or September to November. Want a golden background? Now to June or late November to December is the best time to visit; February and August coinciding with the irrigation and rice planting season also provides a great scenery. There are bicycle rental shops nearby, so it's very pleasant to ride through the rice fields.

參加遊戲,有機會贏得迪沙魯海岸Hard Rock Hotel住宿套票!

參加遊戲,有機會贏得迪沙魯海岸Hard Rock Hotel住宿套票!

【迪沙魯.與你GO TO-GATHER 留言贏取豪華住宿連景點門票】

生活再忙碌,都要多啲抽時間同摯愛去旅行🌎,享受美好時光✨!無論同父母、仔女定另一半出發✈️,位於 #馬來西亞 嘅 #迪沙魯 都好適合同摯愛旅遊,放鬆身心❤️!

迪沙魯位於大馬嘅柔佛州,距離首府 #新山市 約100公里,係南部熱門嘅休閒度假勝地。呢度以陽光海灘同清澈湛藍海水聞名☀️🌊,同爸爸媽媽喺夕陽下漫步沙灘🌅,或者同另一半挑戰刺激嘅水上活動🤿,仲可以去 #迪沙魯果園,採摘同品嘗各款時令熱帶水果🥭;附近仲有鴕鳥農場,啱晒親子遊👪!

迪沙魯仲設有悠閒舒適嘅高級綜合型度假區 – #迪沙魯海岸,匯集咗4間國際品牌酒店、會議中心、高爾夫球場、主題水上樂園同餐廳商店,其中迪沙魯水上探險樂園🏄係遊客必到嘅景點之一!玩咗成日,同摯愛返去Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast休息,喺酒店做spa按摩放鬆💆、再去迪沙魯特有嘅墨西哥風味酒吧飲返杯🍹,為今日嘅旅程畫上完美句號🥳!
迪沙魯咁好玩,你覺得邊個景點同摯愛一齊玩最開心呢❓ 立即分享即有機會贏取:
🎁獎品一:Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast 三日兩夜 Deluxe King Room 連兩位成人早餐及水上樂園門票(名額:1位)
🎁獎品二:Hard Rock Hotel Desaru Coast 三日兩夜 Deluxe Double Room 連兩位成人及兩位小童早餐及水上樂園門票(名額:1位)

1️⃣ 讚好 Hong Leong Insurance 豐隆保險 專頁及 Tourism Malaysia 專頁以及此帖文👍🏻
2️⃣ 分享此post(必須設定為公開)
3️⃣ 留言Tag 2位朋友
4️⃣ 喺以下網址(回答問題「你覺得迪沙魯邊個景點同摯愛一齊玩最開心呢?」答案最有心思嘅2位參加者,將可獲獎!

🙋由 #豐隆保險 x #馬來西亞旅遊促進局 推出嘅「『豐』富旅程 盡在馬來」,仲有好多精彩活動,記得繼續留意我哋嘅最新動向🥳!


App Store:
Google Play:

#有獎遊戲 #馬來西亞旅遊 #迪沙魯 #迪沙魯海岸 #旅遊保險 #新冠病毒保障 #豐隆旅遊保險

峇迪航空X味力之旅2024首個浮羅交怡旅行團今日出發!此8天旅行團將到訪吉隆坡、怡保、檳城、太平及浮羅交怡,吃盡刁鑽美食及入住豪華酒店,並參觀浮羅交怡全新景點 – 天鷹回歸玻璃橋。今日馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)及峇迪航空均派代表到機場送...


此8天旅行團將到訪吉隆坡、怡保、檳城、太平及浮羅交怡,吃盡刁鑽美食及入住豪華酒店,並參觀浮羅交怡全新景點 – 天鷹回歸玻璃橋。今日馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)及峇迪航空均派代表到機場送機,並送上紀念品,祝各位團友有個開心順利的大馬之旅。


The first Langkawi tour in 2024 by Batik Air X Taste Travel departs today!

This 8-day tour will visit Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang, Taiping and Langkawi, where guests will have a special gourmet itinerary and stay at luxury hotels and most importantly they will visit Eagle’s Nest SkyWalk, the newest attraction in Langkawi. Today, representatives from Tourism Malaysia Hong and Batik Air had sent representatives to Hong Kong International Airport to see off and present souvenirs to tour members and wish them a happy and smooth trip to Malaysia.

