Stella Maris Honduras - International Seafarers Center

Stella Maris Honduras - International Seafarers  Center Stella Maris centros de acogida, bienestar, encuentro, información y otras realidades relacionadas


May the birth of Christ be the harbinger of a different, beautiful year, with fewer problems and brighter images.
Safe travels to our sailors.
We wish you all a blessed Christmas full of health, peace and happiness.
Especially to our sailors, calm seas with Jesus Christ on the bow and a safe return home for each one
The Honduran Committee for Seafarers' Welfare – COHBIGEMAR and the Seafarers' Welfare Center – Stella Maris Honduras, wholeheartedly wishes you all a very blessed Christmas, full of health, love and humanity!
Wishes that emanate from the bright light of the star of birth, where in front of it and in front of the Nativity we all become little children, just as we did recently at the lighting of the Christmas Tree.
The message of hope and joy of living of these holidays, spreads dynamically and with warmth in the hearts of all humanity without criteria or divisions because the love and warmth of Christmas spreads everywhere, indiscriminately and covers us with peace and beauty like blankets of snow that offer beauty to creation. Christmas inspires us and emphasizes the importance of offering and caring for our neighbor without distinction or choice, since the message of the day emerges through the richness of simplicity and the power of humility and calls us to put it into practice at every moment, every day and every year of our lives.
Beginning with our own family and continuing with friends, as well as with every person in need, let us break the chains of ingratitude and selfishness by gaining the freedom to offer and love every human being as well as his living creation.
because in the humble and poor manger of his birth, he was welcomed by all people and living beings together.
also a huge thank you to all, women and men, who in these holy days are and will be continuously in the duty of service on the high seas and to society as a whole.
Christmas inspires us with the message that the more we have, the more we share, and this applies not only to unimportant material goods but also to very important ones, such as our life itself, that is, our health, which we can enjoy in order to protect it both our own and that of our neighbor, so that we can share it in beautiful and unique moments like these holidays. Merry Christmas and happy holidays with health to the whole world!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish happy holidays to all our sailors who sail the oceans, good, safe and trouble-free trips with health, love and luck. To the families of each sailor, stevedore, port worker and all Seafarers, members of COHBIGEMAR and Stella Maris Honduras, happy holidays with love, health in your homes and the good of seeing you healthy and strong.

Lawyer, Alex Hilsaca
President of COHBIGEMAR

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Why does the MLC, 2006 require that shore-based welfare facilities be made available to seafarers? The inclusion of a requirement for shore-based welfare facilities is intended to ensure that seafarers working on board ships have access to shore-based facilities and services to maintain their health and well-being. Such facilities, located in or near ports, are an important means of providing seafarers who may be embarked on long voyages at sea with health and well-being facilities, as well as a social environment, when in foreign countries. This obligation is contained in regulation 2.4, paragraph 2, of the MLC, 2006. C4.4.b. What are the port State's obligations regarding shore-based welfare facilities? Under regulation 4.4, countries must ensure that shore-based welfare facilities, where available within their territory, are readily accessible to all seafarers, without distinction as to nationality, race, colour, s*x, religion, political belief or social origin and irrespective of the flag State of the ship on which the seafarer is employed, engaged or working. They must also encourage the development of welfare facilities in appropriate ports within their territory and determine, after consultation with relevant shipowners' and seafarers' organisations, which ports will be considered "appropriate". They must also encourage the establishment of welfare committees to periodically review welfare facilities and services to ensure that they remain appropriate in the light of the changing needs of seafarers
resulting from technical and operational developments in shipping and other changes.
What types of services and facilities should wellness centres offer? Paragraph 3 of Guideline B4.4.2 of the MLC, 2006 [see section A12. What is the legal scope of the guidelines contained in Part B of the Code?] contains a non-exhaustive list of the following types of facilities and services: 60 The text is available on the ILO portal dedicated to the MLC, 2006 (, activate the “English” option and then under the subheading “Monitoring and implementation tools”. 62 Normes-2015-MLC-FAQ-[NORME-130726-2]-En.docx a) meeting and recreation rooms, as needed; b) sports and other outdoor facilities, in particular for competitions; c) educational facilities; and d) where appropriate, facilities for religious practice and personal counselling services. C4.4.d. Who should pay for welfare services and facilities? Neither regulation 4.4 nor standard A4.4 requires the port State to assume responsibility for the financing or management of such services and facilities. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Guideline B4.4.2 of the MLC, 2006 [see section A12. What is the legal scope of the guidelines in part B of the Code?] indicate that welfare services and facilities should be provided, in accordance with national conditions and practice, by one or more of the following entities: (a) public authorities; (b) organizations of shipowners and seafarers concerned, under collective agreements or other arrangements between them; and (c) charitable organizations. In accordance with Guideline B4.4.4, financial support for welfare facilities in ports should come from one or more of the following sources: (a) public subsidies; (b) levies or other special contributions from maritime circles; (c) voluntary contributions from shipowners, seafarers or their organizations; and (d) voluntary contributions from other sources. C4.4.e. Does the MLC, 2006 require seafarers to be allowed to go ashore to enjoy welfare facilities? Regulation 2.4 of the MLC, 2006 establishes the principle that seafarers should be granted shore leave for the purpose of promoting their health and well-being in a manner compatible with the operational requirements of their shipboard duties. The essential contribution that shore leave makes to the welfare of seafarers has been recognized in regulation 4.4 of the MLC, 2006, as well as in the IMO Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1965, as amended, and in ILO Conventions Nos. 108 and 185 concerning Seafarers’ Identity Documents. Although granting shore leave is not always possible, due to operational needs of ships or for safety reasons, seafarers' requests for shore leave to benefit from welfare centres should not be unreasonably refused.

🤚🛑 Antes de embarcarte debes de saber que...La mejor garantía de unas condiciones de trabajo adecuadas en el mar es firm...

🤚🛑 Antes de embarcarte debes de saber que...

La mejor garantía de unas condiciones de trabajo adecuadas en el mar es firmar únicamente un contrato (Acuerdo de Empleo de Marinos (SEA)) elaborado de conformidad con un convenio colectivo aprobado por la ITF (para averiguar si su barco está cubierto por un convenio aprobado por la ITF, utilice la sección de búsqueda o póngase en contacto con el equipo de apoyo a marinos de la ITF por correo electrónico a [email protected] )

Si estás firmando un contrato individual, aquí hay algunas cosas que debes verificar

No comience a trabajar en un barco sin tener un contrato escrito. Es un requisito del Convenio sobre el trabajo marítimo (MLC) que puede revisar el contrato antes de firmarlo y buscar asesoramiento si lo desea.

Nunca firme un contrato en blanco o un contrato que lo vincule con términos y condiciones que no estén especificados o con los que no esté familiarizado.

En la guía de la ITF para la gente de mar sobre el Convenio sobre el trabajo marítimo, 2006 se puede encontrar una lista de la información que debe incluirse en su contrato.

Comprueba si el contrato que estás firmando hace referencia a un Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo (CCT, por sus siglas en inglés, algo que un sindicato ha negociado en nombre de la tripulación). Si es así, asegúrate de conocer a fondo los términos de ese CCT y guarda una copia junto con tu contrato.

Asegúrese de que la duración del contrato esté claramente establecida

Cualquier cambio en la duración del contrato debe ser de mutuo acuerdo. No firme un contrato que permita al armador cambiar el período sin consultarle.

Asegúrese siempre de que el contrato establezca claramente el salario básico a pagar y las horas de trabajo básicas (por ejemplo, 40, 44 o 48 por semana). La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) dice que las horas de trabajo básicas deben ser de un máximo de 48 por semana (208 por mes).

Asegúrese de que el contrato indique claramente cómo se pagarán las horas extra y a qué tasa. Puede haber una tarifa horaria fija para cualquier tiempo trabajado que exceda la tarifa básica. O puede haber una cantidad fija mensual para un número garantizado de horas extra, en cuyo caso la tarifa para cualquier hora trabajada que exceda las horas extra garantizadas debe indicarse claramente. La OIT dice que todas las horas extra deben pagarse a un mínimo de 1,25 veces la tarifa horaria normal.

Asegúrese de que el contrato indique claramente cuántos días de licencia paga tendrá cada mes. La OIT establece que la licencia paga debe ser de al menos 2,5 días por mes calendario.

Asegúrese de que los pagos de salario básico, horas extras y vacaciones estén establecidos de forma clara y separada en el contrato.

Comprueba que tu contrato establezca que tienes derecho a los gastos de tu regreso a casa. Nunca firmes un contrato con ninguna cláusula que diga que eres responsable de pagar una parte de los gastos de incorporación o repatriación .

No firme un contrato que permita al armador retener o retener cualquier parte de su salario durante el período del contrato. Usted debería tener derecho al pago total de los salarios devengados al final de cada mes calendario.

Tenga en cuenta que un contrato de trabajo individual no siempre incluirá detalles sobre los beneficios adicionales . Por lo tanto, debe intentar obtener una confirmación por escrito de qué compensación recibirá en caso de:
Enfermedad o lesión durante el período contractual
muerte (monto pagadero al pariente más próximo)
pérdida del buque
Pérdida de efectos personales resultante de la pérdida del buque
terminación prematura del contrato.

No firme ningún contrato que contenga alguna cláusula que restrinja su derecho a afiliarse, contactar, consultar o ser representado por un sindicato de su elección.

Asegúrese de que le entreguen y conserven una copia del contrato que ha firmado.

Consulta las condiciones para rescindir tu contrato, incluido el aviso con el que el armador debe darte aviso

Recuerde … si usted firma voluntariamente un contrato, los términos y condiciones serán legalmente vinculantes en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones.
Para saber si su barco está cubierto por un acuerdo aprobado por la ITF, utilice la sección de búsqueda o comuníquese con el equipo de apoyo a los marinos de la ITF por correo electrónico a [email protected]

Fuente: The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)

May the hope of the resurrection inspire you to move forward with faith and determinationHappy Easter SundayWe are calle...

May the hope of the resurrection inspire you to move forward with faith and determination

Happy Easter Sunday

We are called to reaffirm!

After death, is there also a “hell” in addition to “heaven”?
This changes my life before death and mobilizes my hope beyond death.

We once sat in darkness and in the shadow of death (see Matthew 4:16). But Jesus rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son of his love, in whom we have redemption and forgiveness of sins (Col 1:13-14).
Now we are sitting somewhere else. In the same chair of calm and victory. In Christ. We sit on the foundation of the work that only Jesus Christ accomplished. Out of grace. Therefore, we do not glory in our own strength, but in the cross and in the name of Jesus.

The resurrection of Jesus was only the beginning; many more people will be resurrected
This life-giving Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, who was in Jesus and whose mission he made possible through his sacrifice and resurrection.

Whoever remains in love, remains in God and God in him:
1 John 4:11 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”
12. No one has ever seen God. When we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
13. By this we know that we abide in him, and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
14. And we have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God remains in him, and he in God.
16. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him.”

Jesus said "if you do not believe Me, believe my works, for they speak of Me." John 10:38 It is the authority of the one...

Jesus said "if you do not believe Me, believe my works, for they speak of Me." John 10:38 It is the authority of the one who has made his life a disinterested service to the poor and excluded, and has even given his own life for his total liberation.
We feel grateful to God and to those who continue to allow us to continue providing assistance and serving our marine brothers who arrive in Puerto Cortes. These weeks have been very rewarding as we have continued our work assisting our marine brothers from the Stella Maris Honduras.
And because of them we are capable of reproducing this love with intentionality and a sense of mission. When we prioritize relationships, we reproduce the practice of love taught by Jesus. The exercise of mercy reflects the perception of the image of God in others, which constrains us to act in his favor.
We are used by God when we do good, not as an event in our life, but as a reflection of existing with Christ.
Linked to the God's Love Family, bearing witness to our faith in Christ and, based on the Gospel, committing ourselves to do good in our personal, family, professional and social lives.
It is the authority of the true and clear testimony of the good person who is known by his works, because "a good tree does not bear bad fruit, and a bad tree does not bear good fruit"
This new idea of mission as being more than doing calls us to be grateful for the blessings we have received in our history.
As Christians we feel called to live the spirituality of God's Love, understanding the world and faith from this charism that the Holy Spirit has aroused in the Church.
Whoever understands grace and is moved by it bears witness to God's love in life, in the family and in the world.

Today, July 16, we celebrate our lady of Carmen, our lady of Stella Maris patron saint of sailors, fishermen and haulier...

Today, July 16, we celebrate our lady of Carmen, our lady of Stella Maris patron saint of sailors, fishermen and hauliers.

Our Lady, Star of the Sea is an ancient title for the Virgin Mary. The words Star of the Sea are a translation of the Latin title Stella Maris.
People called Mary, Stella Maris, which means Star of the Sea, and to this day, devotion to this title is very popular around the world.
Patroness: of the Catholic missions to seafarers, the Apostleship of the Sea.

The Virgen del Carmen is a Marian devotion that gathers crowds on her feast day, on July 16, and its origin dates back to Mount Carmel, a mountain range in Palestine that the Bible relates to the prophet Elias, and that in addition to being a benchmark for ships. One of the first miraculous events stands out in 1845, when the crew of the English ship "King of the Ocean" was saved from dying in the middle of a great storm, through the intercession of the Starfish.

As the story goes, that day the waves beat mercilessly and it seemed that the ship was going to sink, when a Protestant minister named Fisher went on deck with his wife, children and other travelers to beg God for mercy and forgiveness from him. .

A young Irish Catholic, John McAuliffe, after realizing the seriousness of the situation, opened his shirt, took off his scapular and, making the sign of the cross over the raging waves, threw it into the ocean. At that moment the wind calmed down and a wave reached the deck that returned the scapular to the feet of the young man.
From that moment, devotion to the Virgen del Carmen as the patron saint of sailors spread throughout the world and began to gather faithful who come to her festival to ask for her protection against possible shipwrecks and storms on the high seas.

Through the centuries, the faithful have turned to Mary calling her with various titles that only seek to express her deep love for her, one of the best known is Virgen del Carmen, the great star of the sea (Stella Maris).
Before leaving, when they were singing the Salve Regina, the Virgin Mary appeared to them and promised to be her Star of the Sea.

Si alguno de ustedes tiene cien ovejas, y se da cuenta de que ha perdido una, ¿acaso no deja las otras noventa y nueve e...

Si alguno de ustedes tiene cien ovejas, y se da cuenta de que ha perdido una, ¿acaso no deja las otras noventa y nueve en el campo y se va a buscar la oveja perdida? Y cuando la encuentra, la pone en sus hombros y vuelve muy contento con ella. Lucas15:4-28

He Bible readings, prayers, and music reflected the message of the day that we are here to serve, rather than be served. We are called to go out and care for others, nomatter where we find them, who they are, or where they are from.

We prayed for all those whose lives revolve around the oceans and seas of the world, giving thanks for the work of all seafarers.

Today is Sunday of the Sea: a day of prayer and reflection

Every year on the second Sunday of July Catholic communities celebrate "Sunday of the Sea", an International Day of Prayer for seafarers and their families, but also for those in the Church who offer them support as chaplains and volunteers who dedicate themselves to the Apostolate of the Sea; the work with which the workers of the sea are spiritually assisted since 1920.

The "Sunday of the Sea", which was officially established in 1975, aims to provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of the work performed by seafarers, who today number more than one million. With their work on ships carrying goods all over the world, they often invisibly make our daily lives possible and support the economy, as H.E. Card Michael Czerny, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, reminds us in his message on the occasion of this day.

The message recalls the presence of the Apostles on the great ships that sailed the Mediterranean and their sharing of the Gospel with the people of the sea. This memory of their origins impels every community to remember all seafarers forcibly far from their loved ones and their church, without access to the Eucharist. This is why the "pastoral care of people of the sea" plays an essential role in reaching out to these brothers and sisters of ours, listening to them, accompanying them, supporting their rights and making them feel part of our own journey.

“We are a synodal Church, in which we walk together. We should go forward together, navigating together, without leaving anyone behind, and enriching one another. No one should think that they have nothing to offer. If therefore there is a specific effort this year it would be to find ways with which we could get closer to each other in an ongoing exchange that would make your work less far from the daily experience and the faith of all.”

Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale

We thank seafarers for their efforts!!Who make up the Seafarers?The term "seafarers" refers to the group formed by those...

We thank seafarers for their efforts!!

Who make up the Seafarers?
The term "seafarers" refers to the group formed by those people related to maritime activity (commerce, transport, aquaculture), inside a vessel and those who provide support from land.

Seafarers are essential due to their key role in moving not only food and household goods, but also fuel, medicine, equipment, and other critical supplies to places in need.

Seafarers have historically been exposed to hazardous conditions that can negatively impact physical and mental health. They often face poor diet and accommodation, shift work, exploitation and financial pressure through non-compliance with contracts or non-payment of wages [1,2,3,4,5]. The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC2006) is a milestone for the improvement of seafarer health and wellbeing. Adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2006 it entered into force in August, 2013. In five chapters, the MLC2006 covers (i) the minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship, (ii) the conditions of employment, (iii) accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering, (iv) health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection and (v) compliance and enforcement [6]. The MLC2006 is continually evolving and regular amendments ensure the future validity and relevance of the convention.

The MLC 2006 sets minimum requirements to improve seafarers’ working and living conditions including recruitment and placement practices, conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, repatriation, annual leave, payment of wages, accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering, health protection, occupational safety and health, medical care, onshore welfare services and social protection.

Happy Father's Day To The Invisible Heroes today we gather together to celebrate fathers day , let's not forget all thos...

Happy Father's Day To The Invisible Heroes

today we gather together to celebrate fathers day , let's not forget all those seafarers out there at sea who haven't seen their children for several months now.
A special regard to all Seafarers', A fathers away from home.

This Father's Day we remember the many sacrifices fathers make for their children and families, and the ways--both big and small--they lift children to achieve dreams thought beyond reach.

So too, we prayer for all those who have helped fill the void when fathers pass early or are absent; grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, and the women of our families.

For those who are fathers, we ask for wisdom and humility in the face of the task of parenting. Give them the strength to do well by their children and by You.
In Your Holy name, O God, we pray.

God, Our Father Bless these men, that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
We give our thanks, Creator father God, for the fathers in our lives.

We ask for Your blessings for them all and forgiveness where it is needed.

You are always welcome!Valuable time ashore for Seafarers who worked onboard ships, regardless, of vessel type. A change...

You are always welcome!

Valuable time ashore for Seafarers who worked onboard ships, regardless, of vessel type. A change of environment, no matter how brief, is paramount in maintaining their well being and to avoid burning out. Shore leave helps them keep a sound mind, be refreshed and energized.
Below are some of the pictures memorable experience, thank you for your visit to our dear seafarers to Stella Maris Honduras:

Today International Women's Day, I present an extraornary testimony of a warrior by opening on the way to other warrior ...

Today International Women's Day, I present an extraornary testimony of a warrior by opening on the way to other warrior women, who seek to show their full potential, in a sector that for many years has been led exclusively by men, as it is in the maritime sector.

Feeling confident with myself, acquiring technical knowledge, enhancing my strengths and helping other women in the Maritime Industry through their empowerment process… that has been the purpose!

My name is Odry Gutiérrez, Honduran Seafarer, I am 47 years old and I work for a well known Cruise Corporation as ENGINE STOREKEEPER INVENTORY.
If you ask me why Engine Team? I can tell you since I began my preparation as a Seafarer at EMCA, I knew that I would not follow the traditional path… I was raised to break paradigms, overcome limits, and transform the words “it is not possible” to “let me try”…
I remember my father teaching me things related to the operation of engines since I was little… Today I work for the Engine Team, with crew from diverse cultures and nationalities, where I am proudly the only woman. I must admit my position requires a lot of leadership, responsibility and it is not an easy job.
On board I am just another member of the brigada, there are no differences or any special treatment, only people capable of carrying out their duties with great success. Respect onboard is earned when you demonstrate your abilities. That’s why preparing yourself with a technical certification and love what you do is a very important step in your process.
Currently things have evolved so much that there are technical training centers where you can find women preparing their selves to develop professionally onboard a cruise or in port industry.
The best agencies are commited to help you get better job offers.
Institutional barriers and cultural gender stigma in companies have greatly diminished.
The Maritime Industry is changing… and you can be part of the new generation of Honduran Seafarers… don’t dare to dream… but if you are going to dream… DREAM BIG!!!
Happy International Women´s Day!

Joy in every beautiful detail!May they welcome us on board to the Stella Maris Honduras team. fills us with a lot of emo...

Joy in every beautiful detail!

May they welcome us on board to the Stella Maris Honduras team. fills us with a lot of emotion.

We thank the crew and its captain of Ship INDIGO SPICA and it fills us with joy to accompany you in this destination of Puerto Cortés, Honduras, your destination with the security measures and humane treatment that characterizes us. Today we can say that without you, dear sailor, this would not have been possible.

How nice to receive them in our lives. Winning a friendship is always joyful, always good, always sincere.

I am sure that we started on the right foot and that this friendship with Stella Maris Honduras will last for years! Thank you dear Ship INDIGO SPICA crew for such beautiful gestures on your part, you are wonderfully great.

