Cavtat Konavle Tourist Board

Cavtat Konavle Tourist Board Cavtat Konavle... where life is a simple pleasure...
Welcome to official page of Cavtat Kon Visit Cavtat & Konavle and discover the beauty!

Cavtat is a small town situated in Konavle region, 20 km south from Dubrovnik. Hotels, private accomodation, restaurants, cukture and history, art and music, family Račić mausoleum, Bukovac house - all is there... and even more! If you prefere rural accomodation, traditional food, folklore dancing, walking, cycling, horse back riding, jeep safary, photo safary, ATV safary, adrenalin parcs... come to rural part of Konavle region!

Muzeji i galerije Konavala predstavit će večeras u 18:00 u Kuća Bukovac restaurirani barjak Sv. Nikole koji je za župnu ...

Muzeji i galerije Konavala predstavit će večeras u 18:00 u Kuća Bukovac restaurirani barjak Sv. Nikole koji je za župnu crkvu u Cavtatu naslikao Vlaho Bukovac 1902. godine. Svečano će biti izložen u Kući Bukovac uz prigodno predavanje koje će održati Ada Vrtulek Gerić i Maja Vrtulek, više restauratorice-konzervatorice s Odsjeka za tekstil Restauratorskog odjela Ludbreg pri Hrvatskom restauratorskom zavodu.
Barjak će u punom sjaju biti predstavljen prvi put nakon 2016. godine, kad je u Ludbreg poslan na kompleksne restauratorske radove. Pozivamo sve zainteresirane da dođu pogledati restaurirani barjak te iz prve ruke saznaju kako su tekle faze njegove dugogodišnje restauracije.

Više informacija na blogu MIGK

Barjak sv. Nikole 🕔 5. prosinca 2022.1. prosinca 2022. autor: MigkVlaho Bukovac, Barjak sv. Nikole nakon restauracije preuzeto: www.hrz.hrŽupna crkva sv. Nikole za Bukovca je bila posebno mjesto. Nekoliko iznimnih radova izradio je baš za tu crkvu u vrijeme kad se povukao iz Zagreba i gotovo č...

The Croatian Mountaineering Association HPD Sniježnica organized another successful Children's Mountaineering Trip to St...

The Croatian Mountaineering Association HPD Sniježnica organized another successful Children's Mountaineering Trip to Stražišće, gathering 117 mountaineers of all generations, from the youngest three-year-olds to experienced 63-year-olds. The trip was also special because of the participation of children from Dom Maslina from Dubrovnik, who joined this cheerful and active group.
This year HPD Sniježnica designed a more challenging route for young mountaineers, opting for a steeper climb up the northwestern slope of Stražišća, while the southeastern slope was left for a quieter and safer descent towards the village. The ascent, which lasts a little less than 50 minutes, was exciting, with two short stops, lots of conversations and the children's great interest in the plane crash that happened 28 years ago on the northern slope of Stražišća.
At the top, they enjoyed a well-deserved brunch, sunbathing, socializing and taking photos together. The sun was already high, so after refreshment they carefully descended from the top, enjoying the beautiful views of Konavle Field, Dubrovnik Airport and the mother mountain.
In a record time of two hours, a cheerful group of mountaineers descended back to the village, where they were greeted by gift packages and games on the meadow prepared by members of the society, volunteers and teachers from Dubrovnik kindergartens. Special support was also provided by the Konavle Municipality Tourist Board, which recognized the value of this event as an opportunity to bring nature closer to the youngest and promote the love of hiking.
The trip was an extraordinary combination of recreation and education, and the older participants showed by example the importance of togetherness and spending time actively in nature. This initiative left lasting memories for everyone, and gave the youngest the opportunity to have fun and learn in a beautiful landscape.

Turistička zajednica općine Konavle organizirala je u subotu vrlo uspješnu i dobro posjećenu besplatnu radionicu branja ...

