Doček Nove godine na splitskoj Rivi ponovno je oduševio i ostao u nezaboravnom sjećanju svih prisutnih! 🎉✨
Tisuće ljudi okupile su se kako bi zajednički ispratile staru i dočekale novu godinu u sjajnoj atmosferi.
Glazbeni dio programa otvroili su Bore Balboa i Peki, nakon kojih je glavnu pozornicu preuzeo izvrsni Dubioza Kolektiv koji je energičnim nastupom i brojnim hitovima rasplesao posjetitelje. 🎤🎵 🎷 🎸🎶
Vrhunac večeri bio je spektakularni vatromet koji je osvijetlio noćno nebo, dok je DJ Antoine osigurao da zabava traje do ranih jutarnjih sati.
The New Year's Eve celebration on Split's Riva! 🎉✨
Thousands gathered to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one in a vibrant atmosphere.
Bore Balboa and Peki kicked off the musical program, followed by the headliner, the amazing Dubioza Kolektiv. 🎤🎵 🎷 🎸🎶
The highlight of the evening was a spectacular fireworks display that lit up the night sky, while DJ Antoine ensured the party continued until the early morning hours.
Đir gradom na Staru godinu! 🥂✨️
Uživajte u predivnim fotografijama, gužvi i šušuru na suncem okupanim ulicama i trgovima. ✨️
A stroll through the city centre on New Year's Eve. 🥂✨️
Beautiful, sunny weather brought many people to the streets and squares, and a festive atmosphere filled the air. ✨️
Kratki video s jučerašnjeg revijalnog nastupa Mažoretkinja Grada Splita, Splitskih mažoretkinja i Sinjskih mažoretkinja te Božićnog gala koncerta na kojem su nastupili Max Hozić i Saša Jakelić na Pjaci. 🎶💃🎤🎄✨
A short video from yesterday's performance of the City of Split Majorettes, Split Majorettes, and Sinj Majorettes, as well as the Christmas Gala concert featuring performances by Max Hozić and Saša Jakelić at Pjaca. 🎶💃🎤🎄✨
Predivan blagdanski dan u Splitu! ☀️
Prošećite gradom i uživajte u bogatom adventskom programu i blagdanskom ugođaju. 🎄✨
Sunny Advent in Split! ☀️
Take a stroll through the wonderful city centre and enjoy the festive ambience! 🎄✨
Đir po gradu na Badnjak! 🎄✨
Unatoč buri i niskim temperaturama, Splićani su i ove godine tradicionalno ispunili centar grada osmjesima, toplim čestitkama i veselim susretima – prava slika splitskog duha u blagdanskom ruhu. ✨
Stroll through the city on Christmas Eve! 🎄✨
Despite the strong wind and low temperatures, the people of Split once again filled the city centre with smiles, warm greetings, and joyful encounters – a true reflection of the Split spirit in its festive attire. ✨
Video koji trebamo na ovaj kišni i vjetroviti zimski dan.
Prošla subota u Splitu, posljednja adventska subota pred Božić. 🎄✨
The video we need on this rainy and windy winter day – last Saturday in Split, the final Advent Saturday before Christmas. 🎄✨
Ove godine program Adventa u Splitu odvija se na brojnim lokacijama u gradu, jedna od tih iznimno popularnih lokacija je i Split Park Advent, Kolur - Zvončac, gdje je prošlog vikenda nastupio kultni bend Daleka Obala. Koncert je privukao veliki broj posjetitelja različitih generacija što svjedoči o popularnosti i važnosti ovog benda na kojem su odrastale brojne generacije, pa tako i današnja mladost. Koncert je potrajao do kasnih sati, a Daleka Obala je za okupljene izvela svoje najveće hitove. 🎄🎸🎶✨
Advent na Zvončacu i ove godine nudi bogat glazbeni i popratni program, na repertoaru su brojni popularni izvođači, nakon Daleke oble, očekuju nas Senidah, S.A.R.S., M.O.R.T., Kuzma & Shaka Zulu, Vesna Pisarović, Silente i Psihomodo Pop. 🎸🥁🎹🎶✨
Više o lokacijama i programu Adventa u Splitu saznajte na
This year's Advent program in Split takes place at numerous locations across the city, and one of the exceptionally popular spots is Split Park Advent, Kolur - Zvončac, where the band Daleka Obala performed last weekend. The concert attracted a large audience of various generations, testifying to the popularity and significance of this band, which has influenced many generations, including today's youth. The concert lasted until the late hours, with Daleka Obala performing their greatest hits. 🎄🎸🎶✨
Advent at Kolur Zvončac this year offers a rich concert program, featuring many popular performers. After Daleka Obala, upcoming acts include Senidah, S.A.R.S., M.O.R.T., Kuzma & Shaka Zulu, Vesna Pisarović, Silente, and Psihomodo Pop. 🎸🥁🎹🎶✨
Find more information about the locations and the Advent program
Prošle subote posjetili smo Advent na Prokurativama, gdje je atmosferu dodatno zagrijao koncert uvijek izvrsnog XXS Banda. 🎄🎶🎤🎸🥁✨
Prokurative su bile ispunjene posjetiteljima svih generacija, a tražilo se mjesto više. Posebno živo bilo je i na klizalištu, koje je privuklo brojne obitelji i djecu. ⛸️✨
Večer je protekla u znaku pjesme, plesa i smijeha, uz uživanje u raznolikoj ponudi ukusne hrane i pića. 🎄 🎅🎶
Saznajte više o bogatom programu Adventa u Splita na
Last Saturday, we visited the Advent Prokurative, where the concert by the excellent XXS Band took place. 🎄🎶🎤🎸🥁✨
Prokurative were alive with visitors of all ages, and finding a spot was no easy task. The skating rink was particularly lively, attracting families and children. ⛸️✨
The evening was filled with music, dance, and laughter, complemented by a diverse selection of delicious food and drinks. 🎄🎅🎶
Find more information about locations and the event schedule for Advent in Split at
Kratki pregled adventskih događanja na dan sv. Nikole. 🎄✨🎶
Dan sv. Nikole obilježili smo nizom veselih i raznovrsnih aktivnosti koje su oduševile sve generacije, posebno one najmlađe. 🎄🎵🎤🎹✨
Uživajte u videu.
St. Nicholas Day was celebrated with a variety of cheerful and diverse activities that delighted all generations, especially the youngest ones. 🎄✨🎶🎤🎹
Enjoy the video.
Koncert Alena Vitasovića označio je sjajan početak programa u Adventskom parku Mertojak. 🎄✨️🎶
Iako je prvotno bio planiran za subotu, vremenske neprilike pomaknule su ga na nedjelju u podne. Unatoč promjeni termina, atmosfera je bila izvanredna. Brojni posjetitelji uživali su u izvedbama Vitasovićevih hitova, dok su oni najmlađi uživali u klizanju. 🎶🎵⛸️✨️
Ovo je bio savršen uvod u adventske aktivnosti na Mertojaku, koje će zasigurno nastaviti u istom raspoloženju. ✨️🎄
Alen Vitasović's concert marked a brilliant start to the program in Advent Park Mertojak. 🎄✨️🎶
Although originally scheduled for Saturday, it was postponed to Sunday at noon due to weather conditions. Despite the change in schedule, the atmosphere was exceptional. Numerous visitors enjoyed Vitasović's performance, while children had fun ice skating. 🎶🎵⛸️✨️
This was the perfect introduction to the Advent activities in Mertojak, which are sure to continue in the same festive spirit. ✨️🎄
Paljenje prve adventske svijeće na Peristilu označilo je početak Adventa u Splitu. 🕯🎄✨️
Program su uveličale veličanstvene glazbene izvedbe Zbor početnog solfeggia Glazbene škole Josipa Hatzea, Akademski pjevački zbor Sveučilišta u Splitu „Silvije Bombardelli“ i Zbor HNK Split. 🎶✨️
Uživajte u predivnom videu.
The lighting of the first Advent candle at Peristyle marked the opening of Advent in Split. The lighting of the first Advent candle at Peristyle marked the opening of Advent in Split. 🕯🎄✨️
The program was elevated by magnificent musical performances by the Elementary Solfeggio Choir of the Josip Hatze School of Music, the Academic Choir of the University of Split “Silvije Bombardelli,” and the Choir of the Croatian National Theatre in Split. 🎶✨️
Enjoy the video.