I Travel

I Travel Tourist/ Tour Guide and other tourist services in Zadar, Dalmatia and rest of Croatia.The professional travelers.


I invite you to experience Zadar in the movie lights! Watch beautiful AH's films, participate in workshop, but don't forget to join the free - we are headed North-NorthWest 😉 and you will surely

Be careful when exploring on your own!

Be careful when exploring on your own!

Dear tourists, plan ahead, so the only calls 📞 you make are to brag about the view. 🏔


Where the Ravni Kotari meet the Adiatic lies the Heart of Adriatic;   to learn about its history, traditions, and royal ...

Where the Ravni Kotari meet the Adiatic lies the Heart of Adriatic; to learn about its history, traditions, and royal heritage

Tradicija, baština, običaji, narodna nošnja
Biograd na Moru, subota 10.8.2024. u 20 sati

If you want to learn about heritage of Zadar hinterland, you should really

If you want to learn about heritage of Zadar hinterland, you should really

Osvježite ljetnu večer daškom oživljene povijesti i zagrizite zlatnu jabuku hrvatske književnosti

Osvježite ljetnu večer daškom oživljene povijesti i zagrizite zlatnu jabuku hrvatske književnosti


Join the festival of tradition and experience the hospitality of Zadar countryside

Turistička zajednica Ravnih kotara

Ima li što bolje nego posjet Ninu   na   u ulozi Petra Zoranića Ninjanina, u pratnji vile Hrvatice Vlatka Pehar, pričaju...

Ima li što bolje nego posjet Ninu na u ulozi Petra Zoranića Ninjanina, u pratnji vile Hrvatice Vlatka Pehar, pričajući priče o našoj baštini djeci iz OŠ Petea Zoranića, Jasenice?

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If ...

If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (1 Corinthians 13)

Would you like to know the love stories of Zadar?
Happy St Valentines Day!!

Noć muzeja nam dolazi. Jeste li spremni oživjeti baštinu?Muzeji i baština trebaju publiku 😉

Noć muzeja nam dolazi. Jeste li spremni oživjeti baštinu?
Muzeji i baština trebaju publiku 😉

Well, the cat is obviously out of tha bag; Zadar is beautiful and inspiring even in winter!

Well, the cat is obviously out of tha bag; Zadar is beautiful and inspiring even in winter!

Happy International Necktie Day! Do you know the origins of the necktie?📷 Necktie Regiment in Zagreb main square

Happy International Necktie Day! Do you know the origins of the necktie?
📷 Necktie Regiment in Zagreb main square

Sometimes things simply do not work out: you get booking, the payment doesn't work so booking is on hold, and the day be...

Sometimes things simply do not work out: you get booking, the payment doesn't work so booking is on hold, and the day before you are sure it is not going - no matter, come evening there is someone else interested for the same thing but hey don't confirm.
The first booking gets confirmed almost at midnight! You are still eager to go and get ready, meet the guest (who are bit late) but there is someone else waiting holding the same guests name!! Guest double booked by mistake. It happens.
It is time to stop, relax, enjoy in after all a free day! The life is short. So is my coffee ☕️ The weather is getting colder. So does my croissant.
But even in autumn gives beautiful views. Explore. Taste. Feel!

People who say work and pleasure don"t mix are simply in wrong profession.

People who say work and pleasure don"t mix are simply in wrong profession.

Za koji dan počinje   i   događanje na jednom od najljepših vidikovaca u Hrvatskoj  agro-etno   at one of the best   in ...

Za koji dan počinje i događanje na jednom od najljepših vidikovaca u Hrvatskoj
agro-etno at one of the best in

I recently stated that   is not aimed against the tourists but rather against the institutions that should keep it at 'n...

I recently stated that is not aimed against the tourists but rather against the institutions that should keep it at 'normal'.
In the past two days I have realised that it is a much bigger problem. It is the selfishness of more and more tourists, more and more tourist businesses, and their complete disrespect for local communities.
Guiding without licence, driving the wrong way in one way street, frowning on locals for 'being in the way', (over)drinking (or worse) in the public areas....
can be achieved only with
Our city and our is


This morning I feel like in Hitchcock's movie night

Jako dobar tekst; ali ne zato što komplementira moju interpretaciju, nego zato što prepoznaje trud i inventivnost Turist...

Jako dobar tekst; ali ne zato što komplementira moju interpretaciju, nego zato što prepoznaje trud i inventivnost Turističke zajednice Grada Nina Visit Nin koja je osmislila i kontinuirano organizira ovaj doživljaj

Jedan od najljepših trenutaka svakog putovanja je doživljaj mjesta koje posjećujemo. Trenutak kada osjetimo ljude, prostor, povijest i sadašnjost i u sebi osjetimo stvaranje novog doživljaja, nove spoznaje i živimo trenutak stvaranja vlastitih uspomena.


Jeste li spremni za filmski đir po gradu?

