Well, we’ve been hearing some complaints that the only videos we post are of the ladies working on our farm.
So, it’s only fair to give the guys some credit—they’re working just as hard and deserve some appreciation!
And no, they didn’t take their shirts off just for the video. This is how they work all day long.
But hey, they’re Scottish! To them, 18 degrees here feels like summer.
As for Brody, well… he’s just a bit camera-shy. :)
Jesen u nasem vrtu je vrijeme koje je najopustajuce. Iako su dani kraci, vise se ne borimo s visokim temperaturama ni najezdom komaraca, a ipak imamo i vise nego dovoljno sunca da uzivamo na ugodnih 20 stupnjeva.
Permakulturni principi s kojima se vodimo svakim danom nas vrt cine sve bogatijim.
Kupusnjace se, unatoc nametnicima s kojima smo se borili, odlicno razvijaju. Visekulturni nasadi su pravo pokazatelj kako ne trebamo pesticide da bi jeli povrce iz vlastitog vrta.
Uskoro cemo maknuti rajcice, paprike i patlidzan i sacuvati sjeme i viskove ukiseliti, a na njihovo mjesto cemo posijati biljke za zeleni pokrov koji ce nam obnavljati zemlju za novogodisnju sadnju.
Iako nas vrt izgleda kao nered, u njemu itekako sve ima svoje mjesto.
Imitirajuci prirodu, suradjujemo s njom, a ona nam to bogato vraca.
Did you know that November brings 25-degree days and skies so clear it feels like the sea and sky become one?
Did you know that autumn sunsets are even more stunning than summer’s?
Did you know that November is when we taste fresh olive oil, summer wine, and herbal schnapps?
Did you know that autumn is the season when the world seems to revolve around you?
Well, now you do. Because this is autumn, and this is what it looks like. Would you like to explore island Hvar in Autumn time?
When volunteers support the community, and summer guests become winter volunteers... it creates a beautiful blend of olive-picking experiences, good company, delicious food, and wonderful young and older people who, through hard work and dedication, find the satisfaction of accomplishment.
Over lunch, we tasted both old and new olive oil, enjoyed good wine, and, of course, sang songs.
We are incredibly happy that Plamea Vita brings forth stories like these, making us proud of the project to which we are devoted.
Choosing our guests is a privilege, especially when it comes to our house on the island of Hvar, and it’s one I truly value.
I’m not afraid to tell people, “This house may not be for you.”
If you're seeking luxury like a washing machine, coffee maker, or jacuzzi, this isn’t the place. If a never-ending pool is what you're after, keep looking. If you’re hoping for Michelin-starred dining, you might go hungry. And if you're expecting red carpets, you'll only find stone paths here.
The luxury we offer is different.
Our pool? The sea, with no end in sight.
Our food? Fresh from the sea to the grill and onto your plate, all in a day.
Our house? It might lose electricity, but we’re romantics—candles are always nearby.
Remember the feel of washing dishes by hand? Don’t worry if you break a few, we’ve got plenty.
Wine from the neighbor’s barrel? Absolutely. Give us 15 minutes, or better yet, come along with us and stay for a few hours.
We are proud of our guests. They’re as unique as our house, and we believe the house chooses them.
Guests in the summer, friends by winter. Not a bad deal.
A day of hard work picking olives 🫒 ✨
Between the hot sun, the mosquitos, and the satisfaction of a job well done, each shot captures how unique and challenging was this experience! In the end, nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment. #plamea_terra #plamea_harmonia #Volunteering #AuthenticExperience #ProductiveDay #Hvar
Vila Lila Hvar - 2025 Retreat Place For Everyone Eager To Escape & Recover
Sometime, you just need to RELAX...
Life is truly magical. Through years of working in tourism, we've long learned that the most beautiful moments are those spent with our guests. We probably seem like oddballs to others, but we genuinely enjoy getting to know our guests and building a friendly relationship with them, not just a business one. Yes, Villa Lila brings us income, but it also brings us wonderful memories.
We are grateful for life on the island.
#vilalilahvar #tvrdnidolac
Siniša je čovjek kod kojeg se uvijek osjećate ka' doma. Osim što priprema ukusna jela, njegova dobra energija je veoma zarazna. Mjesto kojeg ne zaobilazate ako posjećujete G D I NJ ili našu malu valu. GRGA & njegov domaćin Siniša.
Kako vi podnosite ove vrućine?
Mi se uglavnom K U P A M O i hladimo TOČENIM P I V O M. 🤭
To je štorija o čoviku. O radu u poju. O litu, suncu i o znoju. To je štorija o škoju. Štorija o jubavi.
Petar je gdinjski primjer ove priče...