Visit Krk island

Visit Krk island The Official page of the Krk island Tourism Board Visit Krk Island

President: Mr.Sc. Mirela Ahmetović
Director: Mr.Sc.

Krk Island, Croatia's largest island (of around 405,78 square kilometers) has, thanks to its desirable geographical and transport position and good natural conditions, been noted as an interesting tourist area even as far back as the end of the last century. The island of Krk Tourist Association foundation

At the beginning of the 1960s, the island of Krk experienced a sudden development in touris

m. We will just mention that the first ferry connection on the Adriatic was established in 1959 on the Šilo-Crikvenica route. Shortly after that, in 1963 the ferry connection between Voz and Črišnjevo, close to today’s Krk’s bridge was established. Tourist operatives working on the island have correctly understood the fact that the island of Krk is a tourist product and should be treated on a world tourist market. Tourist boards and municipalities, in a ratio of 60:40, finance the costs of the tourist office and common programs and as a key solution, accept participation in the total profits resulting from the tourist tax and membership fees achieved on the island of Krk in the previous year to the one in which the plan pertains. Majda Šale

🏰 Step back in time! Wander through historical walls and imagine the lives of those who once called this place home. ✨🔍W...

🏰 Step back in time! Wander through historical walls and imagine the lives of those who once called this place home. ✨🔍
Who else loves exploring history?


🏰 Vratite se u prošlost! Prošećite kroz drevne zidove i zamislite živote onih koji su ovdje nekada živjeli. ✨🔍
Tko još voli istraživati povijest?

🗺️ Plan your adventure! Whether it’s cycling trails or hiking routes, Krk Island offers countless ways to explore its be...

🗺️ Plan your adventure! Whether it’s cycling trails or hiking routes, Krk Island offers countless ways to explore its beauty. Don’t forget your map! 🚴‍♀️🌄
Where will your journey take you?


🗺️ Isplanirajte svoju avanturu! Bilo biciklističke staze ili pješačke rute, otok Krk nudi bezbroj načina za istraživanje njegove ljepote. Ne zaboravite svoju kartu! 🚴‍♀️🌄
Kamo će vas vaše putovanje odvesti?

🌿 Discover Krk from above! This stunning aerial shot reveals the island’s harmonious blend of nature and tranquility. A ...

🌿 Discover Krk from above! This stunning aerial shot reveals the island’s harmonious blend of nature and tranquility. A perfect escape from the everyday hustle. 🌍💚
Where would you explore first?


🌿 Otkrijte Krk iz zraka! Ovaj zadivljujući prizor otkriva skladan spoj prirode i mira na otoku. Savršen bijeg od svakodnevice. 🌍💚
Gdje biste prvo istraživali?

📸 History and charm meet in the heart of Krk City! The iconic bell tower stands as a timeless witness to the island's ri...

📸 History and charm meet in the heart of Krk City! The iconic bell tower stands as a timeless witness to the island's rich heritage. 🕍✨
How many stories do you think it holds?


📸 Povijest i šarm susreću se u srcu grada Krka! Ikonični zvonik stoji kao bezvremeni svjedok bogate baštine otoka. 🕍✨
Koliko priča mislite da skriva?

⛵ Let the sea set you free! Witness the beauty of Omišalj's coastline as sailboats glide through crystal-clear waters. A...

⛵ Let the sea set you free! Witness the beauty of Omišalj's coastline as sailboats glide through crystal-clear waters. A perfect moment to embrace the island's maritime spirit. 🌊🏞️
Can you hear the waves calling?


⛵ Neka vas more oslobodi! Svjedočite ljepoti obale Omišlja dok jedrilice klize kristalno čistim vodama. Savršen trenutak za uživanje u pomorskom duhu otoka. 🌊🏞️
Čujete li zov valova?

🚴‍♂️ Explore the untouched trails of Krk Island, perfect for cycling enthusiasts! This peaceful route invites you to con...

🚴‍♂️ Explore the untouched trails of Krk Island, perfect for cycling enthusiasts! This peaceful route invites you to connect with nature while enjoying an active adventure. 🌳✨

Who’s ready to pedal through paradise?


