Alenka - tour guide in Split

Alenka - tour guide in Split "People will forget what you said, but never forget how you made them feel"- Maya A. ENG/GER ❗

Dugo nisam ništa objavila i sad ću to nadoknaditi 🥳🤸‍♀️🎈!Ono, ka, ako ne znate 'di sam, evo tu sam 🫡🙌📍!Tu je meeting poi...

Dugo nisam ništa objavila i sad ću to nadoknaditi 🥳🤸‍♀️🎈!
Ono, ka, ako ne znate 'di sam, evo tu sam 🫡🙌📍!

Tu je meeting point, i odavde počinju moje ture.Ovdje možete bukirati svoju turu putem Chata ili na What's up!
My tours starts from this meeting point. Here you can book your tour via Chat or on What's up. First, look
at all the tours on the!
Meine Touren beginnen an diesem Treffpunkt. Hier können Sie Ihre Tour per Chat oder auf What's up buchen. Zuerst, schauen Sie alle Touren im Internet an

Find lokale virksomheder, se kort og få rutevejledninger i Google Maps.

Die Besichtigungstour im Diokletianpalast mit Sabine, Heidi und Karsten 🎊 🤸‍♀️🫶! Diese 90-minütige ist meine Bestseller-...

Die Besichtigungstour im Diokletianpalast mit Sabine, Heidi und Karsten 🎊 🤸‍♀️🫶! Diese 90-minütige ist meine Bestseller-Tour!

Die Buchung auf !

I swear, this's not a stick in my hand, I don't beat my guest on the tour. Trust me, it's wooden spoon, and my guests th...

I swear, this's not a stick in my hand, I don't beat my guest on the tour. Trust me, it's wooden spoon, and my guests thoroughly enjoyed it. A wooden spoon is mandatory souvenir on 7th May, during the feast of St. Domnius.

📌Alenka-tour guide in Split

🥁🥁🥁Dioklecijanova škrinjica -Trećaši OŠ Marjan ❗️Prvi ove godine, pa moji 🤗❤️!S guštom i lakoćom s njima kroz Palaču i g...

🥁🥁🥁Dioklecijanova škrinjica -Trećaši OŠ Marjan ❗️

Prvi ove godine, pa moji 🤗❤️!
S guštom i lakoćom s njima kroz Palaču i grad 💪🤸‍♀️🎊!
Svi komplimenti dici, učiteljicama, roditeljima, gradu Splitu...nema stra'ja za budućnost ovoga grada 👍🫶🔝!

"Upoznaj svoju zemlju - Grad Split"- akcija kojom su danas u podne, turistički vodiči iz cile Hrvatske započeli besplatn...

"Upoznaj svoju zemlju - Grad Split"- akcija kojom su danas u podne, turistički vodiči iz cile Hrvatske započeli besplatna vođenja u svojim mjestima i gradovima.
Na takav način vodiči, zajedno sa sugrađanima proslavljaju Dan međunarodnog priznanja Hrvatske 🎊🇭🇷, koji se slavi 15.01..

Ovo su današnji "moji" i ja 🎉🤸‍♀️❤️!
📸 by Župa

🥁URBI &ORBI    Nosimo darove 🎁🎀🎈🎉🎊❗️Povodom Dana međunarodnog priznanja RH, Društvo turističkih vodiča Split daruje👉besp...


Nosimo darove 🎁🎀🎈🎉🎊❗️

Povodom Dana međunarodnog priznanja RH, Društvo turističkih vodiča Split daruje👉besplatni razgled Dioklecijanove palače i užeg centra grada, splićanima, građanima Lijepe naše i našim gostima ‼️

Dakle, svi ste pozvani 🤗🎉🤸‍♀️!

Čekamo vas 14. siječnja 2024.g. (nedjelja) u 12::00 na Rivi kod makete grada !


About Veli Varoš tour!
Thanks Visit Split , Jelena Tabak , Ana Kovačić ❤️🔝!

Veli Varoš tura - Advent 2023Ovo je samo jedna grupa od 17/12. Vrime je idealno zimsko, burno, al' ne prehladno ! I sve ...

Veli Varoš tura - Advent 2023

Ovo je samo jedna grupa od 17/12. Vrime je idealno zimsko, burno, al' ne prehladno !
I sve je bilo kako triba biti...✔️!

Ako se želite pridružiti, ostala su još dva termina 22. i 23.12.!


Advent 2023 u Splitu 🌲🔥

Bio je dogovor da će doći na moju turu Veli Varoš, i bi' tako...

Na kraju ture, na Šperunu, prirodno smo uklizali u Tinel, pojest bakalar, i bi' tako...
'Tili smo se lipo podružit, ka' i uvik, jer mi smo prvi rođaci, i bi' tako...

Advent 2023 u Splitu 🌲🔥🥁 Stvari se zahuktavaju🎉💥🙌!Ostala su jos samo 3 datuma za Veli Varoš turu ‼️Rezerviraj svoje mjes...

Advent 2023 u Splitu 🌲🔥

🥁 Stvari se zahuktavaju🎉💥🙌!

Ostala su jos samo 3 datuma za Veli Varoš turu ‼️

Rezerviraj svoje mjesto na broj 098 320 301, SMS- om ili na What's up !


👉Polazak u 11h isprid crkve sv. Frane.

Dosadašnji posjetioci su nas totalno razmazili sa ovakvim povratnim informacijama, ili da se izrazim po naški, fala in na ovim review-ima 😉❤️🙌.

BESPLATNA tura Velim Varošom‼️U suradnji s Visit Split i Grad Split (službena stranica) i danas smo, unatoč kiši i nižim...

BESPLATNA tura Velim Varošom‼️
U suradnji s Visit Split i Grad Split (službena stranica) i danas smo, unatoč kiši i nižim temperaturama, održali još dvi Veli Varoš ture.
Zahvalni smo tridesetak splićana i dvoje poljaka, što su se po ovakvoj elementarnoj nepogodi, usudili izići i šetati s nama po Velom Varošu. 💪🙌❤️😅!
Ostala su samo još 4 termina:
Najavite svoj dolazak SMS-om ili na What's up na broj 098 320 301.

Ornela Govic
Bernarda Šustić
Ana Kovačić
Alenka Krivić
Jelena Tabak

Jedna milenijska prije početka Veli Varoš ture 09.12.'23.g.🎉🙌! Potražnja za mjestom u turi je skoro kao za kartom za Ora...

Jedna milenijska prije početka Veli Varoš ture 09.12.'23.g.🎉🙌!
Potražnja za mjestom u turi je skoro kao za kartom za Orašara 🔝💪😉!
Dragi naši sudionici, HVALA VAM ❤️!
Sutra 10/12 obje grupe su pune.

Ima još mjesta:
Rezervirajte mjesto SMS-om ili na What's up 098 320 301.

Ana Kovačić
Anita Aužina Jakus
Nives Fabečić Bojić
Jelena Tabak
Jadranka Mimica

03.12.'23. Prva Adventska svića upaljena, druga adventska Veli Varoš tura napravljena 🎉‼️Bilo je i danas oni', šta su i ...


Prva Adventska svića upaljena, druga adventska Veli Varoš tura napravljena 🎉‼️

Bilo je i danas oni', šta su i lani bili, a najavili su da će i dogodine 🫶🤗!
Dolaze familije, grupe prijatelja, varošani, splićani, i od kolina i oni vlaškog i oni bodulskog prezimena, kolege, njemci, rumunji, zagrepčani, mladi, najmlađi, srednja generacija, oni u zlatnim svi ‼️

👉Eto to je Veli Varoš tura 👈

Ana Kovačić
Ivana Kilic
Jelena Čatipović

Slijedeće ture 09/10.12.

👉Prije paljenja prve Adventske svijeće - Veli Varoš tura 🎉.Uprkos jugu, u inat škurim oblacima uspili smo do prvih kapi ...

👉Prije paljenja prve Adventske svijeće - Veli Varoš tura 🎉.
Uprkos jugu, u inat škurim oblacima uspili smo do prvih kapi napraviti turu.
Hvala svima na entuzijazmu i vjeri da kiša neće pasti 😎💪!
Isplatilo se...

P.S. tura 03/12- popunjeno ‼️

S Udruga turističkih vodiča Makarska rivijera i Zabiokovlje  na Veli Varoš turi u niskom startu za Advent 🤗 🌲.Toliko ih ...

S Udruga turističkih vodiča Makarska rivijera i Zabiokovlje
na Veli Varoš turi u niskom startu za Advent 🤗 🌲.
Toliko ih se dojmio ovaj najstariji spli'ski kvart, da su se predbilježile i za predstojeće ture 🙌.

👉Prije 8 godina ovu turu je osmislila Jelena Tabak .
Ohrabreni prošlogodišnjim uspjehom Veli Varoš ture, i ove godine u suradnji s TZ Split, u vrijeme Adventa nastavljamo s ovom turom 💣.
👉Spada u Kulturnu ponudu Adventa 2023, i kao takva je besplatna 🎯 za građane.
Termini su:
22.(iznimno petak)/23.12
👉Početak ture je ispred ulaza u crkvu sv. Frane. Polazak je u 🕚 11:00h⬅️!
👉Za svaki termin idu po 2 grupe, te 2 vodiča, Alenka Krivić i Anamarija Kovačić Lalić 👏👏.
👉Tura traje cca 2h, na hrvatskom jeziku je.

Obavezna najava ‼️
➡️SMS ili What's up poruka na
098 320 301 ili na mail
➡️[email protected]
➡️U poruci ili mailu napišite željeni termin, broj osoba, i svoj broj mobitela.
Lani je ova tura polučila odličnu posjećenost i uspjeh 🎉🔝!
Svi ste pozvani!!
Preporučite, prenesite glas...🌲


📍Dubrovnik- Franciscan monastery from 14th century.
👉It's known for the oldest pharmacy in Europe.
👉The pharmacy is known for its facial rose cream 🌹.
👉The cream is known for rejuvenating 😉.

Therefore, before you use botox, come to Dubrovnik 🤗!

Gestern habe ich die Besichtigungstour in der Stadt Split gemacht 🏛🙌.Desweiteren , diese Tour durch den monumentalen Dio...

Gestern habe ich die Besichtigungstour in der Stadt Split gemacht 🏛🙌.
Desweiteren , diese Tour durch den monumentalen Diokletianpalast, mittelalterliche und moderne Teile 2 Stunden dauert 👍🔥.
Schliesslich, sie werden die Stadt Split mit neuen Augen sehen 👀.

All about walking, hiking, talking, enjoying, relaxing ...🎉💪🫶- this is a story about group of Hillmont tours - Taiwan in...

All about walking, hiking, talking, enjoying, relaxing ...🎉💪🫶- this is a story about group of Hillmont tours - Taiwan in the city of Split and surrounding areas.
First day - Walking tour with Alenka
Second day- Hiking tour on Kozjak Mt.
Thanks Sanja Krivić Modric ❤️!

After the bankruptcy 💣of the company I worked for, during the great global crisis in 2008, I decided to work in tourism,...

After the bankruptcy 💣of the company I worked for, during the great global crisis in 2008, I decided to work in tourism, the only branch of the economy that flourished 🌺 in my city at that time.

I supplemented my academic education in economics with a course for a tourist guide.

Therefore, I consider myself a "forever student" 🎓, eager to improve my knowledge of foreign languages, history, and culture of my region.

Then I said to myself: Let the games begin 🚀!
At this time, a new colleague gave me my first job. I was supposed to replace her on one excursion.

"For instance, what should I do? "- I asked her.

"Absolutely, be you !
Be the Alenka I drink coffee with and chat with now, smile a lot like usual 😄!
Besides, don't look at other guides, don't look at what others are doing, do it on your way. Be unique, as you are - and that's the key " - she answered me.

Following her advice, I decided to be me 😊!
I'm continuously improving my skills and searching for new stories to capture the attention of new guests.

Furthermore, I attended storyteller training, as well as a sommelier course.

Certainly, my priority was and still is to be a personable guide with a perfect balance of culture, history, architecture, gastronomy, experience from shooting Game of Thrones, lifestyle and moreover fun and humor!

No doubt it wasn't easy.

Definitely, it's better to be described by clients who were on my tours.

👉Check my reviews on Tripadvisor: Dalmatia guide tours with Alenka

👉Currently I'm working as a freelance tour guide in Dalmatia in English and German👈

My hometown is Split, but I guide the cities of Trogir, Šibenik, Hvar as well as Dubrovnik with equal dedication.

👉My 💯 % Best-selling tour is the 90 min Walking tour in and around Diocletian's Palace!

Go to my site 👉 or 👉 , see booking options .

Reach out to [email protected] to connect!

All these colors of the Beetle Tour on  the island Hvar remind me of Barbie - mania 🩷!I  was watching the Barbie girl vi...

All these colors of the Beetle Tour on the island Hvar remind me of Barbie - mania 🩷!
I was watching the Barbie girl video, and I remembered these photos taken 2 months ago.
In fact, I was guiding the island tour with one group. They explored almost entire island in the Beetles.
So vintage, so retro, so Barbie- coloured 🩷💚💛🩵💙💜🧡❤️, so funny, so excited 🔥... you should do it, if you're curious about island of Hvar !!!
Tripadvisor: Dalmatia guide tours with Alenka

- I'm not Barbie, even I'm not blond 😎

The Imperial Belvedere was built in honour of the Austro- Hungarian  Emperor Franz Joseph I and his wife, Empress Elisab...

The Imperial Belvedere was built in honour of the Austro- Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I and his wife, Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria, better known as Empress Sissy.
As part of their trip through Dalmatia in 1875 , they visited Skradin, Skradin waterfalls and Šibenik.
Since then, the Krka river and waterfalls have been on the📌 Must- visit list of celebrities ✨️.

I'm not wearing a hat, because I'm pretending to be an empress 👑. These days, a hat is an inevitable accessory in Dalmatia.
Yesterday, temperature in NP Krka reached 39°C 🌞🔥.

📸 by Gabriela

I was an extra in 5th season 4th episode of Game of Thrones :)-how, why, what for... 🎥🎞🥳An open casting call was adverti...

I was an extra in 5th season 4th episode of Game of Thrones :)-how, why, what for... 🎥🎞🥳

An open casting call was advertised on Facebook, for me, a relatively unknown, new filming project in Croatia.
I had decided to take a chance on the audition, so I sent an application and required photos. And I forgot... 😇
Six months later my cell phone rang, staff of GOT and me arranged casting. No doubt, I was very curious about filmmaking, and for a long time to be an extra was on my To Do List.
A few months later, the gathering place was in dawn in an industrial zone.
A huge warehouse was set aside for wardrobe, makeup, hairdressers and dining room. Around 100 extras had been separated into categories – Former Masters, Slaves, Unsullied's, which were represented by different long rows of costumes.
Everyone's costume is made to measure.
The hairdresser took two hours for my hair. makeup was excluded. The director insisted on the natural look of the former Masters.
Before getting dressed in the costume, a very good breakfast was served, the beginning of the all-day nourishment loved by extras.
A standard day is 12 hours.
I was an extra in one crowd scene in Meereen, in the Klis Fortress.
On one side of Khaleesi's throne there were former Masters, on the other side the slaves.
In the show, that scene lasts about 10 minutes, and it was shot in only two days.
No wonder, that director and assistants appreciated our contribution. At the end of the day he greeted us with gratitude.

We tried it endless ways. Shouting. Threatening.Gesticulating. Stunning. Whispering. Shocking.Arguing.Moving Forward movement, backward movement.
The director and his assistants moved the cameras around, the scene must be shot from the different corners in so many variations. Exhausting but enjoyable. 💪💪💃
I was an extra for two days. It was in September 2014. Usually,September usually brings a lot of work for tour guides, and I've rejected the invitation of the casting office for some further scenes.
It was great experience, I was an extra-mission accomplished !
Until then, I have not read any of the books. I have never watched a single episode of the popular television show. But everyone else in my surroundings was obsessed with "Game of Thrones".
Next day, after the GOT, I was guiding a full bus of Americans. When I mentioned my experience, when I showed them some of my photos, they started to scream with delight. Our bus driver was terrified, what had happened on the bus.
They were not interested in Diocletian and his Unesco Palace, in the history of Split, Hajduk...they were interested only in Game of Thrones.
Due to the agreement with show about shout our mouth, very carefully I told them the story without important details, but they were so delighted audience 😉.
Each of them wanted a photo with me 📸🎥.
Next winter, I seriously immersed myself in GOT, watched all seasons and started to guide the Game of Thrones tour.

👉Still, even now in 2023 years, I'm guiding Game of Thrones tour in city of Split and Klis Fortress. -brand new web!!!

A totally different perspective of St. Lawrence Cathedral in Trogir.    📸 Magnificent Croatia

A totally different perspective of St. Lawrence Cathedral in Trogir.

📸 Magnificent Croatia

This day begins very early in the morning. Twelve hours after, late in the afternoon, my attention took a man on the wat...

This day begins very early in the morning. Twelve hours after, late in the afternoon, my attention took a man on the waterfront in the city of Šibenik, who cut pršut.
He was a winner of the Regatta sailboat race.
We took the offered prosciutto, champagne and mega strawberries.
👉Life is beautiful, again 🎉🔝✨️.

🌊 🇭🇷 🤗

Coming SOON 🥁🔔! *Through the Palace with the Empress Priska* - storytelling tour                    Special thanks to Re...

SOON 🥁🔔!

*Through the Palace with the Empress Priska* - storytelling tour

Special thanks to Renata Tesija ❤️ and Splitsko Dalmatinska županija ❤️

Kostimirani interpretatori baštine kroz projekt Dalmacija storytelling destinacija rade sjajan posao čineći povijesne priče, likove, junake i crtice iz Dalmatinske povijesti bliže publici.

Uz pomoć posebno kreiranih interpertatorskih šetnji i baštinskih likova pričaju pitke priče o dalmatinskoj kulturnoj baštini i doprinose cjelogodišnjoj ponudi turizma Splitsko-dalmatinske županije.

Ako želite obogatiti sadržaj vaše agencije ili jednostavno vašim gostima ponuditi vrijednost više, povežite se s našim interpretatorima i dodajte neizostavan element vrhunskog storytellinga u vaš program!

Alenka Krivić

Moj prvi filmić, prvi You Tube video 💪😉, a zapravo teaser za turu "S Priskom kroz Palaču".A šta kažete, a-ha ?!         ...

Moj prvi filmić, prvi You Tube video 💪😉, a zapravo teaser za turu "S Priskom kroz Palaču".
A šta kažete, a-ha ?!

Storyteller hunter is a documentary travelogue series that follows Silvija on her journey through Dalmatia...

"Učiti, učiti, samo učiti...🎶".Tri put' hura za Dalmacija storytelling destinacija !HURA -HURA- HURA !!! Certifikati, pr...

"Učiti, učiti, samo učiti...🎶".

Tri put' hura za Dalmacija storytelling destinacija !

Certifikati, priznanja, uvjerenja, čestitanja na završenoj edukaciji za interpretatora baštine 🎉💥.

Zahvalni Renata Tesija, Stipi Čogelja i Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji na viziji ovoga projekta, trudu i entuzijazmu ✌️🔝❤️!

📸 by Senka Vlahovic


Poznata vizura grada , s prepoznatljivom kupolom katedrale .
Pogled s Banja💙😍!
Koji je ovo grad 🤔?

Ne samo da su tu dragi ljudi i kolege, nego su mi boje pre-dobre, ka' da nije zima ❤️💙💚🩷💥!Odličan moment za fotkanje 👌!💣...

Ne samo da su tu dragi ljudi i kolege, nego su mi boje pre-dobre, ka' da nije zima ❤️💙💚🩷💥!
Odličan moment za fotkanje 👌!

💣Magnificent Croatia
💣Partenca Fortuna Turistička Agencija
💣Yuya Matsuo

Upoznaj svoju zemlju 🇭🇷A nas je  Vedrana Memiš jucer povela Dolinom hrvatskih kraljeva, i pričala nam kraljevske priče i...

Upoznaj svoju zemlju 🇭🇷
A nas je Vedrana Memiš jucer povela Dolinom hrvatskih kraljeva, i pričala nam kraljevske priče iz Solina. Razgled je započeo pored Šuplje crkve - krunidbene crkve kralja Zvonimira. Kako je naslijedio Petra Krešimira IV ?! Zašto je bio tu , a ne u Kninu okrunjen, i kako je postao hrvatskim kraljem- sve nam je to naša vodička ispričala. Šetnicom uz Jadro, i Ilijin potok, spuštali smo se do nove crkve. Gašpina mlinica ima zanimljivu priču. Usput je Vedrana pričala zanimljivosti o knezu Trpimiru i samostanu na Rižinicama, kraljici Jeleni, njenom mužu i sinovima! Uz put smo smo bacili oko na Gradinu, i spomenili se Sulejmana i njegove kćeri Merime. Bio je to zanimljiv zimski dan! Izbistrili smo nebrojeno tema. Razgled je završen na Gospinom otoku ! Dotakli smo se moderne povijesti pa i solinske svakodnevnice.
Draga Vedrana, hvala ti na predivnoj turi ❤️🔥✌️, hvala Solin Tourist Board na organizaciji 👏👏👏!


Obala Hrvatskog Narodnog Preporoda

Opening Hours

Monday 07:30 - 20:00
Tuesday 07:30 - 20:00
Wednesday 07:30 - 20:00
Thursday 07:30 - 20:00
Friday 07:30 - 20:00
Saturday 07:30 - 20:00
Sunday 07:30 - 20:00



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My Dalmatia-tours with Alenka

My name is Alenka, I was born and raised in the city of Split. For the last ten years I’ve been working as a tour guide in English and German, licensed for the Split-Dalmatia county , Šibenik-Knin county and Dubrovnik-Neretva county. I’m member of local tourist guides association. Growing in an ancient city awaken the fascination for the history, history of art and sense for the beauty. Split is a city of harmony of ancient and medieval architecture on one side and temperamental citizens on the other side.

Six years ago, I was an extra in Game of Thrones show. It was a great experience, almost like walking on the red carpet.

My delighting with wine was featured with degree of WSET LEVEL 1 AWARD IN WINES, sommelier course. Constantly, I'm upgrading my knowledge about wine, primarily traditional variety in Dalmatia, follow events and festivals of wine. So, I'm great company for an excellent wine tasting tour.

Here, on my FB Page are listed most often tours such as :