Lizmary's wonderland

Lizmary's wonderland Feel free and live like a local in my lovely central located HOME or organize your workshops in my mini STUDIO in the heart of Budapest.

My flat is located in the representative last century building, just 5 minutes walk to the Déli railway station, famous Széll Kálmán square (which is a transport hub of Buda) and bit longer walk to the Castle and Rudas bath. In the quiet quarter of central Budapest there are all the tourist attractions, bars, pubs, restaurants easily accessible by walk on bike or with public transport. My flat off

ers spacious nest for 2 people, but its possible to have an extra bed during your stay. If you travel by car, don't hesitate to ask me about parking possibilities. The flat is equipped with fridge, TV, microwave, kettle, toaster, coffemaker, hair dryer, iron, kitchen ware. WIFI and satellite tv is available in the whole apartment.

Hellooo   💚Comfortable, spacious studio apartment for 2 people.

Hellooo 💚

Comfortable, spacious studio apartment for 2 people.

You will find a classic nespresso machine in all our apartments.And of corse, a starter package is prepared next to for ...

You will find a classic nespresso machine in all our apartments.
And of corse, a starter package is prepared next to for your first morning. ☕️🫖


Lizmary’s wonderland no.2.the perfect holiday home up to 4 people ✨📸

Lizmary’s wonderland no.2.
the perfect holiday home up to 4 people ✨


SOFT AND FLUFFYThis is how our fresh, disinfected summer blankets look.We love them so much!

This is how our fresh, disinfected summer blankets look.
We love them so much!

Why to choose Lizmary’s wonderland apartments? If you are looking for especially fora romantic, peaceful nest, than the ...

Why to choose Lizmary’s wonderland apartments?
If you are looking for especially for
a romantic, peaceful nest, than the
no.1. APARTMENT is the perfect choice for you!

We wait for you with our fresh renovated STUDIO😍🥰

We wait for you with our fresh renovated STUDIO😍🥰



Shop Local Budapest | Airbnb

Kirándulásra fel! Apartmanunk szomszédságában több túraútvonal és szabadtéri kikapcsolódás közül választhattok, gyertek!...

Kirándulásra fel!
Apartmanunk szomszédságában több túraútvonal és szabadtéri kikapcsolódás közül választhattok, gyertek! 🌸

Check out the newest free English language fold-out map of We Love Budapest, Green Guide Budapest! It shows you the city...

Check out the newest free English language fold-out map of We Love Budapest, Green Guide Budapest! It shows you the city’s parks and markets, eco-design shops and 🌎 friendly eateries, package-free and organic stores. ♻️

Parks, markets and package-free stores all feature.

This is Budapest ❤️

This is Budapest ❤️

[email protected] for licensing & collaborations [email protected] for press This new image-based video clip about Budapest is the result of an international col...

Hello BUDAPEST ❤️We love GreenWay Design 👏🏼❤️

We love GreenWay Design 👏🏼❤️

🎡☕️🍎 Hello Budapest! 👉🏻 teljes kollekciónkat ezentúl ajándékboxba is csomagoljuk ♻️ Környezetbarát dobozban érkeznek a Budapest gyertyák: tiszta hársfavirág, pörgős gyümölcsös illat és egy kis kuckózós fahéjas varázslat. ☕️


Ami még hátravan: augusztus-szeptember!
A megosztásokat köszönjük szépen! 💖💖💖

Hajrá! ✈️

Hajrá! ✈️

Minden évben nagy sikere van a WIZZ Youth Challenge kampánynak, idén azonban különösen érdemes részt venni a programban. A Wizz Air diákok ötleteit várja,


B•U•D•A•P•E•S•T ❤️

We are waiting for U 💕

We are waiting for U 💕


Maros Street 11


Ha szeretnél elsőként tudomást szerezni Lizmary's wonderland új bejegyzéseiről és akcióiról, kérjük, engedélyezd, hogy e-mailen keresztül értesítsünk. E-mail címed máshol nem kerül felhasználásra, valamint bármikor leiratkozhatsz levelezési listánkról.

A Vállalkozás Elérése

Üzenet küldése Lizmary's wonderland számára:
