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DANAU HITAM TAMAN NASIONAL ZAMRUDTaman Nasional Zamrud ini berlokasi di Desa Zamrud,  Kecamatan Siak Indrapura, Kabupate...

Taman Nasional Zamrud ini berlokasi di Desa Zamrud, Kecamatan Siak Indrapura, Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau. Kawasan Taman Nasional ini menyuguhkan keelokan dan keindahan bagaikan keindahan batu Zamrud yang hingga kini banyak digemari. Walaupun air danau dan rawa di kawasan ini memiliki warna yang gelap, namun suasananya masih tampak asri dan alami. Di tempat inilah alam dibentangkan dengan begitu indahnya tanpa banyak terjamah, liar namun menentramkan hati dan pikiran. Air di danau ini tampak berwarna gelap yang diselimuti dengan rawa yang menyguhkan pesona alam yang luar biasa. Pada saat matahari senja terbenam, keindahan air danau akan semakin indah dan berwarna hijau pekat selaknya batu zamrud.

Taman Nasional ini merupakan sebuah kawasan dimana terdapat dua buah danau yang berdampingan, dan sama-sama memiliki air yang berwana hitam pekat. Danau Pulau Besar (2.415 Ha) dan juga Danau Bawah (360 Ha) yang keduanya merupakan rumah dari beragam fauna dan flora langka yang ada disini. Taman Nasional Zamrud memamg terkenal dengan keindahan alam dan danaunya, di tempat ini p**a beragam satwa langka serta beragam flora yang jarang ditemui di belahan negara manapun. Di Danau Pulau Besar ini, terdapat empat p**au yang sejak tanggal 25 November 1980 telah ditetapkan sebagai Kawasan Suaka Marga Satwa (KSM). Ke empat p**au itu adalah, Pulau Besar (10 hektar), Pulau Tengah (1 hektar), Pulau Bungsu (1 hektar), dan Pulau Beruk (2 hektar).

Hutan Rawa Primer Taman Nasional Zamrud
Sejak Agustus 2007, Suaka Marga Satwa ini diresmikan oleh Presiden menjadi Taman Nasional (TN) Zamrud dengan luas sekitar 30.129 hektare. Kawasan ini merupakan hutan rawa primer yang berada di atas lahan gambut dengahn ketinggian hingga 100-200 meter dari permukaan laut. Lapisan pada tanahnya berupa cekungan raksasa, dimana air yang berasal daerah sekitar akan tertampung di Danau ini. Di Taman Nasional Zamrud menampung beragam jenis Fauna yang terlindungi, sperti harimau sumatra (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), harimau dahan (Neofelis nebulosa) beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus), dan napu (Tragulus Napu). Terdapat p**a beragam primata yang dilindungi, seperti monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis), beruk (Macaca nemestrina), dan kokah (Presbytis melalophos).

Di kawasan ini p**a juga hidup 38 jenis burung, dimana 12 diantaranya merupakan yang terlindungi seperti bangau putih, enggang palung, enggang benguk, enggang dua warna, serta enggang ekor hitam. Sedangkan di dalam danaunya sendiri, hidup sekitar 14 jenis ikan yang sekitar 8 diantaranya memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi bagi nelayan setempat, seperti selais, kayangan, tapah, baung, lele, gabus, silais, sipimping, patin dan lain-lain. Taman Nasional Zamrud sendiri akan terus diperluas untuk melindungi kawasan dan zona pemanfaatannya.

This National Park is located in the Zamrud village, District Siak Indrapura, Siak, Riau Province. The National Park area is presenting the elegance and beauty like the beauty of the Emerald stone. The water lakes and swamps in this area has a dark color, but the atmosphere looked beautiful and natural. This is where nature unfolded so beautifully and still untouched, wild but appease hearts and minds. The water in this lake looks dark swamp covered with the incredible natural charm. When the sun goes down, and dusk coming, the beauty of the lake water will be more beautiful as green emerald.

