Adimelali Bali

Adimelali Bali SHOWCASING THE AUTHENTIC BALI TO THE WORLD Adimelali, might just a simple name, but behind that there's a big dream.

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We walk and talk we talk and walk... in a nature and about nature. Its called walk theraphy.


# Adimelali Bali


This is Bali 🤙🏼👍👍👍

Their guest and also our buddies around the globe, if you are on trip or flight, please stay alert and also aware ad the...

Their guest and also our buddies around the globe, if you are on trip or flight, please stay alert and also aware ad theres an Globally IT outage that might effecting your trip and flight. Be aware and stay safe... Thanks.🙏🏼

The outage appears to be affecting Windows PCs globally, including Sky News in the UK which was not able to broadcast live TV first thing on Friday morning.

Grateful to Madam Aminah and family for choosing our tailor-made trip for your 5-day birthday celebration in Bali. It wa...

Grateful to Madam Aminah and family for choosing our tailor-made trip for your 5-day birthday celebration in Bali. It was a joy to serve your beautiful family! May our paths cross again, and we hope to welcome you back to Bali soon. 🌴✨
Creating unforgettable and stress-free family vacations is our specialty at Adimelali Bali. Let us curate a memorable holiday trip for you. Reach out to us for an experience like no other! 🙏🏽😊

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WhatsApp: +62 813-3779-5381
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Thank you, Mdm Azura and Mr Zulis, for choosing our service. We hope your trip to Bali is filled with wonderful experien...

Thank you, Mdm Azura and Mr Zulis, for choosing our service. We hope your trip to Bali is filled with wonderful experiences, and we look forward to welcoming you again soon ✨🙏🏽😊

Choose Adimelali for reliable transport in Bali. We provide up-to-date route info to help you avoid traffic and ensure a smooth journey. 🍃

Whether you’re traveling from point A to B or exploring more, our detailed advice guarantees a hassle-free experience. Contact us today! ✨

+ Transport for Hire
+ Tailor-Made Holidays
+ Honeymoon Trip
+ Classic Tours
+ Walking Tour
+ Coffee Farm Tour
+ Virtual Travel Consultant
+ Family & Friends Holiday at Villa Package

WhatsApp: +62 813-3779-5381
Email: [email protected]


Since its created in 2008, the Adimelali logo has undergone several changes. At the beginning, the Adimelali logo was just the island of Bali cut into two lines as a form of three working territories which we categorized as the most well-known tourist spot (South and North) and secret spot (East and West) at that time. The initial color of the logo was sky blue (our crew eventually called it adimelali blue) because the blue color is close to the sea and clear sky. Then in 2015 it became black and added two foot prints (taken from the foot prints of Dee Gorra's baby nephew) as a symbol of nature explorers. And after 2021, as a symbol of revival and starting from zero, the logo and colors were changed to black and with a calm yellow background. As a form of maturity( wise) in Balinese philosophy, and globally as symbol of the sun, positive energy, movement, joy, happiness. And the tagline of came with a new logo is "SHOWCASING THE AUTHENTIC BALI TO THE WORLD" as our answer to so many things in Bali and Indonesia that travelers and tourists want to visit is something that is no longer about culture, art and Balinese social values, but the era of Instatourism changes many things, so to strengthen the differences and our aim is to share a reality and also something that is characteristic of Bali or the local area which may currently be a bit forgotten or even unattractive for Instatraveler who boasts of touristy hot spot areas but lacks the value of local or Balinese authenticity, such destinations, food and hospitality.
For those our new and especially repeaters clients and buddy who find us back trough social media and website dont be worry, is still remain the same in every authenticity local Bali value, its just now we are coming with a new strategy to find a right market and deliver way much better with high value of product and services in Bali and beyond. A trust is still there with us.🙏🏼


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From all of us at Adimelali Balia wishing you all our beloved fellow Buddhist followers round the globe A Happy Vesak Day.
This Vesak Day, let’s all pray for peace and the end of all the sufferings in the world.
Art by gus &Conspiracy.Inc©



MASSAGE FOR BALINESE. Massage as part of Asia culture ( India, China), also in Bali are very common. Balinese also have specialties therapist to doing it, like TUKANG APUN, is specialties on bones problem, TUKANG URUT or TUKANG UUT specialties on muscle and nerve, and also a traditional technique called UAP or ODAK or BOREH, which is old wrap technique. Boreh is a healing pack originated by Balinese rice farmers, made from a combination of roots, herbs and spices.



Woven cloth is an essential part of the traditional Balinese costume. The technique was brought to Bali many centuries ago by traders. It has since developed into a high art in Bali and continues to challenge its dyers and weavers. Back strap weavers produce cotton double ikat, while foot-loom weavers produce silk and cotton weft ikat yardage.

Bebali cloth or North Bali known as "wangsul" and in East Bali known as "gedogan", consists of two syllables, ie, Cloth (kain) and "bebali". Fabric ( kain), a woven used to cover the body. While understanding of " Bebali" is ceremony. Thus, the fabric "kain Bebali" is a fabric woven used for ceremonial purposes, so that the fabric contains "Bebali" value - the value of the socio-cultural life.

In general, only three members of the highest caste or "Triwangsa" who knows the sacred cloth-making process that will be used in a ritual ceremony. Because, closely related to rituals, offerings handyman or woman who regulate the composition of an offering that will be used in conjunction with fabric Bebali, caste Brahmin, Kshatriya or Wesia.

In addition, the pattern of a ritual sustainability also can be determined only by people who came from the caste. So it can be said that only they can determine where and when exactly "bebali" fabric used. In the process, "bebali" cloth woven by the women elders who are no longer menstruating or in Balinese called "Baki".

This is because the resulting fabric is a fabric that will be used relating to religious, so there the women who are still has menstruating is prohibited in Bali. So it's became a causes the "Kain Bebali" at this time is quite rare to find.

"Kain Bebali" is including the type of fabric ikat "Pakan"( A Tenun fabric is handmade fabric made by technique crisscrossing lusi threads /the threads tied on a woven fabric) with pakan (woof ) ).

The tools used for weaving called "cag - cag" . Weaving process generally consists of five stages .

First , "ngeliying" or spread the thread on the "Undar" ,so the thread can be opened up , then thread is rolled on "Ulakan" or "Peleting" .
Second process called " Ngayi" . Then continuing in process called "Nyahsah" woven material that is available on "panynan" released and stretched lengthwise . The next process is inserted in the folds of yarn fibers by using a tool such as the length of a small needle . Finally, the threads are woven .

Specialized in this type of weaving( Pakan) , with "pakan" (woof). The waeve is made to follow a certain pattern that makes a piece of fabric. "Ikat pakan" (crisscrossing) technique. Ikat pakan is a set of woof whose patterns are created by tying parts of the woof before it is dyed. This result in some part of the woof that is not dyed. To create more than two colors, the woof can be colored additionally after dying.

The trick , the woof threads are finished tied , coloring process ( celup) and removable bond , then rolled on pallets . Then it would weft threads are crossed with "lungsi" that has been prepared , through the weaving process . So the "lungsi" thread used only one type of color or plain . Decorative patterns to be designed , simply by adjusting the position of woof during weaving course .

The "Kain Gedogan" found has non symmetrical side between the left and right side. Though it has a decorative fabric with geometric motifs left side and right side are the same. Not symmetrical because the fabric is filled "pengurip gedogan" that is divided into two parts that are not symmetrical. It is a form of expression in the fabric of Kain Bebali" is "Rwa Bhineda" (RWA = Two, Bhineda = Different, can be interpreted as two different things in life that has always been one and inseparable from each other, a balancing concept )

For example, fabric and cloth Uyah Sere and Raine Wengi , "rwa bhineda" concept is obvious. Black and white with a pattern of black and half white half that reflect daylight (raine), evening (Wengi), "uyah" ( Salt) and "sere"( Shrimp paste) are in white and black / dark.

The concept "rwa bhineda" also be accommodated in the decorative of "Kain Bebali", such as the presence of human ornamentation. In this case the image depicted are men and women as the embodiment of "Sang Hyang Semara Ratih" ( lingga and yoni/ male & female)

And "Kutamesir" decorative, "Tapak Dara" or crosses can symbolize the rotation of the universe and the symbol of the direction.

The Color of the "Kain Bebali" also has a meaning. For example, yellow and white depicts Mahadeva in the west and in the Iswara east. Besides the colors also illustrates the duality of Buddhism and Shivaism. While red is the color for the creator Brahma and black, green or blue color depicts the god Vishnu.

