Roatan Eco Expedition

Roatan Eco Expedition roatan Sea Kayak is not your usual tour. Come have fun, in a safe environment, and feel the connection to this magical island.

Your time with our expert guide will transform the way you think about how you relate to nature and communities around the island of Roatán. Yes, you will go Birdwatching, snorkeling, kayaking and scuba diving in pristine turquoise waters (check that bucket list item!). And, unlike any other tour, you will also get to understand what goes behind what the eye can see: the history of the communities

and the natural environment, its biological and ecosystem importance, and above all, how you play a role in it, even just as a tourist or guest. Aside from having a load of fun, this experience will leave you feeling like you discovered something new about yourself.

Orur ancestors lived in harmony with nature, we cannot bring this nature into a cageNuestros ancestros vivía en armonía ...

Orur ancestors lived in harmony with nature, we cannot bring this nature into a cage

Nuestros ancestros vivía en armonía con la naturaleza, no podemos traer esta naturaleza a una jaula

Great day to walk in nature

Great day to walk in nature

enjoying the visit of Charlene and Marcus Bole, a morning to meet the resident birds of this beautiful tropical island a...

enjoying the visit of Charlene and Marcus Bole, a morning to meet the resident birds of this beautiful tropical island and also to present its refuges and ecosystems that shelter our wildlife.

Disfrutando la visita de Charlene y Marcus Bole, una mañana para conocer las aves residentes de esta bella isla tropical y también para presentar sus refugios y ecosistemas que refugian nuestra vida silvestre

Roatán Sea Kayak Eco Tours is a Honduran company dedicated to promoting and operating different tourist services in Hond...

Roatán Sea Kayak Eco Tours is a Honduran company dedicated to promoting and operating different tourist services in Honduras. our quality is to personalize your experiences surrounded by the vast biodiversity.

For us, the conservation of Honduran birds and their habitats is important, and that is why we want to invite you to this Caribbean bird festival that will take place in one of the country's national parks, Pico Bonito National Park in Atlantida.


Let’s make roatan great together! Lots of people wants to swimm In healthy reef .

a sunday to share about a wonderful bird that is surprising visitors in the paradise of the roatan brewery

a sunday to share about a wonderful bird that is surprising visitors in the paradise of the roatan brewery


, , , , .

Bryan and Pat ! celebrated the global big day, and we enjoyed these resident birds, we had the opportunity to see all of...

Bryan and Pat ! celebrated the global big day, and we enjoyed these resident birds, we had the opportunity to see all of them in their habitats feeding

Residents of the  Hardboard community booked a birdwatching tour to learn more about the biological diversity and variet...

Residents of the Hardboard community booked a birdwatching tour to learn more about the biological diversity and variety of ecosystems that this wonderful tropical island has. taking a day to get to know the variety of birds that reside and transit in migration seasons, some that take refuge in the foliage of the jungle and others in the wetlands, certain specimens seek the ocean coasts taking advantage of each of the wonderful spaces as their refuge . We greatly appreciate your interest in protecting the birds of Honduras.

los residentes de la comunidad blue hardboard reservaron una visita guiada para conocer más sobre la diversidad biológica y la variedad de ecosistemas que tiene esta maravillosa isla tropical. tomando un día para conocer la variedad de aves que residen y transitan en épocas de migración, algunas que se refugian en el follaje de la selva y otras en los humedales, ciertos ejemplares buscan las costas oceánicas aprovechando cada uno de los maravillosos espacios como su refugio. Agradecemos mucho su interés en proteger las aves de Honduras.


Today is the first day of a 7-month campaign to reduce the demand of purchasing parrots, especially the critically endangered yellow-naped amazon parrot. This campaign is led by which is a consortium of parrot conservation organizations from Mexico to Costa Rica. We are glad to join with our colleagues in asking you to spread this graphic and message far and wide. In English the poster says, "You can save them" "The yellow-naped amazon is critically endangered." and "Don't buy wild parrots."


Be thankful for good friends, hot sun, and clear water.

El 26 de julio se celebra el Día Internacional de la defensa del Ecosistema Manglar. Los manglares son ecosistemas altam...

El 26 de julio se celebra el Día Internacional de la defensa del Ecosistema Manglar.

