Sharing a little inbound airport info we made for visitors spending their first time at Villa del Playa #2 Roatan. Overall the airport is very small, but can be hot and long lines if you don't follow some of the tips below.
Go to the bathroom before plane lands. There are bathrooms as you enter the building but it will put you further back in the immigration line. Also, most planes open the back door and front door for deboarding. So you either want to select seats in the front or the back of the plane, not the middle. You want to get in line as soon as possible as the line moves slow. Especially on days like Saturday when many planes are arriving near the same time.
Yellow is the immigration area. You will sit in a line that usually takes 5-8 min per row to progress to get to the immigration staff. After they take your finger prints and/or picture you will be in the baggage claim area (blue area). Get your bags. Have you luggage tag ready as they sometimes ask for it to verify your luggage. You will then go through a security scanner for luggage (red area) where they also sometimes collect the declaration form you filled out manually or digitally. All bags including your carry ons and computer bags go on the scanner belt (don't worry about taking off shoes or taking out laptops). Once complete , you will enter into the green area. YOU MADE IT! There will be people with signs with your name or hotel for taxi, but they are not pushy like mexico trying to confuse you. There are bathrooms in the green area and also a coffee shop and bar.
Update: Air conditioning and wifi at the airport have not been working as of the last two weeks in June. It's hot, and slow. But your wonderful vacation is about to start!
Declaration form link below (select English on top and create one for each way). Screenshot the QR code.
https://sisglobal.aduanas.gob.hn/Pech/ #/plataforma/otra_gestiones/formularioDJRV