Tvrtka je osnovana 1993. godine u Zagrebu, te uspješno posluje na hrvatskom tržištu. Poslovanje započinje konstruiranjem, proizvodnjom i prodajom noževa i lanaca za kopanje kanala u Hrvatskoj za potrebe polaganja telekomunikacijskih vodova, plinovoda i vodovoda. Lanci i noževi za strojeve marke „CASE“ i „DITCH WITCH“. Na temelju dugogodišnjeg iskustva vlasnika tvrtke „Argola d.o.o.“ u konstruiranj
u, proizvodnji te prodaji industrijskih i transportnih lanaca na hrvatskom tržištu, poslovanje tvrtke širi se na razne grane proizvodne industrije, drvoprerađivačku, prehrambenu, metaloprerađivačku, industriji papira, termoelektrane, šečerane, proizvodnja opeke te ostale grane proizvodne industrije u Hrvatskoj.
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Design, construction and manufacturing. Industrial, transport chains for special purposes. Technical Support. The business involved the construction, production and sale of knives and chains to dig channels in Croatia for the purpose of laying telecommunications lines, gas lines and water pipelines. Chains and knives for machines brand "CASE" and "DITCH WITCH". Based on many years of experience of the owner of the company "Argola Ltd." in design, production and sale of industrial and transport chains in Croatian and European markets, the company's business is expanding to various branches of manufacturing industry, wood processing, food processing, metal processing, paper industry, power plants, sugar mills, production bricks and other branches of manufacturing industry in Croatia, and recently in Europe.