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Razotkrivajući povijesne i suvremene tabue, ovaj izlet ima za cilj specifično znanje koje se udaljava od klasičnih narat...

Razotkrivajući povijesne i suvremene tabue, ovaj izlet ima za cilj specifično znanje koje se udaljava od klasičnih narativa putovanja i fokusira na ' s pristupom bez rukavica koji će rezultirati specifičnim uvidom u lokalne sporne probleme koji oblikuju današnje društvo. Iako ova tura ima za cilj gore spomenuta specifična znanja, također se provodi pokrivanjem glavnih lokacija i lokacija u središtu Splita - naša apsolutna preporuka čak i za lokalce koji žele proširiti svoje znanje!

Rezervirajte na poveznici niže!
By exposing historical and contemporary taboos, this trip aims for specific knowledge that moves away from classic travel narratives and focuses on 'with a no-gloves approach that will result in specific insight into local contentious issues that shape today's society. Although this tour aims at the specific knowledge mentioned above, it is also carried out covering the main locations and locations in the center of Split - our absolute recommendation even for locals who want to expand their knowledge!

Book below!

Tražimo suradnike!Prezentacija Vaših izleta, ekskurzija i aktivnosti na našem portalu je besplatna bez dodatnih troškova...

Tražimo suradnike!

Prezentacija Vaših izleta, ekskurzija i aktivnosti na našem portalu je besplatna bez dodatnih troškova.

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Plan je kreirati offline prodajnu mrežu aktivnosti/tura/izleta (putem agencija, hotela, iznajmljivača itd.).
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• automatic creation of a flyer with your service (you can print, print and share it)
• reservation record system
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• system for fiscalization of accounts

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The plan is to create an offline sales network of activities/tours/excursions (through agencies, hotels, renters, etc.).
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Rastemo!Jeste li znali da preko našeg portala Holiday Link možete rezervirati izlete, aktivnosti i ture?Evo dobre ideje ...


Jeste li znali da preko našeg portala Holiday Link možete rezervirati izlete, aktivnosti i ture?

Evo dobre ideje za vaš ovogodišnji odmor!

Krenuvši s Puntamike, veslajte prema starom gradu prolazeći usput pored modernih turističkih atrakcija Morskih orgulja i Pozdrava suncu. Nastavite do veličanstvene Rive s pogledom na tisućljetni rimski forum.

Rezervirajte ispod!
We are growing!

Did you know that you can book excursions, activities and tours through our portal Holiday Link?

Here’s a good idea for your vacation this year!

Starting from Puntamika, paddle towards the old town, passing the modern tourist attractions of the Sea Organ and Salutation to the Sun on the way. Continue to the fabulous Riva with a view of millennial Roman Forum.

Book below!

Croatia, Monte Negro - Travel, holiday and tourist info, attractions, restaurants, clubs, hotels, vacation rentals.

Marco Polo Challenge: Get your running shoes, wetsuits and bikes ready and join us for what is arguably the world’s most...

Marco Polo Challenge: Get your running shoes, wetsuits and bikes ready and join us for what is arguably the world’s most stunning triathlon course that runs along the medieval streetscapes of Korčula, cool pine forests and coastline with spectacular views onto the open sea.

Thriatlon Marco Polo Challenge is this year taking place on 22 to 24 April on the island of Korcula, known for its cultural and natural heritage. Therefore, triathlon is named after the most famouse world traveller and explorer as an invitation for you to explore this exciting island through the triathlon race.

The event includes:

Middle-distance triathlon (1,9 km swim / 90 km bike / 21,1 km run)
Sprint length triathlon (750 m swim / 20 km bike / 5 km run)
Street race – “Streets of Korčula town” - humanitarian action

Why don’t you join the triathlon race with a relaxing holiday with your family? We invite you to extend your stay on Korcula and enyoj in everything a warm spring time in the south of Dalmatia can offer. Discover the taste of traditional products, Dalmatian cuisine and the finest island of Korcula wines.

Get your running shoes, wetsuits and bikes ready and join us for what is arguably the world’s most stunning triathlon course that runs along the medieval streetscapes of Korčula, cool pine forests and coastline with spectacular views onto the open sea. Thriatlon Marco Polo Challenge is this year ...

4 Islands MTB stage race: Beautiful scenic landscapes and great organization have put this race on the calendar of many ...

4 Islands MTB stage race: Beautiful scenic landscapes and great organization have put this race on the calendar of many MTB professionals and enthusiasts, which is not surprising since the race was declared one of the best in Europe and since 2021 is a part of the Epic Series MTB family.
This is the seventh edition of this unique MTB race in Kvarner, which has so far been attended by almost 3,000 fans and lovers of MTB. This year, in the period from 19 to 23 April 2022, it will take place again along all four Kvarner islands: Krk, Rab, Cres and Lošinj.
Competitors will cover a total of 270 kilometers of trails through these four stages and achieve over 5,000 meters of altitude ascent. The race is intended for all mountain bikers, especially those who are looking forward to the early opening of the season and collecting points - UCI scoring in the SSR category, which means that race competitors collect points for their national teams for the world rankings and Olympic Games in the Olympic Year!

National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products: For seventeen years Sinj has been hosting the National Fair...

National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products: For seventeen years Sinj has been hosting the National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products with International Participation which is promoting a traditional way of producing dried meat products with the constant support of all associates, producers, Croatian institutions and renowned experts.

In the last several years, National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products in Sinj gained international character due to the participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy and Slovenia. Fair hosts around 70 producers and several thousand visitors each year. This showcase event presents prosciutto and other dried meat products, cheese, wine, olive oil and traditional handcrafts from rural parts of Dalmatia, Lika, Slavonia and islands.

Besides promotion of large variety of traditional products, National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products in Sinj has educational character in the form of workshops where both producers and visitors can get information on the production and sales of dry-cured meat products, protection of original Croatian products and quality label, the introduction of standards, models of association, the market, trends, cooperation opportunities, stimulation and funding programmes of governmental and other institutions, etc.

For seventeen years Sinj has been hosting the National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products with International Participation which is promoting a traditional way of producing dried meat products with the constant support of all associates, producers, Croatian institutions and renowned....

Festival of Lights Zagreb: Enlighten. Brighten. Light up. Amaze! Incandescence. Luminescence. Illusion. Confusion! Light...

Festival of Lights Zagreb: Enlighten. Brighten. Light up. Amaze! Incandescence. Luminescence. Illusion. Confusion! Light art is a new discipline that has escaped the confines of museum walls, its artists using as their canvas the city, its buildings, its monuments, the night sky itself. Part art, part design, architecture and entertainment spectacle, the festival both brings you something beautiful to look at and something to make you see your world differently. Festivals of Light are bringing an exciting new dimension to ever more cities around the world, enrobing their famous monuments in vivid hues or using them as an integral part of creative works.

Enlighten. Brighten. Light up. Amaze! Incandescence. Luminescence. Illusion. Confusion! Light art is a new discipline that has escaped the confines of museum walls, its artists using as their canvas the city, its buildings, its monuments, the night sky itself. Part art, part design, architecture and...

WRC Croatia Rally: Croatia Rally is Round 3 of World Rally Championship 2022. World's best rally crews will compete on 2...

WRC Croatia Rally: Croatia Rally is Round 3 of World Rally Championship 2022. World's best rally crews will compete on 20 Special Stages in five Croatian Counties. On their way to the Finish podium they will pass several regions and historical landmarks. Beutiful scenery including valleys, mountains, forests, sea, churches, castles and much more will be perfect backdrop for this pure asphalt rally.

With Service park, Ceremonial Start and Podium located in Zagreb, the most of the Stages will be hosted by Karlovac County. The area of the rally spreads until Varaždin and Krapina-Zagorje Counties up north and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County on the south passing through Zagreb County. Special Fan Zones will be set up at six attractive locations along the rally tracks and the seventh one will be situated at Zagreb Fair within the Service Park. The total itinerary lenght is 1648 km out of which 292 km is SS's lenght.

Croatia Rally is Round 3 of World Rally Championship 2022. World's best rally crews will compete on 20 Special Stages in five Croatian Counties. On their way to the Finish podium they will pass several regions and historical landmarks. Beutiful scenery including valleys, mountains, forests, sea, chu...

Delmates vs Romans Match: The idea of a match review between the Delmates and the Romans is based on the historical fact...

Delmates vs Romans Match: The idea of a match review between the Delmates and the Romans is based on the historical facts related to the tombstone of Gaius Laberius.
In order to promote the theory about the origins of football in this area, the freelance artist Dean Poljak made a replica of the tombstone and created a game adapted to the time the original stele dates from.
The match is in fact a theatrical performance of comic character, played by the invented rules which are inspired by the spirit of ancient times. The leading roles belong to Emperor Diocletian and Empress Prisca with their advisers, surrounded by guards and soldiers and in this way separated from the field, where there are bandsmen, a referee and players, ten of them in both teams, that of the Delmates and of the Romans, all of them dressed in authentic costumes.

The idea of a match review between the Delmates and the Romans is based on the historical facts related to the tombstone of Gaius Laberius. In order to promote the theory about the origins of football in this area, the freelance artist Dean Poljak made a replica of the tombstone and created a game a...

Chocolate Festival: Can you imagine a better entry into December, a month of great events, than the Chocolate Festival? ...

Chocolate Festival: Can you imagine a better entry into December, a month of great events, than the Chocolate Festival? Chocolate, the sweet pleasure which fulfills us with optimism and satisfaction, has always been the symbol of richness, happiness and delight. That is why we cannot resist it. The sweetest beginning of December may be experienced only in Opatija at the already traditional Festival of Chocolate!

Can you imagine a better entry into December, a month of great events, than the Chocolate Festival? Chocolate, the sweet pleasure which fulfills us with optimism and satisfaction, has always been the symbol of richness, happiness and delight. That is why we cannot resist it. The sweetest beginning o...

Advent in Opatija: The ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ transforms romantic Opatija into a festive fairy tale   Magnif...

Advent in Opatija: The ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ transforms romantic Opatija into a festive fairy tale Magnificent parks with Nutcrackers ‘keeping guard’, beautiful Advent decorations, culinary specialties inspired by the holiday abundance and chocolate delicacies as the ‘icing on the cake’ will make Opatija an indispensable destination this winter. Opatija – The ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ will once again, this winter in a special edition adapted to the current situation, bring festive cheer to the town. Winter in this famous European destination with a long tradition has a special charm: the scent of punch and mulled wine, the taste of the finest desserts from the town’s cafés, the sound of Christmas music in the parks and on the streets, invigorating walks along the sea with its healing air, relaxing wellness treatments in hotels and spa centres, and much more. Just like a beautiful festive picture book, Opatija will connect all these experiences and offer a fantastic festive atmosphere by day and great visual attractions by night. The splendid Christmas decorations that last winter transformed St. James’ Park into a popular backdrop for holiday photographs will this year also be set up in the famous Angiolina Park. Giant figures of the Nutcracker, glittering gifts, illuminated century-old cypresses and many other unique decorations will be perfect companions for a walk through the heart of the town that will remind you of a kingdom from children’s imagination this winter. Especially interesting will be the exhibition of classic dresses made exclusively from the natural materials of Opatija’s parks and the exhibition dedicated to Nutcrackers, unique artistic figures that have become a trademark of Opatija’s Advent. The romantic atmosphere during the holiday season makes Opatija an ideal destination for couples. The town, whose streets were once the stage for great love stories with famous protagonists such as Empress Sisi or Isadora Duncan, today still has its ‘secret powers’, which is why evening kisses in the Park of Newlyweds are remembered forever. To round off romance in the town, its bars and restaurants will present their carefully prepared specialities. The ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ also offers many experiences for a fulfilled family holiday. Parents and children alike will enjoy exploring the walking, hiking and cycling trails in the hinterland of Opatija, or a gentle stroll through the town lavishly decorated with festive decorations, followed by an excellent praline in Opatija’s small chocolate factory or a piece of delicious cake in the town’s famous cafés. Since December in Opatija is dedicated to chocolate, its cafés, bars and restaurants will offer a wide selection of chocolate delicacies, accompanied by numerous surprises and activities. Opatija is a town that wins you over with its beauty, architecture, tradition and simply everything it has to offer. It is most captivating in the winter months, when its Advent atmosphere enchants all guests who choose it as their holiday destination. Magnificent parks with Nutcrackers ‘keeping guard’, beautiful Advent decorations, culinary specialties inspired by the holiday abundance and chocolate delicacies as the ‘icing on the cake’ will make the ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ an indispensable experience this winter. All programmes will take place in accordance with epidemiological measures.

The ‘Most Beautiful Advent by the Sea’ transforms romantic Opatija into a festive fairy tale Magnificent parks with Nutcrackers ‘keeping guard’, beautiful Advent decorations, culinary specialties inspired by the holiday abundance and chocolate delicacies as the ‘icing on the cake’ will m...

Dubrovnik half marathon: The attractiveness of this new sporting event is based on the fact that Dubrovnik – the host ci...

Dubrovnik half marathon: The attractiveness of this new sporting event is based on the fact that Dubrovnik – the host city is part of the UNESCO's world Heritage. The terrain is very attractive for marathon running, especially 2K (two-kilometer long) race with a limited number of participants held at Dubrovnik walls, Dubrovnik's most important attraction. Half marathon route is 21.1 km long, starts at Ploče, passes through the Pile up till Kantafig in Gruž, with a turn near the Marina Komolac and finish in the best possible venue - Stradun. With the motto "More than a race" this new event, as planned, will be more than just a sporting event, through running healthy lifestyles will be promoted, all in "hugs" of Dubrovnik historical monument, with Klapa songs and blessings of Dubrovnik's patron saint - St. Blaise - as protected elements of intangible heritage in the UNESCO's.

The attractiveness of this new sporting event is based on the fact that Dubrovnik – the host city is part of the UNESCO's world Heritage. The terrain is very attractive for marathon running, especially 2K (two-kilometer long) race with a limited number of participants held at Dubrovnik walls, Dubr...

Dimensions Festival: Dimensions Festival regularly hosts the biggest names in electronic music. This spectacular festiva...

Dimensions Festival: Dimensions Festival regularly hosts the biggest names in electronic music. This spectacular festival is the perfect place to enjoy music programs with a few hundred performers on several chill out stages on the beach and at numerous parties on boats. Dimensions Festival attracts world-famous performers of house, techno, jazz, funk, soul, drum and bass, psych and pop music...

Dimensions Festival regularly hosts the biggest names in electronic music. This spectacular festival is the perfect place to enjoy music programs with a few hundred performers on several chill out stages on the beach and at numerous parties on boats. Dimensions Festival attracts world-famous perform...

Audi FIS Ski World Cup “Snow Queen Trophy” 2022: As is tradition, the world’s best female and male slalom skiers will st...

Audi FIS Ski World Cup “Snow Queen Trophy” 2022: As is tradition, the world’s best female and male slalom skiers will start off the year 2022 atop Zagreb’s Sljeme, which will for the fourteenth time host the women’s race and for the eleventh time the men’s. These two Audi FIS World Cup “Snow Queen Trophy” races will take place on 4 and 5 January 2022. As in previous years, the Sljeme races will gather 150 of the world’s male and female skiers and over 400 crew members from around 25 countries and four different continents. Both events are scheduled so to ensure that as many ski enthusiasts and fans as possible come to Sljeme. The top-notch organisation of the “Snow Queen Trophy” races and the fantastic spirit atop Sljeme have placed Zagreb in the company of the world’s most prominent ski resorts, including Val Gardena, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Kitzbühel, Wengen, and Val d’Isere. Moreover, the Sljeme races have also been included in the Club 5+ Ski Classics, a union of the leading traditional World Cup race organisers. Finally, the International Ski Federation has shown their great confidence in the Croatian Ski Association by putting the Sljeme races in the calendar until 2022.

As is tradition, the world’s best female and male slalom skiers will start off the year 2022 atop Zagreb’s Sljeme, which will for the fourteenth time host the women’s race and for the eleventh time the men’s. These two Audi FIS World Cup “Snow Queen Trophy” races will take place on 4 and...

CROFISH - International Fisheries Fair: CROFISH, the Fishing and Fishing Equipment Fair in Poreč is the only event of it...

CROFISH - International Fisheries Fair: CROFISH, the Fishing and Fishing Equipment Fair in Poreč is the only event of its kind held in Croatia. The aim of the fair is to enable gathering and presentation of all interested economic entities operating in the fisheries, mariculture and sport fishing in Croatia and neighboring countries in one place, with all that in atmosphere of international and inter-regional cooperation as an important factor in the development of marine fisheries and mariculture. Association of Craftsmen Poreč, as a non-profit specialized association, makes great efforts in consulting, promotion and development of the economy in general, and especially in craftsmanship where fisheries are of the utmost importance and presence. Association of Craftsmen Poreč currently has more than 100 fishermen members. During the Fair, a series of side events is planned to be held, some with the accent to public discussions, expert lectures and meetings of partners - fishermen, and activities to make fishery products closer to tourist markets and public spending in schools and kindergartens. The aim of the fair is to strengthen the position of fishery products in local diet, regulation of the fishery markets, construction of fishing infrastructure, improving business cooperation and access to fisheries, intensification of production and exports, as well as increasing the competitiveness of the fishermen.

CROFISH, the Fishing and Fishing Equipment Fair in Poreč is the only event of its kind held in Croatia. The aim of the fair is to enable gathering and presentation of all interested economic entities operating in the fisheries, mariculture and sport fishing in Croatia and neighboring countries in o...

Christmas Story of the Salaj family: All Christmas stories are romantic and educational, especially if you are a guest o...

Christmas Story of the Salaj family: All Christmas stories are romantic and educational, especially if you are a guest of the Salaj family in Grabovnica. At Christmas time, the Salaj family prepares a special treat for all the Christmas time enthusiasts, when their garden is alight with thousands of multicolored lights, offering all who come a magical sight and an idyllic atmosphere. The Christmas stable, the manger and the decorations all over the garden, including the multicolored Christmas lights and ornaments shining in the night, offer an unforgettable sense of a deep dream followed by awakening in a world of fairy tales, a world of a true Croatian Christmas story.

All Christmas stories are romantic and educational, especially if you are a guest of the Salaj family in Grabovnica. At Christmas time, the Salaj family prepares a special treat for all the Christmas time enthusiasts, when their garden is alight with thousands of multicolored lights, offering all wh...

Dubrovnik Winter Festival: In Winter, Dubrovnik, the Pearl of the Adriatic and one of the most beautiful cities of the M...

Dubrovnik Winter Festival: In Winter, Dubrovnik, the Pearl of the Adriatic and one of the most beautiful cities of the Mediterranean, turns into a Christmas tale while thousands of Christmas lights and decorations enhance its magical beauty. This unique holiday experience is enriched by the Dubrovnik Winter Festival – a project of the City of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik's public cultural institutions, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board and public companies, featuring a variety of cultural and entertainment events organised at various locations in the Old City and other parts of Dubrovnik from the beginning of Advent until New Year. Top musicians on the world's most beautiful stage and impressive fireworks at midnight will ensure an unforgettable beginning of New Year. Experience Dubrovnik's unique holiday atmosphere! Check what the Christmas booths in the squares and streets of Dubrovnik have to offer and sing traditional Christmas carols in Stradun on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, wishing everyone happy holidays!

In Winter, Dubrovnik, the Pearl of the Adriatic and one of the most beautiful cities of the Mediterranean, turns into a Christmas tale while thousands of Christmas lights and decorations enhance its magical beauty. This unique holiday experience is enriched by the Dubrovnik Winter Festival – a pro...

European Theatre Night: As usual, edition of this special event continues to attract more visitors and more European cou...

European Theatre Night: As usual, edition of this special event continues to attract more visitors and more European countries by the year. One can hope to see performances by several theatre and cultural institutions from Croatia and other parts of the old continent. allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

As usual, edition of this special event continues to attract more visitors and more European countries by the year. One can hope to see performances by several theatre and cultural institutions from Croatia and other parts of the old continent. allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyrosc...

INmusic Festival: The 15th edition of INmusic festival, the biggest Croatian open-air event, will take place from the 20...

INmusic Festival: The 15th edition of INmusic festival, the biggest Croatian open-air event, will take place from the 20th to the 23rd of June 2022 on the beautiful Island of Youth at Zagreb's Lake Jarun. Each year, INmusic festival gathers some of the most coveted names of modern music, which is why it has been listed among the audience’s favorite festivals year after year. In 2016 INmusic festival received another international acclaim when it was named by NME, one of the world's most prestigious music magazines, as one of the world’s twelve most popular festivals, among the likes of Coachella, Glastonbury, Isle of Wight...

The 15th edition of INmusic festival, the biggest Croatian open-air event, will take place from the 20th to the 23rd of June 2022 on the beautiful Island of Youth at Zagreb's Lake Jarun. Each year, INmusic festival gathers some of the most coveted names of modern music, which is why it has been list...

Open air New year's eve celebration: Seeing out the old year and welcoming in the New Year at noon in the open air is an...

Open air New year's eve celebration: Seeing out the old year and welcoming in the New Year at noon in the open air is an original and attractive event which takes place in the centre of Fužine. Of course there is mulled wine and sausages, a local orchestra and an impressive firework display, all of which assure an unforgettable welcome and a wonderful experience for all the visitors.

Seeing out the old year and welcoming in the New Year at noon in the open air is an original and attractive event which takes place in the centre of Fužine. Of course there is mulled wine and sausages, a local orchestra and an impressive firework display, all of which assure an unforgettable welcom...

Outlook Festival: Outlook Festival is the largest festival of bass music and sound system culture in Europe. Outlook Fes...

Outlook Festival: Outlook Festival is the largest festival of bass music and sound system culture in Europe. Outlook Festival with its many stages attracts an impressive number of over 300 performers, including dub, reggae, hip-hop, drum ‘n’ bass, garage, house and similar vibrant music. It brings together the biggest names from the most vibrant dance scene around, both DJs and producers. During the Festival about forty boats set sail for the boat parties with a terrific lineup and sound system. It is not surprising that boat parties have already acquired cult status - the boat rides are truly a unique experience not to be missed.

Outlook Festival is the largest festival of bass music and sound system culture in Europe. Outlook Festival with its many stages attracts an impressive number of over 300 performers, including dub, reggae, hip-hop, drum ‘n’ bass, garage, house and similar vibrant music. It brings together the bi...

Sonus Festival: Having announced their first wave of confirmed artists, Sonus Festival have had their most successful la...

Sonus Festival: Having announced their first wave of confirmed artists, Sonus Festival have had their most successful launch to date and are already down to final phase of tickets for the eighth annual edition. Taking place on the sun-soaked Zrce Beach in Novalja between the 21th and 25th August 2022 and voted ‘Best Croatian Festival’ by the Ambassador Awards for the third year in a row, Sonus spans across five days and nights in three open-air clubs delivering a world-class calibre of artists and unbeatable programming under the sun.

Winter Fair: On a large fair meadow in Karanac, a large fair is held modeled after old school fairs. Over 70 producers o...

Winter Fair: On a large fair meadow in Karanac, a large fair is held modeled after old school fairs. Over 70 producers of homemade products and "products from a smokehouse" appeal to increasingly larger amounts of visitors that come for winter supply shopping. Over the years, number of competitors in melting "čvarak" is also increasing. The winner gets a title "Čvarak master". Alongside the fair and "Čvarakfest", Winter Fair offers rich traditional Baranjan gastro offer, and everything is accompanied by traditional guitar music.

On a large fair meadow in Karanac, a large fair is held modeled after old school fairs. Over 70 producers of homemade products and "products from a smokehouse" appeal to increasingly larger amounts of visitors that come for winter supply shopping. Over the years, number of competitors in melting "č...

Interliber: Zagreb Fair organizes the 43nd edition of INTERLIBER, the favourite meeting point for all generations of boo...

Interliber: Zagreb Fair organizes the 43nd edition of INTERLIBER, the favourite meeting point for all generations of book lovers. Interliber is the largest national literary event and a platform for the promotion of books, writers, reading, science and knowledge that brings together over 300 most significant publishers and booksellers from Croatia and the neighbouring countries. Like every year, Interliber will feature an abundance of treats: new books, guest appearances of Croatian and foreign literary stars, educational workshops and professional gatherings, presentations of literary awards, book auctions, pub quizzes, education fair as well as entertainment with popular musicians. The fair will be held under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The admission to Interliber is free.

Zagreb Fair organizes the 43nd edition of INTERLIBER, the favourite meeting point for all generations of book lovers. Interliber is the largest national literary event and a platform for the promotion of books, writers, reading, science and knowledge that brings together over 300 most significant pu...

Malinska Trail: Malinska, walking and cycling trails, Malin Hotel An active weekend for athletes and for the whole famil...

Malinska Trail: Malinska, walking and cycling trails, Malin Hotel An active weekend for athletes and for the whole family along with a trail race - discover the hidden beauties of Dubašnica while running through the pristine natural surroundings.

Malinska, walking and cycling trails, Malin Hotel An active weekend for athletes and for the whole family along with a trail race - discover the hidden beauties of Dubašnica while running through the pristine natural surroundings.

Regatta Jabuka: The legendary offshore regatta takes yachtsmen along 110 miles enduring route Vodice - Jabuka - Vodice. ...

Regatta Jabuka: The legendary offshore regatta takes yachtsmen along 110 miles enduring route Vodice - Jabuka - Vodice. The regatta is famous for the night start and mystical Jabuka, with characteristic strong wind and a long and exhausting race. Organization: JK Tijat - Vodice

The legendary offshore regatta takes yachtsmen along 110 miles enduring route Vodice - Jabuka - Vodice. The regatta is famous for the night start and mystical Jabuka, with characteristic strong wind and a long and exhausting race. Organization: JK Tijat - Vodice


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