Turistička zajednica općine Konavle organizirala je u subotu vrlo uspješnu i dobro posjećenu besplatnu radionicu branja jestivog samoniklog bilja, pružajući sudionicima priliku da otkriju prirodno bogatstvo koje Konavle n**e.
Pod stručnim vodstvom Katije Živković i Jadranke Ničetić okupljeni su, uz savjete o ekološkom pristupu branju i očuvanju prirode, naučili kako pravilno brati jestive biljke te kako ih primijeniti u svakodnevnoj ishrani.
Nakon terenskog dijela branja sudionici su u Seoskoj kući Čilipi kušali raznovrsna jela pripremljena od samoniklog bilja.
Ovakve manifestacije omogućuju i lokalnim stanovnicima i posjetiteljima da steknu nove vještine, uče o vrijednosti samoniklog bilja i ekološkim aspektima branja, te prepoznaju važnost tradicionalnih recepata i prirodnih pripravaka.
TZ Konavle prepoznala je značaj ovakvih događaja koji ne samo da jačaju povezanost s prirodom već i doprinose očuvanju dragocjenog znanja o bilju i zdravom načinu života, te, motivirana rastućim interesom za autentične, edukativne aktivnosti, planira nastaviti s ovakvim programima i u budućim sezonama i na taj način doprinijeti očuvanju kulturne baštine, promicanju održivog turizam i jačanjui svijesti o zdravom životu i prirodnim bogatstvima koja Konavle n**e.



TZ općine Konavle ovu subotu organizira besplatnu Radionicu branja i pripremanja jestivog samoniklog bilja. Radionicu će voditi Katija Živković i Jadranka Ničetić prema sljedećem rasporedu:

08:50 – Kraljeva (H83G+V2Q Mihanići)
09:00 – Radionica na zemljištu OPG-a "Miho Kukuljica" (branje cca 2-3 sata)
11:00~12:00 – Odlazak u Seosku kuću,Čilipi (Niko Novaković) gdje ćemo pripremati i kušati pripremljenu hranu (do 17:00–18:00)

Napominjemo da prijevoz nije organiziran niti do lokacije branja niti kasnije do Seoske kuće Čilipi. Također vas molimo da odaberete udobnu odjeću i obuću, te da sa sobom imate dovoljno vode ili neke druge tekućine.

Više informacija o samoj radionici, te slike prijašnjih radionica možete pogledati na linku ispod:

S obzirom na to da je radionica predviđena za maksimalno 30 ljudi, te da je ostalo svega par mjesta, molimo sve zainteresirane da se prijave mailom na [email protected] te da u mailu također pošaljete i kontakt telefon.

October and early November in Cavtat and the surrounding Konavle region truly offer a peaceful and picturesque retreat. ...

October and early November in Cavtat and the surrounding Konavle region truly offer a peaceful and picturesque retreat. With mild, pleasant temperatures and fewer tourists, it's an ideal time for outdoor enthusiasts and those seeking a quieter experience.
The mild weather, with daytime temperatures generally ranging from 15–25°C, makes it comfortable for hiking the scenic trails of Konavle Valley or exploring the streets of Cavtat's Old Town. The Adriatic Sea remains inviting, with water temperatures still warm enough (around 20–23°C) for a refreshing swim. The waterfront is a great place for leisurely walks, where you can soak in the views and crisp sea air.
Local cafes and restaurants stay open but are less crowded, so you can easily enjoy traditional Dalmatian cuisine in a relaxed setting. From local wines and fresh seafood to delicious pastries and olive oils, the flavors of Cavtat and Konavle are at their best.
This period allows you to experience the authentic charm of Croatia’s coast with a perfect mix of warm hospitality, outdoor activities, and scenic beauty.

The "Croatia Naturally Yours" project fosters sustainable tourism by preserving and enhancing Croatia’s natural environm...

The "Croatia Naturally Yours" project fosters sustainable tourism by preserving and enhancing Croatia’s natural environment. With backing from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Croatian National Tourist Board, the initiative provided funding to the Tourist Board of Konavle Municipality for the acquisition of native tree seedlings.

In 2024, cypress trees were planted across several selected sites based on guidelines from the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb, ensuring the chosen species align with the local ecosystem. A total of 10 cypresses were planted at the Prahivac site, and an additional 5 seedlings each were placed in Zvekovica and Pendovo Selo. Each tree bears a dedicated marker with the sustainable tourism emblem "Croatia Naturally Yours," underscoring the role of environmental conservation in tourism.

This initiative provides several benefits: it supports biodiversity, enhances the visual appeal of the area, and encourages ecologically responsible tourism that celebrates Croatia's natural beauty and heritage.

Third season of the series "Wind Masters Croatia 2024" - first epizode filmed in Cavtat and Dubrovnik😀😊

Third season of the series "Wind Masters Croatia 2024" - first epizode filmed in Cavtat and Dubrovnik😀😊

In this episode, we embark on a Croatian adventure through the picturesque region of Cavtat-Konavle and the iconic city of Dubrovnik. We’ll stroll through th...

