Tourist Guide in Szeged

Tourist Guide in Szeged If you would like to learn more about Szeged or the South-East region of Hungary,
be my guest!

Winter magic at the New Synagogue

Winter magic at the New Synagogue

If you want to see Szeged during the Christmas holidays, don't hesitate to contact me!

If you want to see Szeged during the Christmas holidays, don't hesitate to contact me!

Another beautiful sunset. You never get tired of it.

Another beautiful sunset. You never get tired of it.

Clouds over the ”Old bridge” of Szeged.

Clouds over the ”Old bridge” of Szeged.

The song you hear says: I will come back once. Hope, you will come too...

The song you hear says: I will come back once. Hope, you will come too...

Ha most vigyázunk egymásra, hamarosan újra együtt lehetünk a kedvenc helyeinken itthon. Magyarország továbbra is a csodák kimeríthetetlen forrása, legyünk tü...

2018 was one of my best years.  I had visitors from all over Europe, the US, Canada and the far East...Thank you for com...

2018 was one of my best years. I had visitors from all over Europe, the US, Canada and the far East...
Thank you for coming to Szeged and choosing me as your guide. I wish and hope that the coming year will be even better for both you and me. With an image taken in the Dóm Square Christmas fair by one of our most talented local photographers I wish you a wonderful feast and a joyous new year!

Advent in Szeged with the breathtaking photos of Balázs Papdi...

Advent in Szeged with the breathtaking photos of Balázs Papdi...

We took this photo an hour ago in the main square of the city. I can't believe it is the end of October...

We took this photo an hour ago in the main square of the city. I can't believe it is the end of October...

In the last two weeks the Hungarian National Circus was in Szeged. The director of the company, József Richter Jr and hi...

In the last two weeks the Hungarian National Circus was in Szeged. The director of the company, József Richter Jr and his wife are this year's winners of the Gold Clown Award of the Monte Carlo Circus Festival (highest circus award in the world). Great show with nice people.

The Tisza "blooming" - the spectacular view of yesterday's mayfly mating

The Tisza "blooming" - the spectacular view of yesterday's mayfly mating

Így virágzott a Tisza ma kora este Szegeden. :)

Az oldalon szereplő fotók megvásárolhatók faliképnek, a megosztásokért köszönet.

The biggest annual festival in Szeged starts next Friday and reaches its peak on 20-21 of May. Lots of concerts, artisan...

The biggest annual festival in Szeged starts next Friday and reaches its peak on 20-21 of May. Lots of concerts, artisan fair and the best Hungarian wines. Attached is the program (please use the Hungarian version only, the organizers forgot to update the English version :().

16.00 Mesecsokor – mesélők: Juhász Márk, Baranyi Ildikó, Börcsök Lili, Szabó Marcell Mihály, Kócs Zalán 17.00 Grim-busz színház

Nice spring day + National holiday = very good combination.And Szeged, as always, makes the most out of it.

Nice spring day + National holiday = very good combination.
And Szeged, as always, makes the most out of it.


Deák Ferenc Utca 24-26


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