We emphasize the commitment we have with you and all our visitors to the Stella Maris to create the best experiences on each visit.

Thanks to the Sisters Misionaries of MARILAM. for being part of the Stella Maris team and for all the collaboration and support in this mission with the sailors, thank you for your availability with our seafarers

Brilliant Star of the Sea Guide them!

En esta semana que se celebra el día de la mujer hondureña, felicitamos a la mujer hondureña que cada vez se abre paso v...

En esta semana que se celebra el día de la mujer hondureña, felicitamos a la mujer hondureña que cada vez se abre paso venciendo muchos retos en el sector marítimo para ellas.

Las mujeres en el sector marítimo se están empoderando, aún queda mucho por hacer para lograr la igualdad de género, la inclusión de más mujeres en el sector marítimo mercante es importante para avanzar en la sostenibilidad el mar como lugar de diversidad.
Las mujeres sólo representan el 1,2% en el sector (Fuente de la OMI)

Poema A la mujer marina

Ahí está ella,
Sin miedos en el reino que se cataloga exclusivo de los hombres
Donde reinan reyes y príncipes
Donde la feminidad se ve una debilidad
Sin embargo, ella decide ser una reina del mar.
Ahí viene ella,
La elección de la profesión de hombres
No para mostrar fuerza, sino pasión
Con su intelecto muestra de genuinidad
Sin embargo, algunas veces ella es tratada como una paria.
Ahí va ella,
Sin una corona de belleza,
Con el casco de la seguridad,
Con el elixir a motores,
Esperando la llamada del deber
Para ellos… Ella no puede navegar, porque la consideran género restringido.
Ella tiene una voz para ser escuchada,
Poseedora de intelecto y conocimiento para gobernar las olas,
Infinitas habilidades para reparar el corazón de la nave
Por un futuro justo para las mujeres en el mar
Ella no necesita una corona, sino una oportunidad
Ella no necesita un título, sino un papel
Todo lo que necesita es un terreno justo con la oportunidad para gobernar también las olas.
Hay muchos espacios que todavía ellas luchan por conquistar…

Artisanal fishermen play a very important role in providing fish for consumers' tables and in this way guarantee the foo...

Artisanal fishermen play a very important role in providing fish for consumers' tables and in this way guarantee the food security of families, in addition to the jobs that are generated from this important activity.

At the facilities of the Welfare Center for Seafarers - Stella Maris Honduras, we met with the community of Artisanal Fishermen from Faro, Puerto Cortés, Honduras in order to socialize with the artisanal fishermen, whose purpose is to gather their concerns and / or proposals to build and implement or improve an Artisanal Fishing Infrastructure from their vision as fishermen in the region of Puerto Cortes, Honduras.

During the meeting, Ligia Ruiz Gamba, Scalabrinian Missionary and Coordinator of the Pastoral of the Sea (Stella Maris) who listened carefully to the men of the sea and in turn made known the support that the Pastoral of the Sea - Stella Maris does to the fishing community.
In the same way, she thanked the assistance of the people and organizations that fight for a common cause, the good management, the support and the organization in the artisanal fishing sector.
They work for a responsible extraction for the sustainability of hydrobiological resources, contributing to the conservation of the biodiversity of marine ecosystems and favoring their natural reproduction.
From now on Hna. Ligia Ruiz Gamba Coordinator of the Pastoral del Mar. gave her support to the families that practice artisanal fishing, responding to their first request with the collaboration of the construction improvements of the premises of her cooperative located in the town of Faro, Puerto Cortés, Honduras.

It was a very interesting conversation where we had the opportunity to listen to their problems and the solution alternatives for this important sector of our region, with the purpose of strengthening the fishing sector of our country and working for the benefit of artisanal fishermen.

Our artisanal fishermen are very valuable to our culture.
Most people feed their families by fishing, send their children to school, build their homes.
When they come back from fishing, they talk more about conservation, about how to protect their habitat, about how the size of the fish they raise matters.

There is talk of fisheries management, there is strong social capital and a great awareness of the need to conserve fish”

But the lack of enforcement of protected areas, and the aggressive fishing tactics used by some, will continue to be a challenge.
We should all appreciate and be proud of our fishermen and this noble work of the artisanal fishing sector.

With faith in God, better times will come for the fishing sector and their families.


Barrio Copen Entre 6 Y 7 Avenida, 8 Calle
Puerto Cortés


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