For more information, please visit:

PAM Holidays
Batik Air
味力之旅 Taste Travel

馬來西亞2024 節日慶典今年,馬來西亞旅遊促進局將提供首個電子日曆,將2024年節慶活動全面電子化。該日曆將詳列 2024 年所有不能錯過的事宜,包含 273 項活動和 26 項大型慶典,足以填滿每個次行程,一系列文化活動、美食嘉年華、購...

馬來西亞2024 節日慶典

今年,馬來西亞旅遊促進局將提供首個電子日曆,將2024年節慶活動全面電子化。該日曆將詳列 2024 年所有不能錯過的事宜,包含 273 項活動和 26 項大型慶典,足以填滿每個次行程,一系列文化活動、美食嘉年華、購物盛會、活動和節日將令旅客們歎為觀止。



Calendar of Events & Festivals 2024

This year, discover the best that Malaysia’s tourism industry has to offer with the first-ever digital Calendar of Events and Festivals 2024. Containing all the must-see events of 2024, the calendar features 273 events and 26 headline events to fill up any travel itinerary. Be captivated by a selection of amazing cultural activities, food fiestas, shopping extravaganzas, events, and festivals.

All of which are digitalized and available on Tourism Malaysia’s microsite. Log on now to access our Interactive Digital Brochure at

and plan your next Malaysian experience today.


今年,馬來西亞旅遊促進局將提供首個電子日曆,將2024年節慶活動全面電子化。該日曆將詳列 2024 年所有不能錯過的事宜,包含 273 項活動和 26 項大型慶典,足以填滿每個次行程,一系列文化活動、美食嘉年華、購物盛會、活.....

第十二屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會圓滿結束。馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)副局長Yoganthiran Manikam在接受《澳門日報》訪問時表示:「參加博覽會其中一個最主要的目的,可向澳門及大灣區居民推廣馬來西亞為他們最愛的目的地,並吸引...

第十二屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會圓滿結束。馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)副局長Yoganthiran Manikam在接受《澳門日報》訪問時表示:「參加博覽會其中一個最主要的目的,可向澳門及大灣區居民推廣馬來西亞為他們最愛的目的地,並吸引更多旅客到訪。此外,期還轡結識業界不同人士,與旅行社、航空公司及旅遊相關機構進行了良好的商談交流,絕對是建立友誼及的聯繫大家的好平台。」

The 12th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo was successfully concluded. In an interview with Macau Daily, M. Yoganthiran Manikam, Deputy Director of Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong, said, "One of our main objective to participate the Expo is to promote Malaysia to Macao and the Greater Bay Area residents as tourists’ favourite destination and invite more visitors to visit. In addition, I have met different people in the industry and had a good exchange with travel agents, airlines and tourism-related companies which is a good place for us to make friendship and networking. "

Interview at "Macau Daily" #/detail/9902229

馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)於在4月26至4月28日,參與由澳門特區政府旅遊局於金光展覽會舉辦之第十二屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會,並邀請多個本地及馬來西亞旅業夥伴一同參展,包括亞洲航空、峇迪航空、Green Leisure、Nice T...

馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)於在4月26至4月28日,參與由澳門特區政府旅遊局於金光展覽會舉辦之第十二屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會,並邀請多個本地及馬來西亞旅業夥伴一同參展,包括亞洲航空、峇迪航空、Green Leisure、Nice Travel、PAM Holidays、皇家汶萊航空及雙威酒店集團。

期間航空公司及旅行社推出限時特惠產品,吸引參觀市民查詢及報名,而參展單位亦與來自香港、澳門及大灣區買家進行對接交流,介紹馬來西亞最新旅遊資訊,馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)副局長Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam更接受多間澳門傳媒訪問,推介最新景點。

Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong has participated in the 12th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo organised by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) at Cotai Expo on 26 – 28 April 2024. It has also invited local and Malaysian travel industry partners, including AirAsia, Batik Air, Green Leisure, Nice Travel, PAM Holidays, Royal Brunei Airlines and Sunway Hotels Group to join under the Pavilion.

During the Expo, airlines and travel agents have launched limited special offers and met with buyers from Hong Kong, Macao and the Greater Bay Area to introduce the latest tourism information of Malaysia. Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam was also interviewed by Macao media to promote the newest attractions in Malaysia

榴槤季節即將展開,一眾槤迷已磨拳擦掌!永安旅遊就在剛過去的星期六(4月27日)舉辦馬來西亞旅遊講座,推介各款兼備美食、新景點、新體驗、新酒店的「榴槤旅行團」。馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)全力支持,副局長Yoganthiran Manika...


馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)全力支持,副局長Yoganthiran Manikam出席並致辭多謝永安旅遊對推動馬來西亞不遺餘力,產品一向廣受香港市民歡迎。為感謝旅客參加講座,更帶來造型趣致的榴槤咕臣、長鼻猿頸枕、公仔及環保袋,送贈十位答中問題的參加者。

Durian season is about to begin and fans are ready! Wing On Travel held a tourism seminar last Saturday (27 April) to promote a series of durian tours with delicious food, new attractions, new experiences and new hotels.

Mr. Yoganthiran Manikam, Deputy Director of Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong had attended the event and delivered a thank you note to Wing On Travel for its dedication to promoting Malaysia. To thank you visitors for participating in the seminar, 10 winners of the Quiz game were presented with a cute durian cushion, a proboscis monkey neck pillow or an eco-friendly bag.

就快又到榴槤季節,相信一眾槤迷已經蠢蠢欲動欲動,準備飛去馬來西亞大快朵頤!永安旅遊特別安排了當地領隊為大家推介幾個榴槤旅行團,除了到果園吃盡貓山王、D24等等不同品種的榴槤外,還會到訪多個人氣景點,包括馬來西亞第二最高大樓 — TRX、打卡...


永安旅遊特別安排了當地領隊為大家推介幾個榴槤旅行團,除了到果園吃盡貓山王、D24等等不同品種的榴槤外,還會到訪多個人氣景點,包括馬來西亞第二最高大樓 — TRX、打卡勝地鬼仔巷、甘榜阿貢等,以及飽嘗地道美食,榴槤珍多冰、魚王忘不了等,大家可按喜好參加適合的團種。



香港有著名的米埔濕地,離吉隆坡約40分鐘車程的布特拉城都有片濕地。在這個第三聯邦直轄區除有政府各部們各行政大樓,還是馬來西亞和熱帶地區最大的人造淡水濕地 -- 布城濕地。眾所周知,濕地發揮著重要的生態作用,布城濕地簡直是其腎臟,對流入布城湖...

香港有著名的米埔濕地,離吉隆坡約40分鐘車程的布特拉城都有片濕地。在這個第三聯邦直轄區除有政府各部們各行政大樓,還是馬來西亞和熱帶地區最大的人造淡水濕地 -- 布城濕地。



布城濕地總面積為335公頃,是布城最受歡迎的旅遊景點之一,可免費到訪,另亦可紮營露宿,每人收費僅RM25 (約港幣$43),亦可進行獨木舟、爬艇等水上活動。

The Mai Po is a renowned wetland in Hong Kong and about a 40-minute drive from Kuala Lumpur, there is also a wetland in Putrajaya. Beyond the administrative facade of Malaysia’s third federal territory lies Taman Wetland Putrajaya, the largest man-made freshwater wetlands in Malaysia and the tropics.

The wetlands perform an important ecological role, functioning as the kidneys of Putrajaya. They ensure harmony and balance in the ecosystem through natural filtration of sediments, nutrients and contaminants from the 2 main rivers that flow into Putrajaya Lake, namely Sungai Chua and Sungai Bisa.

Marshes and swamps were developed in the cells by transplanting more than 70 species of wetland plants form the Putrajaya Wetland Nursery. Twenty-four species of indigenous fish were later introduced into the wetlands cells to enhance their biological diversity.
Covering a total area of 335ha, Taman Wetland is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Putrajaya. Entry to Taman Wetland Putrajaya is free. And visitors can set also camp for only RM25 (about HK$43) per person, and join water activities such as canoeing and rowing boats.


雲集全球知名音樂人的砂拉越世界熱帶雨林音樂節(RWMF)即將於將於 2024 年 6 月 28 日至 30 日舉行,大家準備好迎接叢林舞台上讓人心跳加速、熱血沸騰的節奏沒有?今屆音樂節為第 27 屆,主題為 EVOLUTION,於古晉的砂拉...

雲集全球知名音樂人的砂拉越世界熱帶雨林音樂節(RWMF)即將於將於 2024 年 6 月 28 日至 30 日舉行,大家準備好迎接叢林舞台上讓人心跳加速、熱血沸騰的節奏沒有?今屆音樂節為第 27 屆,主題為 EVOLUTION,於古晉的砂拉越文化村,由來自6大洲14個國家的68位國際音樂家和63位馬來西亞藝術家進行20場演出。

格林美獎和金球獎得主喜太郎將首次來到雨林世界音樂節,以迷人的旋律和原聲樂器帶來該人沉思的音樂之旅。除了喜多郎之外,同人吸晴有自西馬的拿督再納爾·阿比丁(Dato' Zainal Abidin),首本名曲「Hijau」已經流傳了三十多年。他的音樂風格反映了對人類、遺產、文化和環境的熱愛。

早鳥優惠:RM235 前賣價格:RM283 即日門票:RM333
三日門票 RM635

Now in its 27th year, Sarawak World Rainforest Music Festival (RWMF) will be held from 28 to 30 June 2024, 2024, and everyone is ready for the heart-pounding rhythm from the jungle stage of Sarawak? The theme of the festival is Evolution and will feature 20 performances by 68 international musicians and 63 Malaysian artists from 14 countries across 6 continents at Sarawak Cultural Village in Kuching.