As the name implies, "Kain Bebali" or "Bebali" used in religious ceremonies purpose. Two examples that normally still can find of the use of "Kain Bebali " in ceremony as a ritual element is a "Nelu Bulanin" or ( 3 months ceremony procession for baby) and cremation ceremony.

Words by: Gorra from many sources and wikipedia

Photo: Balinese Woman in "Pakan" woof Processing C.a 1900-1940 by Tropen Museum The Netherlands


Our crew are specially trained to handle kids and to run family adventures, so you’re well taken care of.

A trips for families only (including any aunts, uncles or cousins who’d like to come along, of course). As long as you’re travelling with a child under the age of 18, you’re a family in our eyes. Most of our crew is parents too, and we know how very important to you that children are safe during drive and do a day trip with Adimelali Bali.

And we proudly inform that since 2009 we leading and as one of the first transport company in Bali provide baby car seat, as part of service we also make sure our crew know very well how to handling a children.

Being trusted by the family, and above all we do a tight selection for our crew/driver as part of team who will handle a family traveler, must clean from any child neglect/abuse issue & have no crime record associated as crimes against children include physical and emotional abuse; neglect; and exploitation, such as through child po*******hy or s*x trafficking of minors.



If we find out more , Balinese traditional foods are mostly grilled, steamed, boiled then fried or sautéed.

One Bali traditional dishes, especially serve during " Kuningan" day or if you go into Restaurant or Bali " warung" that serve Balinese traditional food, you can find these little packets of spiced meat steamed or baked in banana leaves are one of Balinese cuisine’s real treats. ‘Tum’ can contain any kind of meat and are usually served with rice and vegetables, often as part of the selection of side orders served with lawar Bali.

"Tum" is another popular Balinese dish that is cooked in the same method as Pepes Ikan (steamed fish version) and "otak-otak".
To prepare this dish, minced meat is mixed together with flavourful Bali spices and coconut milk, wrapped snugly in banana leaves, and then is steamed or grilled.

The banana leaves to wrap the tum will give you an authentic Balinese flavour.
Steam parcels 15-20 minutes. And ready to serve.

Words by: foodcoma &

Photo " Tum ayam: Chicken minced wrapped in banana leaves by


BALI FLOWER POWER: KLONGKANG, Known as KACANG BOTOR or Winged Bean,(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), aka Goa bean and princess bean, is a tropical perennial that looks a lot like regular garden beans. It can be grown as an annual in temperate areas such as the Northwest. It may exceed 10 feet in height and produces huge quantities of very tasty shoots and leaves.
To get a crop of the delicious beans, you'll have to plant the 'Day Neutral' variety. Either way, however, winged beans are a nice addition to the kitchen garden. Balinese in the past cook the young Winged bean as a vegetable, especially can find in mostly of Eastern and Northern Bali food, such in Klungkung it can find in Klungkung traditionaly culinary Srombotan.



Still unsolved mystery above Mt. Agung, a Japanese Tourist, Ryo Terumoto, on August 17, 1973. Around 14:00 pm, from the car he was taking pictures of Mount Agung in Bali. After his picture printed, he was surprised to see the existence of a disc-shaped object hovering in front of the mountain. When photographing he did not notice it. Photographs later published in the magazine Hito to Nippon (People and Japanese) published in March 1974 with the title “Flying Saucer at the top island of Bali?”

By the time, it's many UFO sightings around Mount Agung and a few places in Bali, witnessed by some tourist, travelers and also the local Balinese. But it's still another mystery in Island of Gods.


Photos UFO fly over Mt. Agung, 1973 by Ryo Terumoto

Words by Gorra



When thinking of Bali, visitors may be put off by visions of crowded beach resorts, surfers and noisy bars. But, in reality, this equates to a very small part of this lush and diverse island. Away from the ‘flop and drop’ beaches located close to the airport in the south, an unspoiled Balinese experience awaits.

From stacked rice terraces and traditional villages to a barrage of stone-carved Hindu temples (known as pura), this is an island of culture and tradition. And then there’s Bali’s wild side: climbers can conquer mountains, the highest hills in Bali , while snorkelers will find coral reefs teeming with shoals of fish and other marine life off the coast. And if you want to relax, tranquil coastal retreats, indulgent spas and sunrise yoga lessons offer restful pit-stops in between explorations.

