Our Story
A genuine passion for sea and sailing led us to leave lucrative careers in other companies and start up our own small business for yacht charter. Supporting the decision was the fact that we complement each other in knowledge and skills required for this business and together make the winning combination.
There are just two of us employed in the company on a permanent basis, but we cooperate with a number of agencies, servicemen and freelancers from various fields.
Ivana is in charge of booking, web design, marketing, finances & accounting. Please feel free to contact her for any questions you might have regarding your sailing holidays in Croatia - pricing, routes, best restaurants to eat, best places to visit, best beaches/bays to swim/anchor, total cost estimate, transfers, accommodation on land..etc.
Paško is in charge of fleet maintenance, check in & outs, technical support 24/7 during the season, technical management, sailing and weather advice and always rady to answer your questions about the boats like technical characteristics, inventory and sailing issues.