Beyond Raja Ampat

Beyond Raja Ampat Go Beyond Tour and Travel will give you the best experience in the Paradise of Indonesia This Site is for Education Purpose Only


Go Beyond Tour & Travel is a travel company that operate from Bandung. We exist to give you the best experience when visit the last paradise, Raja Ampat. So Check Out our services and stay tune for more offer🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Hello our beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Amapt is The number one ranking of The Most Popular Diving Place...

Hello our beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Amapt is The number one ranking of The Most Popular Diving Place, in Terms of underwater biodiversity?
The oceanic natural resources around Raja Ampat give it significant potential as a tourist area. Many sources place Raja Ampat as one of their top ten most popular places for diving whilst it retains the number one ranking in terms of underwater biodiversity.

According to Conservation International, marine surveys suggest that the marine life diversity in the Raja Ampat area is the highest recorded on Earth.

Diversity is considerably greater than any other area sampled in the Coral Triangle composed of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and East Timor🧐🧐

Hello our beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Ampat is The Richest Coral reef ecosystems in the world?The Cora...

Hello our beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Ampat is The Richest Coral reef ecosystems in the world?
The Coral Triangle is the heart of the world's coral reef biodiversity, making Raja Ampat quite possibly the richest coral reef ecosystems in the world.

And diversity of Raja Ampat is considerably greater than any other area sampled in the Coral Triangle

More than 1,300 species of coral reef fish and 600 species of hard coral within the Bird’s Head Seascape—75% of the total for the entire world🧐🧐

Hello my beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Ampat is a part of Coral Triangle which contains the richest mari...

Hello my beloved beyond friends did you know that Raja Ampat is a part of Coral Triangle which contains the richest marine biodiversity on earth?
The Coral Triangle is a geographical term so named as it refers to a roughly triangular area of the tropical marine waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste that contain at least 500 species of reef-building corals in each ecoregion.🧐🧐


Jauh dari hiruk pikuk kota metropolitan, salah satu destinasi istimewa ini menawarkan ketenangan dan kedamaian.
Raja Ampat, sebuah Kabupaten dan merupakan bagian dari Provinsi Papua Barat. Suguhan alam yang ditawarkan begitu mengagumkan, hingga bisa membuat wisatawan enggan pulang.

For underwater enthusiasts, Raja Ampat definitely offers some of the world’s ultimate experience. The territory within t...

For underwater enthusiasts, Raja Ampat definitely offers some of the world’s ultimate experience. The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for the world's coral reef and underwater biota.

Keistimewaan Raja AmpatKepulauan Raja Ampat berada di bagian paling barat Papua dan membentang di area seluas kurang leb...

Keistimewaan Raja Ampat
Kepulauan Raja Ampat berada di bagian paling barat Papua dan membentang di area seluas kurang lebih 4,6 juta hektar. Kabupaten Raja Ampat terdiri dari 4 pulau besar yaitu Pulau Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati dan Misool, dan 1.847 pulau-pulau kecil lainnya. Nah, nama Raja Ampat sendiri diyakini berasal dari legenda masyarakat setempat yang percaya bahwa zaman dahulu kala ada seorang wanita yang menemukan tujuh telur, empat telur tersebut menetas menjadi raja-raja yang berkuasa di empat pulau utama. Tersisa tiga lainnya, satu menjadi batu, satu menjadi wanita, dan satu lagi menjadi makhluk gaib atau hantu.Terlepas legenda yang dipercayai masyarakat setempat, keindahan yang disuguhkan oleh Raja Ampat merupakan fakta yang tak bisa diganggu gugat.


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