For any nature enthusiasts, Bali Barat National Park is a wild paradise. Located in western Bali, the park spans 190 sq km and covers a mix of savanna, woodland and lush mangroves reminiscent of the Australian bush.

Meanwhile Bali’s east coast is a perfect combination of relaxation and the opportunity to learn more about Balinese history and culture. It’s only an hour-and-a-half drive from the airport, so if you’re looking to escape the madding crowds, you don’t have to travel too far.

The downside for some is the lack of golden sand, but I think that the darker volcanic sand and rocky coves give this shoreline a more wild, untouched feel (plus the properties in the area have huge swimming pools to compensate). The coastal views and rugged beauty of this coastline more than make up for the absence of long sandy beaches.

Whatever is your even...Bali offer all of those experience of exploration.

Photo cred: " Entering Mt.Batur Forest " by Alexandra Kouzoukian



There will be no day that passes without a cockfight for many Balinese men.

Every day, they tenderly care for their fighting c***s. Owners of the champion c***s pamper the birds with daily massages, carefully bathe them and feed them a nutritious diet. In short, there is a popular belief that Balinese men love their cockerels more than their wives.

However, children have a passion for mejangkrikan — or the art of cricket fighting. Cricket and cockfighting are the most popular and passionate pastimes for Balinese men — with many gambling on the games. These two traditional types of fighting are also common in many other parts of Indonesia, as well as other countries in the Southeast Asia region. In China, cricket fighting even has a very long history, dating back almost 1,000 years to the famous Tang Dynasty in the 12th century.

Every day the crickets (Jankrik) get a special diet called sadeg, a mixture of various grains. The crickets are placed in colorful bamboo tubes with air holes for ventilation. The cricket owners train the insects for the battles and pamper their pets through these holes.

The fights have quite strict rules: The fighters must be of similar body size and in a healthy condition, meaning that all the body organs were complete. When all the fight requirements are met, the two competing crickets face off against each other in a fierce fight. The cricket that survives this miniature blood sport is declared a legendary champion. Meanwhile, the owners place bets of between Rp 10,000 and Rp 50,000 per three-minute game.

Despite the influx of high-tech video games and flashy electronic-based entertainment, the age-old tradition of cricket fighting remains alive and kicking among Balinese youth.



BALI ANIMALIA : KINTAMANI DOG is a dog native to the Indonesian island of Bali. The Kintamani was named after the Balinese town of Kintamani. Kintamani dogs can be found in Sukawana, Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia.

Several stories exist to explain the origin of the Kintamani dog. One story has the breed originating 600 years ago from a Chinese Chow Chow. According to another story the Kintamani dog descends from a fox-wolf-dog cross.

DNA studies involving Kintamani dogs, Bali street dogs, Australian dingoes, and nine AKC-breeds of Asian or European origin show that the Kintamani dog has evolved from Balinese feral dogs with little loss of genetic diversity.

The Bali street dog is more phenotypically diverse than the Kintamani dog, but all Kintamani traits are collectively present among the much larger population of feral Bali dogs. Bali street dogs are generally short haired and of the pariah type.

Genetic studies of the Bali street dogs (BSD) indicate that a viable and diverse population of dogs existed on the island of Bali prior to its geographic isolation approximately 12,000 years ago and has been little influenced by domesticated European dogs since that time.

A mid-sized spitz-type dog with a thick, long, dense fur, erect ears and a feathery tail curled over the back. The long coat forms a frill along the shoulders.The preferred coat color is white with a white red shade on the top of the coat and apricot ears, tail and hindquarters. Black also occurs, as well as other solid colors and other colors patterns, such as black and tan and white-gold-and-black. A special Kintamani dog is belang bungkem (black-and-white). However, these parti-colored dogs are probably genetically closer to the Bali street dog.

Kintamani are 40 - 55 cm tall.


Go to Bali ???!!!, the source of all those droolworthy pictures you saw on Instagram, but have no idea where to start?

Planning a trip can be a major pain in the butt, we know.
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Well, fret not, because with Adimelali Bali, you’ll be set for the most satisfying Bali trip ever.




The word "canang" is derived from Old Javanese vocabulary meaning betel presented to the highly respected guests.