There are two adjoining lakes, and both have solid black colored water. Big Island Lake (2415 ha) and the Lower Lakes (360 hectares) which are both home to a rare variety of fauna and flora. On the Big Island Lake, there are four islands since November 25, the 1980s had been designated as wildlife refuges Region (KSM). To the four islands it is, Big Island (10 hectares), Middle Island (1 hectare), Youngest Island (1 hectare), and monkey Island (2 hectares).

Primary Swamp Forest Zamrud National Park
Since August 2007, Marga Wildlife Refuge was inaugurated by the President of a National Park (TN) Emerald with an area of 30 129 hectares. This area is a primary swamp forest located on peat to a height of 100-200 meters above sea level. Layer on the soil in the form of a giant basin, where water from the surrounding area will be accommodated in this lake. The National Park Emerald accommodate various types of fauna protected, just as the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), tiger limb (Neofelis nebulosa) bears (Helarctos malayanus), and Napu (Tragulus Napu). There are also a variety of protected primates, such as long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), monkey (Macaca nemestrina), and kokah (Presbytis melalophos).

In this area also also live 38 species of birds, of which 12 of them are protected as white storks, hornbills trough, hornbills surly, hornbills two colors, black tail and hornbills. While in the lake itself, lived about 14 species of fish were about 8 of them have a high economic value for local fishermen, such as slice, heaven, tapah, baung, catfish, cork, silais, sipimping, catfish and others. National Parks Emerald itself will continue to be expanded to protect the park and its utilization zone.


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MANUSELA NATIONAL PARKManusela National Park is a national park located in Maluku Islands, Indonesia. Binaya mountain, w...

Manusela National Park is a national park located in Maluku Islands, Indonesia. Binaya mountain, with an altitude of 3,027 meters, is the highest mountain in this park. There are about 117 species of birds, 14 of them endemic, such as eclectus parrot, Kasturi nape-purple, Moluccan cockatoos, Todiramphus lazuli, Todiramphus sanctus, Philemon subcorniculatus and Alisterus amboinensis.

Manusela National Park is a representative type of coastal ecosystems, swamp forest, lowland rain forests and mountain rain forest in Maluku. Vegetation types found in the Park are mangrove, coastal forest, swamp forest, river bank, pamah tropical rain forest, montane forests and sub-alpine forest.

Some plant species in this park are tancang (Bruguiera sexangula), mangroves (Rhizophora acuminata), api-api (Avicennia sp.), Lime (Dryobalanops sp.), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), ketapan (Terminalia catappa), pandan (Pandanus sp.), meranti (Shorea selanica), benuang (Octomeles sumatrana), matoa / kasai (Pometia pinnata), eucalyptus (Melaleuca leucadendron), various types of orchids, and ferns endemic (Chintea Binaya).

Approximately 117 species of birds found in Manusela National Park, where 14 of them are endemic like (Lorius garrulus), parrot nape purple / black head parrot (L. domicella), salmon-crested cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis), king prawn (Halcyon lazuli and H . sancta), Seram honey large bird (Philemon subcorniculatus), and parrot king/parrot Ambon (Alisterus amboinensis).

Spooky parrot is one species endemic to the island of Maluku, existence endangered in the wild due to poaching, habitat destruction and shrinkage. Other animals in the park are deer (Cervus timorensis moluccensis), couscous (Phalanger orientalis orientalis), soa-soa (Hydrosaurus amboinensis), wild boar (Sus celebensis), civet (Pardofelis marmorata), lizard panama (Tiliqua gigas gigas), dugong (Dugong dugon), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and various types of butterflies. Wildlife marsupial threatened or already extinct among others bandikot Seram (Rhynchomeles prattorum).

There are rivers flowing, with steep topography configuration, six mountains / hills with Binaya highest mountain (± 3,027 meters above sea level).

