Falkuša is a subtype of gajeta, a traditional Dalmatian fishing sailboat, and is sometimes called gajeta falkuša. a unique practice in the Adriatic and Mediterranean. and is about seven to ten metres in length by 2,80 metres wide.) lateen sail made from flax, mounted on a mast which was typically as high as the ship was long. It was very fast both under sail and with oar, able to achieve speeds be
tween 8 to 12 knots. Its distinctive feature were two removable wooden side strakes called falke, after which falkuša got its name. To ease the hauling of the nets, the strakes were removed during fishing. For its characteristics of toughness and strength, the traditional gajeta falkuša was made only with cypress wood from the island of Svetac. A typical falkuša carried a crew of five men. There were five oars for standing oarsmen which were 7 to 9 meters in length. The fishermen used nets and a feral, a gas or petroleum lamp for attracting fish. Fishing trips lasted 20 to 25 days, to make them financially viable. Duties such as cooking, washing, repairing, sailing between fishing posts and dealing with bad weather left only 10 to 12 days for actual fishing in a typical journey. Falkuša je drevna ribarska brodica, jedan od glavnih simbola tisućljetne ribarske tradicije Komiže. Trenutno postoje dvije replike Falkuše, ali trenutno se niti jedna od njih ne koristi kao osnova za eko-turističku ponudu kojom bi se turistima približila tradicija i praksa održivog suživota čovjeka i njegovog morskog okruženja u Komiži (što uključuje i istraživanje morskog krajobraza Komiže putem jedrenja s latinskim jedrom, upoznavanje s morskom bio-raznolikošću i tradicionalnim načinima njena korištenja, koji su bili održivi budući da stupanj tehnološkog razvitka nije dozvoljavao mogućnost pretjeranog iskorištavanja. Na projektu revitalizacije falkuše aktivni smo od samog početka (sudjelovanje u EXPO Lisabon 1998., Brest 2000.). Bili smo organizator gradnje falkuše Mikula. Za sada gradimo novi brod i želja nam je podijeliti ove prekrasne trenutke jedrenja i plovidbe sa vama.