Grammy and Golden Globe winner Kitaro will be coming to the Rainforest World Music Festival for the first time ever to enchant and to mesmerize the audience with contemplative musical journey with captivating melodies and acoustic instruments. In addition to Kitaro, headlining at the RWMF this year from West Malaysia is none other than Dato' Zainal Abidin, known for his hit song 'Hijau' which has been around for over three decades. His musical style reflects a love for humanity, heritage, culture and the environment.

Sarawak World Rainforest Music Festival
1-Day Pass (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)
Early Bird: RM235 Pre-sale: RM283 Door sale: RM333
3-day Pass RM635

For more information, please visit

Photo credit: RWMF Facebook .official



由傳統的馬來亞木筏製成,Luminosa橋將現實世界與神夜光森林連接起來。在森林深處,有索菲亞修女創造的特殊花朵。艾揚娜之光可以照亮坐在它下面的人的心靈,洗去所有邪惡的感覺和想法。至於Mother Sophea 是一棵會說話的樹,與發光森林本身一樣古老。據說她在 4 億年前就已經存在,正正是她傳播的神奇種子,使森林煥發了神奇的光芒。

Scream frantically in Cliff racers of the Lost World during the day and in night it becomes the home of a Malaysian tribe, leading everyone into the mysterious luminous forest realm.

Cross the Luminosa Bridge to enter and be amazed. The latest attraction for Lost World is a mysterious world of glowing flowers, giant magical creatures, and more!

Made from traditional Malayan rafts, the Luminosa Bridge connects the real world with the Divine Luminous Forest. Deep in the forest, there are special flowers created by Mother Sophea. The light show Aiyana can illuminate the hearts of those who sit under it, washing away all evil feelings and thoughts. As for Mother Sophea, it's a talking tree, as old as the Glowing Forest itself. She is said to have existed 400 million years ago, and it is the magical seeds she has spread that give the forest a magical glow.

, Perak
Night Park Fare : Adult RM95 (HK$162)
: Kids and Elderly RM85 (HK$145)
Operation Hour: 8.00pm – 10.00pm

馬來西亞旅遊促進局與豐隆保險合辦之「豐富旅程 盡在馬來」有獎遊戲,3月份吉隆坡篇得獎者獲贈由峇迪航空送出之來回香港至吉隆坡機票一張。頒獎儀式昨天(27/3)於馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)灣仔旅遊資訊中心舉行,並由副局長Yoganthira...

馬來西亞旅遊促進局與豐隆保險合辦之「豐富旅程 盡在馬來」有獎遊戲,3月份吉隆坡篇得獎者獲贈由峇迪航空送出之來回香港至吉隆坡機票一張。

頒獎儀式昨天(27/3)於馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)灣仔旅遊資訊中心舉行,並由副局長Yoganthiran Manikam及峇迪航空香港代表Sandy Yau頒贈予兩位得獎人。





Ipoh white coffee is gaining recognition in the world, with being ranked tenth in top 39 coffee list by Tasteatlas, a renowned foodie online platform. Tasteatlas said, “This coffee style originated in Ipoh, but contrary to its name, it is not white. The name stems from the roasting technique in which coffee beans are lightly roasted in margarine before they are ground and brewed. The origin of this roasting style is usually associated with Hainanese immigrants in Malaysia, who adapted the classic technique to create a beverage that has a milder, lightly caramelized coffee flavor.

Ipoh white coffee is usually enriched with condensed milk and should have a light froth on top. Let’s have a Malay-style breakfast with a cup of Ipoh white coffee.




夕陽船河每天下午5:30從砂拉越河畔碼頭出發,成人費用RM70 (港幣$130)。

When you come to Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, you must take a leisurely Sarawak sunset river cruise. Imagine enjoying the refreshing river breeze on the deck of a double-decker boat while sipping a cold drink! Watching the sunset slowly dye the sky and the river in different colours, with the flashing lights on both sides of the embankment, it instantly becomes the best backdrop for KOL photos.

