Best Location 4U

Best Location 4U Self-catering apartment
in the middle of city heart
Vörösmarty square, busiest square in Budapest (Christmas market, terraces, etc.)

Do you really want the best location in Budapest for your holiday, city break, business trip or dental treatment? Here you are...

Budapest for You is a luxury two bedroomed self-catering apartment in city center, perfectly located. Self-catering accomodation has become very popular, practical, cost effective and perhaps better alternative to staying in luxury hotel. The apartment is suitable for

4 people. Facilities:

- Free WIFI Internet

Nearby facilities:

-Vörösmarty Square, busiest square in Budapest (Terraces, Festivals,Christmas market, etc.)
-Váci Street, main walking, shoping street in Budapest
-Danube, 2 mins walk
-Restaurants, Pubs 2 mins walk
-Metro 5 mins walk


The Snow has arrived to Budapest! :)


Beautiful photos...

Csodaszép képek Budapestről! :-)

Want to take nice pictures of Budapest? check my article! Budapest, 6 panoramic spots you can't miss! View at sunset of Budapest Danube promenade, east bank at sunset with castle in the background Visit my travel blog to see my best pics and read my travel stories Follow…

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Makovecz Imre kiállítás

Newly renovated Vigado Concert Hall now is opened in our neighbourhood! Please check it out! :-)

A megújult Vigadó vár a szomszédságan! Koncertekkel, kiállításokkal egész évben. :-)

„…összekötni az eget és a földet…” címmel nyílik kiállítás a Magyar Művészeti Akadémia alapítójának, az MMA köztestület örökös tiszteleti elnökének, az Ybl-, Kossuth-, és Prima Primissima díjas, Magyar Corvin-lánccal kitüntetett Makovecz Imrének a műveiből az újonnan megnyíló Vigadóban március…

Budapest Dance Festival - 22-29 April, Budapest

The Budapest Dance Festival starts today and lasts till 29 April at two venues, the National Dance Theater and the Palace of Arts.
If you were a fan of contemporary dance, it's a must, since you'll find the best Hungarian contemporary dance companies on stage.

Hungary practices the ‘watering of the girls’ for Easter | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

The traditonal pracice of watering young ladies at Easter gets a mention on American news channel PBS.

Hungarians are getting ready for a regional tradition known as the “watering of the girls" in participants dress in traditional garb and take to the streets, where boys will throw buckets of water at them as they run past. Continue reading →


If you were in the vicinity, there's a traditional pie baking charity event on Vörösmarty-tér (square) right now! : )

Summer in the city : )

Hungarian State Opera House - Opera promo film

Great Video by the Hungarian State Opera House, promoting the drama and epic nature of Opera!

The Hungarian State Opera House presents its 2014/15 promo film. "a starring role in the opera, where the world opens"


BMC - Budapest Music Center

Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztivál a BMC-ben:
Március 21. | 19:30
Joel Frederiksen és az Ensemble Phoenix Munich
Március 22. | 19:30
Erik Truffaz Quartet feat. Harcsa Veronika
Március 23. | 19:30
UMZE Kamaraegyüttes
Március 28. | 19:30
Leila Josefowicz hegedűkoncertje
Március 29. | 19:30
Alekszej Ljubimov és a Keller Kvartett
Április 01. | 19:30
Piotr Sałajczyk és az Apollon Musagete Quartet
Április 02. | 19:30
Krausz Adrienne zongorakoncertje
Április 05. | 19:30
Andreas Scholl és Edin Karamazov koncertje
Április 06. | 19:30
Rimszkij-Korszakov ária- és dalest

Visit Budapest Hungary - European Best Destinations

Visit Budapest Hungary - European Best Destinations

Discover Budapest in Hungary, one of the best European destination : top things to do in Budapest, pictures of Budapest, video of Budapest, visit in 360° and much more.

Gellért Hill in Budapest -

Gellért Hill in Budapest!

Information about Gellért Hill in Budapest (Gallert) including photos & videos taken from Gellért (Gallert) Hill and details of nearby attractions

Romantic Things To Do in Budapest

Valentine's Day is over, but the Romantic is not!
Do romantic Things in Budapest, in one of the most romantic cities in the world!

Budapest must be one of the most romantic cities in the world with its sweeping, Read more

What's on in 2014

What's on in 2014
Events & Concerts
Get ready to have fun! :-)

Browse our compilation of the best parties, most exciting events and classy concerts in Hungary for 2014. Get ready to have fun!

Budapest Cultural Hotspots

This video highlighting a collection of Hungarian cultural venues in the nation's capital.

Budapest Cultural Hotspots. Whether you are a culture vulture or just on a citybreak in Budapest... Whether a guest music researcher, or just a keen amateur, ...


Best Location 4U's cover photo

Food and Drink -

Drink and Food!! Come and visit us on Vörösmarty Square!

The Christmas Fair on Vörösmarty Square has become a kind of trademark in the world of fair food. The four-week event series offers a great chance to taste traditional Hungarian festive cuisine and drinks. Trust the restaurateurs featured to provide you with more than food: in their hands, gastronom...

Santa Claus is coming to town -tonight?

Santa Claus (Mikulás) is coming tonight in Hungary!

December 6th, or St. Nicholas Day is almost upon us. This is Mikulás nap in Hungarian, and you will see everywhere chocolate representations of the Hungarian Father Christmas...

Ötödik alkalommal indul útjára a fényvillamos | Budapesti Közlekedési Központ

Christmas Tram, a Fényvillamos holnaptól indul! :-)

Mikulástól vízkeresztig immár ötödszörre szállít újra utasokat a fényköntösbe öltöztetett karácsonyi villamos, mellyel 2013. december 6-ától 2014. január 6-áig hétköznap Budán a 19-es, míg hétvégén és ünnepnapokon a 2-es villamos vonalán, a pesti korzón találkozhatnak utasaink. A fényvillamos az idé...

Karácsonyi Vásár - programok

Kaácsonyi vásár - Programok

Két színpad, a Váci utcánál (1) és a Gerbeaud ház előtt (2) várja színes programokkal a vásárlátogatókat. Népzene, világzene, jazz, utcazenészek, énekmondók, táncházak, bábelőadások.

Cheapest Christmas market breaks? Head to budget Budapest

Budapest is the cheapest Christmas market destination.
(Christmas market is on Vörösmarty Square)
Our street door overlooks the Christmas market... :-)
Come and enjoy Christmas market break here!!

If you're looking for a traditional festive weekend break and want as much present money as possible, head to Budapest, Riga or Lille, but avoid Munich and Basel.


Vörösmarty Square 2


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