Manusela National Park can be reached through the northern coast (Sawai and O) or via the South coast (Tehoru and Moso). Route from Moso is perfect for those who love climbing, because a slope of about 30%. From Ambon to use the ferry every day Masohi about eight hours, followed Saka to use the car for about two hours, and to O using a speed boat about two hours. Or, from Ambon to O by ship about 24 hours (3 times a week). From Ambon to Tehoru motor boat around nine o'clock, then to Moso and Saunulu village.

Taman Nasional Manusela adalah taman nasional yang terletak di Kep**auan Maluku, Indonesia. Gunung Binaya, dengan ketinggian 3.027 meter, merupakan gunung tertinggi di taman ini. Terdapat sekitar 117 spesies burung, 14 diantaranya endemik, seperti Nuri Bayan, Kasturi tengkuk-ungu, Kakatua Maluku, Todiramphus lazuli, Todiramphus sanctus, Philemon subcorniculatus dan Alisterus amboinensis.

Taman Nasional Manusela merupakan perwakilan tipe ekosistem pantai, hutan rawa, hutan hujan dataran rendah dan hutan hujan pegunungan di Maluku. Tipe vegetasi yang terdapat di taman nasional ini yaitu mangrove, pantai, hutan rawa, tebing sungai, hutan hujan tropika pamah, hutan pegunungan, dan hutan sub-alpin.

Beberapa jenis tumbuhan di taman nasional ini antara lain tancang (Bruguiera sexangula), bakau (Rhizophora acuminata), api-api (Avicennia sp.), kapur (Dryobalanops sp.), p**ai (Alstonia scholaris), ketapang (Terminalia catappa), pandan (Pandanus sp.), meranti (Shorea selanica), benuang (Octomeles sumatrana), matoa/kasai (Pometia pinnata), kayu putih (Melaleuca leucadendron), berbagai jenis anggrek, dan pakis endemik (Chintea binaya).

Sekitar 117 jenis burung terdapat di Taman Nasional Manusela, dimana 14 jenis diantaranya endemik seperti kesturi ternate (Lorius garrulus), nuri tengkuk ungu/nuri kepala hitam (L. domicella), kakatua Seram (Cacatua moluccensis), raja udang (Halcyon lazuli dan H. sancta), burung madu Seram besar (Philemon subcorniculatus), dan nuri raja/nuri ambon (Alisterus amboinensis).

Burung kakatua seram merupakan salah satu satwa endemik Pulau Maluku, keberadaannya terancam punah di alam akibat perburuan liar, perusakan dan penyusutan habitatnya. Satwa lainnya di taman nasional ini adalah rusa (Cervus timorensis moluccensis), kuskus (Phalanger orientalis orientalis), soa-soa (Hydrosaurus amboinensis), babi hutan (Sus celebensis), luwak (Pardofelis marmorata), kadal panama (Tiliqua gigas gigas), duyung (Dugong dugon), penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas), dan berbagai jenis kupu-kupu. Satwa marsupial yang terancam atau sudah punah antara lain bandikot Seram (Rhynchomeles prattorum).

Terdapat sungai-sungai yang mengalir deras, dengan konfigurasi topografi terjal, enam buah gunung/bukit dengan Gunung Binaya yang tertinggi (± 3.027 meter dpl).

Taman Nasional Manusela dapat dicapai melalui pantai Utara (Sawai dan Wahai) atau melalui pantai Selatan (Tehoru dan Moso). Route dari Moso sangat cocok bagi yang menyukai pendakian, karena kelerengannya sekitar 30%. Dari Ambon ke Masohi menggunakan ferry setiap hari sekitar delapan jam, dilanjutkan ke Saka menggunakan mobil sekitar dua jam, dan ke Wahai menggunakan speed boat sekitar dua jam. Atau, dari Ambon ke Wahai menggunakan kapal laut sekitar 24 jam (3 x seminggu). Dari Masohi ke Tehoru menggunakan kapal motor sekitar sembilan jam, dilanjutkan ke Moso dan Desa Saunulu.

PURA ULUWATUPura Luhur Uluwatu or Pura Uluwatu is a Balinese sea temple (pura segara) in Pecatu (Kuta South, Badung). Th...

Pura Luhur Uluwatu or Pura Uluwatu is a Balinese sea temple (pura segara) in Pecatu (Kuta South, Badung). The temple is
regarded as one of the sad kahyangan and is dedicated to Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in his manifestation as Rudra [Rudra, "a
storm god and embodiment of wildness and unpredictable danger", from a 19th-century textbook on Hinduism]

The temple (pura in Balinese) is built at the edge (ulu) of a 70 meter high cliff or rock (watu) projecting into the sea.
In folklore, this rock is said to be part of Dewi Danu's petrified barque.

Though a small temple was claimed to have existed earlier, the structure was significantly expanded by a Javanese sage, Empu Kuturan in the 11th Century. Another sage from East Java, Dang Hyang Nirartha is credited for constructing the padmasana shrines and it is said that he attained moksha here, an event called ngeluhur ("to go up") locally. This has resulted in the temple's epithet Luhur.

The temple is inhabited by monkeys, who are notorious for snatching visitors' belongings. They can usually be persuaded into trading the items for fruit, although this only encourages them to steal more.

The right down bellow is Pecatu Beach. The very famous beach for surfing and international event for surfing too.

Pura Luhur Uluwatu atau Pura Uluwatu merupakan pura yang berada di wilayah Desa Pecatu, Kecamatan Kuta, Badung.

Pura yang terletak di ujung barat daya p**au Bali di atas anjungan batu karang yang terjal dan tinggi serta menjorok ke laut ini merupakan Pura Sad Kayangan yang dipercaya oleh orang Hindu sebagai penyangga dari 9 mata angin. Pura ini pada mulanya digunakan menjadi tempat memuja seorang pendeta suci dari abad ke-11 bernama Empu Kuturan. Ia menurunkan ajaran Desa Adat dengan segala aturannya. Pura ini juga dipakai untuk memuja pendeta suci berikutnya, yaitu Dang Hyang Nirartha, yang datang ke Bali pada akhir tahun 1550 dan mengakhiri perjalanan sucinya dengan apa yang dinamakan Moksah atau Ngeluhur di tempat ini. Kata inilah yang menjadi asal nama Pura Luhur Uluwatu.

Pura Uluwatu terletak pada ketinggian 97 meter dari permukaan laut. Di depan pura terdapat hutan kecil yang disebut alas kekeran, berfungsi sebagai penyangga kesucian pura.

Pura Uluwatu mempunyai beberapa pura pesanakan, yaitu pura yang erat kaitannya dengan pura induk. Pura pesanakan itu yaitu Pura Bajurit, Pura Pererepan, Pura Kulat, Pura Dalem Selonding dan Pura Dalem Pangleburan. Masing-masing pura ini mempunyai kaitan erat dengan Pura Uluwatu, terutama pada hari-hari piodalan-nya. Piodalan di Pura Uluwatu, Pura Bajurit, Pura Pererepan dan Pura Kulat jatuh pada Selasa Kliwon Wuku Medangsia setiap 210 hari. Manifestasi Tuhan yang dipuja di Pura Uluwatu adalah Dewa Rudra.

Pura Uluwatu juga menjadi terkenal karena tepat di bawahnya adalah pantai Pecatu yang sering kali digunakan sebagai tempat untuk olahraga selancar, bahkan even internasional seringkali diadakan di sini. Ombak pantai ini terkenal amat cocok untuk dijadikan tempat selancar selain keindahan alam Bali yang memang amat cantik.

BUNAKENThe Bunaken National Park is a marine park in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The park is located near t...

The Bunaken National Park is a marine park in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The park is located near the center of the Coral Triangle, providing habitat to 390 species of coral as well as many fish, mollusk, reptile and marine mammal species. The Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems, consisting of sea grass plain, coral reef, and coastal ecosystems.

It was established as a national park in 1991 and is among the first of Indonesia's growing system of marine parks. It covers a total area of 890.65 km², 97% of which is marine habitat. The remaining 3% of the park is terrestrial, including the five islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. The southern part of the Park covers part of the Tanjung Kelapa coast.

North Sulawesi is considered to be a 'young' formation, of 5-24 million years of age. The region has undergone explosive volcano 1.5-5 million years ago, which resulted in the volcanic stuff that characterizes the existing topography. Manado Tua is an inactive volcano formed in a classical cone shape and rising over 600 m above sea level, the highest elevation in the park. Bunaken Island also has volcanic origins with a significant amount of uplifted fossil coral. Nain Island is also a dome-shaped island, 139m in height. Mantehage Island is relatively flat and seems to be sinking into the sea. The island has extensive mangrove forest flats, partially separated by saltwater channels. Siladen is a low-lying coral sand island with no significant topography. Arakan-Wawontulap and Molas-Wori on the mainland of North Sulawesi are relatively flat areas at the base of volcanic hills. The absence of a continental shelf allows the coastal area of the park to drop directly down the continental slope. The sea depth between the islands of the park is 200 to 1,840 meters.

A very rich coral ecosystem covers most of Bunaken National Park, dominated by fringing reef and barrier reef corals. There are about 390 species of coral recorded in the waters of the Park. A distinct feature is a 25-50 meter vertical coral wall which is inhabited by 13 coral genus. The seaweeds that can be found here include Caulerpa, Halimeda, and Padina species, while the dominant sea grasses, in particular in the islands of Montehage and Nain, are Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum. The park is also abundant in different species of fish, marine mammals and reptiles, birds, mollusks and mangrove species.

About 90 species of fish live in the waters of the park, among them being the Emperor Angelfish, Almaco Jack, Spotted Seahorse, Blue stripe Snapper, Pinkish Basslet and Two-lined monocle bream. The species of mollusk include the Giant Clam, Horned Helmet Shells, Chambered Nautilus, and ascidians.

It is claimed that this park has seven times more genera of coral than Hawaii, and more than 70% of all the known fish species of the Indo-Western Pacific.

On land, the islands are rich in species of palm, sago, woka, silar and coconut. Among the animal species that live on the land and the beaches are Celebes crested macaque, Timor Deer, and Sulawesi bear cuscus. The mangrove forest of the Park contains, among others Rhizophora and Sonneratiaspecies. This forest is also rich in species of crab, lobster, mollusk, and sea birds such as gulls, herons, sea doves, and storks.

Taman Nasional Bunaken adalah taman laut yang terletak di Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia. Taman ini terletak di Segitiga Terumbu Karang, menjadi habitat bagi 390 spesies terumbu karang dan juga berbagai spesies ikan, moluska, reptil dan mamalia laut. Taman Nasional Bunaken merupakan perwakilan ekosistem laut Indonesia, meliputi padang rumput laut, terumbu karang dan ekosistem pantai.

Taman nasional ini didirikan pada tahun 1991 dan meliputi wilayah seluas 890.65 km². 97% dari taman nasional ini merupakan habitat laut, sementara 3% sisanya merupakan daratan, meliputi lima p**au: Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Naen dan Siladen.

Taman Nasional Bunaken memiliki ekosistem terumbu karang yang sangat kaya. Terdapat sekitar 390 spesies terumbu karang di wilayah ini. Spesies alga yang dapat ditemui di Taman Nasional Bunaken adalah Caulerpa, Halimeda dan Padina, sementara spesies rumput laut yang banyak ditemui adalah Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, dan Thalassaodendron ciliatum. Taman Nasional Bunaken juga memiliki berbagai spesies ikan, mamalia laut, reptil, burung, moluska dan mangrove. Sekitar 90 spesies ikan tinggal di perairan wilayah ini.

Di daratan, p**au ini kaya akan Arecaceae, sagu, woka, silar dan kelapa. Selain itu, Taman Nasional Bunaken juga memiliki spesies hewan yang tinggal di daratan, seperti rusa dan kuskus. Hutan mangrove di taman ini menjadi habitat bagi kepiting, lobster, moluska dan burung laut.

PURA BESAKIHThe Mother Temple of Besakih, or Pura Besakih, in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eas...

The Mother Temple of Besakih, or Pura Besakih, in the village of Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung in eastern Bali, Indonesia, is the most important, the largest and holiest temple of Hindu religion in Bali, and one of a series of Balinese temples. Perched nearly 1000 meters up the side of Gunung Agung, it is an extensive complex of 23 separate but related temples with the largest and most important being Pura Penataran Agung. This is built on six levels, terraced up the slope. This entrance is an imposing Candi Bentar (split gateway), and beyond it the even more impressive Kori Agung is the gateway to the second courtyard.

The precise origins of the temple are not clear but it almost certainly dates from prehistoric times. The stone bases of Pura Penataran Agung and several other temples resemble megalithic stepped pyramids, which date back at least 2000 years. It was certainly used as a Hindu place of worship from 1284 when the first Javanese conquerors settled in Bali. By the 15th century, Besakih had become a state temple of the Gelgel dynasty.

It was built on the south slopes of Mount Agung, the principal volcano of Bali.

This Mother Temple is actually a complex made up of twenty-two temples that sit on parallel ridges. It has stepped terraces and flights of stairs which ascend to a number of courtyards and brick gateways that in turn lead up to the main spire or Meru structure, which is called Pura Penataran Agung. All this is aligned along a single axis and designed to lead the spiritual person upward and closer to the mountain which is considered sacred.

The main sanctuary of the complex is the Pura Penataran Agung. The symbolic center of the main sanctuary is the lotus throne or padmasana, which is therefore the ritual focus of the entire complex. It dates to around the seventeenth century.

A series of eruptions of Mount Agung in 1963, which killed approximately 1,700 people also threatened Pura Besakih. The lava flows missed the temple complex by mere meters. The saving of the temple is regarded by the Balinese people as miraculous, and a signal from the gods that they wished to demonstrate their power but not destroy the monument the Balinese faithful had erected.

Pura Besakih adalah sebuah komplek pura yang terletak di Desa Besakih, Kecamatan Rendang Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia. Komplek Pura Besakih terdiri dari 1 Pura Pusat (Pura Penataran Agung Besakih) dan 18 Pura Pendamping (1 Pura Basukian dan 17 Pura Lainnya). Di Pura Basukian, di areal inilah pertama kalinya tempat diterimanya wahyu Tuhan oleh Hyang Rsi Markendya, cikal bakal Agama Hindu Dharma sekarang di Bali, sebagai pusatnya. Pura Besakih merupakan pusat kegiatan dari seluruh Pura yang ada di Bali. Di antara semua pura-pura yang termasuk dalam kompleks Pura Besakih, Pura Penataran Agung adalah pura yang terbesar, terbanyak bangunan-bangunan pelinggihnya, terbanyak jenis upakaranya dan merupakan pusat dan semua pura yang ada di komplek Pura Besakih. Di Pura Penataran Agung terdapat 3 arca atau candi utama simbol stana dari sifat Tuhan Tri Murti, yaitu Dewa Brahma, Dewa Wisnu dan Dewa Siwa yang merupakan perlambang Dewa Pencipta, Dewa Pemelihara dan Dewa Pelebur/Reinkarnasi. Pura Besakih masuk dalam daftar pengusulan Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO sejak tahun 1995.

Pura Besakih sebagai objek penelitian berkaitan dengan kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang berada di Kabupaten Karangasem Provinsi Bali.

Berdasar sebuah penelitian, bangunan fisik Pura Besakih telah mengalami perkembangan dari kebudayaan pra-hindu dengan bukti peninggalan menhir, punden berundak-undak, arca, yang berkembang menjadi bangunan berupa meru, pelinggih, gedong, maupun padmasana sebagai hasil kebudayaan masa Hindu.

Latar belakang keberadaan bangunan fisik Pura Besakih di lereng Gunung Agung adalah sebagai tempat ibadah untuk menyembah Dewa yang dikonsepsikan gunung tersebut sebagai istana Dewa tertinggi.

Pada tahapan fungsional manusia Bali menemukan jati dirinya sebagai manusia homo religius dan mempunyai budaya yang bersifat sosial religius, bahwa kebudayaan yang menyangkut aktivitas kegiatan selalu dihubungkan dengan ajaran Agama Hindu.

Dalam budaya masyarakat Hindu Bali, ternyata makna Pura Besakih diidentifikasi sebagai bagian dari perkembangan budaya sosial masyarakat Bali dari mulai pra-Hindu yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan unsur-unsur budaya yang berkembang, sehingga memengaruhi perubahan wujud budaya ide, wujud budaya aktivitas, dan wujud budaya material. perubahan tersebut berkaitan dengan ajaran Tattwa yang menyangkut tentang konsep ketuhanan, ajaran Tata-susila yang mengatur bagaimana umat Hindu dalam bertingka laku, dan ajaran Upacara merupakan pengaturan dalam melakukan aktivitas ritual persembahan dari umat kepada TuhanNya, sehingga ketiga ajaran tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan dalam ajaran Agama Hindu Dharma di Bali.






The Bunaken National Park is a marine park in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. The park is located near the centre of the Coral Triangle, providing h...

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KELIMUTU NATIONAL PARKKelimutu National Park is located on the island of Flores, Indonesia. It consists of a region with...

Kelimutu National Park is located on the island of Flores, Indonesia. It consists of a region with hills and mountains, with Mount Kelibara (1,731 m) as its highest peak. Mount Kelimutu, which has the three coloured lakes, is also located in this national park.
This natural attraction is a destination for tourists.

Some endagered plant species are protected in this national park, such as: Toona spp., Anthocephalus cadamba, Canarium spp., Diospyros ferra, Alstonis scholaris, Schleichera oleosa, Casuarina equisetifolia and Anaphalis javanica. Some endangered animals can also be found here, such as: Javan rusa, wild boar sp., red junglefowl, Elanus sp. and drongo sp. (Dicrurus sulphurea).

The four endemic mammals in the park include two montane rodents: Bunomys naso and Hainald's rat (Rattus hainaldi).

In this area, there is also an arboretum, a mini jungle (4,5 ha) represent flora biodiversity of Kelimutu National Park. The arboterum consists of 78 types of tree plants which are grouped into 36 families. Some of the Kelimutu's endemic flora collections are uta onga (Begonia kelimutuensis), turuwara (Rhododendron renschianum), and arngoni (Vaccinium varingiaefolium).

In the early days of developing the local national park in the Kelimutu area, there were some disputes with local communities over the use of the resources. More recently, forest rangers have worked to develop better relations with nearby village communities and overall management has improved.

Kelimutu is one of the mountains listed as a ribu in Indonesia which are mountains in Indonesia which are more than 1,000 meters high.

The area is said to have begun to attract attention after being noticed by a regional Dutch military commander, B. van Suchtelen in 1915 and became more well-known after Y. Bouman wrote about the site in 1929.

The closest airports are Maumere, and Ende. There are regular flights to Ende from Bali. The drive from Ende to Moni, the town at the base of Kelimutu where accommodation is available, takes about 3 hours, while from Moni to Kelimutu vehicle park, a 13 kilometers needs 45 minutes. Usually tourists sleep one night to catch sunrise at Kelimutu.

