Boho Travel Art

Boho Travel Art 🇭🇷 Upoznaj Omiš i njegovu okolicu na drugačiji način 🇬🇧 Meet Omiš and its surroundings in different ways. Be curious and seek more knowledge.

Experience truly spirit of Dalmatia with me in Omiš. Learn about our history, culture, food and wine. Reconnect with nature and feel its healing power on the Cetina river, hills and the Adriatic sea. Budi radoznala, budi radoznao i traži više znanja i spoznaja. Istinski doživi duh Dalmacije sa mnom u Omišu. Nauči više o našoj povijesti, kulturi, hrani i vinu. Poveži se s prirodom i osjeti njezinu iscjeljujuću moć na rijeci Cetini, brdima i moru.

U postu na mom blogu saznajte što možete raditi u Omišu ako niste veliki ljubitelji sportsko-rekreativnog odmora. Ili, a...

U postu na mom blogu saznajte što možete raditi u Omišu ako niste veliki ljubitelji sportsko-rekreativnog odmora. Ili, ako jeste, u pauzi između izleta aktivnog tipa poput canyoninga, zip-linea, raftinga ili hikinga, možete otkriti tajne Omiša na neki malo drugačiji način :-)

Ragled Omiša i vožnja brodicom kroz kanjon rijeke Cetine za sve ljubitelje kulturne i prirodne baštine i one koji na putovanju vole saznati više.

🇭🇷 Aktivnosti na otvorenom, poput šetnje, plivanja i vožnje biciklom, savršene su kardio vježbe za starije i rekreativce...

🇭🇷 Aktivnosti na otvorenom, poput šetnje, plivanja i vožnje biciklom, savršene su kardio vježbe za starije i rekreativce, a najbolje vrijeme za jedan takav aktivni odmor je kraj ljeta.
Više nije vruće toliko da bi mogli ispeći jaje na suncu, more je još uvijek toplo i nema gužvi.
U Omišu možete birati hoćete li plivati, biciklirati, šetati ili planinariti uz more, rijeku Cetinu ili po okolnim brdima.

🇬🇧Outdoor activities like walking, swimming and cycling are the perfect cardio workouts for seniors and recreationists. The best time for that type of outdoor break is in late summer.
It isn't so hot you could fry eggs in the sun, the sea is still warm and there are no crowds anymore.
In Omis you can choose whether to swim, bike, walk or hike by the Adriatic Sea, the Cetina River or surrounding hills.

Photo: KUNG FU Visual


Just in case you don't know where to go 😁

Just in case you don't know where to go 😁

Just in case you need this list 😁:

Just in case you need this list 😁:

Lijepo se prisjetiti 😊

Lijepo se prisjetiti 😊

Gastronomski osvrt na Omiš popularnog novinara i blogera Domagoja Jakopovića Ribafish


Meet the charming capital of Slavonia: Welcome to Osijek! Where to stay, eat, drink, what to do and see. Getting around, festivals and more!

Primljena nagrada s Nippy Adventures, Simply the best 2018 za ostvarenu suradnju s lokalnom zajednicom i Turističkom zaj...

Primljena nagrada s Nippy Adventures, Simply the best 2018 za ostvarenu suradnju s lokalnom zajednicom i Turističkom zajednicom Pitomača na razvoju novih turističkih proizvoda namijenjenih ciklo turistima na 20. burzi PUT u Varaždinu 😊
Hvala Mario Koren i Discover Pitomača - in embrace of Podravina & Slavonija ❤

⚽️ The history of playing football in Croatia spans more than 2,000 years! All the very best of luck to Croatian footbal...

⚽️ The history of playing football in Croatia spans more than 2,000 years!
All the very best of luck to Croatian football team today. Bring football home! ❤

If you wonder where to eat in Omis, wonder no more 😊

If you wonder where to eat in Omis, wonder no more 😊

Where to eat and drink in Omis? Let's find out! Learn about Mediterranean diet, eating in Dalmatian way and enjoying local wines.

Final destination on food and drink tour with Ribafish was Omis Riviera.PART 5: Restaurant Restoran Kod Mije is placed i...

Final destination on food and drink tour with Ribafish was Omis Riviera.
PART 5: Restaurant Restoran Kod Mije is placed in Lokva Rogoznica 9 km away from Omis with view on the sea and island of Brac. Restaurant offers wide range of everything from the Adriatic sea like delious fresh fish, mussels, crabs, squid... Along with meet and other specialities of Medierranean cuisine and their own produced red wine.

Travel around Omis region and detecting its food and drink secrets with Ribafish led us further from the canyon to the n...

Travel around Omis region and detecting its food and drink secrets with Ribafish led us further from the canyon to the north side of Omis Dinara hill.
PART 4: Konoba Kremenko is located 11 km from Omis in old Dalmatian village Svinisce famous for its good food and Flinstone-style interior design. This time we tried snails and mixed veal and lamb peka with extra added chicken just for me. The delicious treat was Kremenjaca, homemade almond and honey brandy and local white wine.
A special thanks goes to the owner who hosted us in his restaurant and this unique ambient.


Mosorska Cesta 11

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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Insider’s guide to Dalmatia & Continental Croatia

Boho Travel Art creates travel experiences revealing Croatia’s less known treasures of Adriatic and Continental Croatia.

There are secrets and there are secret places and stories most tourists don’t know about.

Boho Travel Art cares you get fulfilled travel experience and not get bored while in Croatia.