U suradnji s Udrugom turističkih vodiča Zadra “Donat” imat ćete priliku upoznati grad u malo drugačijem svjetlu.
S vodičem Ivicom Škriljevečkim prepustite se upoznati onu tajnovitu, filmsku stranu našega grada.
Đir započinje 8. kolovoza u 19:00 na Trgu Petra Zoranića stoga brzo zapišite u kalendar jer imate “dejt”. 🗓️

Like Zadar

Would you like to try   ?

Would you like to try ?


Calling all passionate tourist guides! 💙🌎

Share your extraordinary experiences as the compasses that guide travelers through uncharted territories in the comments below. Inspire others to discover the soul of a destination with your expertise and passion. Your stories have the power to ignite wanderlust and create unforgettable memories🧭

Have a good week everyone!

Kada me tijekom razgleda pitaju jesam li povjesničar, uvijek kažem da su to tek mrvice koje pokupim od pravih znalaca i ...

Kada me tijekom razgleda pitaju jesam li povjesničar, uvijek kažem da su to tek mrvice koje pokupim od pravih znalaca i to često na ovakvim događanjima
When guests ask am I historian, I reply that it is merely just small bits learned from true experts, often at events like this one.

Arheološki muzej Zadar i Gradski muzej Nova Gradiška imaju čast pozvati Vas na otvorenje izložbe „Tragovi rimske vojske u Zbirci Josipović“ u petak, 28. travnja 2023. u 12 sati u Arheološkom muzeju Zadar.

Privatne arheološke kolekcije nisu rijetkost kod nas, a još manje u Europi. Skupljanje starina ima uostalom dugu povijest, interes za predmetima baštine zabilježen je još u antičkim vremenima, a od renesanse je kolekcionarstvo postalo iznimno raširena zanimacija među bogatima i moćnima, pa tako mnoge plemenitaške zbirke koje vuku porijeklo od 16. ili 17. stoljeća danas čine temelje arheoloških zbirki velikih europskih muzeja, od Rima i Firence, preko Beča, do Pariza i Londona.
Fenomen kolekcionarstva antičkih predmeta nije nestao u 20. stoljeću, dapače, no s razvojem formalno-pravnih okvira očuvanja povijesne baštine, muzeja i institucionalne arheologije, između kolekcionara s jedne strane, te arheologa i muzealaca s druge, počelo je na vidjelo izlaziti sve veće razmimoilaženje u pristupu arheološkim artefaktima.
Međutim još uvijek postoje kolekcionari koji su prije svega entuzijasti i zaljubljenici u prošlost, ljudi koji ne sudjeluju u devastaciji arheološke baštine zbog niskih materijalnih pobuda. Donald Josipović je upravo takav čovjek: iskreni zaljubljenik u povijest, osoba iznimno zainteresirana za rimsku baštinu.
Njega, naime, posebno zanima antička vojna povijest, posebice rimska vojska, a sreća je htjela da mu u ruke dođe cijeli niz predmeta koje su rabili upravo rimski vojnici.
Zbirka Donalda Josipovića svakako može stati uz bok i najbogatijoj zbirci te vrste koja se čuva u Arheološkom muzeju u Zagrebu.

Veselimo se vašem dolasku!

This year   falls on the final day of the Carnival just to point out how us   in our work play many roles! Happy   to al...

This year falls on the final day of the Carnival just to point out how us in our work play many roles!
Happy to all my colleagues around the world!

Here is my 2022 top 10 days of rotating roles!

We are proud of our beautiful country and its heritage. Even more so (if possible), when a foreigner like Paul Bradbury ...

We are proud of our beautiful country and its heritage. Even more so (if possible), when a foreigner like Paul Bradbury says it.🔝
Also very proud of my cousin Tina at !👍

Croatia. A tiny country of less than 4 million people. But a country which punches above its weight on the global stage on SO many levels. Having lived here ...

I simply feel great beeing outdoors. How about you?

I simply feel great beeing outdoors. How about you?

16 new items · Memory by Ivica Škriljevečki (itravelHR)


Dan poslije Svjetskog dana šetanja, opet šetnja: svečani mimohod povodom 30. Obljetnice Vojno redarstvene operacije Maslenica!
Hvala i slava hrvatskim braniteljima!

Danas je Svjetski dan šetnje? Ovo su fotografije s mojih šetnji, a koja ja vaša omiljena lokacija?

Danas je Svjetski dan šetnje? Ovo su fotografije s mojih šetnji, a koja ja vaša omiljena lokacija?

To all Nicols, Nic(h)olases, Nickies out there, happy Saint Nicholas Day!Churches dedicated to this Saint often dominate...

To all Nicols, Nic(h)olases, Nickies out there, happy Saint Nicholas Day!
Churches dedicated to this Saint often dominate important travel routes, especially naval. Does this one have the same purpose?


Ulica Knezova Draškovića 11

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday 08:00 - 21:00
Friday 08:00 - 21:00
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday 08:00 - 21:00




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