Ursus Travel & Accommodation

Ursus Travel & Accommodation Ursus Travel & Accommodation ABOUT US

We at Ursus consider it a great honor and pleasure to present to you our products and services.

We are a family with a vast experience in tourism and service industry. For generations we have been providing superior services and products in Europe and Asia. We proud ourselves in catering for numerous foreign dignitaries and high class events. In 2016th, after recognizing a need for an increase in quality of certain services we decided to embark on a new journey. And so became URSUS, which i

s a latin form of our surname, meaning „a bear“. URSUS Simple Limited Liability Company operates mainly in the tourism sector and conducts it's business in the following fields:
• Private accommodation / vacation rentals – Ursus rents out real estates which are in it's ownership and works with a network of trusted partners. This is an asset which can not be bought because the business relations with our partners comes from years of cooperation in service industry. We at Ursus take great pride in our service industry pedigree and our experience and tradition in the restaurant business. We provide quality accommodation in apartments, villas and beach houses in Split and island of Brač area.
• Hotel accommodation – The staff at Ursus consists of former restaurant owners/managers, F&B managers and Maîtres d'hôtel. We have been employees of numerous hotels in the formerly stated functions and nowadays we also provide hotels and restaurants with service quality consultation. This experience enables us to insure only the best hotel services for our clients.
• Transfers – be it by land or sea Ursus provides 24/7 transfer service. Do you want to hop from one island to another? Croatia has more than a thousand of those, or you need an airport pickup? We provide transfers for all possible needs and our fleet consists of high quality cars and boats. Our drivers and captains are experienced local professionals who have a valuable knowledge of secluded beaches, popular nightclubs, and beautiful historical sights.
• Catering – the pinnacle of Ursus's business, our forte and greatest passion. For more than 50 years our management staff was on the forefront of providing superior products and services in hotels and restaurants in Europe and Asia. We consider our duty to enhance the overall quality of life by promoting and serving traditional mediterranean food with a contemporary twist. We indulge you to contact us and inquire about organising catering for your precious family and business gatherings. We will never settle for anything but premium quality, and neither should you!
• Tours and excursions – we consider Dalmatia, a part of the ancient land of Ilirya, heaven on earth. We would like to present our little eden in the honest and warm-hearted way so our guests can experience it in a most satisfying manner possible. Whether you desire a walking tour of ancient Split, a hiking tour on the unbelivably beautiful island of Brač, rafting on the Cetina river or any other tour of our beautiful region, our out-going and local staff will be delighted to show you the magnificent beauty that has been bestowed upon us.

🎵🎶It's the most wonderful time of the year!🎵🎶Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎊Čestit Božić i sretna nova godina! 🎄🎊

🎵🎶It's the most wonderful time of the year!🎵🎶

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎊
Čestit Božić i sretna nova godina! 🎄🎊

Olakšajte svojim gostima dolazak i odlazak uz našu profesionalnu uslugu transfera. Nudimo pouzdane i udobne vožnje od zr...

Olakšajte svojim gostima dolazak i odlazak uz našu profesionalnu uslugu transfera. Nudimo pouzdane i udobne vožnje od zračne luke, trajektne luke ili autobusnog kolodvora direktno do vaših apartmana. Naši vozači dočekat će ih s osmijehom i pružiti bezbrižno putovanje.

Neka vaši gosti osjete toplu dobrodošlicu! 🛎️ Naša Check-In/Check-Out usluga omogućava da svaki dolazak i odlazak prođu ...

Neka vaši gosti osjete toplu dobrodošlicu! 🛎️ Naša Check-In/Check-Out usluga omogućava da svaki dolazak i odlazak prođu bez stresa. Dočekujemo vaše goste, pokazujemo im apartman i odgovaramo na sva pitanja!

Mi se brinemo o svakom detalju – od besprijekorno čistih kupaonica do svježe pripremljenih apartmana. Uz nas, vaši gosti...

Mi se brinemo o svakom detalju – od besprijekorno čistih kupaonica do svježe pripremljenih apartmana. Uz nas, vaši gosti će se uvijek vraćati! Prepustite čišćenje profesionalcima i osigurajte vrhunske recenzije. 🌟

Počeo je Advent u Splitu! Provjerite 👇što nas sve čeka ove godine 🎄🎁🎉Advent in Split has started! Check out 👇what awaits...

Počeo je Advent u Splitu! Provjerite 👇što nas sve čeka ove godine 🎄🎁🎉
Advent in Split has started! Check out 👇what awaits us this year 🎄🎁🎉


Prepustite se blagdanskom ugođaju Adventa u Splitu koji će se održati od 29. studenog 2024. do 6. siječnja 2025.


