NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center

NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center Quality apartments for shirt term rent in Budapest city center. Our apartments are open all year long. Booking is possible via email: [email protected]


We did it again😉.

We won "Superhost" again.

A big thank you goes to all our wonderful guests who stayed at one of our apartments: NN Apartman or NN Apartmanette in Budapest centre.

We still have availability in the upcoming weeks, make your booking via e-mail: [email protected] and a nice discount can be offered.


Újabb ötcsillagos értékelés ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Csodásan kezdődött a 2024-es év👍Kedves visszatérő vendégünk 5 csillagos értékelést adot...

Újabb ötcsillagos értékelés ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Csodásan kezdődött a 2024-es év👍

Kedves visszatérő vendégünk 5 csillagos értékelést adott apartmanunkra.

"A wonderful, stylish, well equipped apartment to cater for all stays while in Budapest. Location is in a quiet building on a safe, central, quiet street. There's plenty of cafés for breakfast and lunch, dinner options both Hungarian and international, a local Prima for groceries and toiletries (plus hot homestyle meals if you want to grab and go). Easy walking distance to nearby landmarks, including the Budapest Eye (Ferris wheel), museums of all varieties and wellness places like nails, spa and massage (so many Thai massage salons, excellent prices, try one!). Bus routes on the same and adjacent streets. The apartment is taken care of by Gabriella, who you'll know through booking and who is super organised and considerate. Any questions, she will have answers for and can make good suggestions through her local knowledge.

There will be a coffee machine with some pods, full range of utensils, plates and cookware if you want to cook, additional toiletries like deodorant, options, slippers. The bathroom in the 2 bed was spacious and I loved the clever way the space was designed and furnished. Very comfortable and practical stay for me while staying in Budapest for dental treatment at Nádor Dental in the same building".

Mindig jóérzéssel és hálával tölt el, amikor értékelik vendégeink munkánkat.

Köszönjük Gill-nek a kedves szavakat😊!

Nagy szeretettel várjuk vendégeinket 2024-ben is apartmanjaink valamelyikébe😊: NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center .

Gyönyörű, frissen felújított apartmanok Budapest belvárosában. Tökéletes kikapcsolódást nyújt családoknak, pároknak, barátoknak 1-6 főig.


2023 is fantasztikusan indult😊

Vendégeink elégedettsége mindennél többet ér😊
Többször szóban, vagy az apartmanban hagyott üzenetben fejezik ki elégedettségüket.

Most is ez történt, köszönet érte❤️

It has been a wonderful year with lots of challenges.It has been a good year with lots of nice guests and visitors to bo...

It has been a wonderful year with lots of challenges.

It has been a good year with lots of nice guests and visitors to both our apartments in NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center.

A big thank you to all our guests and their trust in us and also for the LinkedIn community for the valuable connections and contributions.


NN Apartmanette did it again🤩A big thank you goes for all our valued guests who  stayed with us. We are so grateful for ...

NN Apartmanette did it again🤩
A big thank you goes for all our valued guests who stayed with us.

We are so grateful for the pleasure of hosting you and hope we met your expectations.

NN Apartmanette in the city center of Budapest is open in 2022 and awaits for its guests all year long🥰

We did it again🤩A big thank you goes for all our valued guests who  stayed with us  We are so grateful for the pleasure ...

We did it again🤩
A big thank you goes for all our valued guests who stayed with us We are so grateful for the pleasure of hosting you and hope we met your expectations.
Our superior apartment is open in 2022. and awaits for its guests all year long🥰


Családi vállalkozásunk nevében Nagyon boldog ünnepeket kívánunk minden kedves vendégünknek🌲☃️!
Apartmanjaink egész évben, kedvezô áron foglalhatóak😊.

📧[email protected]
📞+3630 5290766

Our apartments in Budapest center are open after a small refurbishment. Both accommodation are easy reach from any direc...

Our apartments in Budapest center are open after a small refurbishment. Both accommodation are easy reach from any direction of the city either by public transportation or by car.
They are ideal for families, friends and business men.
Comfort and high level of hygiene is guaranteed 👍


NN Apartments are ready for your visit😊With fresh design and great value for money, we are back☀️Pack your suitcases and...