The volcano contains three striking summit crater lakes of varying colors. Tiwu Ata Bupu (Lake of Old People) is usually blue and is the westernmost of the three lakes. The other two lakes, Tiwu Ko'o Fai Nuwa Muri (Lake of Young Men and Maidens) and Tiwu Ata Polo (Bewitched or Enchanted Lake) are separated by a shared crater wall and are typically green or red respectively. The lake colors vary on a periodic basis. Subaqueous fumaroles are the probable cause of active upwelling that occurs at the two eastern lakes.

The lakes have been a source of minor phreatic eruptions in historical time. The summit of the compound 1639-m-high Kelimutu volcano is elongated two km in a WNW-ESE direction; the older cones of Kelido and Kelibara are located respectively three km to the north and two km to the south. The scenic lakes are a pop**ar tourist destination.

Kelimutu is also of interest to geologists because the three lakes have different colors yet are at the crest of the same volcano. According to the local officer at Kelimutu National Park, the colour changes as a result of chemical reactions resulting from the minerals contained in the lake perhaps triggered by volcano gas activity. Kawah Putih lake in West Java, south of Bandung, is another crater lake in Indonesia with some similarities to the lakes at Kelimutu.

Awal mulanya daerah ini diketemukan oleh lio Van Such Telen, tahun 1915. Keindahannya dikenal luas setelah Y. Bouman melukiskan dalam tulisannya tahun 1929.
Sejak saat itu wisatawan asing mulai datang menikmati danau yang dikenal angker bagi masyarakat setempat. Mereka yang datang bukan hanya pencinta keindahan, tetapi juga peneliti yang ingin tahu kejadian alam yang amat langka itu.
Gunung Kelimutu adalah gunung berapi yang terletak di Pulau Flores, Provinsi NTT, Indonesia. Lokasi gunung ini tepatnya di Desa Pemo, Kecamatan Kelimutu, Kabupaten Ende. Gunung ini memiliki tiga buah danau kawah di puncaknya. Danau ini dikenal dengan nama Danau Tiga Warna karena memiliki tiga warna yang berbeda, yaitu merah, biru, dan putih. Walaupun begitu, warna-warna tersebut selalu berubah-ubah seiring dengan perjalanan waktu.
Kelimutu merupakan gabungan kata dari "keli" yang berarti gunung dan kata "mutu" yang berarti mendidih. Menurut kepercayaan penduduk setempat, warna-warna pada danau Kelimutu memiliki arti masing-masing dan memiliki kekuatan alam yang sangat dahsyat.
Danau atau Tiwu Kelimutu di bagi atas tiga bagian yang sesuai dengan warna-warna yang ada di dalam danau. Danau berwarna biru atau "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" merupakan tempat berkumpulnya jiwa-jiwa muda-mudi yang telah meninggal. Danau yang berwarna merah atau "Tiwu Ata Polo" merupakan tempat berkumpulnya jiwa-jiwa orang yang telah meninggal dan selama ia hidup selalu melakukan kejahatan/tenung. Sedangkan danau berwarna putih atau "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" merupakan tempat berkumpulnya jiwa-jiwa orang tua yang telah meninggal.
Para penduduk di sekitar Danau Kelimutu percaya, bahwa pada saat danau berubah warna, mereka harus memberikan sesajen bagi arwah orang - orang yang telah meninggal.
Luas ketiga danau itu sekitar 1.051.000 meter persegi dengan volume air 1.292 juta meter kubik. Batas antar danau adalah dinding batu sempit yang mudah longsor. Dinding ini sangat terjal dengan sudut kemiringan 70 derajat. Ketinggian dinding danau berkisar antara 50 sampai 150 meter.
Kawasan Kelimutu telah ditetapkan menjadi Kawasan Konservasi Alam Nasional sejak 26 Februari 1992.




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