NP se nalazi na udaljenosti oko sedam morskih milja od Murtera.
Nacionalni park Kornati veći je dio Kornatskog akvatorija, koji je 1980. godine, zbog izuzetnih krajobraznih ljepota, zanimljive geomorfologije, velike razvedenosti obalne crte i naročito bogatih biocenoza morskog ekosustava, proglašen nacionalnim parkom.
Nacionalni park Kornati zauzima oko 220km2, a u okviru parka se nalazi 89 otoka, otočića i hridi. Kornatsko otočje dobilo je ime po najvećem otoku Kornatu.
Kornatsko otočje predstavlja pravi raj za nautičare, ronioce i sve one koji žele uživati u osami netaknute i veličanstvene prirode. Na Kornatima postoji oko 20 restorana sa ribljim specijalitetima. U nacionalni park se može doći brodom (vlastitim ili iznajmljenim) ili u organizaciji turističkih agencija koje organiziraju izlete. Detaljnije informacije mogu se dobiti u prostorijama Javne ustanove „Nacionalni park Kornati“ u Murteru.
Izletnički brodovi za nacionalni park Kornati polaze iz svih turističkih mjesta na Šibenskoj i Zadarskoj rivijeri.
Više informacija možete naći na http://www.kornati.hr/
The park is located about seven nautical miles from the island of Murter.
The Kornati National Park covers the bigger part of the Kornati waters. Because of their exceptional landscape beauty, interesting geomorphology, highly jagged and indented coast as well as because of rich communities of the submarine eco-system, the islands were made a national park in 1980.
National park Kornati sizes about 220 km2 which consists of 89 islands, islets and reefs. National park Kornati was named after the biggest island in the group - Kornat. Vegetation on the islands is minimal, giving the islands a bald look, however, nature still thrives with plant life on the rocks. Crystal clear water, and uncover the all kinds of reefs, shellfish and many species of fish below the surface.
The Kornati islands are a real heaven for yachtsmen, divers and all those who enjoy the solitude of untouched and the magnificence of nature. There are 20 restaurants on the Kornati islands which serve fish specialities. You can get to the Kornati islands by boat (if you own or you rent), or by organised boat excursions offered by tourist agencies. For more information you can visit the public bureau „Nacionalni Park Kornati “in Murter.
For more information please visit http://www.kornati.hr/