godine s ciljem brendiranja Lika destinacije kao destinacije zaštićenih područja i gastro-destinacije. Destinacija obuhvaća područja triju županija te osim kontinentalnog i priobalnog dijela Ličko-senjske županije, proteže se i na dijelove Karlovačke te Zadarske županije i tako tvori prirodno zaokruženu cjelinu. Osnovna djelatnost klastera je turistička promocija destinacije na domaćem i inozemnom
tržištu temeljem prirodnih, kulturnih, povijesnih, gastronomskih i zdravstvenih značajki. Projekt brendiranja Lika destinacije dio je projekta INTEGRA LIKA 2020 (integralni gospodarski razvoj Like i primorja) kojeg je 2015. Destinacija nudi jedinstven spoj kopna i mora gdje u svega 30 minuta vožnje imate priliku izmijeniti čak tri klime kao malo gdje u svijetu i doživjeti taj jedinstveni fenomen kontrasta. U destinaciji se nalazi najpoznatiji nacionalni park Europe, nacionalni park Plitvička jezera, rodna kuća Nikole Tesle, rodna kuća dr. Ante Starčevića, prva europska tiskara, i pregršt kulturne baštine. Bilo da ste ljubitelj uživanja u mirnoći i tišini prirode ili volite avanturističke izlete pune adrenalina Lika Destinacija vam nudi sve. Naši članovi i partneri su turističke agencije, turističke zajednice, ustanove zaštićenih prirodnih područja te svi ostali turistički djelatnici koji žele Lika destinaciju pokazati cijelom svijetu i omogućiti svim posjetiteljima da dožive nezaboravno iskustvo u destinaciji isprepletenoj morem i kršom. Osim kao destinaciju zaštićenih područja (gotovo 60% površine zaštićeno je temeljem Zakona o zaštiti prirode), promoviramo Liku i kao gastro-destinaciju, jer za to uistinu imamo i razloga. Lika je područje pogodno za rast brojnih kultura, a čista i nezagađena priroda te pogodna temperatura ključan su razlog zašto su ličke namirnice toliko zdrave i ukusne. Brojna obiteljsko poljoprivredna gospodarstva i danas uzgajaju stoku, obrađuju zemlju i sade kulture karakteristične za ovaj kraj na način kako se i nekad uzgajalo. Mi smo prepoznali kvalitetu takvih proizvoda te želimo lokalne proizvođače potaknuti na suradnju i omogućiti im prepoznatljivost na tržištu certifikacijom njihovih proizvoda. Provodimo regionalni sustav kvalitete lokalnih proizvoda pod nazivom Lika Quality koji je vođen filozofijom održivog razvoja te koji potiče veći obujam lokalne proizvodnje i potrošnje. Sustav jamči kvalitetu i lokalnu proizvodnju s uporištem u tradiciji, a lokalni proizvođači uključeni su u turistički razvoj. Kreiranjem oznake Lika Quality želimo brendirati lokalno proizvedenu hranu i suvenire te stvoriti prepoznatljivu gastro-destinaciju. The Lika Destination cluster was founded in February of 2017, its purpose being branding of the Lika Destination as a destination of protected areas and a gastro-destination. The destination encompasses the areas of three counties, so beside the continental and coastal areas of the Lika-Senj County, it also includes parts of Karlovac and Zadar Counties and thus creates a natural and well-rounded whole. The basic activity of the cluster is touristic promotion of the destination in both Croatian and foreign markets, which is based on its nature, its cultural, historic and gastronomic characteristics, as well as its health-related assets. The project of Lika Destination branding is a part of the INTEGRA LIKA 2020 project (integral farming development of Lika and its coastal areas), which was started by the local action group Lika (LAG LIKA). The destination offers an unique combination of inland and the sea, where you have the opportunity to experience no less than three climates in an only 30-minute drive, like in few other places, and truly experience this one-of-a-kind phenomenon of contrasts. The destination includes the most famous national park in Europe, Plitvice Lakes National Park, Nikola Tesla’s childhood home, dr. Ante Starčević’s childhood home, the first European printing house, along with an abundance of cultural heritage. Whether you prefer to relax in the forest peace and quiet, or you are interested in adventure-driven and adrenaline-pumping tours, Lika Destination has it all. Our members and partners are travel agencies, tourist boards, facilities of nature protection areas, as well as many other workers in tourism who want to show this destination to the whole world, as well as give everyone a chance to have an unforgettable experience in a destination which combines the sea and karst. Not only do we promote Lika Destination as a destination of protected areas (almost 60% of its surface is protected by the Croatian Environmental Protection Act), but as a gastro-destination, as well, seeing as we most definitely have many reasons to do so. Lika is an area in which many plant cultures thrive, and its pure und preserved nature and beneficial temperature are the key to Lika products being so healthy and tasty. Many family farms breed and raise livestock, harvest the land and plant the cultures that are characteristic of the Lika area, and they do it traditionally, how it has been done from the beginning. We have acknowledged the quality of their products, so we wish to stimulate our local producers to cooperate, as well as enable them to become unique on the market through certification of these products. We are conducting a regional quality system of local products, which we have named Lika Quality. Its guideline is the philosophy of sustainable development and stimulation of a greater volume of the local production and consumption. The system is a guarantee of quality and local production based on tradition, and the local producers are involved in the touristic development. By creating the Lika Quality mark, we desire to brand these locally produced food and souvenirs, and thus create a unique gastro-destination. If you want to experience a unique blend of people, mountains, sea, food and tradition then the arrival to Lika destination is the only thing you have to do!