Dubrovnik je jedinstven u svijetu zbog impresivnih srednjevjekovnih tvrđava, crkava, samostana i palača te ga često nazivaju biserom Jadranskog mora.
Kada se nađete u Dubrovniku i šetate uskim ulicama i poljanama staroga grada vidjet ćete ogroman broj znamenitosti. Napraviti uži izbor u mnoštvu raznolikih mjesta koje vrijedi posjetiti doista je izazov. U muzeju Franjevačkog samostana nalazi se inventar treće najstarije ljekarne u Europi (1317.). U riznici Katedrale čuvaju se minuciozno oblikovani predmeti iz 11.-19. stoljeća, dok se u Muzeju Dominikanskog samostana nalazi zbirka slika majstora dubrovačke slikarske škole iz 15. i 16. stoljeća. U Kneževu dvoru izložena je zbirka umjetničkih predmeta, namještaj, porculan i inventar ljekarne Domus Christi iz 1420. godine, a u Pomorskom muzeju može se vidjeti povijest dubrovačke pomorske tradicije.
Dubrovnik je mjesto gastronomskog užitka, a život na otvorenom i mediteranski stil upotpunjeni su bogatom i raznovrsnom kulinarskom ponudom – receptima iz davnina kada je vrijeme sporije protjecalo. Kamenice (ostrea edulis) se uzgajaju na prirodan način. Okus mora i morskih delicija ostao je isti i nakon više stoljeća.
Dubrovnik je odličan izbor za one koji traže izazove i aktivan odmor. Zabava, rekreacija i sport dostupni su tijekom cijele godine. Uživajte u jeep safariju, jahanju, canoe safariju, kajaku, jedrenju na Elafitske otoke i posjetu nacionalnome parku na otoku Mljet. Ne propustite otići na otok Lokrum koji je od Dubrovnika udaljen oko 700 m, a kojeg još zovu otokom ljubavi. Otkrijte ostatke Benediktinskog samostana iz 12. stoljeća i šetnicu do tvrđave Royal, uživajte u šetnji praćeni paunovima ili se prepustite suncu i osječajte se u svakom smislu kraljevski.
Dubrovnik is unique in the world because of the impressive medieval fortresses , churches, monasteries and palaces, and it is often called the pearl of the Adriatic Sea .
When you are in Dubrovnik and walk the narrow streets of the old town and the plains you will see a huge number of attractions . Make a short list in a variety of diverse places worth visiting is indeed a challenge . The museum of the Franciscan monastery situated inventory third oldest pharmacy in Europe (1317 ) . The treasury of the Cathedral are kept meticulously sculpted objects from the 11th to 19th century , while at the Museum of the Dominican monastery houses a collection of paintings by the master Dubrovnik school of art from the 15th and 16th centuries . The Rector's Palace exhibited art collection, furniture , porcelain and inventory pharmacy Domus Christi from 1420 , and the Maritime Museum can see the history of Dubrovnik's maritime tradition .
Dubrovnik is a place of gastronomic delight , and the outdoor life and Mediterranean style are complemented with a rich and varied culinary offer - recipes from ancient times when the weather more slowly . Oyster (Ostrea edulis ) are grown in a natural way . The taste of the sea and sea delicacies remained the same even after several centuries .
Dubrovnik is an excellent choice for those seeking a challenge and an active vacation . Entertainment , recreation and sports are available throughout the year . Enjoy a jeep safari, horseback riding , canoe safari , kayaking, sailing Elafiti islands and visit the national park on the island of Mljet . Do not miss to go to the island Lokrum who is from Dubrovnik, located about 700 m , and which is also known island of love . Discover the remains of the Benedictine monastery from the 12th century and the walkway to the Royal Castle , enjoy a walk followed by peacocks or allow the sun and feel it in every sense of the royal .