An ode to Samsara the dual face of Rigpa
Now hear, you demons and devils, you angels and shadowy beings of light in this world. I have consumed you, broken your yoke, and shattered your chains. Now, you and darkness are one with my light in this world.
Thus speaks the spirit, the "Never-Returner," the one who, from eternity to eternity, "descends while ascending" and "ascends while descending":
"Samantabhadra’s skull hangs at the gate to my realm; before Kunyed Galpo was, I was!"
"Samsara, Nirvana’s womb, the source of my glory. My descent, my incarnation into duality, leads to its transcendence. My consumption is a fusion of Samsara and Nirvana. I bring heaven to earth."
"Akasha dances with joy over the words now written here. The foundation of the world trembles; the pillars of the earth sway, for everything is built on water and sand."
Now listen:
"Your descent, your incarnation, becomes your ascent when you recognize with your heart that it is God Himself in whom you live. Through you, God enters this world. You have come to advance the evolution of pure being on the planet Earth—not to flee from it, not to judge, discriminate, or affirm. Consume duality and excrete unity. That is transcendence. Live in harmony with nature; that is Mahamudra. Be beyond conditioning; adapt to change without altering yourself, for your nature remains unchanged. That is Shunyata. Be honest and truthful in feeling, thinking, speaking, and being, for that is Rigpa. Extend your hand to the beings of hell and laugh aloud: 'HA HA!' If they pull you into the abyss, then they will look upward, and the heavens will gaze back. That is Bodhicitta. A pure body, pure speech, and pure mind—your pure being is a living invocation for all beings. This lies in the nature of Alaya, the soul-mind.
Whoever has a heart, let them now feel what the heart says: 'You did not come into this world to love. You came to be. Pure being. For that is love itself.'
And that is: 'All-inclusive!'"
Padma Mahanaga