U iščekivanju najljepšeg dijela godine, s posebnim veseljem pozivamo sve da se pridruže proslavi Adventa u Splitu, ove godine pod motom "I tebi i tvojima". Želja nam je da ovo vrijeme, u kojem naš grad postaje mjesto čarolije, svjetlosti i radosti, bude ispunjeno zajedničkim trenucima i uspomenama koje obogatimo i podijelimo s voljenima. ✨🌟

Središnje mjesto glazbenih večeri i koncerata bit će Pjaca, dok nas raznovrstan i zabavan program očekuje i na brojnim drugim lokacijama – od Zvončaca i Mertojaka do Rive i Prokurativa. Adventski ugođaj dodatno će obogatiti okićeni Peristil, Dioklecijanovi podrumi i osvijetljena Riva, dok će doček Nove godine na Rivi biti obilježen koncertom Dubioze Kolektiv, za nezaboravan završetak godine. 🎶🎄✨

Program Adventa obuhvaća i posebne događaje u Splitu i okolnim područjima. Tradicionalno će djeca dočekati Svetog Nikolu i Lucu na Trgu Gaje Bulata, dok će na Badnjak biti podijeljene porcije bakalara, uz kolendavanje i nastupe klapa po kalama, pjacama i voltima. Građanima će biti poklonjena predstava u HNK, a u Hrvatskom domu održat će se Novogodišnji bal. Adventski program obogatit će i događanja u Stobreču, Žrnovnici i Slatinama. 🎅✨🎁

Više informacija dostupno na https://split.hr/advent-u-splitu-2024

“I tebi i tvojima (To you and your family)” 🎄✨

Immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of Advent in Split, which will take place from the 29th of November 2024 until the 6th of January, 2025.

In anticipation of the most wonderful time of the year, we are delighted to invite everyone to join the celebration of Advent in Split, this year under the slogan “To you and your family”. ✨🌟

The central location for musical evenings and concerts will be Pjaca, while a diverse and entertaining program awaits us on numerous locations – from Zvončac and Mertojak to Riva and Prokurative. The Advent atmosphere will be brought to life by the festive decorations of the Peristyle, Diocletian’s Cellars, and the illuminated Riva, culminating in a spectacular New Year’s Eve celebration highlighted by a concert from Dubioza Kolektiv, ensuring an unforgettable end to the year. 🎶🎄✨

The Advent program also includes special events in Split and its surrounding areas. Traditionally, children will welcome St. Nicholas and St. Lucy at Gajo Bulat Square, and on Christmas Eve, portions of cod will be served, accompanied by caroling and performances by klapa groups in the streets, squares, and alleys. A special gift to citizens will be a performance at the Croatian National Theatre and a New Year’s ball held at the Concert Hall Ivo Tijardović, Hrvatski Dom. The Advent program will also feature events in Stobreč, Žrnovnica, and Slatine. 🎅✨🎁

Detailed program is available at https://split.hr/advent-in-split-2024

Zašto se mučiti kada možete imati besprijekorno čist smještaj bez truda? 🐻Ursus Travel brine o svakom detalju, od čišćen...

Zašto se mučiti kada možete imati besprijekorno čist smještaj bez truda? 🐻
Ursus Travel brine o svakom detalju, od čišćenja do održavanja, kako bi vaš apartman uvijek bio spreman za goste. 🏡

Nemate vremena za rezervacije, dočeke i administraciju? Mi smo tu da pomognemo! 🐻S Ursus Travel, sve ide glatko – od prv...

Nemate vremena za rezervacije, dočeke i administraciju? Mi smo tu da pomognemo! 🐻

S Ursus Travel, sve ide glatko – od prvog kontakta s gostima do njihova odlaska. Vaš smještaj je u sigurnim rukama!

Zaboravite na brige oko prijevoza gostiju – tu smo da sve riješimo za vas! 🚗S 𝗨𝗿𝘀𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹, kašnjenja i komplikacije nes...

Zaboravite na brige oko prijevoza gostiju – tu smo da sve riješimo za vas! 🚗
S 𝗨𝗿𝘀𝘂𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹, kašnjenja i komplikacije nestaju. Mi osiguravamo pouzdane transfere, vi imate više vremena za sebe. 🐻

We just came back from VRM days. See you next year!

We just came back from VRM days. See you next year!

Od danas do kraja tjedna uživamo na 7. Mediteranskom festivalu knjige! 👇Provjerite niže što nas sve čeka na ovogodišnjem...

Od danas do kraja tjedna uživamo na 7. Mediteranskom festivalu knjige! 👇Provjerite niže što nas sve čeka na ovogodišnjem izdanju 😍📚
From today until end of the week we are enjoying the 7th Mediterranean Book Festival! 👇 Check out below what awaits us at this year's edition 🤩📖

Još nas malo vremena dijeli od sedmog po redu Mediteranskog festivala knjige! 🤩📖📚

I ove godine stižemo s mooore knjiga koje će biti dostupne po promotivnim sajamskim cijenama, zanimljivim promocijama i panelima, te kreativnim radionicama za djecu i mlade.

A što nas sve točno čeka možete možete provjeriti na našoj web stranici 👇


Vidimo se uskoro! 💙

Happy International Dog Day! 🐾  If you own or if you are thinking about making your vacation rental pet-friendly, contac...

Happy International Dog Day! 🐾 If you own or if you are thinking about making your vacation rental pet-friendly, contact us at Ursus Travel. We care about our four legged guests and our pet-friendly accommodation!🏡🐶 Reach out to us✨

5. “Splitova proslava sv. Duje: mjesto gdje se tradicija, glazba i veselje stapaju u jedno! 🎉🍷 Pridružite nam se u ovoj ...

5. “Splitova proslava sv. Duje: mjesto gdje se tradicija, glazba i veselje stapaju u jedno! 🎉🍷 Pridružite nam se u ovoj nezaboravnoj fešti!”

🎉 Splitska proslava Dana grada i blagdana sv. Dujma 🎶 Uživajte u koncertima, feštama i besplatnim izvedbama od 1. do 7. ...

🎉 Splitska proslava Dana grada i blagdana sv. Dujma
🎶 Uživajte u koncertima, feštama i besplatnim izvedbama od 1. do 7. svibnja. Pridružite se slavlju ovih važnih datuma u povijesti Grada Splita! 🎈 🏰

Happy Easter! We hope this Easter is the start of a joyous and prosperous spring for you!\                              ...

Happy Easter! We hope this Easter is the start of a joyous and prosperous spring for you!
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

47. Praznik cvijeća "Marulićev cvit -  Split"

47. Praznik cvijeća "Marulićev cvit - Split"

Danas počinje 17. festival pričanja priča „Pričigin“! Provjerite ovogodišnji program 👇 i vidimo se večeras u domu mladih...

Danas počinje 17. festival pričanja priča „Pričigin“! Provjerite ovogodišnji program 👇 i vidimo se večeras u domu mladih! 😁

Udruga Pričigin od 2006. organizira Festival pričanja priča Pričigin na tragu sasvim suvremenih svjetskih, a posebno europskih trendova

Happy International Women's Day to all bold and fierce women around the world! 🌷💪                           Image by Fre...

Happy International Women's Day to all bold and fierce women around the world! 🌷💪

Image by Freepik


Dubrovačka Ulica 3

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00






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Our Story

ABOUT US We at Ursus consider it a great honor and pleasure to present to you our products and services. We are a family with a vast experience in tourism and service industry. For generations we have been providing superior services and products in Europe and Asia. We proud ourselves in catering for numerous foreign dignitaries and high class events. In 2016th, after recognizing a need for an increase in quality of certain services we decided to embark on a new journey. And so became URSUS, which is a latin form of our surname, meaning „a bear“. URSUS Simple Limited Liability Company operates mainly in the tourism sector and conducts it's business in the following fields: • Private accommodation / vacation rentals – Ursus rents out real estates which are in it's ownership and works with a network of trusted partners. This is an asset which can not be bought because the business relations with our partners comes from years of cooperation in service industry. We at Ursus take great pride in our service industry pedigree and our experience and tradition in the restaurant business. We provide quality accommodation in apartments, villas and beach houses in Split and island of Brač area. • Hotel accommodation – The staff at Ursus consists of former restaurant owners/managers, F&B managers and Maîtres d'hôtel. We have been employees of numerous hotels in the formerly stated functions and nowadays we also provide hotels and restaurants with service quality consultation. This experience enables us to insure only the best hotel services for our clients. • Transfers – be it by land or sea Ursus provides 24/7 transfer service. Do you want to hop from one island to another? Croatia has more than a thousand of those, or you need an airport pickup? We provide transfers for all possible needs and our fleet consists of high quality cars and boats. Our drivers and captains are experienced local professionals who have a valuable knowledge of secluded beaches, popular nightclubs, and beautiful historical sights. • Catering – the pinnacle of Ursus's business, our forte and greatest passion. For more than 50 years our management staff was on the forefront of providing superior products and services in hotels and restaurants in Europe and Asia. We consider our duty to enhance the overall quality of life by promoting and serving traditional mediterranean food with a contemporary twist. We indulge you to contact us and inquire about organising catering for your precious family and business gatherings. We will never settle for anything but premium quality, and neither should you! • Tours and excursions – we consider Dalmatia, a part of the ancient land of Ilirya, heaven on earth. We would like to present our little eden in the honest and warm-hearted way so our guests can experience it in a most satisfying manner possible. Whether you desire a walking tour of ancient Split, a hiking tour on the unbelivably beautiful island of Brač, rafting on the Cetina river or any other tour of our beautiful region, our out-going and local staff will be delighted to show you the magnificent beauty that has been bestowed upon us.