Visithvar Hvar Tourist Board

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Sljedeći tjedan započinje znanstveno-popularni ciklus predavanja Generacije '55 i prijatelja. 👇Gradska knjižnica i čitao...

Sljedeći tjedan započinje znanstveno-popularni ciklus predavanja Generacije '55 i prijatelja. 👇

Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Hvar

Sljedeći tjedan započinjemo sa znanstveno-popularnim predavanjima Generacije '55 i prijatelja.
Vidimo se u knjižnici!

Užežin Sv. Križićaa u spomen na jednu kišnu večer 1510.g i u čast Sv. Križiću⬇️

Užežin Sv. Križića
a u spomen na jednu kišnu večer 1510.g i u čast Sv. Križiću⬇️

U spomen na jednu kišnu večer 1510.g i u čast Sv. Križiću

Zvuk: Tutanj od potresa. Oluja.
Unuka: Isuse dobri.... Evo. Fermalo se trest! Pasalo je! Fola ti Isuse...
Zvuk: Kapa. Kapljice padaju na tkaninu
Unuka: O, zaboga ca je ovo? Pari da kapje iz križića. Stor je i pun saje, tukalo bi ga ocistit. Biće da se razmoci od ove nevere i umidece. Vas je coran od garbuna biće da zato kapje tako škuro.
Zvuk: Struganje krpom po drvenom križu .
Unuka: Ajme meni, ca je ovo? Ovo ni saje, ovo ne fermoje. Ovo ne kapje, ovo tece. Ca je ovo?! (Uzbuđeno.) Mama moja, dide, hote vamo. Vamo barzo, baržije! Poglejte.
Zvuk: Približavaju se koraci. Škripa vrata.
Mati: (Umirujuće.) Ca je ćerce moja, ca se dogodilo? Zemja se je zatresla, jesi se tega pristrašila?
Unuka: Ni to, mati, nego ništo puno čudno. Majko, dide poglejte mi ruke, poglejte pecu ... (Tiše.) Poglejte križić.
Mati: (Uzvici čuđenja.) Ajme! Ovo... Ovo je mirokul. Ovo se još ni vidilo. Kor je to... Kor! Kapje joj na ruku. Kapje po tavaji, po zidu.
Unuka: (Uzbuđeno.) Ajme, majko, dide. Ovo... Ovo je mirokul! Cudo je, cudo!
Mati: (Hladno i zabrinuto) Cekojte. Pozov'mo kogagod neka nojpri vidi ca je ovo. Ne vidi se dobro pod sviću... (Sjeti se.) Zov'mo Stipona. (Glasnije i življe.) Meštra Stipona Vitaljića pentura. Pojmo, homo ga zvat. Odma'!
Zvuk: Izlazi van, trči uz stepenice, kroz oluju. Vjetar. Kiša.
Mati: (Viče. Nadglašava buku nevremena.) Stipone! Stipone, barzo! Juto je potriba.
Zvuk: Otvara se prozor. Zaškripe škure.
Vitaljić: (Zabrinuto.) 'Me isusovo sveto, ca je sad epeta?! Krov gospe Luncjote se prose. Ca bi još moglo bit na ovako vrime?
Mati: (Tiho i tajnovito.) Barzo se paričoj i hod sa menon. Tukoš ništo vidit... (Tiše.) Tukomo svi vidit ca je to.
Zvuk: Brzi koraci po stepenicama. Oluja još uvijek. Vrata se otvaraju, i zatvaraju. (Oluja se slabije čuje.)
Vitaljić: (Zadihano i zbunjeno.) Zdravi bili, šjor Mikula...
Dide: (Nestrpljivo.) Vamo Stipone, vamo. Gledoj! Pipoj!
Vitaljić: (Iznenađeno) Pa to je... Zaboga, to je kor. To je kor ! (U čudu.) Ca ovo kor tece iz križića?! Ženo, pojte po kanonika Lukanića. Zov'te ga, doved'te ga.
