Tradicionalna misa na rivi je 15.08. s početkom u 09:30h, nakon koje će se odigrati vaterpolo utakmica. U večernji program će nas u 21:00 uvesti DJ Godie, a koncert Matije Cveka i Nena Belana kreće u 22:00 sata, gdje ćemo uživati u njihovim hitovima i sjajnoj atmosferi. U 24:00h moći ćete uživati u spektakularnom vatrometu, a očekuje vas i bogata lutrija!
Assumption of Mary is a very special day in Trpanj. Traditional morning Mass will be held 15th of August at 09:30am at Trpanj port. There's going to be waterpolo game after the Mass. There will be live music starting at 10pm and at 12pm get ready for great fireworks. There's also a lottery!