Kamena obiteljska kuća, koja je stara više od 250 g., nalazi se u samom centru grada Visa. Uređena u starom rustikalnom stilu, prilagođena suvremenom uvjetima življenja. Kuća ima tri kata, na prvom katu ima luksuzno opremljen studio apartman kapaciteta 2+2. s dvorem i svim popratnim sadržajem za življenje. Gornji katovi, tj. dvoetažni katovi kuče imaju dvije spavaće sobe, od kojih jedna ima prekrasan pogled na višku valu. Kuća je klimatizirana, free wi fi internet, satelitska TV, perilica suđa i robe........kapacitet je 4+2. Okoliš je prostran, dvor s nastrešnicom, stol, stolice, komin. Lipi pogled na more i vrtove, u kojima rastu viški limuni. Najbliža plaža je udaljena tek par minuta od kuče pješke. U krugu od 50 metara nalazi se bitni sadržaji, trgovine i vodeči viški restorani. Ovu kamenu obiteljsku kuću odabrati če oni, koji žele uživati u miru, tišini, daleko od buke, a ipak blizu gradskog sadržaja otoka.
Stone house, which is more than 250 years old, is located in the center of the town Vis. Decorated in old rustic style, adapted to modern living conditions. House has three floors, first floor is a luxurious studio apartment with capacity 2 + 2. with a courtyard and all the necessary facilities for living. Upper floors, ie. two-level floors of the house are two bedrooms, one with a beautiful view of the bay of Vis. Capacity is 4 +2. House is air-conditioned, free Wi-Fi internet, satellite TV, dishwasher and washing mashine ........ The environment is spacious yard with a shed, table, chairs, fireplace. Beautiful view on sea and gardens with lemontrees. The nearest beach is just a few minutes walking from the house. Within 50 meters of the all important venues. All of you, who want to enjoy peace and quiet, away from the noise, yet close to urban facilities of the island, should pick this family stone house for next summer vacation.