Zvuk: Ponovno zvuk trčanja i jake oluje.
Mati: (Tiho i zadihano moli.) Oče naš koji jesi na nebesima, sveti se ime...
Zvuk: Kiša, trčanje.
Lukanić: (Zabrinuto. Mirno.) Ženo drogo, po ovoj neveri ste mi došli. Koja je priša? Ča se je dogodilo?!
Mati: (Uzbuđeno, brzo, očajno. ) Don Matij cudo je. Cudo veliko. Hote sa menon, žvelto. Mirokul je u našu kuću, križić je proplak'o. Kor kapje iz križića. Cudo je!
Lukanić: Čo? Ča to govoriš. Gremo. Homo. Homo, odma!
Zvuk: Škripa vrata. Kiša i oluja.Trčanje, ovaj put brže.
Mati: ... Tvoje, dodji kraljevstvo tvoje...
Lukanić: (Zaprepašteno, polušaptom.) Je! To je... to je mirokul! Gospode moj, koji non šenj šaješ?!
Lukanić: Gospodine, budi volja tvoja, kako na nebu tako in a zemlji.
Dide: Vazmite križić Lukaniću. Vazmite ga. Odnest'te ga u crikvu.
Lukanić: (Glasno i odlučno.) Dojte mi bokun lancuna neka ga zamoton. U crikvu s njin. Veliko zlo non navišćuje. (Zabrinuto.) Potriba je, potriba je svima reć.
Zvuk: Vrata se otvaraju i ponovno kroz oluju trčanje. Višeglasna molitva: Kruh naš svagdašnji daj nam danas...
kanić: (Prestrašeno. Tiho.) Na kolinima son Gospodine, na kolinima prid tebon. Molin te za kuroj, tuko izoć prid puk, reć im da non šaješ kaštig. U ognju smo bili, Gospode, kad smo se na Tvoga sina zaklinjoli i kor vlastelinsku zazivali. Kor non šaješ živu. Svaruješ nos grišnike, ruke si non poli karvju da jih ne bi somi. O dobri, Presvitli, fermo si nos da grih ne učinimo. Za svoje se misli kajemo. Kajemo se za riči kojima smo zlo zazivali.
Zvuk: Koraci.
Remeta: Lukaniću? Jeste to vi, don Matij? Ca će reć da po ovoj neveri dohodite?
Lukanić: („S knedlom u grlu“.) Jo son, brate. Krov moje crikve, gospe od Luncijote se je prose...
Remeta: Oslobod' Bože nevoje...
Lukanić: (Glasno, odlučno.) Nebo smo naidili. Zvon'te na sva zvona. Na sva zvona zvon'mo! Mirokul je. Veliko se zlo paričoje. Potriba je avižat cili svit.
Remeta: (Prestrašeno, panično.) O Bože, nevoju non šaješ. (Viče. ) Zvon'te, zvon'te, neka svi cuju! Neka svi dojdedu.
Zvuk: Zvona zvone. Vjetar I žamor ljudi. Uzbuđenje, uzvici nevjerice i nerazumjevanja:
Vjernik: Ca je sad? - Judi, homo, vidit ca je. - Barž gori ?!
Lukanić: (Viče.) Judi poslušojte. Judi moji poglejte. Poglejte križić, poglejte mirokul! Kor tece iz križića. Kapje na nos grišnike. Pokajmo se. Poprav'mo ća smo ucinili.
Zvuk: (Višeglasno.): I otpusti nam duge naše, kako i mi otpuštamo.
Lukanić: Judi! Ucin'mo veliku pokoru. Učinmo pokoru za svoje misli, za zla dila i za grišne stvori
Zvuk: Žamor, kiša.
Lukanić: (Ozbiljno i zabrinuto.) Učinit ćemo veliki precesjun. Oproštenje išćimo od Gospodina.