See Kuching from a whole new perspective during the 2-hour cruise with rich panoramic views of the city and its famous landmarks.

Sarawak Sunset river cruise departs from Sarawak Riverside Jetty at 5.30pm daily and costs RM70 (HK$130) for adults.

因電影《夏日的麽麼茶》而聲名大噪的熱浪島位處馬來西亞東海岸登嘉樓州裡,每年因季候風於10月份起關閉,而於3月份開始將重新開放,有意到訪該島的旅客可於今天起,開展藍天碧海,與無數海洋生物共舞的旅程了。Redang Island, made f...


Redang Island, made famous by the movie “Summer More More Tea”, is located in Terengganu state on the east coast of Malaysia. It is closed from October every year due to the monsoon and will reopen in March. If you are interested in visiting the island, you can depart from today to embark on a journey with blue sky and sea as well as enriched marine life.

浮羅交怡全新景點即將開幕!🦅名為鷹巢的空中步道造型模仿鷹頭俯瞰鳥巢,位處海拔 650 米高處,建在一個 38 米的獨立懸臂玻璃觀景台上,一次可容納約 300 人。站在玻璃天橋上,更可俯瞰浮羅交怡環迴360度壯麗的自然風光。Langkawi'...

🦅名為鷹巢的空中步道造型模仿鷹頭俯瞰鳥巢,位處海拔 650 米高處,建在一個 38 米的獨立懸臂玻璃觀景台上,一次可容納約 300 人。站在玻璃天橋上,更可俯瞰浮羅交怡環迴360度壯麗的自然風光。

Langkawi's new attraction is ready to open soon!
🦅Eagle’s Nest Skywalk shaped like an eagle's head overlooking a bird's nest, is located 650 metres from sea level, structured on a 38-metre freestanding cantilevered platform which can accommodate about 300 people at one time. Standing on the glass skywalk, you can also overlook the magnificent 360-degree natural scenery of Langkawi.


靚女Yoshi繼續喺吉隆坡搵食,今次美食種類豐富,有椰漿飯、印度薄餅、喇沙,仲有特色甜品ABC,睇到口水流呀Batik Air MalaysiaPAM Holidays


Batik Air Malaysia
PAM Holidays

由香港直飛吉隆坡有好多選擇,今次我就乘坐咗Batik Air 出發✈️航班資訊:OD606 HKG / KUL --- 1515 / 1905OD605 KUL / HKG --- 1015 / 1415




Malaysia Airlines is now launching a Chinese New Year promotion, which allows you to book round-trip tickets from Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur on its official website before 10 February 2024 with all-in price starting from HK$1,950

Booking Period: From now until 30 June 2024
Departure Period: From now until 30 November 2024
*T&C apply

為慶祝澳門航空開設澳門至吉隆坡航線,馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)與澳門航空於2024 年 1 月 17 日至 20 日舉辦了馬來西亞吉隆坡、馬六甲、布城考察之旅,並邀請澳門旅行社及媒體參加。 該考察團先到馬六甲,參加遊船之旅,觀賞馬六甲河...

為慶祝澳門航空開設澳門至吉隆坡航線,馬來西亞旅遊促進局(香港分局)與澳門航空於2024 年 1 月 17 日至 20 日舉辦了馬來西亞吉隆坡、馬六甲、布城考察之旅,並邀請澳門旅行社及媒體參加。



To celebrate the launch of Air Macau's Macau-Kuala Lumpur route, Tourism Malaysia Hong Kong and Air Macau organize a familiarization a tour of Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Putrajaya from 17 to 20 January 2024 for Macau travel agents and media.

Firstly, the group had departed for Melaka to join a river cruise tour and then visited Melaka Nyonya House, Jonker Street, Red House, Cheng Hoon Teng Temple and Ghost Museum. In Putrajaya, they had been to Pink Mosque and Putrajaya Square, and then have a night tour to Petronas Twin Towers and Saloma Bridge in Kuala Lumpur. In addition, the itinerary had also incorporated with cultural and culinary elements, including the visit of Kuala Lumpur Central Market, Royal Selangor and Karyaneka Handicraft Centre and having street food and fruits at Petaling Street, SS2 Durian stalls and HL Dragon fruit farm.

Tourism Malaysia also arranged a B2B Session for local industry players in Malaysia to meet and exchange ideas with representatives of Macau travel agents and media, so as to enhance future cooperation between both destinations.

Air Macau


G/F Malaysia Building, 50 Gloucester Road
Wan Chai

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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