Today we are celebrating Konavle Municipality Day, a reflection of the community’s strength and resilience! The events o...

Today we are celebrating Konavle Municipality Day, a reflection of the community’s strength and resilience!
The events of the early 1990s, particularly the suffering and losses experienced during the conflict, left a profound mark on the region. As Mayor Božo Lasić says, it’s more than just a commemoration of liberation—it’s a day that symbolizes the enduring connection to home and homeland, a reminder of the sacrifices made, and the importance of unity and heritage.

This day must evoke a powerful sense of pride, not just in the resilience shown during that difficult time but also in the way the community has rebuilt and continues to look toward the future while honoring its roots.

Happy Općina Konavle day to everyone who loves and cherishes our beautiful region!

Povodom proslave Dana općine Konavle, Općina Konavle  u subotu,19.10.2024.g. u 20:00 sati u sportskoj dvorani na Grudi o...

Povodom proslave Dana općine Konavle, Općina Konavle u subotu,19.10.2024.g. u 20:00 sati u sportskoj dvorani na Grudi organizira humanitarni koncert Tomislava Bralića i klape Intrade.
Ulaz na koncert je slobodan.


Pridružite nam se na ovogodišnjoj posljednjoj kostimiranoj turi na hrvatskom jeziku i iskoristite ovu predivnu priliku za uživanje u bogatoj povijesti i kulturnoj baštini Cavtata koja oživljava važne ličnosti iz prošlosti! Prošetajte s nama Cavtatom i upoznajte se s fascinantnim pričama osoba poput Boža Banca, Marije Račić Banac, Tina Pattiere, Baltazara Bogišića, Jelka Miš, Vlaha Bukovca i Frana Supila, sve kroz izvedbe Kolarin Kazališna Družina Dubrovnik i Vedran Mezei.

Vidimo se u nedjelju u 16:00 u Vili Banac!

Ogranak Cavtat - Dubrovačke knjižnice obilježavaju Mjesec hrvatske knjige 2024! Danas, u 18:00 sati, roditelji i djeca p...

Ogranak Cavtat - Dubrovačke knjižnice obilježavaju Mjesec hrvatske knjige 2024!

Danas, u 18:00 sati, roditelji i djeca pozvani su na čitaonicu i radionicu pod nazivom "Zašto, kako i što Vylson čita djeci" koju će voditi poznata blogerica Vildana Mršo.

Ova čitaonica osmišljenaje kako bi se potaknula ljubav prema čitanju kod djece i pružili korisni savjeti roditeljima o tome kako djeci približiti knjige. Radionica će također uključivati kreativne aktivnosti, a Vildana Mrša, kroz svoj blog i iskustvo, podijelit će korisne savjete i tehnike za čitanje s djecom.

Događaj je odlična prilika za cijelu obitelj da se uključi u aktivnosti povezane s čitanjem i uživanjem u knjigama!

TODAY AT CAVTAT CULTURE CENTRE!17:30–18:30Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & Festival: Open tango lesson & Milonga de...



Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & Festival: Open tango lesson & Milonga de Bienvenida –Tango Dubrovnik
Argentine tango open class for beginners, introduction to the school for beginners, instructor Miloš Miloradović

At the beginning of a wonderful week filled with tango dance and music, we are having a tango open class for all those who are curious to try it out and decide if they wanted to pursue it further. Everybody is welcome.

19:00 – 20:00
Practice for more advanced dancers, instructor Miloš Miloradović

20:00 – 23:00
Milonga de Bienvenida & Concert by Aleksandar & Ivana Nikolić (Beltango), DJ Shone

All additional information:


Barbara and Luka are a dance couple running the ‘Tango Pasional’ dance school in Zagreb. They are both great admirers of Argentine tango. You will certainly enjoy their workshops and performance during the festival.They perceive tango not only as a dance, but as a personal growth opportunity. It...

The H.E.A.R.T. of Konavle (Hiking Experience and Adventure Running Trail) was officially promoted yesterday, offering an...

The H.E.A.R.T. of Konavle (Hiking Experience and Adventure Running Trail) was officially promoted yesterday, offering an incredible outdoor experience in Konavle municipality. This unique initiative invites nature enthusiasts to explore a variety of routes, each providing breathtaking landscapes and a mix of challenges.

