01. 05. 2024. počinje šesta sezona organiziranog posjećivanja Tvrđave sv. Nikole! Ulaznice se mogu kupiti u Info centru tvrđave na adresi Obala dr. Franje Tuđmana 4, u Šibeniku ili online. Polasci brodova su organizirani 2 p**a dnevno, u 10:00 i u 12:30, a kreću sa šibenske rive, preko p**a Info centra. Tijekom posjeta Tvrđavi sv. Nikole u trajanju od 2 sata upoznat ćete povijest najimpresivnije morske utvrde na Mediteranu koju je UNESCO 2017. zaštito kao spomenik svjetske kulturne baštine. Na brodskoj vožnji do tvrđave upoznat ćete i brojne prirodne i kulturno-povijesne znamenitosti Značajnog krajobraza Kanal-Luka u Šibeniku
On May 1, 2024 starts the sixth season of organized visits to the St Nicholas’ Fortress! Tickets can be purchased at the Information center of the fortress at the address Obala Dr. Franje Tuđmana 4, in Šibenik or online. Boat departures are organized twice a day at 10:00 and at 12:30 and they depart from the Šibenik waterfront, right across the Info Center. Visit to the St Nicholas’ Fortress takes only 2 hours, and you will get to know the history of the most impressive sea fortress in the Mediterranean, which was protected by UNESCO in 2017 as a monument of World Cultural Heritage. On the boat trip to the fortress, you will get to know the numerous natural, cultural and historical sights of the Significant landscape Channel-Port in Šibenik.