Los manglares son ecosistemas altamente productivos que están presentes en 123 países, ubicados en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales del planeta. Los manglares más grandes del mundo se encuentran en Brasil,México y Honduas pero están presentes en casi toda Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

Los manglares son uno de los ecosistemas más importantes dentro de la naturaleza debido a:

Su papel en el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad.
Retención de nutrientes.
Regulación del clima.
Preservación de la calidad del agua.
Protección natural de entornos costeros.


Cuantos seremos? 🤓

Red Mangroves Red Mangroves produce dark green, leathery, smooth-edged leaves. Red Mangrove trees flower in summer and a...

Red Mangroves

Red Mangroves produce dark green, leathery, smooth-edged leaves. Red Mangrove trees flower in summer and autumn. The flowers are small, yellow and bell-shaped. They have a pleasant smell and attract bees and insects to pollinate them. A pollinated flower develops into a seed, which grows its first root while still attached to the parent tree. These germinated seeds (called propagules) look like green and brown ci**rs, and can be seen hanging from Red Mangrove trees in summer. Once the propagule reaches about 8 inches (20cm) long, it drops off. The bottom of the propagule is heavier than the top so it will drop straight down into the mud if the tide is low, and small leaves will then grow out of the top. If the tide is high when the propagule falls off the parent tree, it floats off into the ocean to wash up and grow somewhere else.

Manglares Rojos

Los manglares rojos producen hojas de color verde oscuro, coriáceas y de bordes lisos. Los árboles de mangle rojo florecen en verano y otoño. Las flores son pequeñas, amarillas y acampanadas. Tienen un olor agradable y atraen abejas e insectos para polinizarlos. Una flor polinizada se convierte en una semilla, que crece su primera raíz mientras todavía está unida al árbol padre. Estas semillas germinadas (llamadas propágulos) parecen puros verdes y marrones, y se pueden ver colgando de los árboles de mangle rojo en verano. Una vez que el propágulo alcanza unas 8 pulgadas (20 cm) de largo, se cae. La parte inferior del propágulo es más pesada que la parte superior, por lo que caerá directamente al lodo si la marea está baja, y luego crecerán pequeñas hojas de la parte superior. Si la marea está alta cuando el propágulo se cae del árbol padre, flota hacia el océano para lavarse y crecer en otro lugar

Roatán, Islas De La Bahia, Honduras

Día mundial de los humedales los humedales. son Ricos en naturaleza y vitales para el ser humano. En la actualidad exist...

Día mundial de los humedales

los humedales. son Ricos en naturaleza y vitales para el ser humano. En la actualidad existe un recurso de la naturaleza muy fundamental para el equilibrio ecológico del planeta, el cual representa un gran ecosistema y un importante hábitat para la diversidad de animales y plantas. Este entorno del medio ambiente, se llama humedal o humedales, el cual, constituyen una fuente vital de recursos y servicios ambientales para la supervivencia humana.

World wetlands day

the wetlands are rich in nature and vital to human beings. At present there is a very fundamental nature resource for the ecological balance of the planet, which represents a great ecosystem and an important habitat for the diversity of animals and plants. This environment of the environment is called wetland or wetlands, which constitute a vital source of resources and environmental services for human survival.

Bay Islands Conservation Association
Club de Observación de Aves Auropalliata
ASHO - Asociación Hondureña de Ornitología

The world wetland day !the wetlands  are rich in nature and vital to human beings.  At present there is a very fundament...

The world wetland day !

the wetlands are rich in nature and vital to human beings. At present there is a very fundamental nature resource for the ecological balance of the planet, which represents a great ecosystem and an important habitat for the diversity of animals and plants. This environment of the environment is called wetland or wetlands, which constitute a vital source of resources and environmental services for human survival.

Día de los humedales

los humedales son Ricos en naturaleza y vitales para el ser humano. En la actualidad existe un recurso de la naturaleza muy fundamental para el equilibrio ecológico del planeta, el cual representa un gran ecosistema y un importante hábitat para la diversidad de animales y plantas. Este entorno del medio ambiente, se llama humedal o humedales, el cual, constituyen una fuente vital de recursos y servicios ambientales para la supervivencia humana.

Bay Islands Conservation Association
Club de Observación de Aves Auropalliata
ASHO - Asociación Hondureña de Ornitología

An amazing time exploring Morat island we found new birds report for the country Honduras Bay Islands Conservation Assoc...

An amazing time exploring Morat island we found new birds report for the country Honduras
Bay Islands Conservation Association
Club de Observación de Aves Auropalliata

Let’s learn more about the Amazona Auropalliata.

Let’s learn more about the Amazona Auropalliata.

Feliz dia mundial de la educación ambiental! 🥳

Muchas gracias a todas esas personas e instituciones que dia a dia comparten sus conocimientos y se esfuerzan por educar a niños y población en general en temas relacionados a la conservación de la vida silvestre de Roatan y del resto de Islas de la Bahía!

Arte por: Eams Akaee

MANGROVESThe life above snd below the shoreline is intricately related. The mangroves are an example one especies that e...


The life above snd below the shoreline is intricately related. The mangroves are an example one especies that emphasizes this delicate balance of nature

Although they may seem like dispensable trees that obstruct navigation, mangroves are actually a critical link in the island ecosystem. They protect the shoreline from erosion by rain and wave action. They filter sediments from rain runoff, helping prevent the deposits from smothering the coral reef . At the same time, they collect fertile earth and add their own decay to the building of wetlands.

Another wonderful day kayaking around the mangroves. Lots of beautiful wildlife.

Green turtles
Sea squid
Mantis shrimp
Spongy decorator crab
Cushion sea star
Long-spine urchin
Sea horses


La vida por encima y por debajo de la costa está íntimamente relacionada. Los manglares son un ejemplo de una especie que enfatiza este delicado equilibrio de la naturaleza.

Aunque pueden parecer árboles prescindibles que obstruyen la navegación, los manglares son en realidad un eslabón fundamental en el ecosistema de la isla. Protegen la costa de la erosión por la lluvia y la acción de las olas. Filtran los sedimentos de la escorrentía de la lluvia, lo que ayuda a evitar que los depósitos asfixien el arrecife de coral. Al mismo tiempo, recolectan tierra fértil y agregan su propia descomposición a la construcción de humedales.

MANGROVESThe life above snd below the shoreline is intricately related. The mangroves are an example one especies that e...


The life above snd below the shoreline is intricately related. The mangroves are an example one especies that emphasizes this delicate balance of nature

Although they may seem like dispensable trees that obstruct navigation, mangroves are actually a critical link in the island ecosystem. They protect the shoreline from erosion by rain and wave action. They filter sediments from rain runoff, helping prevent the deposits from smothering the coral reef . At the same time, they collect fertile earth and add their own decay to the building of wetlands.

Another wonderful day kayaking around the mangroves. Lots of beautiful wildlife.

Green turtles
Sea squid
Mantis shrimp
Spongy decorator crab
Cushion sea star
Long-spine urchin
Sea horses


La vida por encima y por debajo de la costa está íntimamente relacionada. Los manglares son un ejemplo de una especie que enfatiza este delicado equilibrio de la naturaleza.

Aunque pueden parecer árboles prescindibles que obstruyen la navegación, los manglares son en realidad un eslabón fundamental en el ecosistema de la isla. Protegen la costa de la erosión por la lluvia y la acción de las olas. Filtran los sedimentos de la escorrentía de la lluvia, lo que ayuda a evitar que los depósitos asfixien el arrecife de coral. Al mismo tiempo, recolectan tierra fértil y agregan su propia descomposición a la construcción de humedales.

Sofia del Castillo

Thanks Capitan Cory

Thanks Capitan Cory


Half Moon Bay, West End

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 17:00
Martes 08:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 17:00
Jueves 08:00 - 17:00
Viernes 08:00 - 17:00
Sábado 08:00 - 17:00
Domingo 08:00 - 17:00




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Roatan Sea Kayak & Eco Tours

Roatan Sea Kayak Tours offers off the beaten path sea kayak and eco tours in Roatan, Honduras. Experience Roatan’s natural beauty from the coastline. Discover a whole new ecosystem of species within the mangrove forests that protect Roatan’s coast. With over 15 years of experience working as a local tour guide, Jorge Avila, (@GeorgeRoatan) offers sea kayak adventures, birdwatching, snorkeling & diving, island/East End tours and boat trips to Pigeon Key. We are committed to building environmental and cultural awareness and respect through sharing knowledge with our clients about Roatan’s biodiversity and culture heritage. Discover some of the over 120 species of birds that live and migrate to Roatan, and over 300+ marine species. Our sea kayak expeditions are offered as half-day, full-day or even multi-day camping trips to explore the remote and pristine beauty of Port Royal National Park and Santa Elena.