Gospel Villa & Winery

Gospel Villa & Winery This luxury villa offers ideal retreat for people running away from the urban jungle :-) Gospel’s owner is as sophisticated as her property.

This luxury villa offers ideal retreat for people running away from the urban jungle. In the same time it is civilized in the most appropriate way – Gospel is a true smart house with it’s own solar supply of electricity and water well that collects water in the rainy season. The house is fully furnished with two bedrooms and two bathrooms and if you have extra guests they can sleep in the nicely d

ecorated attic. In the evenings you can start the fire in the fireplace and chat about the things that you did during the day or simply walk through olive orchard watching the olives grow. After spending the most of her active life in the USA, Maja decided to return back to her origins and fulfill her dreams. She erected Gospel as testimony to what Dalmatia should be. For special guests, Maja hosts wine tastings in the coolness of her cellar hiding the treasures of her winemaking. The house is situated in the middle of typical Dalmatian scenery – rocky hills filled with olive orchards, wildflowers, bushes and sporadic wine yards. Nearby Rogoznica and Primošten are home to “Babić” – one of the best Dalmatian wines and Gospel offers one of the best Babić in the area. Branded Maja, this wine is not offered for sale, but for tasting of Gospel’s guests. Imagine yourself sitting on the wonderful terrace of this home with the glass of “Maja” in your hand, embracing your partner and admiring the view of Rogoznica’s archipelago. In the summer you can dive into swimming pool with the water clean as it be. Shower yourself afterwards with the water from the well and enjoy the softness of rain water collected in Gospel’s well.


Ova luksuzna vila nudi idealno utočište za ljude koji žele pobjeći od urbane džungle. U isto vrijeme to je civilizacija na najprimjereniji način - Gospel je samoodrživa kuća, sa svojim vlastitim solarnim opskrbom električnom energijom i vodom bunara koji se puni u kišnoj sezoni. Kuća je u potpunosti namještena s dvije spavaće sobe i dvije kupaonice, a ako imate dodatnih gostiju mogu spavati u lijepo uređenom potkrovlju. U večernjim satima možete zapaliti vatru u kaminu i razgovarati o netom provedenom danu ili jednostavno prošetati maslinikom. Nakon što je provela većinu svog aktivnog života u SAD-u, vlasnica posjeda Maja Divljaković, odlučila se vratiti podrijetlu i ispuniti svoje snove. Projekt Gospela pokrenula je kao svjedočanstvo upravo onog što bi Dalmacija trebala biti. Za posebne goste, Maja je iskusan domaćin svog podruma koji skriva blago njezina vina. Kuća se nalazi u središtu tipičnog dalmatinskog krajolika - stjenovitim brdima, rodnih maslinika, poljskog cvijeća, grmlja i vinograda. U blizini Rogoznice i Primoštena dom je Babića - jednog od najboljih dalmatinskih vina, a Gospel nudi jedan od najboljih Babića u tom području. Zamislite sebe kako sjedite na prekrasnoj terasi uz čašu Babića u ruci, i uživajte u pogledu Rogozničkog arhipelaga. U ljeto osvježenje pruža bazen s vodom iz bunara, te je moguće u potpunosti uživati mekoću oborinskih voda.



Mahala 15



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