NN Apartments are ready for your visit😊
With fresh design and great value for money, we are back☀️
Pack your suitcases and plan your holiday in Budapest!
We still have availability during this summer.
Want to stay longer? Enjoy a nice discount✅ make your booking now.
Call Gabi: +3630 5290766
or write to us: [email protected]


NN Apartmanette in Budapest centre awaits its guests all year long😊With renewed look and design your perfect holiday is ...

NN Apartmanette in Budapest centre awaits its guests all year long😊
With renewed look and design your perfect holiday is guaranteed☀️
✅ all our staff members are vaccinated
✅ extra care is given into thorough cleaning
✅ perfect value for money
✅ aircondition-disinfected
✅ all equipped kitchen
✅ washing machine
✅ dishwasher
✅ Flat screen TV-foreign channels

For reservation call: +36 30 5290766
Or send an e-mail: [email protected]


Our apartments are ready for the new post covid season😊Both NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette have been thoroughly cleaned...

Our apartments are ready for the new post covid season😊
Both NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and are ready to receive their guests. All our staff is vaccinated and our prices stay competitive.
Make your booking now, call Gabi on +36 30 5290766

Gyönyörű, frissen felújított apartmanpk Pest belvárosában tökéletes kikapcsolódást nyújt családoknak, pároknak, barátoknak 1-6 főig.

We are so proud that despite last year's difficulties, those we could receive at our superior apartment gave us great re...

We are so proud that despite last year's difficulties, those we could receive at our superior apartment gave us great reviews.

Thank you all for having stayed with us😊.

Our superior apartment is open and can receive those who are on a business trip😊.
If you need a nice place in the very center of the city yet want quiet, NN APartman is the right choice.

Feel free to contact us and get a great price for your stay.

We introduced strict hygienic measures for the safety of our guests.

For booking feel free to call us on 📱: +36 30 5290766
or write an email to ✉️: [email protected]

Új évi akció🍀Belvárosi, igényesen felújított apartmanunk, az NN Apartman (67m2)most verhetetlen áron kiadó😊Ha üzleti úto...

Új évi akció🍀
Belvárosi, igényesen felújított apartmanunk, az NN Apartman (67m2)most verhetetlen áron kiadó😊
Ha üzleti úton vagy, ha néhány hétre vagy 1-2 hónapra keresel szállást, ha fontos, hogy a belváros szívében légy, akkor megtaláltad a neked való lakást.

✅ 2 háló
✅ 1.5 fürdőszoba
✅ wifi
✅ minden szobában smart TV
✅ tágas nappali
✅ mosogatógép
✅ mosógép
✅ teljen felszerelt konyha

További információ:
📧[email protected]
📱0630 5290766
🧑‍💻 www.nn-apartman.com


Kapcsolódj ki belvárosi apartmanunkban, az NN Apartmanette-ben!
Szeptemberben verhetetlen áron szállhatsz meg nálunk, 15% kedvezményt adunk minden online vagy telefonon történô foglalás után👍
Hívj bennünket bizalommal a 📞+3630 5290766-os számon, vagy írj az :📧[email protected] címre.



Bevárosi apartmanunk most hosszabb távra is kivehetô!
Ha Budapesten dolgozol vagy tanulsz, vagy külföldrôl hosszabb távra érkeznek vendégeid és minôségi szállást szeretnél kivenni, akkor az NN Apartman: https://nn-apartman.com/ tökéletes választás😊
67 m2-en, két tágas hálóval és egy nappalival, konyha-étkezôvel, 2 fürdôszobával, most kedvezô áron bérbe vehetô.
A részletekért hívj nyugodtan a 📞0630 5290766-os számon, vagy írj az 📧[email protected] e-mail címre!


Nador Utca 19


Ha szeretnél elsőként tudomást szerezni NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center új bejegyzéseiről és akcióiról, kérjük, engedélyezd, hogy e-mailen keresztül értesítsünk. E-mail címed máshol nem kerül felhasználásra, valamint bármikor leiratkozhatsz levelezési listánkról.

A Vállalkozás Elérése

Üzenet küldése NN Apartman and NN Apartmanette in Budapest City Center számára:


