Jeste li znali? Suhozidi na Kornatima su spomenici nevjerojatnoj ljudskoj radišnosti, umijeću i strpljivosti. Često se protežu od obale do obale, a građeni su kako bi spriječili prelazak ovaca na tuđi posjed. Samo na otoku Kornatu je oko 260 kilometara suhozida, a na cijeloj površini Nacionalnog parka impresivnih 330 kilometara. 💙
Did you know? Dry stone walls are monuments to amazing human hard work, skill, and patience. They frequently extend from coast to coast and they were built to prevent sheep from wandering into someone else’s property. There are approximately 260 kilometers of dry stone walls on the island of Kornat, and in the entire territory of the National Park, their total length is an impressive 330 kilometers.💙