Salam santun dari Padang.
Lagi dapat tugas negara dari Malaysia
Mas bro Aan Dausnt
Makasih untuk segalanya..
Semoga bermanfaat
Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur (bahasa Minangkabau: Palabuahan Taluak Bayua) adalah salah satu pelabuhan yang terdapat di Kota Padang, provinsi Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur sebelumnya bernama Emmahaven yang dibangun sejak zaman kolonial Belanda antara tahun 1888 sampai 1893. Pelabuhan ini berfungsi sebagai pintu gerbang antar pulau serta pintu gerbang arus keluar masuk barang ekspor-impor dari dan ke Sumatera Barat.
Still with the same story.
I just want to prove my self that I'm the professional guide. I'm not only the guide for the spoilt tour (shopping, eating, sightseeing and sleeping only )
They come from Brunei
Langkuik Tinggi Fall is a hidden beauty nature on Sumatera that you must explore
The real adventure of Sumatera
Black coffee, salty egg, tofu and there are a lot of various kind of traditional snacks of of West Sumatera those you should tast
West Sumatera, The Land of Matrilineal society.
The most popular ethnic in Indonesia. The land where alots of thinkers and founding fathers of Indonesia be born .
Feel and experience the way of life matrilineal society system, the hospitality people by living with them. Tasty culinary, comfortable climate and beauty nature..
Contact us if you are interested..
Istano Basa Pagaruyung, known as the Great Palace of the Pagaruyung Kingdom, it is a museum in the form of a replica of the Pagaruyung Kingdom palace. It is located in Pagaruyung village, Tanah Datar regency