In earlier times, betel really had high value. After Hinduism developed in Bali, the betel then became an important element in religious rituals and other activities.

In Bali, one kind of the offerings is called "canang" because the basic element of each "canang" is the betel itself.

It cannot be said to have a religious meaning without being equipped with "porosan" whose main ingredient is betel. Ingredients of "canang " are "ceper" or square base made of banana leaf and then on the base are respectively composed of foliage (plawa), "porosan", "urasari" and various flowers.

Meaning of respective "canang" ingredient:

"Plawa" is foliage. It has been mentioned in the Yajña Prakerti palm-leaf manuscript that plawa symbolizes the growing sacred and silent mind, so that it can counteract the bad influence of worldly passion.

"Porosan" is made of areca nut and lime wrapped in betel leaves. In the Yajña Prakerti palm-leaf manuscript areca nut, betel leaf and lime are symbols of worshiping the Almighty God in its manifestation as Hindu Trinity. Areca nut symbolizes the worship of Lord Brahma; lime symbolizes the worship of Lord Shiva; and the betel symbolizes worship of Lord Vishnu.

"Urasari" consisting of " jejahitan", "reringgitan", and "tetuwasan" are symbols of accuracy and longevity of mind and symbol of invocation to God in order our natural environment are in harmony and balance.

Flower symbolises sincerity. Whatever binding ourselves in this mundane world should be allowed because sooner or later we will even leave behind this world.

Therefore, "canang" signifies the struggle of human life by always asking for help and protection to Almighty God to be able to create, maintain and negate that should be created, maintained and removed for the success of ideals of human life namely happiness.

In terms of its use, shape and contents, canang can be classified into several types such as the "Canang Genten", "Canang Burat Wangi", "Lenge Wangi", "Canang Sari", "Canang Meraka", and others.

Words by: Semeton bali Jakarta

Photo : A Pemangku priest of Pura Dalem Temple Of Sidemen preparing Canang Offerings by Nick



Behind the scenes of modern, busy, s*xy of Bali, live of the island supernatural, unsolved and unexplained .

And then there's every Balinese who tells you stuff like how they just moved to their friend's house because their own house has been taken over by a ghost. And their house has to be "de-ghosted". Or when you're on the trip a taxi driver or the motorcycle taxi guy and the guy starts honking wildly at night. You ask him, "why?". And he tells you this area is filled with evil spirits of the dead because it's close to a cemetery. And he needs to scare them away or ask for permission.

Well... welcome to Bali, the island of Magic. This is also why Bali attracts all these free-thinking new-age spiritual people. Because there's a definite connection that can see between these two worlds are living in Bali, the seen ( Sekala) and the unseen ( Niskala) world. The spirit and the spiritual stuff. Some said Balinese are people without the limiting framework of society. That makes them incredibly interesting. And this island radiated spiritual love. So its completely a perfect place for those who seeking some spiritual journey and spiritual awakening.

For the Balinese, life is all about keeping the spiritual balance. Being a Balinese isn’t an optional choice. Neither is daily praying, regular ceremonial days and a belief in all things ghostly and black magic-related.

As one of islands with tremendous diversity of cultures and traditions, Balinese magic is very commonplace in real life. It has become one of the most interesting and alluring aspects of Indonesian culture. The roots of the phenomenon are found in the island’s Hindu-Animist religion. Stone Age Balinese Animism, the worship of the spirits of nature and ancestors, has changed little even down to the present day.


ART IN BALI: I WAYAN LIMBAK also known as I LIMBAK.born in Gianyar ,1897/c 1910 - September 5, 2003 was an Indonesian dancer who worked with Walter Spies to create the Kecak Dance. In the 1930s Wayan Limbak worked with German painter Walter Spies to create the Kecak from movements and themes in the traditional sanghyang exorcism ritual and the portions of the Ramayana. This collaboration between artists worked to create a dance that was both authentic to Balinese traditions but also palatable to Western tourist's narrow tastes at the time.

The dance, which features a chorus of bare-chested men making monkey sounds, is popular with tourists visiting Bali.

Mr. Limbak helped popularize Kecak and shape Bali's image as an exotic cultural paradise by taking his dance troupe to several international festivals.