🚴‍♂️ Istražite netaknute staze otoka Krka, savršene za ljubitelje biciklizma! Ova mirna ruta poziva vas da se povežete s prirodom i uživate u aktivnoj avanturi. 🌳✨

Tko je spreman za vožnju kroz raj?

🎄✨ Podržimo čaroliju božićnih adventa na našem otoku! ✨📍 Glasajte ovdje:👉 Advent u Krku:

🎄✨ Podržimo čaroliju božićnih adventa na našem otoku! ✨

📍 Glasajte ovdje:
👉 Advent u Krku:
👉 Advent u Baški:

Ove godine i Advent u Krku i Advent u Baški sudjeluju u natjecanju za najljepši Advent, a vaš lajk može napraviti razliku! 🌟

⛔ Napomena: Broje se samo lajkovi na originalnim objavama, pa budite sigurni da glasate na pravom mjestu.

⏳ Vrijeme istječe 3. siječnja u podne, zato podržite svoje favorite već danas!

Hvala vam što zajedno širimo božićni duh i čuvamo tradiciju otoka Krka! ❤️✨

🎆✨ Turistička zajednica otoka Krka želi Vam sretnu i uspješnu novu godinu, ispunjenu toplinom, zajedništvom i ostvarenim...

🎆✨ Turistička zajednica otoka Krka želi Vam sretnu i uspješnu novu godinu, ispunjenu toplinom, zajedništvom i ostvarenim snovima! 🎉


🎆✨ The Tourist Board of the Island of Krk wishes you a happy and successful New Year, filled with warmth, togetherness, and dreams come true! 🎉

The holiday magic is in full bloom on Krk Island! 🎄✨ Twinkling lights, charming decorations, and the island’s timeless b...

The holiday magic is in full bloom on Krk Island! 🎄✨ Twinkling lights, charming decorations, and the island’s timeless beauty make this season unforgettable. There’s still time to visit and soak in the festive spirit—let the island enchant you this holiday season. 🕯️🌟


Čarolija blagdana u punom je sjaju na otoku Krku! 🎄✨ Svjetlucave lampice, prekrasni ukrasi i bezvremenska ljepota otoka čine ovaj period nezaboravnim. Još uvijek imate vremena posjetiti i uživati u blagdanskoj čaroliji. 🕯️🌟

Uživajte u toplini zajedništva, blagdanskim običajima i nezaboravnim trenucima uz svoje najdraže.🌟 Sretan Božić želi vam...

Uživajte u toplini zajedništva, blagdanskim običajima i nezaboravnim trenucima uz svoje najdraže.

🌟 Sretan Božić želi vam Turistička zajednica otoka Krka! 🌟


Enjoy the warmth of togetherness, festive traditions, and unforgettable moments with your loved ones.

🌟 Merry Christmas from the Tourist Board of the Island of Krk! 🌟

🎙️ Večer za pamćenje uz Marka Tolju!U četvrtak, 19. prosinca, doživite čaroliju blagdana uz koncert „Dear Mr. Sinatra“ 🎶...

🎙️ Večer za pamćenje uz Marka Tolju!

U četvrtak, 19. prosinca, doživite čaroliju blagdana uz koncert „Dear Mr. Sinatra“ 🎶 u školskoj dvorani u Bogovićima!
Marko Tolja, jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih vokalista i dobitnik brojnih glazbenih nagrada, donosi bezvremenske hitove Franka Sinatre i najljepše božićne evergreene. ✨

🎟️ Ulaznice su dostupne:
➡️ U radnom vremenu DUBoak - Interpretacijski centar maritimne baštine
➡️ Online putem sustava Eventim

Pripremite se za večer ispunjenu elegancijom, glazbom i božićnim duhom. Vidimo se! 🎄💫

🏆 Nakon što smo već podijelili sjajne vijesti s Kvarnerskog dana turizma 2024., želimo istaknuti još jedan važan trenuta...