iz radio drame „Mirokul u For“
autorica: Iva Boras 2010.
In memory of one rainy evening in 1510. and in honor of Hvar St. Cross

Sound: Earthquake booming. Storm.
Granddaughter: Sweet Jesus... There. It stopped quaking! It is over! Thank you, Jesus!
Sound: Dropping sound. Drops fall onto the cloth.
Granddaughter: Oh my God, what is this? It looks like it is dropping from the crucifix. It is an old one and full of soot and it should be cleaned. It probably got sodden in this bad weather and all this humidity. It is black all over on account of coal and that's probably the reason the drops are so dark.
Sound: Grating of the rag against the wood crucifix.
Granddaughter: Oh, dear me, what's this? It's not soot, it isn't stopping. It doesn't drop it is running.What is it? (Excited) Mother, grandpa, come over. Come over here quickly! Look.
Sound: Approaching steps. Squeeking of the door.
Mother (in soothing tones): What is it my daughter, what happened? The earth shook, did that scare you?
Granddaughter: It's not about that but something really weird. Mother, grandpa, look at my hands, look at the rag...( more quietly) look at the crucifix.
Mother (sound of surprise): Wow! This... This is a miracle. It has never been seen before.
It is blood...Blood! Blood is dropping on her hands. Dropping on the tablecloth, down the wall.
Granddaughter (excited): O, mother, grandpa...This..., this is a miracle! It's a miracle, miracle!
Mother (in a cold and worried tone): Wait. Let's first call someone else to see what this is. It is not clearly visible in candlelight...(Remembering something.) Let's call Stipon. (Louder and vivaciously) Stipon Vitaljić, the house-painter. Let's go, let us call him. Now!
Sound: Getting out of the house, running up the steps, in the storm.The wind. It rains.
Mother (calling out to be heard over the storm noise): Stipon! Stipon, quickly! We need you greatly.
Sound: The window is being opened. Shutters are squeaking.
Vitaljić (worried): Good Lord, what's up now? The roof of Our Lady church of Annunciation caved in. What else could happen in this weather?
Mother (quietly and secretively): Get ready quickly and follow me. You've got to see something...(more quietly) We have all of us to see what it is.
Sound: Quick steps up the stairs. The storm is still going on. The door is being opened and closed. (The storm is heard less clearly.)
Vitaljić ( breathless and confused): Be well, master Mikula...
Grandpa (impatiently): Over here Stipon, over here. Look! Touch it!
Vitaljić (in surprise): But it is... for Lord's sake, it is blood. It is blood! (In surprise) Is that blood running from the crucifix?! Woman, go to the dean Lukanić. Call him, bring him over.
Sound: Repeated sounds of running and big storm.
Mother (praying quietly and out of breath): Our Father who is in heaven, hollowed be The name...
Sound: The rain, running steps.
Lukanić (worried. Calmly): Dear woman, you came to me in this storm. What is the hurry? What happened?
Mother (excitedly, quickly, desperately): Don Matij, a miracle. A big miracle. Come with me, quickly. A miracle happened in my house, the crucifix cried. Blood is dropping from the crucifix. A miracle it is!
Lukanić: What? What are you saying? Let us go. Let us. Let us go at once
Sound: Squeeking of the door. Rain and storm sounds. Running which is quicker this time.
Mother: ....Thy kingdom come...
Lukanić (staggered, half whispering): Yes! It is a miracle! My Lord, what sign are you giving us?
Lukanić: Lord, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Grandpa: Take, the crucifix, Lukanić. Take it. Take it to the church.
Lukanić (loudly and firmly) Give me a sheet to wrap it in. Off to church with it. It announces to us a dreadful evil. (worriedly) We have to, we must tell everyone.
Sound: The door opens and again running steps are heard in the storm.
Several voices: Give us this day our daily bread...
Lukanić (scared. Quietly) I am on my knees, my Lord, on my knees in front of Thee. I beg Thee for courage, it is necessary to face people and tell them that you send penance. We have been inflamed, my Lord, when we were swearing upon The Son invoking nobles' blood. You are sending us live blood. You are warning us, the sinners, you spilled blood over our hands lest we should do it ourselves. We repent for our thoughts. We repent for the words uttered that blood invoked.
Sound: Footsteps.
Sacristan: Lukanić? Is it you, Don Matij? What made you come in this storm?
Lukanić (with a lump in his throat) It is I, brother. The roof of my church of Our Lady, the Annunciation church caved in...
Sacristan: Deliver us from evil, oh Lord...
Lukanić (Loudly and firmly.) We enraged heaven. Let all bells ring. Let's ring all the bells! It is a miracle. Big trouble is brewing. It is mandatory to alert everybody.
Sacristan (scared, in panic) Oh God, You are sending us trouble. (Calling out.) Ring the bells, ring the bells, let everyone hear it. Let them all come.
Sound: Ringing of bells. Wind and people murmuring. Excitement, exclamations in disbelief, and misunderstanding.
Believer: What's up? Folks, let's go and see what it is. Maybe there is a fire on?
Lukanić: People! Let us do a great penance. Let us repent for our thoughts, for the evil deeds and sinful stuff.
Sound: Murmur, rain.
Lukanić (seriously and worried): We will make a grand procession. Let us beg our Lord's forgiveness.

From the radio drama play «A miracle in For»
author: Iva Boras, 2010.

🔥 SPARTAN HVAR 2025 – JESTE LI SPREMNI? 🔥IMAMO MAJICE ZA VAS!🔥🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️Jeste već ste krenuli s pripremama za Spartan Hvar...


🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️Jeste već ste krenuli s pripremama za Spartan Hvar 2025, koji nas očekuje od 9. do 12. listopada? 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️Ako niste – sada je pravi trenutak! 💪

A što je bolja motivacija od treninga u službenoj Spartan Hvar majici? 🎽🔥

📍 Dođite u ured TZG Hvar od sutra 5.veljače, između 9 i 12h, i preuzmite svoju besplatnu Spartan majicu!

⚠️ Požurite – količine i veličine su ograničene!

Tagirajte Spartan ekipu i vidimo se na stazi! 💥💯

Spartan Race Croatia

Dio programa u veljači ⬇️

Dio programa u veljači ⬇️

📢 OTOK HVAR USPJEŠNO PREDSTAVLJEN NA SAJMOVIMA U SAD-U! 🇭🇷✨Turističke zajednice otoka Hvara, u suradnji s otočnim partne...


Turističke zajednice otoka Hvara, u suradnji s otočnim partnerima, uspješno su predstavile naš predivni otok na turističkim sajmovima Travel & Adventure Show u New Yorku (25.-26. siječnja) i Chicagu (1.-2. veljače 2025.). Interes agenata, novinara i posjetitelja bio je iznimno velik, što potvrđuje rastuću popularnost Hvara na američkom tržištu.

🌟 U New Yorku smo, osim sajma, sudjelovali i na posebnom događanju- prezentaciji posvećenoj predstavljanju Srednje Dalmacije i Dalmatinske marende u kultnom Delmonico'su, organiziranoj u suradnji s TZ Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, TZ Trogira i TZ Splita.

🌍 Chicago je ove godine prvi put ugostio Hrvatsku na sajmu, a otok Hvar je imao svoj samostalan štand uz TZ Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, Kvarnera, Grada Zagreba i TZ Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.

💼 Sajmove su posjetili i brojni ugledni gosti, a otok su predstavljali gradonačelnici Grada Hvara i Starog Grada, direktorice turističkih zajednica istih te predstavnici otočnih partnera Maslina Resorta i agencije Debonda.

🌊 Hvar nastavlja jačati svoju prisutnost na američkom turističkom tržištu, a pozitivne reakcije i veliki interes potvrđuju da nas očekuje još jedna uspješna sezona!


The tourist boards of Hvar Island, in collaboration with island partners, successfully showcased our beautiful island at the Travel & Adventure Show in New York (January 25-26) and Chicago (February 1-2, 2025). The high interest from travel agents, journalists, and visitors confirms Hvar's growing popularity in the American market.

🌟 In addition to the fair in New York, we participated in a special event— a presentation dedicated to showcasing Central Dalmatia and the Dalmatian marenda (traditional brunch) at the iconic Delmonico’s, organized in cooperation with the Tourist Board of Split-Dalmatia County, Tourist Board of Trogir, and Tourist Board of Split.

🌍 This year, Chicago hosted Croatia for the first time at the fair, and Hvar had its own independent booth alongside the Tourist Board of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Kvarner, the City of Zagreb, and the Tourist Board of Split-Dalmatia County.

💼 The fairs were attended by numerous distinguished guests, with Hvar being represented by the mayors of the City of Hvar and Stari Grad, the directors of their respective tourist boards, and representatives of island partners such as Maslina Resort and Debonda traveling.

🌊 Hvar continues to strengthen its presence at USA tourism market, and the overwhelmingly positive feedback and high interest confirm that another successful season is ahead!🌞

📸 Marijana Marinovic HTZ US

Grad Hvar Stari Grad - Hvar Croatia Full of life Central Dalmatia Visit Jelsa Visit Vrboska Light of Hvar Joe De Sena

Kino program od 6.-17.2.👇

Kino program od 6.-17.2.👇

Ovo je naš novi kino program: odlični filmovi, crtići i Forska liga! 🤩

Visithvar Hvar Tourist Board HVAR 1612

Support & vote for UltraSwim 33.3 as the Best Open Water Swimming Event of the Year! 🏊‍♂️🏆🗳 VOTE NOW ➡️

Support & vote for UltraSwim 33.3 as the Best Open Water Swimming Event of the Year! 🏊‍♂️🏆


And get ready for 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐦 𝟑𝟑.𝟑 #𝟕 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐚, 𝐇𝐯𝐚𝐫 🌊🇭🇷 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟔-𝟏𝟗, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓! 🚀

🏆 Could UltraSwim 33.3 be the Best Open Water Swimming Event of the Year? 🌟


We are honoured to have been be nominated by World Open Water Swimming Association in the Event of the Year category as part of their annual WOWSA Awards!