Mr. Limbak, who outlived each of his three wives, is survived by 4 children, 22 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild. (Photo: Kecak Dance perform 1950's by Tropenn Museum Netherlands)



Photo by Richard Kaal/



"Mesingset Ginting"(sarong wrapped to the back end), for Balinese man, as a sign of readiness preparations during working or even during ceremonial procession.

Before modern clothes are entering Bali, after 1930's. Balinese are wear "sarong" clothes, with bare naked chest
( body) section for male and female.

Due to its user ,sarong extending from the waist down, then when doing work that requires agile body movements its might bit complicated, then how that is done is by wrapped the sarong clothes to the back end,almost like short pant or underwear look, to make the movement during do the work or procession are more easier and comfortable. Beside its also will keep the sarong clean from any dirt during work.

This sarong style in the past will very common to see especially during; cremation procession, where peoples walk far to cemetery for the procession and sometimes crossing rivers or dusty village road, during working in the farm for farmer and during fishing for the fisherman, especially the style will primarily be used when capturing a pig, when required quick movement and agility are needed.

For nowadays, might its very rare to find in Bali, except in some village, as short pants and any kinds of pants very common wore by Balinese today.

Words by: Gorra

Photo: A Balinese Man in Mesingset Ginting style, c.a 1930. by P.F. Valois



The Balinese ( Bali Tribe or Suku Bali ) are an ethnic group native to the Indonesian island of Bali. Balinese population of 4.2 million (1.7% of Indonesia's population) live mostly on the island of Bali, making up 89% of the island's population.There are also significant populations on the island of Lombok, and in the eastern-most regions of Java (e.g. the Municipality of Banyuwangi). It is the most populous Hindu majority island in the world.

The origins of the Balinese came from three periods. The first waves of immigrants came from Java and Kalimantan in the prehistoric times of the proto-Malay stock.

Followed by the second wave of Balinese came slowly over the years from Java during the Hindu period. The third and final period came from Java, occurred in between the 15th and 16th centuries, which was about the same time during the conversion of Islam in Java, causing aristocrats and peasants to flee to Bali after the collapse of the Javanese Majapahit Empire in order to escape the Mataram's Islamic conversion. However, this in turn reshaped the Balinese culture into a syncretic form of classical Javanese culture mixed with many Balinese elements.

The Balinese, anthropologists suggest, are an amalgamation of a number of people. The Chinese coming from the North, the Indian and the Arabs from way West, and other groups coming directly to Bali or by way of Java. Centuries past, and they become what is now known as native Balinese. They are blessed with well-developed bodies, golden-bronze skin, long, glossy black hair, and charm and mystical smiles, happily living in a rich and complete yet dynamic culture.

There are pockets of villages in which fraternisation with outsiders is completely restricted, resulting in a people and a culture that the Balinese called Bali Aga (Old Bali), which may curiously be the tunnel that allows us to periscope into the culture of Bali in the past centuries.

The Balinese People are a melting pot of different peoples. The Chinese came from the North. Indians and Arabs came from the West and other groups came directly across the country via Java to Bali. They came in the past centuries and they are now known as the "native Balinese". They are blessed with well-developed bodies, gold bronze skin, long, glossy black hair and a charming and mystical smile. They are happy and living in a rich, dynamic culture. There are several villages, where it is difficult to accept outsiders. However, this promises that the old Balinese is reserved. This is called Bali Aga (old Bali).Here we can admire the culture of the past centuries.

A person in Bali cannot exist in solitude. Balinese society is very community oriented. The first invitation to attend the next village meeting is delivered to you practically as a wedding present. If ignored, it will result in a warning; if three invitations are ignored, then the village may take actions against you. Since land is usually owned by the community, the village may revoke your privilege to till the land.

Much of the rituals require massive effort, which usually the village shoulder in cooperatively. You will have to shoulder it yourself, should you decide to be an outcast. Along with other families in the village, you participate in meetings. You may play an instrument in the orchestra, or dance in the ceremonies. The women prepare the offerings, for their little shrines or for the village's offering to the Mother Temple of Besakih. If a child in a family is having his tooth filed, the rest of the village's women will help cook and prepare, and the men help erect a stage and decorate the house. In short, life in Bali is never alone.

Words by Wiki, balitourism,

Photo: A man of Tenganan (Bali Aga)c.a 1920's a collection of Tropen Museum of the Netherlands


Jalan Pratu MD Rembug, Gang Taman Beji II No. 24


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