Covering everything the prudent navigator needs to know to safely ply the Indonesian waters and enjoy the largest and best Island nation in the world. Encompassing over two million square miles of pristine tropical cruising grounds, and with over 320 anchorages spread out across the coral triangle covering both sides of the equator it is now entirely possible to sail through Indonesia by day trips
alone. We cover everything from detailed anchoring and mooring information including charts, approaches and GPS coordinates, to known and unknown dangers, chart errors, missing islands, reefs and rocks, and port to port specifics regarding formalities, customs, immigration and national park regulations. Shoreside facilities, restaurants, supermarkets, and areas for provisioning and refueling details are included, as well as recommended sea and land based entertainments and cultural excursions, snorkeling locations, surfing, diving, beaches, waterfalls, wildlife, hiking, climbing, day tripping, etc. All of the above presented in one intuitive and easy to use layout and printed to the highest quality with a rugged double-stitched and durable binding.