Why does the MLC, 2006 require that shore-based welfare facilities be made available to seafarers? The inclusion of a requirement for shore-based welfare facilities is intended to ensure that seafarers working on board ships have access to shore-based facilities and services to maintain their health and well-being. Such facilities, located in or near ports, are an important means of providing seafarers who may be embarked on long voyages at sea with health and well-being facilities, as well as a social environment, when in foreign countries. This obligation is contained in regulation 2.4, paragraph 2, of the MLC, 2006. C4.4.b. What are the port State's obligations regarding shore-based welfare facilities? Under regulation 4.4, countries must ensure that shore-based welfare facilities, where available within their territory, are readily accessible to all seafarers, without distinction as to nationality, race, colour, sex, religion, political belief or social origin and irrespective of the flag State of the ship on which the seafarer is employed, engaged or working. They must also encourage the development of welfare facilities in appropriate ports within their territory and determine, after consultation with relevant shipowners' and seafarers' organisations, which ports will be considered "appropriate". They must also encourage the establishment of welfare committees to periodically review welfare facilities and services to ensure that they remain appropriate in the light of the changing needs of seafarers
resulting from technical and operational developments in shipping and other changes.
What types of services and facilities should wellness centres offer? Paragraph 3 of Guideline B4.4.2 of the MLC, 2006 [see section A12. What is the legal scope of the guidelines contained in Part B of the Code?] contains a non-exhaustive list of the following types of facilities and services: 60 The text is available on the ILO portal dedicated to the MLC, 2006 (www.ilo.org/mlc),
The year 2022 was an eventful year for us: we met some great wonderful people, we said goodbye to the old crew that shared with us in Stella Maris and we set sail with a new crew every month. We sailed in bright sunshine and didn't let the harsher weather in fall and winter throw us off course.
Now the year is coming to an end and we look back on the last few months together with you to remember the many wonderful experiences.
We docked and welcomed new crew members on board. New team members, new ideas and new visions. Summer has brought a breath of fresh air and we have reinforced the team spirit and we have banged our heads to plan the itinerary for the next 2023.
The message is: God is constant in all change. Certainty characterizes the balance sheet and the perspective of the turn of the year: "God is with us in the evening and in the morning, and certainly every new day."
The time is also used to personally remember the year. "You who have time in your hands, Lord, also take the burden of this year and turn it into a blessing.
Jesus is the door where everything new begins. So also this new year will be in Christ and will be fulfilled in him.
Everyday is a gift. Guided by God every year. Return the old year to his hands with gratitude, to receive from him with love the new year that brings hope that pain turns into joy, waiting into fulfillment and doubt into confidence.
It must be a gift not only for us, but also for future generations of seafarers", then the sense of responsibility for the "common home of our land" must be increased.
A year that gave us opportunities, we were able to learn a lot on our route. We exchanged ideas with former founding members and experts on issues related to the start-up of the Stella Maris Honduras center and we inspired each other. Many thanks at this moment to some of them, who shared their experiences with us and who always come to us as support partners.
The planning for this voyage aboa
Do you now What’s Christmas like for Seafarers?
The sailors some are celebrating Christmas at home, and others on board.
When talking about the holiday of Christmas, we must also remember moments of celebration for all our companions on board of different cultures and religions.
Christmas for seafarers can be a very difficult time, whether they are at sea or in a foreign port. They are away from their loved ones, and it is especially challenging for those who have children back at home.
Unlike those fortunate people who may have several days or even weeks away from work during the Christmas and New Year period to celebrate and spend time with family and friends, for seafarers it is often business as usual, just normal working days with the same routine.
Seafarers are under increasing pressure to adapt to a rapidly changing working conditions with more automation, and meeting more stringent regulations such as ballast water treatment and new rules on emissions and other environmental issues. Christmas can offer a brief respite to those routines and pressures and enable those on board to relax and reflect.
Onboard those ships that provide internet and other communication facilities, seafarers may be able to speak with and perhaps see their families, on what is a special day. Emails can offer the privacy to communicate personal thoughts and feelings. But they do not lessen, and can often increase, the sense of separation. Of course, we know that many ships still do not have such facilities, even though they are an increasingly essential part of everyday life. For seafarers on those vessels what communication that is available is even more precious.
Our thoughts must go out even more to those seafarers unfortunate enough to be on ships whose owners do not provide even basic facilities or recognise that Christmas is a special time with a need to enable seafarers to celebrate in some way or contact their families. For those seafarers who find themselves abandoned
Thanks for your visit dear seafarers!! 🛳 ⚓️🛟
Congratulations on one more achievement in the career as sailors!!!
If you like to discover new horizons, speak with new people, learn new things - You must first leave your home port!
Seafarers have a demanding profession both mentally and physically. For many, the job involves risky work tasks and long periods away from family and friends.
the seafarers who work night and day to provide us with food, medicine and energy. Now many of them need to extend their work period away from their loved ones to make sure that shipping, which accounts for 80 percent of the world's freight, is operating normally. We give them a well deserved see you soon and pat on the shoulder dear seafarers!!! We are happy to see your and to have them here at Stella Maris Honduras
!We are waiting for you soon again guys!!!
Stella Maris has backed an urgent call from the Vatican for all seafarers to be granted shore leave immediately.
In a message ahead of Sea Sunday on 10th July, the Vatican said that some governments and some shipping companies must no longer use the pandemic “as an excuse” for banning the crew from going ashore.
Many seafarers are still being denied shore leave now even though they have been fully vaccinated, the Vatican said.
“As long as they take the necessary precautions, seafarers have the right to put their feet on dry ground and meet people other than their colleagues on board,” said Cardinal Michael F. Czerny SJ, Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
He said, as the situation continues to improve around the world with Covid-19, countries are opening their borders and lifting restrictions, with most people now able to move freely again.
“But not seafarers. This is a gross injustice. To add insult to injury, some seafarers are allowed to go ashore if they are the ‘correct’ nationality,” said Cardinal Czerny.
“This discrimination is as unjust as it is immoral. Everyone needs to remember that seafarers’ innate dignity as human beings must be respected,” he said, adding that all seafarers must be treated equally, without any discrimination, and be allowed to leave their ships, even if for a brief time, wherever they were in the world.
Endorsing the Vatican’s call, Stella Maris UK Chief Executive Officer Martin Foley said that seafarers are entitled to shore leave, as laid out by the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
“We are living in the midst of a pandemic, and some ship captains are reluctant to grant shore leave.to their crew. In Stella Maris UK’s experience, what frustrates our chaplains and ship visitors is the inconsistency with which leave is allowed or not. We have come across ships in which officers are granted shore leave, yet ratings are not.
“Shore leave is so important to
DAY FOUR: Rosary for the peace of Ukraine and the whole world
DAY FOUR: Rosary for the peace of Ukraine and the whole world
O great Queen of Peace, it is through the love of your blessed Heart that the God of love and peace was given to humankind; it is through you that all schisms and heresies which divide the true fold of your beloved Son are suppressed; it is through you that peace fills the hearts of people of good will—those who renounce themselves to live according to the law of God.
Oh, make this sweet peace reign in the Church of Christ and in our souls! Amen
Tercer día rosario por la paz
DAY THREE: Rosary for the peace of Ukraine and the whole world
Holy Virgin, venerable Queen of Peace, obtain for me of your Son the peace which He has left as a heritage to His disciples. The world knows it not and cannot give it; it resides only in hearts pure and sanctified by grace. May I preserve this heavenly peace and respect; with my equals by meekness; with my inferiors by patience and kindness; with God, and with myself by the practice of all virtues. Grant it also to the Church, to my family, to my friends, and to all humankind. Obtain for me the grace to live here on earth in the peace of innocence in order to merit the eternal peace of Heaven.
Let us pray.
A Prayer for Peace O God, from whom proceed all holy desires, all right counsels and just works, grant unto us
Your servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be devoted to Your service, and that, being delivered from fear, we may pass our time in peace under Your protection. Amen.
Ave Augustissima (Hail Most Venerable) Hail, you that are most Venerable, Queen of Peace, most holy Mother of God; through the
Sacred Heart of Jesus your Son, the Prince of Peace, cause His anger to cease from us, so that He may reign over us in peace. Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who sought your prayers was forsaken by God. Inspired with this confidence, I come unto you. Despise not my petitions, O Mother of the Incarnate Word; but in your loving kindness hear and answer me, O merciful, O kind, O sweet Virgin Mary.
Our Father and Hail Mary (3x) Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us! (3x)
DAY TWO: Rosary for the peace of Ukraine and the whole world
The Lord has dealt with us according to His mercy; He has given us the joy of heart, that peace may flourish during our life and forever.
Undoubtedly, peace is the concern of men and a good common to all. As such, it must be the constant care of everyone, but especially of those who carry the responsibility of states and of the community of peoples. But indeed, who does not have a share of responsibility in the life and peace of a family, of an enterprise, of an association? Despite much good will, there are many interests in opposition; much selfishness is shown; many antagonisms increase; many rivalries conflict with one another. Who does not see, then, the unflagging action demanded from each and all in order that love may triumph over discord, and that peace may be restored to the city of men?
No peace without God
But peace is also the concern of God. He has placed in our hearts the ardent desire for peace. He urges us to work toward it, each doing his share, and for that purpose he sustains our feeble energies and our vacillating wills. He alone can give us a peaceful soul, and confirm in depth and solidity our efforts for peace.
Prayer, by which we ask for the gift of peace, is therefore an irreplaceable contribution to the establishment of peace. It is through Christ, in whom all grace is given us,2 that we dispose ourselves to welcome the gift of peace. And in that undertaking, how can we do otherwise than to depend lovingly upon the incomparable intercession of Mary, his mother, of whom the Gospel tell us that she “found favor with God”
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic brought many industries to a standstill, disrupted the flow of operations, and brought mass uncertainty around the world due to its dynamic nature. Within the maritime industry, seafarers found themselves on the front line of global operations which saw them working in uncertain, difficult working conditions when it came to crew changes, re-supply, and port access.
Since the start of the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of seafarers have found themselves stranded at sea for months on end due to travel restrictions set out by the pandemic.
In light of this situation The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are promoting the importance of this year’s Day of the Seafarer campaign. Governments, companies, shipping organisations and many more, are encouraged to promote and celebrate this day to spread the message and highlight the changes that need to be taken.
A day of acknowledgment
The Day of the Seafarer not only pays tribute to the world’s 1.5 million seafarers who are often overlooked, but also shows respect, recognition and gratitude via the interaction on social media and online. The day also aims to educate the public around the issues that are currently faced by seafarers, and what needs to be done to achieve a better future for them.
Last year the campaign focused on the importance of governments to acknowledge seafarers as key workers, easing travel restrictions which would facilitate crew changes. This year the campaign is continuing to promote this message and is expanding on the issue of a fair future for seafarers.
The campaign highlights the issues that will present themselves to seafarers after the pandemic such as fair working conditions, fair treatment and fair training and safety. The hashtag Fair Future 4Seafarers has been widely used on Twitter by those within the industry, as well as those who support this message to voice their thoughts and take a stand for the campaign.
During the build up to the day
On June 21-22 the CrewConnect Europe for an international conference online to discuss the welfare of seafarers. More than 800 registrants from countries around the world took part in the event.
the ecumenical association of seafarers’ welfare missions from around the world of which Stella Maris was a founding member in 1969.
Pope Francis provided written greetings for those gathered. His welcome and prayer were read at the opening of the Conference on June 21 to participants by Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
This message of encouragement from Pope Francis follows that in October 2019 at the World Conference before the pandemic, but also the general messages of support for seafarers during the pandemic on June 17, 2020 and December 20, 2020.
In these new greetings, Pope Francis shared that “Amid the current pandemic, maritime workers have continued to transport essential goods,” but that” the pandemic’s effects on the maritime industry have made all the more evident the need for a workplace marked by care for our common home and, above all, respect for the dignity of seafarers.”
The Holy Father continued his letter by saying it is his “hope that, in the aftermath of the current health crisis, the Conference will address the pressing need for those at sea to return home to their loved ones and those at home to resume their livelihood at sea.” His prayer is that “in the months ahead chaplains will increasingly be able to provide pastoral care to all involved in the maritime industry.”
Pope Francis’ encouragement was well-received by the guests through Cardinal Turkson, as the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development is that in which Stella Maris, the Catholic network for fishers and seafarers finds its place.
The voice of Stella Maris was important in the meeting. During the conference, Fr. Bruno Ciceri, the international director of Stella Maris, presented results
The Holy Father also dedicated his prayer intention for the month of August 2020 to people of the sea, asking the faithful to pray for seafarers, fishers, and their families.
“It’s important seafarers know that they are not forgotten, especially at this time, and that we are there to support them”
“Seafarers are among the heroes of this pandemic" and we are grateful to Pope Francis for highlighting their plight.