🏆 Nakon što smo već podijelili sjajne vijesti s Kvarnerskog dana turizma 2024., želimo istaknuti još jedan važan trenutak – priznanje za Antona Bolonića, potpredsjednika TZ otoka Krka i predsjednika NO TZ PGŽ, koji je nagrađen Posebnim priznanjem za dugogodišnju suradnju i doprinos razvitku turizma. 👏

Podsjećamo i na ostale vrijedne laureate:
✨ 500. Krčki sajam - Lovrečeva, proglašen je Turističkim događajem godine, dok su Restoran Rivica (90 godina tradicije) i Marina Punat (60 godina poslovanja) nagrađeni za svoje značajne obljetnice.

✨ Našim TZO Baška i Malinska-Dubašnica odano je priznanje za 120 godina i 115 godina organiziranog turizma, dok je u kategoriji Čovjek ključ uspjeha - Djelatnik godine 2024. u kategoriji kuhar/ica posebno priznanje dobio Marin Pleše iz Ville Rova, Malinska.

Još jednom čestitke svim dobitnicima! Vaša predanost i rad čine Krk prepoznatljivom destinacijom u regiji i svijetu. 💙✨


🏆 Following our recent post about the Kvarner Tourism Day 2024, we’d like to highlight an additional proud moment – Anton Bolonić, Vice President of the Krk Island Tourist Board and President of the Supervisory Board of the Kvarner Tourist Board, received Special Recognition for Long-Standing Collaboration and Contribution to Tourism Development. 👏

Let’s also celebrate our other remarkable winners:
✨ The 500th Krk Fair - Lovrečeva, crowned as Tourism Event of the Year, alongside Rivica Restaurant (90 years of tradition) and Marina Punat (60 years of business excellence), honored for their significant anniversaries.

✨ The municipalities of Baška and Malinska-Dubašnica were recognized for 120 years and 115 years of organized tourism, respectively, while in the Man - Key to Success: Employee of the Year 2024 category for chefs, Marin Pleše from Villa Rova, Malinska, received a special recognition.

Congratulations once again to all the winners! Your dedication and efforts make Krk a standout destination in the region and beyond. 💙✨

🇭🇷 🏆 KRK - OTOK PRIZNANJA I USPJEHA! 🏆Jučer smo s ponosom prisustvovali Kvarnerskom danu turizma 2024. 🎉 Na svečanosti u...


Jučer smo s ponosom prisustvovali Kvarnerskom danu turizma 2024. 🎉 Na svečanosti u Rijeci, priznanja za iznimna dostignuća u turizmu uručena su našim sjajnim predstavnicima s Krka! 💙✨

✨ Priznanje za 500. Krčki sajam - Lovrečevu - Turistički događaj godine 🥳

✨ Posebna priznanja za obljetnice poslovanja:
🍴 Restoran Rivica, Njivice - 90 godina tradicije
⛵ Marina Punat - 60 godina uspjeha

✨ Posebna priznanja za organizirani turizam:
🌍 TZO Baška - 120 godina turizma
🌍 TZO Malinska-Dubašnica - 115 godina turizma

✨ “Čovjek ključ uspjeha - Djelatnik godine 2024”:
🍳 Marin Pleše, Hotel i restoran Villa Rova, Malinska

🌟 Hvala svima koji s ljubavlju i strašću grade našu turističku priču. Vaš trud čini Krk nezaobilaznom destinacijom na karti svijeta! 🌍💫



Yesterday, we proudly attended the Kvarner Tourism Day 2024. 🎉 At the ceremony in Rijeka, awards for outstanding achievements in tourism were presented to our incredible representatives from Krk! 💙✨
✨ Award for the 500th Krk Fair - Lovrečeva - Tourism Event of the Year 🥳

✨ Special Awards for Business Anniversaries:
🍴 Rivica Restaurant, Njivice - 90 years of tradition
⛵ Marina Punat - 60 years of excellence

✨ Special Awards for Organized Tourism Anniversaries:
🌍 Tourist Board of Baška Municipality - 120 years of tourism
🌍 Tourist Board of Malinska-Dubašnica Municipality - 115 years of tourism

✨ "Man - Key to Success: Employee of the Year 2024":
🍳 Marin Pleše, Villa Rova Hotel & Restaurant, Malinska

🌟 Thank you to everyone who builds our tourism story with passion and dedication. Your hard work makes Krk an unmissable destination on the world map! 🌍💫

A serene scene of Krk’s countryside, where autumn colors frame peaceful pastures. 🍂🐄 Nature’s beauty thrives beyond the ...