2024 was our third season and for the first time a multi-location season with events in 🇭🇷Croatia, 🇬🇷Greece and 🇲🇪Montenegro. This nomination is a great recognition of the effort we put in each of our events and we are very proud to see UltraSwim 33.3 has become a bucket-list adventure and race for many open water swimmers in the world.

From the creation of UltraSwim 33.3 in 2022, we have been driven by the belief that pursuing an open water swimming challenge together with a group of inspiring swimmers can have the biggest impact on someone’s life! If you share this belief, if you are (or soon to be) a 33.3’er, help us spread the word and impact more and more people by making the UltraSwim 33.3 series known 🌍

If you believe UltraSwim 33.3 Series is the Best Open Water Swimming Ever of the Year, now is the time to say it!
🗳 VOTE NOW (voting closes on Feb. 6)

We are also very happy to see that some of our swimmers have been nominated in individual categories 💪 Congrats to Andy Donaldson - Swimmer, Nathalie Pohl, Stephen White, ! Our partner event BEST FEST - The Open Water Swim Festival will also be competing in the Event of the Year category 🤝

Dalmatinska marenda predstavljena u New YorkuTuristička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije (TZ SDŽ) u sklopu nastup...

Dalmatinska marenda predstavljena u New Yorku

Turistička zajednica Splitsko-dalmatinske županije (TZ SDŽ) u sklopu nastupa na sajmovima Travel and Adventure Show u Sjedinjenima Američkim Državama, održala je posebno događanje posvećeno predstavljanju Srednje Dalmacije i Dalmatinske marende predstavnicima američkih putničkih agencija, odnosno organizatora putovanja.

Prošle godine Splitsko-dalmatinsku županiju posjetilo je 261.000 turista iz SAD-a koji su ostvarili 785.000 noćenja, odnosno riječ je po dolascima o petom najvećem emitivnom tržištu za Splitsko-dalmatinsku županiju


Just Dubovica 💜

🌊 Otkrijte Hvar kroz priče lokalaca! 🇭🇷✨Ako još niste pogledali, svakako trebate- OTOK PRIČA HVAR 🏝️⬇️😊

🌊 Otkrijte Hvar kroz priče lokalaca! 🇭🇷✨

Ako još niste pogledali, svakako trebate- OTOK PRIČA HVAR 🏝️


U drugoj epizodi "Otok priča", kroz zanimljive priče i dijaloge s lokalnim stanovništvom, upoznajte Hvar, najsunčaniji hrvatski otok

🔜 Uskoro otvorenje: 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐣𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐳𝐞𝐣 🏛️✨Od ovog proljeća, Hvar postaje bogatiji za još jedan muzej! 🏡 Smješten u sr...

🔜 Uskoro otvorenje: 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐣𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐳𝐞𝐣 🏛️✨

Od ovog proljeća, Hvar postaje bogatiji za još jedan muzej! 🏡 Smješten u srcu sela Brusje, samo 5 km od grada Hvara, muzej čuva vrijednu zbirku predmeta koji pričaju priču o našoj prošlosti.
🕰️ Prapovijesni ostaci, fosili, rimske kovanice, antičke posude, relikvije iz viškog boja i paradna vojna odora – samo su dio fascinantne kolekcije skupljane s ljubavlju kroz generacije. Muzej je napravljen u spomen djedu koji je skupljao zbirku cijeloga života.

📍 Pratite nas za detalje o otvaranju!

🔜 🇬🇧Opening Soon: 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐣𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐦 🏛️✨

This spring, Hvar is gaining a new museum! 🏡 Located in the heart of Brusje, just 5 km from the town of Hvar, the museum preserves a valuable collection of artifacts that tell the story of our past.

🕰️ Prehistoric remains, fossils, Roman coins, ancient Venetian pottery, relics from the Battle of Vis, and a ceremonial military uniform – these are just some of the fascinating pieces lovingly collected over generations. The museum is dedicated to the memory of a grandfather who spent his life gathering this unique collection.


Trg Sv. Stjepana 42

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday 09:00 - 13:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00




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Dobrodošli! / Welcome!

🇭🇷Grad Hvar jedinstven je spoj raskošne mediteranske prirode, bogate i slojevite kulturno-povijesne baštine, te mondene turističke suvremenosti... Posjetite

🇬🇧The city of Hvar is a unique fusion of luxurious Mediterranean nature, rich cultural and historical heritage, and mundane, tourist present. Visit: