Extreme Fishing Bota Dubrovnik

Extreme Fishing Bota Dubrovnik We organize fishing for beginners & professionals

We offer:
Short fishing trips
All-day fishing
Mul number of guests: 1
- max. Other rates available on request.

We organize fishing for beginners and professionals

We offer:
Short fishing trips
All-day fishing
Multi-day fishing
Multi-day extreme fishing
Yacht tracking (following yachts and fishing when agreed)

We set off from Dubrovnik, Cavtat, the Elaphite Islands and Pelješac. At extra cost, we also offer departures from other locations on the Adriatic coast.
- boat: Luhrs 29 Tournament
- min. number of

guests: 4

The rate for short fishing trips (five hours) is € 600 (VAT not included). The rate for all-day fishing is € 1,000 (VAT not included). The usual departure is at 9 a.m., returning at 5 p.m. The rate includes everything you need for Extreme Fishing: an experienced two-member crew, fuel, lunch on board, beverages, bait and tools. The crew will be happy to instruct you and share the secrets of this unique fishing method. We fish using gear for different categories: jigging rods, spinning reels, stand up rods for big game fishing, trolling rods for fishing from a fighting chair, etc. We can also book tables at the finest restaurants on the islands and along the mainland shore. In addition to standard all-day fishing, we can organize multi-day fishing. We are entirely flexible during multi-day fishing, so we can fish during the day, and book hotel rooms or suites on any of our islands for guests during the night. There is also room for two persons to sleep on the boat. Join us and enjoy this exciting and unforgettable experience! Capt. Igor has more than twenty years of experience on fishing vessels, and he has won dozens of medals in professional big fish competitions. We speak English and German. Description of the boat:
We fish on a Luhrs 29 Tournament (9.5 m), fully equipped for big game fishing, specializing in drifting and hunting tuna, swordfish and sharks, and suitably equipped for trolling smaller species of tuna and little tunny with nine or more rods. It should be noted that the boat is ideal for the jigging technique to catch the greater amberjack and dentex. With its comfort and luxury furnishings, the boat offers an unforgettable experience on the open sea, both during the hunt and while cruising on our beloved blue Adriatic. Fishing from this boat provides direct contact with the sea and fish, and each team member can actively participate in extreme fishing. The boat has a spacious cockpit and is fully equipped for various sorts of extreme fishing: electronic detection devices, four complete 80 lb and 30 lb fishing tackle sets (rods and reels), a fighting chair, jigging gear and jigging master rods and Shimano spinning reels are the major component of our equipment. Our boat offers comfort and an enjoyable fishing experience for four anglers and two crew members (six is optimum number on board). The interior consists of a lounge with a dining table, a galley and a toilet with hot-water shower. Boat:

► Luhrs 29 tournament
► Engines: 2 X LPH 6, 315hp each
► Length: 9.50 m
► Width: 3.55 m
► Gross tonnage: 7.47
► Fly bridge, trolling equipment,
pool for the live bait, electronics, sounder, plotter, radar, auto pilot, etc. Contact

► Boat owner: Pero Šare
mob. +385 (0)91 1754 484
[email protected]

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. (Henry David Thoreau)

Sometimes you need that friend that has your back! 🪝🎣•

Sometimes you need that friend that has your back! 🪝🎣

Fishing and fishermen's conversations🐟🐠🐡🦈🐋🐬🐳A moment you can have on of our tours. What else is there in life anyway? Ca...

Fishing and fishermen's conversations
A moment you can have on of our tours. What else is there in life anyway?
Captain and our friend Peter dolce vita mode on🥰


We are coming in hot. Are you ready for extreme pleasure fishing? The Adriatic is calling you!😎

Just like 🔊 Andy Mineo song says, we are feeding our fam too! 🐟🐠🐡
Our fam BOWA Dubrovnik Bota Palace Restoran Bota Šare Mali Ston Restaurant Bota Šare - Zagreb Mini Bota Oyster & Sushi - Split Bota Sare,Mali Ston Oyster & Sushi Bar Bota - Dubrovnik 💗

Sinoćnji ulov – sabljarka ⚔️Pravi znalci uživaju u lovu na sabljarku, predatora površinskih i srednjih slojeva morskih v...

Sinoćnji ulov – sabljarka ⚔️

Pravi znalci uživaju u lovu na sabljarku, predatora površinskih i srednjih slojeva morskih voda daleko od obale. Adrenalinski ovisnici ističu kako je sabljarka opasna jer joj “sablja” ne služi za ukras. S druge je strane sabljarka pravi ukras na pjatu svakog gurmana jer njeno je meso sočno i posebnog okusa. Statistika pokazuje da ih je u Jadranu svake sezone sve više.

Last night's catch – swordfish ⚔️

True connoisseurs enjoy swordfish fishing. It is a predator of open-seas pelagic fish. Adrenaline addicts emphasize that its sword is not just for show, even though this fish served on a plate is a treat for any foodie as its meat is juicy and has a distinctive flavour. Fisheries statistics indicate that their population in the Adriatic Sea increases every year.

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

🐟 Plavoperajne tune, sabljarke, morski psi, samo su neke ribe s kojima nema šale i za koje je potrebno mnogo snage. Pore...

🐟 Plavoperajne tune, sabljarke, morski psi, samo su neke ribe s kojima nema šale i za koje je potrebno mnogo snage. Pored snage potreban je odličan štap i kvalitetan multiplikator– nezamjenjiv alat za extreme fishing doživljaj.

Na našim čarter brodovima koristimo isključivo profesionalnu ribolovnu opremu. Plavoperajne tune i iglune lovimo ribolovnim kompletima Shimano Tiagra veličine 50 WLRS i 80 W, u kompletu s 80 lbs štapovima Penn International i Alutecnos. Pribor za velike plavoperajne tune mora biti jak, pouzdan i besprijekorno složen, a na svakoj multiroli namotavamo najlon brenda Jinkai jačine 130 lbs.

Svaki brod je opremljen s minimalno šest navedenih kompleta. Osim pribora za tune na brodovima imamo i nekoliko kompleta za razne ribolovne tehnike - stacionarne role za jigging Shimano Stella, kao i elektronske role Kaigen za dubinski ribolov. Za vrhunsku zabavu gostima je na raspolaganju i lagani pribor sa stacionarnim rolama brenda Daiwa za ulov male plave ribe.

Brodovi su opremljeni i raznim priručnim ribolovnim alatima kao što su kuke, harpuni, profesionalne hranilice brenda Sardamatic, te boksovi s ledom začuvanje ribe, tako možemo gostu/ima nakon ribolova pripremiti ukusan obrok od netom ulovljene ribe.

Rezervirajte svoje ribanje:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com


🐟 Bluefin tuna, swordfish, sharks, are just some of the fish which should be treated with respect, as they require a lot of strength to be caught. In addition to strength, one needs an excellent rod and a quality multiplier reel - an indispensable tool for an extreme fishing experience.

On our charter boats we use only professional fishing equipment. We catch bluefin tuna and swordfish with Shimano Tiagra fishing kits 50 WLRS and 80 W, together with 80 lbs Penn International and Alutecnos rods. Fishing equipment for large bluefin tuna must be strong, reliable and impeccably adjusted, and we roll 130 lbs of Jinkai brand nylon on each multi-roll.

Each boat is equipped with a minimum of six of these kits. In addition to fishing equipment on the boats, we also have several sets for various fishing techniques - stationary Shimano Stella jig reels, as well as electronic Kaigen reels for deep sea fishing. For top entertainment, guests can also use simple rods with stationary reels from the Daiwa brand to catch small blue fish.

The boats are also equipped with various secondary fishing tools such as hooks, harpoons, professional Sardamatic feeders, and ice boxes for keeping the fish fresh. All this leads to preparing a delicious meal of freshly caught fish right after the fishing.

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

Nije sve u ribi – nešto je i u guštima za dušu._____________________It's not all about the fish - there is something in ...

Nije sve u ribi – nešto je i u guštima za dušu.

It's not all about the fish - there is something in the pleasures for the soul.

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

Naš Pero je gostovao kod istinskog bonkulovića, poznatog gastronomada Renea Bakalovića. Razgovarali su o tunama ulovljen...

Naš Pero je gostovao kod istinskog bonkulovića, poznatog gastronomada Renea Bakalovića. Razgovarali su o tunama ulovljenim s Extreme Fishing Bota Dubrovnik brodova i načinima njihove pripreme. U videu pogledajte koje delicije će se ovo ljeto pripremati u naša četiri restorana na dobro poznatim adresama, kao i u našoj Bowi na Šipanu - BOWA Dubrovnik koja je također otvorila svoja vrata.

„Kad je Bog stvarao svijet, jedan dan od sedam je posvetio Dalmaciji.
U velikom moru pliva kraljica svih riba – plavoperajna tuna, a u Malom moru kraljica školjki – kamenica Ostrea edulis.

Između ta dva mora rastu plavac mali i pošip. Znači, mi smo u raju!“
Pero Šare




Zahvaljujemo na suradnji:
Toni Dabinović & Rene Bakalović


Pero Šare had a close conversation with one of the Croatia's best connoisseurs of good food - Mr. Rene Bakalović. Have you ever explored cooking methods and witnessed the hunt of Adriatic bluefin tuna by Extreme Fishing Bota Dubrovnik boats? Have a look at the video! You may also indulge your senses into delicacies in our four restaurants at well-known addresses, as well as in our Bowa Restaurant on Šipan Island near Dubrovnik - BOWA Dubrovnik. The doors of enchanting Bowa are also open for this summer!

"When God took seven days to create the world, he dedicated one day to create Dalmatia. In the Adriatic Sea swims the queen of all fish - bluefin tuna and in the Little Sea of Mali Ston Bay the queen of all shells - the Ostrea edulis oyster.

Between these two, grows plavac mali and pošip wines. So this can mean one thing only. We are in heaven!"
Pero Šare




Elaphite islands has the best restaurant in Dubrovnik region - BOWA. Mediterranean restaurant on Šipan island at the beach bay with impressive view.

Kapetan Pero Šare dijeli svom moto: U ribanju, isto kao i u životu, nema nikad odustajanja! ____________________________...

Kapetan Pero Šare dijeli svom moto: U ribanju, isto kao i u životu, nema nikad odustajanja!

Captain Pero Šare shares his fishing motto: In fishing, same as in life, don't ever give up!

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com


🎣 Što učiniti kada se zakuča plavorepa tuna?

1. Pričaj s Posejdonom i Neptunom
2. Nemoj biti previše ponosan da bi se pomolio
3. Stavi sunčane naočale i pripremi se za borbu
4. Nikad ne dopusti da tuna vidi strah u tvojim očima
5. Kad ju izvlačiš budi jaki ali i nježan

Rezervirajte svoj ribolovni doživljaj:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

🎣 What to do when there is a bluefin tuna on the line?

1. Talk to Poseidon and Neptune
2. Don't be too proud to beg
3. Put on sunglasses and get ready for a fight
4. Never let the tuna see the fear in your eyes
5. During the fight be strong but gentle

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

„Možda nisam trebao biti ribar, pomislio je. Ali zbog toga sam rođen."  — Hemingway, Starac i more _____________________...

„Možda nisam trebao biti ribar, pomislio je. Ali zbog toga sam rođen."
— Hemingway, Starac i more

“Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was the thing that I was born for.”
— Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

Dragi naši gosti i prijatelji, neka blagdan Uskrsa, koji nas uči porukama ljubavi i mira,u svima nama probudi želju i po...

Dragi naši gosti i prijatelji,

neka blagdan Uskrsa, koji nas uči porukama ljubavi i mira,
u svima nama probudi želju i poticaj da činimo dobro jedni drugima!

Želimo vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs!

Odgajamo nove generacije ribara.Izađimo iz ove situacije jači, zdraviji i mudriji!______________________________________...

Odgajamo nove generacije ribara.
Izađimo iz ove situacije jači, zdraviji i mudriji!

We are raising new generations of fishermen.
Let's get out of this situation stronger, healthier and wiser!

🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

Karantena na otvorenom moru. 📷 Čovjek s mirisom srdele na rukama i morem u venama – Igor, najiskusniji član našeg tima.Z...

Karantena na otvorenom moru.

📷 Čovjek s mirisom srdele na rukama i morem u venama – Igor, najiskusniji član našeg tima.

Zagrepčani, ostanite jaki 💪

Quarantine on the open sea.

📷 A man with the smell of sardine on his hands and the sea in his veins - Igor, the most experienced member of our team.

🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com

Plavi nas Jadran zove, danas glasnije nego ikad. Pridružite nam se! 📷 Suton, 15. ožujka 2020. g. _______________________...

Plavi nas Jadran zove, danas glasnije nego ikad. Pridružite nam se!
📷 Suton, 15. ožujka 2020. g.

The Blue Adriatic is calling us, today stronger than ever. Join us!
📷 Sunset, March 15th 2020.

Book your fishing experience:
🌍 www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com


Od Pustijerne B. B


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Never loose - always tight!

We organize fishing for beginners and professionals. We offer: Short fishing trips All-day fishing Multi-day fishing Multi-day extreme fishing Yacht tracking (following yachts and fishing when agreed) We set off from Dubrovnik, Cavtat, the Elaphite Islands and Pelješac. At extra cost, we also offer departures from other locations on the Adriatic coast. In addition to standard all-day fishing, we can organize multi-day fishing. We are entirely flexible during multi-day fishing, so we can fish during the day, and book hotel rooms or suites on any of our islands for guests during the night. Join us and enjoy this exciting and unforgettable experience! Contact ► Boat owner: Pero Šare mob. +385 (0)91 1754 484 [email protected]

For more information, please visit: www.extremefishing-botadubrovnik.com