H.E.A.R.T. offers three main routes:
1. Grand Loop Trail (47.5 miles / 76 km): The longest route, covering the entirety of Konavle without repeating paths, perfect for those seeking the full adventure.
2. Blue Bypass (9.4 miles / 15 km): Takes hikers to the summit of Sv. Ilija, offering a more physically demanding experience with a significant ascent.
3. Southernmost Trail leads to Croatia’s southernmost point, offering scenic sea views and a tranquil return walk.

Participants can complete the routes by hiking, walking, running, or even fast walking, and there's the option to finish the trail in a day or over several days. The flexibility of the routes allows adventurers to customize their journey based on their preferences.
To encourage participation, anyone who completes the trail and documents their journey can receive an official certificate from the Tourist Office in Cavtat. This serves as a memento of the accomplishment.
The best seasons for hiking are spring and autumn, specifically in March, April, May, October, and November, when temperatures are more favorable. Summer hiking is not recommended due to the heat, while winter poses potential challenges like ice and wind.

Konavle’s H.E.A.R.T. is perfect for those who seek a blend of nature, adventure, and personal achievement in one of Croatia’s most scenic regions!

More at:


Don’t miss the opportunity to experience Cavtat in a whole new light!

Join us for a unique experience that combines a guided tour with a theatrical performance and stroll through the picturesque streets and landmarks of Cavtat, accompanied by the most prominent Croatian artists, politicians, and businessmen who called Cavtat home at the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The adventure begins on October 7, at 18:00 at Villa Banac, where you will be warmly welcomed by the owner, Božo Banac.

See you there!

Zbog nepovoljne vremenske prognoze koncert Pučki zbor Konavle održat će se u crkvi Sv. Nikole u Čilipima.Vidimo se sutra...

Zbog nepovoljne vremenske prognoze koncert Pučki zbor Konavle održat će se u crkvi Sv. Nikole u Čilipima.
Vidimo se sutra u 19:00!

Plan your rainy afternoon with us and join Vedran Mezei at his storytelling event "Inspiring lives-Everlasting legends"....

Plan your rainy afternoon with us and join Vedran Mezei at his storytelling event "Inspiring lives-Everlasting legends".
See you tonight at 18:00 at Hotel Croatia, Cavtat's piano bar!

We invite you to join us this Saturday for the 7th Croatian Championship in Drywall Construction, which will take place ...

We invite you to join us this Saturday for the 7th Croatian Championship in Drywall Construction, which will take place this Saturday in the village of Pločice, starting at 10:30 AM. Come and witness skilled craftsmen in action and learn firsthand how our ancestors built using this ancient and sustainable technique! It’s a perfect opportunity to celebrate tradition, culture, and the art of building without modern materials. Don’t miss this unique event!

Drywall construction in Konavle, as well as in most of Dalmatia and other Mediterranean regions, represents a traditional technique of building walls without the use of binding materials such as cement or mortar. This technique, also known as drywall or dry construction, is based on the careful stacking of stones, where the pieces are adjusted to fit into each other as tightly as possible. Stone was gathered from local fields, clearing the land for agriculture while simultaneously providing the building materials for the walls. These stones were carefully stacked, with larger stones typically forming the base and smaller ones filling in gaps to ensure stability.
The walls allow for natural water drainage, reducing erosion and benefiting the environment by not introducing pollutants. They also serve as micro-habitats for various plants and animals, thus supporting local biodiversity.
These stone walls go beyond functional purposes—they are symbols of the hard work and ingenuity of past generations, adapting to the challenges of the landscape.

In 2018, the art of drywall construction was recognized in 2018 by UNESCO as part of Representative list of intagible cultural heritage, ensuring that the knowledge and skills required for drywall construction are passed down and remain an integral part of the regional and global heritage.


Zidine 6

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 14:00




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Cavtat - a place where life is a simple pleasure! This small town is situated in Konavle region, 20 km south from Dubrovnik. Hotels, private accomodation, restaurants, culture and history, art and music, family Račić Mausoleum, Bukovac house - all is there... and even more! If you prefere rural accomodation, traditional food, folklore dancing, walking, cycling, horse back riding, jeep safary, photo safary, ATV safary, adrenalin parcs... come to rural part of Konavle region! Visit Cavtat & Konavle and discover the beauty!

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