A serene scene of Krk’s countryside, where autumn colors frame peaceful pastures. 🍂🐄 Nature’s beauty thrives beyond the shores.

Mirna scena krčkog krajolika, gdje jesenje boje uokviruju pašnjake. 🍂🐄 Priroda u punom sjaju i dalje od obale.

Vast horizons and untouched beauty! Baška’s rugged landscape contrasts beautifully with the clear, blue sea. 📷 Perfect f...

Vast horizons and untouched beauty! Baška’s rugged landscape contrasts beautifully with the clear, blue sea. 📷 Perfect for nature lovers and photographers alike.

Nepregledni horizonti i netaknuta ljepota! Pejzaž Baške savršeno se spaja s kristalno čistim morem. 📷 Idealno za ljubitelje prirode i fotografe.

🎉 Čestitke Turističkoj zajednici Grada Krka i Gradu Krku! 🏆S ponosom dijelimo vijest da su Turistička zajednica Grada Kr...

🎉 Čestitke Turističkoj zajednici Grada Krka i Gradu Krku! 🏆

S ponosom dijelimo vijest da su Turistička zajednica Grada Krka i Grad Krk osvojili prestižnu nagradu Turistički događaj godine u sklopu Godišnjih hrvatskih turističkih nagrada 2024. za izvanrednu organizaciju 500. Krčkog sajma – Lovrečeve!

Ovo priznanje potvrđuje njihovu predanost očuvanju kulturne baštine, promociji tradicije i stvaranju nezaboravnih doživljaja za tisuće posjetitelja. 💛

Čestitamo svima na ovom izvanrednom uspjehu, koji je još jednom pokazao da je Krk simbol kvalitete, zajedništva i autentičnosti! 🌟 Visit Krk City

Golden hour over Dobrinj 🧡 There’s something magical about watching the sun dip behind Krk’s ancient bell towers and vil...

Golden hour over Dobrinj 🧡 There’s something magical about watching the sun dip behind Krk’s ancient bell towers and village rooftops.

Zlatni sat u Dobrinju 🧡 Postoji nešto magično u promatranju zalaska sunca iza povijesnih zvonika i krovova ovog krčkog naselja.

Step back in time at Mirine, Krk’s ancient gem. 🏛️ This historical site offers a window into the island’s rich past, mak...

Step back in time at Mirine, Krk’s ancient gem. 🏛️ This historical site offers a window into the island’s rich past, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts.

Vratite se u prošlost na Mirinama, povijesnom dragulju Krka. 🏛️ Ovo mjesto pruža uvid u bogatu prošlost otoka, idealno za ljubitelje povijesti.



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00




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About Krk island

The island of Krk, our largest island (of around 405,78 square kilometres) has, thanks to its desirable geographical and transport position and good natural conditions, been noted as an interesting tourist area even as far back as the end of the last century. The island of Krk Tourist Association foundation At the beginning of the 1960s, the island of Krk experienced a sudden development in tourism. We will just mention that the first ferry connection on the Adriatic was established in 1959 onthe Šilo-Crikvenica route. Shortly after that, in 1963 the ferry connection between Voz and Črišnjevo, close to today’s Krk’s bridge was established. Tourist operatives working on the island have correctly understood the fact that the island of Krk is a tourist product and should be treated on a world tourist market. Tourist boards and municipalities, in a ratio of 60:40, finance the costs of tourist office and common programmes and as a key solution, accept participation in the total profits resulting from the tourist tax and membership fees achieved on the island of Krk in the previous year to the one in which the plan pertains. President: Mr.Sc. Mirela Ahmetović Director: Mr.Sc. Majda Šale