FILIDA TRAVEL AGENCY ...USLUGA KAKVU STE TRAŽILI... Započeli smo s radom 2003 godine, specijalizirajući se za grupna, receptivna putovanja i team building programe.

Posljednje 3 godine vrlo uspješno se bavimo organizacijom kongresnog turizam u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.


Vaš br. 1 partner u organizaciji kongresa!

Learn about adult spine and paediatric CNS from well known neuroradiologists with great experience in the field. Interes...

Learn about adult spine and paediatric CNS from well known neuroradiologists with great experience in the field. Interesting lecture topics and your participation through workshops will help you learn and improve your knowledge from spinal and paediatric neuroradiology.

It is our pleasure to cordially invite you to the upcoming international hands-on Course in Stereotactic and Functional ...

It is our pleasure to cordially invite you to the upcoming international hands-on Course in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, from May 5th to 6th, 2023.

The Department of Neurosurgery at the Dubrava University Hospital will be honored to host this important international event.

Prominent international speakers have accepted our invitation to present in-person their outstanding experiences and research. This shall enrich our scientific program with notable presentations on this ever-evolving subspeciality.

Participants will have the opportunity to hear how to start stereotactic operations in their institutions, practice how to plan DBS operations from entry to target point, ask questions to the best experts in the field, and exchange experiences while building connections among colleagues and stereotactic centers.

Hands-on course in stereotactic and functional neurosurgery -




PharmMed – 1. konferencija za suradnju zdravstvenih struka i bolje ishode liječenja koju organizira redakcija stručnog magazina Pharmabiz usmjerena je na interdisciplinarnu suradnju kroz poticanje konstruktivnih dijaloga među stručnjacima različitih profila uključenih u pružanje zdravstvene...





For all of my traveling friends, I am reposting this because it has some prudent advice. Traveling by air has significantly changed!

🔺Notes from a flight attendant:

Flying this summer is ROUGH!!! I feel like as a Flight Attendant I should attempt to share some tips to get you through airline travel for the foreseeable future. ✈️✈️

1. Things are not good..... if its less than 7 hours - DRIVE! I'm not kidding. There is nothing enjoyable about flying right now. On any airline. If you must fly, keep reading. 🚗

2. Download and use the app of the airline you are flying. You can do everything on it - get your boarding pass, track your bags, see your incoming plane, and change a flight. It sure beats waiting in the long line to talk to an agent! Trust me - Usually these apps will tell you a flight is cancelled before the crew even knows! 📲

3. Fly MUCH earlier than you need to - a whole day early if its important!! This week I saw many people miss important things like weddings, funerals, cruises, international connections, and graduations. The tears were very real, for very real reasons, and there was nothing I could do! If you have to be somewhere, spend the extra money, go a day early. Have a glass of wine and stay in a hotel, enjoy your night not being stressed while everyone else misses their events. 🍷

4. ALWAYS fly the first flight in the morning so you have all day to be rebooked if the s**t hits the fan. Yes, that means it might be a 3:00 alarm, but morning flights don't cancel nearly as often.⏰

5. This is not unique to this year, but keep in mind summer is thunderstorm season. A single storm can shut down a whole airport. We can't fly through them. Storms usually build as the day gets later. Book early flights! ⛈

6. Schedule long layovers - Your 1 hour layover is NOT enough anymore. 30 minutes, not a chance. 3 hours minimum. 🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️

7. What you see on the news is an understatement. We are short staffed and overworked. Not just pilots and flight attendants, but also ground crews. Without ground crews there is no one to park the planes, drive jetways, get your bags on/off planes, or scan boarding passes. This causes many delays that snowball throughout the day. Sometimes HOURS.(Another reason morning flights are best!) 👀

8. When flight crews get delayed we time out. We can NOT fly longer than 16 hours. Its illegal. So it doesn't matter if you have a wedding to get to, when we are done we are done. The way things are now, there are no back up crews, so when this happens your flight cancels. (Now you are starting to see why those morning flights are best!) 😴

9. Avoid connecting in Newark (Or any New York airport for that matter). It is literal hell. You have a 50/50 chance your flight will cancel or missing your connection. They have been cancelling flights at their starting points just to keep the planes out, because there just aren't enough people to manage the planes, so the gates stay full. Also the restaurants are expensive, it is not a great place to be stuck. 💩

10. Be nice. As stated above, we are overworked and tired. We will not help you if you are mean. No one cares that you are going to miss your cruise if you are an as***le. So even if we can help, we will save our help for someone nice. Tensions are high. Our patience is gone. If you make us mad - you will not be flying on our planes. We will leave you behind without a second thought, and laugh about you later. 🥰

11. Being drunk on an airplane is a federal offense, so don't overdo it. If you drink too much at the bar waiting for your delayed flight you risk not being allowed to fly at all. We are too tired to deal with your drunk ass when we have legitimate issues to deal with. 🍻

12. Get trip insurance if you have a lot of money invested. I hate the whole idea of this, but I also hate the idea of losing money. Example: I was working a flight yesterday that waited over an hour for a gate. A family of 8 missed their flight to Rome. The only flight of the day. They were going to a cruise which they would now miss. They were all crying, there was nothing I could do. (Also a reason to fly a day early!) 🛳

13. Flights are FULL. If you buy the cheap seats you will not be able to sit with your family. It says so when you purchase your ticket!! Flight Attendants aren't there to rearrange the whole plane just so you can sit with your family because you tried to save $100 on a third party website. 💸

14. Speaking of third party websites and saving money..... Like I said flights are FULL. If a flight is oversold, and no one volunteers to give up their seats, who do you think is the first to be bumped? You guessed it, the family that saved a few $$ by using sites like Expedia, Kayak, Hotwire etc. 🤷‍♀️

15. Pack smart. Don't be "That guy" Don't hold up boarding because you have your extenders open till they are busting and you can't figure out how to make it fit in the overhead. (Passengers are stressed too, they can be aggressive when boarding a delayed flight) 🛍

16. Take showers, brush your teeth, leave the perfume off, don't eat stinky food (caesar salad and tuna fish I'm talking to you!), and bring headphones. Trust me. These things sound basic, but add to stress on crowded planes. If you are stuck on the tarmac for 3 hours after a 4 hour flight, you will thank me for this. 💜

17. Bring a sweater if you tend to be cold. So tired of half naked girls asking me to turn the heat up. NO. Wear clothes!! Side note: If you dress like this and ask for heat, there's a chance I will turn the AC up. 🥶

18. Thats not water on the bathroom floor. For the love of God wear shoes to the bathroom!!! 🤮

19. Don't tell a Flight Attendant they look tired. We are and we know. You may cause us to ugly cry right there in galley. 😭

20. Happy Travels!

7.Hrvatski rinološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem

7.Hrvatski rinološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem




U nadolazećem razdoblju očekuje vas mnogo novosti te edukacija koje smo vam u proteklim mjesecima marljivo pripremali…

Koristim stoga priliku kako bih vam s posebnim zadovoljstvom najavio novi NutriKlinika simpozij koji će se držati u četvrtak, 30.rujna u 18h u Novim Dvorima Jelačićevim u Zaprešiću na temu:

👉 Preuranjeni pubertet kod djece: uzroci i posljedice 👈
👉 Zašto djeca sve ranije stupaju u pubertet?
👉 Neprepoznati utjecaj prehrane, kozmetike te okolišnih čimbenika i zdravstvenog statusa (debljina)
🤔 🤔

Osnovna motivacija kao organizatoru simpozija za pokretanjem ove pomalo kontroverzne, ali životno važne teme proizlazi iz:

• svakodnevne višegodišnje prakse u NutriKlinici
• intenzivne komunikacije s
👉 našim klijentima/pacijentima: roditeljima s djecom, trenerima u sportskim klubovima, i drugima
👉 ali prije svega s liječnicima pedijatrima i obiteljske medicine, endokrinolozima i ginekolozima s kojima surađujemo
• a nastavno na upoznatost sa znanstveno utemeljenim pristupom pri traženju uzroka

Često razgovaramo o toj temi, i između struka, ali i kao laici, roditelji.☝ No ipak, o njoj se nije govorilo. Sve do sad.

☝ Čini se da je pojavnost preuranjenog puberteta sve veća, i da se iz godine u godinu nažalost povećava.
☝ Čini se da je situacija lockdowna doprinijela još lošijim prehrambenim navikama, lošijim izborom u prehrani, kozmetici, higijeni i kulturi života.
☝U konačnici, i osobno, kao roditelj dvoje djece od 7 i 4 godine i kao stručnjak koji je posebno senzibiliziran na zdravlje i dobrobit djece, odlučio sam reagirati te smo osmislili simpozij sa sada već našim prepoznatljivim integrativnim pristupom.

Integrativno obrađujemo teme, i tražimo uzrok problema, od 2019.godine i prvog, vrlo uspješnog NutriKlinika simpozija.

Simpozij će biti “hibridnog” tipa, dakle:

👉 uz ograničen broj uzvanika na lokaciji simpozija (prema epidemiološkim pravilima)
👉 uz praktično neograničen broj kotizacija online
Program, predavanja i vrlo ugledne predavače te ostale detalje simpozija možete vidjeti na službenoj stranici simpozija:
👉🎟prijaviti se možete već danas!

Vidimo se za 25 dana na simpoziju, a sljedećih ćemo dana detaljnije govoriti o temama, predavanjima i ciljevima ovog Nutriklinika simpozija!


Prof. dr. sc. Dejan Popović je istovremeno i co-chair ROBOMED-a ali i jedan od vrhunskih imena koje ćete moći čuti na 1. globalnom summitu medicinske robotike u Rovinju!

Razvio je Laboratorij za biomedicinsko inženjerstvo i tehnologije ( Urednik je Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing te član recenzijskog odbora Medical Engineering and Physics i Journal of Neuromodulation.

Vodio je linije istraživanja koje su rezultirale s osam patentnih prijava! Nadzirao je znanstveni rast i napredak više od 25 doktora znanosti i oko 100 studenata na magisteriju!

Objavio je oko 500 radova, 130 znanstvenih članaka u međunarodno recenziranim časopisima, 34 poglavlja knjiga, 9 udžbenika. Njegovi su radovi citirani više od 8150 p**a.

Što reći nego li - odmah se registrirajte ;)



U Rovinju, ove jeseni, organizira se najznačajniji i najrelevantniji međunarodni kongres medicinske robotike. Summit s tri događaja objedinjuje: 24. konferenciju Međunarodnog društ


McKinsey Global Institute identified ten promising innovations that could have a critical impact on health by 2040 as part of the report Prioritizing health: A prescription for prosperity study.

According to McKinsey, one of these hot spaces in healthcare is the field of robotics and prosthetics, with a special mention to the new generation of exoskeletons.

Next-generation exoskeletons, powered by tiny motors that mimic human muscles, could allow patients to regain their autonomy while reducing the likelihood of accidents and falls.

We invite you to the 3 Event Summit in Rovinj (Croatia) to exchange the thoughts on medical robotics with the world renowned speakers!

➡️ For more information about the program, speakers and partnership opportunities, visit our website


Dore Pfanove 7

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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